Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord BEGINNER'S GUIDE, WHERE TO START (CONSOLE) 2023

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foreign [Music] Monk and today yes we are in a mountain blade to Banner Lords and this is gonna be a beginner's guide a kind of video for you guys kind of just talking you through some basic things for you to look at or to think about when it comes to starting your game because this is an incredibly big game however there isn't so much of a story whether you do campaign or Skirmish and the story and what you do what you need to do it is kind of obscured you need to hold your own hand the game that doesn't do it for you so I'm kind of doing you know a few tips tricks things to think about hopefully just get you guys a foot in the door now up here we have coaches we're not going to go into shoe detail about them all they all have their own kind of um you know things that make them better than others and I do actually have a video about cultures so if you want a more in-depth chit chat about that maybe go ahead and check out that video for now I'm gonna do we're gonna choose uh betanians you get to move faster through Forest which I personally find extremely useful for either attacking somebody or running away from somebody which you know in the early game you may be doing quite often and don't forget guys if you if this is the kind of video that you want to see don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe to the video um to the video to the channel that we don't miss out more videos just like this I have actually done around 50 videos on Bandidos all catering towards console and console players so you know plenty there for you guys to check out now we didn't need to do anything on the old build dude it doesn't really matter what epic there however this part this part does matter it matters for a few different reasons as well so as much as I want to say look you need to do everything that gets you one-handed weapons and vigor or endurance and two-handed weapons as much as that would help you going in of course if you've never played before then it's not really going to make much sense to you play how you want to play but have an idea in mind how you want to play that's what I would say because you're not going to be able to max out every single stat as cool as every single stat is I mean these things have some pretty cool things about them you're not going to get a maximal out so you know if you want to be a bit of a Smith maybe you think of that in mind if you want to be a bit of a Trader maybe think of that in mind if you want to do one-handed and Bows then you will know you want to do one-handed on both however you're not going to be able to do one-handed two-handed pole arms of bows and also use throwing axes it's just not going to be feasible for you and your character to do that so keep it in mind okay and of course what I pick you don't have to pick I do it for my own little reasons and my own little role play esque ways so you are born into a family of the do as much as I love healing I think healings should really be on a companion rather than yourself so we're not going to go down that route uh we have some tribe people now focal points and in and attribute points here we go so we got a focal point right here and then we've got an attribute point up in control now let me tell you this heading in attribute points are rare you get one attribute point every four levels guys that's it focal points you get one every single level so prioritize where your attribute points go here not your focal points that's my advice to you okay so what else do we have two-handed weapon interesting um cunning cunning can be useful scouting and tactics particularly can be usual social again can be useful I think we're gonna go for we are gonna go for a Smith because endurance regardless is always going to be a good one for you guys to grab you got endurance right here also gives you smithing Athletics and horsemanship and boy do you need all of them leveled up maybe not smithing depending on how you're playing as a child you are noted for a leadership oh having good leadership is always fun a year of rawn again good Vigor two-handed weapons right there but I don't want throwing control now I'm not much for a bow to be fair if anyone's in my latest let's play you'll know that I'm terrible with a bow uh attribute for numbers again you get extra points in intelligence stick with your horses extra points in boom one horses two endurance we're gonna go for that I think that's a good one like all Village children you helped out on the fields you also heard of some sheep I'm not Welsh so let's skip that one bigger bigger's not a bad one to be fair um working the smithry in the village intelligence is also a good one to go down because stewardship is so so useful another point in endurance right here and we also get a point a focal point in scouting very useful hmm I'm gonna go for I'm gonna go for Gathering herbs in a while because it gets me that extra endurance points okay so as a youngster growing up the war is never too far away we what did we do uh we trained with the guard again you get that point in endurance not bad it put in intelligence endurance with the horsemanship and a little bit of bow I like this one look I suck with a boat but let me tell you this you can kill a hell of a lot more people with a bow then you come with a sword at the beginning of the game because for those people that's ever played kingdom comes Deliverance imagine this you are just a farmer in a world full of people that actually know how to use weapons you know at the beginning of the game you do not know how to use your weapon you kinda suck you suck at swinging your sword and you start to act pulling back the arrow you know so it takes time for you to actually get decent get good with those things to be actually um able to consistently use the weapons it takes time for you to get those points and before you set out life on adventure your biggest achievement was hmm what was my biggest achievement extra Vigor extra Vigor is a really good idea and one-handed I feel like one-handed weapons if I want to go down the tournament would be the better option but we've already gone into two-handed I love two-handed weapons person I feel like it's a lot more fun