Motoz RallZ - 1000 Kay Review- DR650

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so yeah it's come that time time for new tires ldrs um the ones that are on it are running pretty low so this is the pirelli scorpions these are probably only done three three and a half thousand k's and you can see every second lugs um yeah just bloody gone dead flat so great tires but too soft too soft for my login so i'll show you the back one that's that's the m221 that's the standard 606 dunlop again great tire yeah again a great um grippy tyre rodent dirt yeah 3000 k's maybe a bit over and it's square i do probably 50 road so i think the road sort of kills them but anyway so from them changing that entire brand try something that i've had experience with before or at least this brand before and these are the the motors these ones are the rally z or rails or whatever you want to pronounce it yeah however you pronounce that rally z or rally zed or whatever whatever but they're the is so a much more rounded profile even to begin with than the than the um the 606s so that's the back fella and the front yeah front's quite chunky but the box are quite close together so and as a rounded nice rounded profile it should be good on the road as well more reports very um long-lasting tyre we'll find out but i've had motels before attractionators in the desert terrains or is it yeah i think it's desert trains hard terrain or something like that and i um yeah i've got 10 000 k's out of them which is a whole lot better than three yeah the traction 8 is a a touch more road focus than the um 606 but not much if the 606 is 90 dirt 10 row these are 85 but time will tell give him a run and then we'll see him on the bike yes i got the tyres back the motor's back from um yeah young ben got him to fit him back at um op racing in there at kempsey definitely um they know what they're doing so leave to the experts and they looked after me and gave me a good price so that's um happy with that so they're very competitive and from the last lot of motors i had awesome tires so yeah now we're going to do is um put them back on do that servo and here we'll give her a run all righty four one click over four we can tighten that when it's on the ground anyway socket action my eight that's like a bought one that went in well yeah good fall down looking pretty flash so you got the brakes working again so that was fine said the pump them a few times get them to go let's um yeah take it for a run try and sort of wear them in both the brakes and the tyres too easy all right let's give the tyres a run [Music] okay so i have actually given the tyres a pretty good run i thought i'd just have a talk about them and a bit of footage for you but i've um probably done a thousand k's on them now with i'd say around at least 400 dirt so we'll go hit some local bush and we'll um yeah a bit of a yarn about them okay [Music] plenty of we'll go down a bit [Music] all right a couple of spots i can get in here this will be one of them [Music] so um [Music] this will be probably the first time in a bit more tighter country and sloppy country [Music] oh yeah it's sloppy [Music] so yeah i've done about like i said about a thousand k's mostly um mostly target sort of about 400 i'd say do it and sort of normal dirt roads nothing full-on but they're definitely [Music] oh yeah definitely bloody a good um good off-road tyre too like i mean good road definitely it's sort of got a bias for for for off-road but no denying they're a bloody good dirt tyre [Music] good dirty good road tire very rounded profile but we'll um [Music] i have a little about them there's the larry is pretty good for sort of mucking around there's no motocross spike but you can get a bit of a feel of the cornering and stuff with these tyres on a big heavy bike you see the kids fly around here on real dirt bikes not tractors but um yeah pretty confidence inspiring considering um this is just basically just wet dirt pretty slippery i don't want to get stinky muddle over you but so yeah you got a lot of tree roots slippery like the rounds wet rain last night so it's pretty um a bit challenging in here [Music] so this is probably the most crazy i've had the bike on [Music] and um yeah it feels good excuse me sandy hill [Music