you know but I kind of want an extra attribute point and I don't know where I want to endurance at this point I think you don't really need it I feel like a social Point could be good because it's going to get me uh I got a charm and it gives me extra points towards leadership and you're going to want to have eight attribute points in Social because you're going to want to have leadership up as high as you can um so yeah with us what we're going to go for we're gonna go for you treat people well it also means we get a focal point down here in stewardship and stewardships are very very useful last Point achievable where are we going to put it what are we going to do it with it let's have a look extra pointy control and no oh cunning look at that unfortunately I just don't see any point in having rotary but I will take an extra point in Social so my leadership has a chance to go up we also got the focal point in leadership and the focal point in charm and charm by the way guys can be very powerful in this game too so there we go we are getting around the knives our name who are we going to be called through that would do what a name all of this stuff we're gonna leave as basic probably because that's going to be the basic settings that everyone uh watching this video is going to be using um so you know we're on the same even kill how about that let's skip tutorials because hey you don't really need to leave a tutorial and I've done it before now what I have heard many times on the channel is that they don't know what to do after the tutorial and of course that's what this video is here to do is here to help you understand what you're gonna do after the tutorial now your main mission guys is a pretty easy one and it can absolutely give you a decent focal point so if we was to have a look go down here it's the only thing flashing by the way to get that up instead of having to go to a town in order to get the minus Mouse icon and actually access the rest of the screen you just hit B on your controller or is it Circle I believe on Playstation um you go down here and we're going to go for our quests okie dokie so right now we need to increase our dinars to 2000 easy peasy I need to grow our men to 20 again relatively easy and Reach clan tier one and hire a companion pretty straightforward after that after you complete all of that you'll get a little quest which allows you to get your brother back now your brother for anyone who doesn't know is one of the best companions in the game prioritize getting your brother once you hit that marker her and you actually have your brother you actually get two brothers and a sister but the other two are a bit too young once you get them stop doing the main quest or at least slow it down because that is kind of an end game scenario type of deal it gets very hard very quickly especially if you do it too quickly so get your brother leave it alone and start focusing on the world that's my advice to you another little tip would be to get some men so right now we are one man and his horse and if we zoom out you can see this world is absolutely bloody massive and it's full of looters it's full of Raiders it's it's full of Bandits and people that just want to cause us harm and unless you want to be dragged around this map um because trust me it really really could happen to you I would advise you to get some troops and very quickly now paros is a town which is not too far away from you you start here if you're in the main campaign and well we are right here so let's let's go over here remember we are only one guy so I wouldn't necessarily fast forward you're pretty safe in this area but have a little watch out because there are gonna be looters and bandits around and uh one against many isn't a good idea one thing I would say is this game is a very very long game um anything that you want to achieve be it smithing trade uh one hand be a one-handed Champion you know you can do a tournament champion be the tournament champion of of the entire continent it's going to take time and effort um one thing this game does give you is um content lots and lots of content one thing you might not know is when we're in a town and we have visited you know the the market we can switch between a battle outfit and our civilian gear now we don't need civilian gear and a focus for you guys is going to be to get money you're going to need money for all kinds of things in this game um you're gonna need money for troops to recruit more troops you're gonna need money for armor for weapons even for food because guess what you've got to feed yourself and your troops uh and you start the game with exactly one day's worth of food so you know you're gonna need food you're gonna need stuff and to get all of that stuff you're gonna need money um we don't need this stuff uh which is our civilian gear so I would recommend selling your civilian gear just because like I said you don't actually need it um we started off with a thousand dinars boom we're now up 25 percent of that if you ask me that's a win let's go back into trading because there is something we can do here now I love trade and I've spoken about trade quite often in fact if we pop down here into our character I think we have to feel yeah there we go we're going to see trade has its own tree and in fact if you manage to get 300 trade you get to buy other people's Castles meaning you never technically you need to go to war that's kind of awesome right but in order to do that you're going to need profit now profit is traded let's say for instance I buy some hide from one place for 10 Dinars and then I sell it for 30 dollars well that's that profit and that's how I would earn um that experience and the reason I'm saying that is because what I'm going to ask you to do or show you is that what you can do is you can go all the way down here and this will be in every single game not just the game I'm currently playing um and you can buy all of these Hogs now these Hogs really aren't too expensive fish and we can't actually we need to give one of these back let's see how many do we need to get back that'll do so the hugs aren't too expensive we could take them to another city and sell them for a profit if we did we would earn that trade experience however and what we're going to do is go into the Infantry and we're actually going to slaughter them and when we slaughter them we actually earn hide and meet now um because we haven't actually brought that hard we're not going to be making technically a profit off the hide so we're not going to be earning that experience I don't wanted to mention that just in case people started wondering the same with any Smith weapons if you Smith a weapon you can't actually earn trade experience off it it's a bit of a shame but that's how the game works so at least you know now anyway and we can sell all of that hide and we can sell all of that meat and we have made quite a bit of profit as you can see 3 000 just like that um so we have tripled our money in one little visit to a town in fact they still had some more Hogs as well so we can go back down here go over to the Hogs and get those last couple and because of course we're gonna need troops so let's have a look at recruiting there's none here that's a bit problematic um where are we there's the Infantry go over to the Hogs once again and we are going to explore so those Hogs there we go in straight now before I saw that off little tension up here we're over capacity right so we're moving on that Battlefield we are going to be moving slower than we should be moving which isn't really good for us especially if we want to keep out of those Raiders hands there's something in the game doesn't really explain to you or tell you is that you can buy horses now horses will increase your movement speed which is really bloody useful um but there's certain horses that increase your movement speed better like for instance if I had a load of these guys you can see that this little stat here if I hover over it it says used for increasing your speed so let's say I had 100 foot troops if I had 100 of these horses in my party as well all of those troops would sit on these horses and we'd move faster technically it increases my speed across the map whereas there are other types of horses like mules for example um that are used for carrying goods so they're packed mounts meaning I can carry more gear so both of them have their uses but there are two different types of horses it's just a good idea to point out when I very first started this game it took me incredibly long time to realize that that was even a thing so hopefully I've saved you a little bit of time there and so what did we want to do we wanted to sell the hide we're going to keep the meat because hey we need the meat right so we're going to sell the hard there we go and oh we are gonna need to buy ourselves a horse box but we are overweight we don't want to be overweight so let's buy a couple of horses there we go somewhere to cost us too much and so we need troops because as we said earlier you know getting into a fight with the wrong people this early on isn't great now if we increase our scouting we will be able to see a greater area around us and meaning that we're not going to accidentally run into looters and bandits because we're actually able to see them approaching so increasing your scouting is definitely going to be useful apparently we can't find a single person a higher which really isn't useful oh did you see that 17 looters right there they only just missed us My Hope of defeating 1517 looters right now it's pretty much a zero I don't even have a sword I think when you very first start the game um currently with the builder I've got at least I do not have a sword so wouldn't want that now would we let's pop down here to pyros actually I've just re oh hello we've got some troops that spawn brilliant we're going to take all of those guys and we are up to 11 which is a hell of a lot better now we already established that we have got towns which is fabulous and in towns or just walking around you can sometimes find missions missions are really important if it's a gold icon that is going to be a mission relating to um the main mission if it's the blue however like this little guy's got it's gonna be like a little side quest some of these are actually really quite fun you do earn money from them and you also earn relations with people those relations with people can be really useful later on in the game so have a think about that doing little side missions can be quite fun um but then we've also got little Villages now little Villages can also have missions and side missions alike and again are quite fun and have their own little rewards including money as well um we are going to take on all of these Hogs that's right we're going to take on the Hogs luckily the Hogs don't increase our carry capacity the Hogs are also relatively cheap too which is good for us it is going to cost us 8.88 but I think we can afford it um now can we avoid these looters can we actually get these looters to follow us a little bit there we go okay so we didn't avoid them and they attacked us I actually didn't want that I wanted to show you guys something so I kind of messed up a little bit there um we are going to have to fight 11 verses 18 we should do okay but this is a reason why I say that you know um making sure that you actually have troops at the beginning of the game it's really important guys I'd highly recommend it you're going to get our guys just to charge at them and I'm gonna use the bow the best I can now I really do suck with the bow I wasn't joking when I said that so we'll see just how well we actually do but we should be able to kill a couple or at least woo them and right now I will take everything also you can lure a few of the party off sometimes with you on Horseback and allow your troops to actually um you know do a job looks like our guys are actually dead where is there we go we're gonna do this we've got one guy left and there are two or three at least we actually need to go in and do some damage and did win but my God it was tight it's all there we go probably should have done a little bit better in there but you know it's kind of this thing this game is tough it does take time when you've got no Proficiency in something you know you really are not gonna be able to do too much uh we have got some troops that we can level um I would say when it comes to leveling level them in bulk if you level them one at a time guys um the experience for the party kind of gets split between everyone and so if we just wait and level them all at once it will be quicker in the long run trust me on that one so you have our people just heal up real quick and we're gonna go back here because of course we've got all those Hogs we've got all that gear um with this little battle we would have made a little bit of money now what I actually wanted to show you that I kind of failed to earlier is you can hit this little bar right here and you can see how fast you're going you can see and your party speed and you'll be able to hover over someone else and see what their party speed is as well so you'll know if you're going to be able to run away from them catch them up um that kind of thing and what's slowing you down like right now we have a herd um a disability because we have so many hogs with us it's slowing us down but in the long run it's gonna be well worth it so let's pop up here I definitely don't want to fight any more looters at least I'm not right now anyway um pop into our inventory we're going to be looking at our Hogs once again and of course we're going to be slaughtering them because we want the money and it's a really good little way to earn a little bit of cash now you're not going to be able to find Millions upon millions of hogs however you're probably going to find enough to be able to keep you going early game let's sell all of this stuff and of course then we've got all of our Hive that we can sell to let's sell that and we've got a load of meat here now we don't need all of that meat but we probably don't need any of it as we also have a little bit out so we can sell our olives and we can set up the pitchforks and there we go we just made 2 000 off that so we're up to almost 4 000 um right now which is pretty good let's buy all these guys and that puts us up to 15 troops which I quite like uh the sound of now one of the other things I would at least look into um early game would be tournaments tournaments are a great way to start your game off so if you are you know not exactly sure of what it is you should do maybe set your sights on becoming a tournament champion it's going to take an awfully long time but you have to start somewhere now in these tournaments you can earn a lot of gear a lot of good gear you can also level up your skills so depending on what these tournaments are it could be one-handed weapons two-handed weapons or whatever it is but the point is you will be leveling up and gaining that experience um which means you're going to be able to survive better on that Battlefield as well tournaments aren't too hard to find especially early game just keep visiting the local um towns and eventually you will grab one up if we just have a little look-see as you can see we have around 20 troops the looters around me didn't want to know so he kind of just run opportunities he saw me and we do have a tournament here too so let's have a look at that let's go to join the tournament and we can see what we've got a chance of winning as well now when it comes to these tournaments we can actually bet on ourselves and about ourselves to win you do get quite a bit of money from the bets however the money received does go down after a while keep that in mind because you know you're not going to constantly be able to make the kind of money you can at the beginning um let's join this when it comes to these team little battles I would try and help your buddies out as much as you can because this is a team sports unfortunately and so you know if the team doesn't get through you don't get through yourself I also just use the right analog stick then to focus on the target to kind of lock Target which is really useful to use now these early tournaments are going to be extremely hit and miss view you might not win um because they are a bit of a challenge especially the fact that you actually come in with the armor that you're using so if you have no armor like we do now and sometimes they're up against people with a lot of armor that's going to be really really tough for you um just like this guy is a tough to take down I kind of wish I happened to be a ground unit oh but we'll make do with what we got for far too close no I think we've lost this one lost this one just got a little bit unlucky oh we did level up though so we will take that and level up is always a good thing that dude is so fast the guy over that horse he's very fast bless him oh shh even killed us absolutely is that we did not get through there which sucks unfortunately but there was lots more tournaments for us to go through so we can find another one but the point is is that betting and tournaments are a great way to um kind of kick start your campaign you're not gonna die if you lose you know what I mean your character doesn't get handicapped for losing or anything like that one thing I would say is again armor that you bring it in you're going to be bringing into the actual tournament and health-wise whatever Health you have when you start that tournament is the health you're going to have um throughout the entirety um of the tournament also a really great um thing to look out for is in tournament prizes especially at the beginning of the game the horses are going to be what gets you the most money you're looking at fifteen thousand ten thousand dinars um per horse at the beginning so they're really worthwhile having a look at if you see a horse in a tournament absolutely uh grab that up oh this guy has so much hell you finally won one let's try and get him red because he's got a partner we don't want to be two on one now one thing I would recommend this case right now as you can see we are using our Shield to you know block any common damage now if I press X or I believe it's Square on Playstation I used Shield bash now Shield bash um it's really good it stuns the enemy and allows you to have that opening uh for an attack and as you saw we also scored some uh extra little points for one-handed weapons and Athletics too the higher both of them are the absolute better now we're into the next round what are we gonna do now the other thing you can do is just walk around in circles when in your sword as you see that's what I did there and it worked really really well it's almost a cheat code and there we go that round is done too one-on-one combat is really easy it's when you accidentally get left on a two on one combat that it becomes a little bit more challenging um or sometimes it's like two on one or two and two and then you get like a bow or a throwing weapon which you're not proficient with then it can be extremely tricky foreign there we go this guy has too much Orma [Music] there we go he's dead a few Swings with my sword in his face lovely done and then dusted so we are on and through to the final now we are up against an actual Lord here as you see he is a named the dudio you're probably gonna find him on the map but that means this guy is tankier and better equipped than everyone else he also is going to be extremely proficient when it comes to his weapons so if you lose you know don't think of it as a bad thing these guys are absolutely tough to be fair but we did win we are now level 19 on our Athletics we want ourselves a decent amount of money and of course we won Renown now um the renown is what you use in order to level up your clan and of course the higher level your clan the absolute better um you get all kinds of things when it comes to leveling up your clan um including extra parties running around around the map waving your flag around you know earning you extra gear you're allowed extra companions as well and you've allowed extra workshops or you know shops if you have a higher plan as well as a bigger party size you know that way you're able to run around with 300 troops that belong to just you alone um so having an extra party um having a bigger Clan it's definitely something to aim for in fact it's one of the first missions you have to do is to Reach clan tier level one and one thing I will do however where is my companion so we don't have any companions right now but we absolutely need one so let's go to the tavern any Tavern if they have a little face in here that means they are a companion now they're a companion for high all you have to do is chat to them now you can actually visit the tavern or just straight click on their face have a little trap gun and pay four to five hundred Dinars depending on you know the actual character themselves or a few other circumstances um now when you do have an extra companion they're extremely useful for a load of different varieties as you can see right now and we just grab someone up and I can set them as my surgeon if I wanted to and trust me guys you're going to want a good surgeon because a good surgeon is going to save you recruiting thousands upon thousands of troops because they got injured or killed after a battle uh and it means it's going to keep alive that initial 100 troops that you recruited that initial 100 troops that you're going to be able to constantly level up in fact if you press select or back on your controller it will bring up the encyclopedia here you can select Heroes and you can go down to Wanderer and all of these guys are the spawned um companions in your world now this isn't all of them that are in the game but these are the ones that are in your world currently this list will change and they're spawn in and out um as you go through your game if you see one you like like for instance the huntress or you might find one called a surgeon or right here you have a Healer so if we click on them we can click on where they've last been seen and we can track their location which is absolutely you can also see what stats they have like for instance this healer has 80 medicine already so if we was to recruit her put her as our surgeon she's going to save us a lot of troops um going forward when it comes to battles and stuff like that absolutely recommend having a Healer absolutely recommend that being a stat you use for a companion rather than on yourself rather than wasting those focal points yourself I think one of the last things I really want to say about this game is that this game has a lot to offer one of the most exciting things about this game is to find a castle find a town to call your own and declare yourself King and build an Empire and while that is the final goal and it's a fantastic goal to have too and it's a lot of fun it's a long game and it's hard to do that and it does get a little bit tiring towards the end of this game what I would do is I would recommend enjoying the small bits now at the beginning because the beginning of mid game is a lot of fun as well before you get that castle you are free to do whatever it is you want if you want to become a Smith you can spend hundreds of hours for coming to Smith if you want to become a Trader you can go around building yourself a little trade Empire buying yourself up Caravans and workshops by the way Caravans are the way to go and you earn more money from them day by day they're more reliable don't upgrade them regular Caravans are faster than upgraded Caravans therefore they live longer and but the point is you can do what you want at the beginning of the game go get married go have kids um their whole other videos but I have already covered them on the channel um so yeah I think that's about all I wanted to talk about um within this video hopefully you guys have enjoyed it hope you guys have learned something um if you have don't forget to hit that like button subscribe to the channel and um also we have an active and growing Discord we've got lots of people within a Discord that play this game as well so if you just started playing if you want to chat about this game or chat about any kind of game you happen to be playing the link for that is down in the description but until next time guys I've been a month we've been Chris City cruise and I will see you in the next video real soon until then take it easy and happy gaming foreign
Channel: The Critically Clueless
Views: 44,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord 2023, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord console, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord where to begin, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord beginners Guide, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord tips, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord guide, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord things, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord gamepass, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord gameplay, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord xbox
Id: oZh-yQU_hWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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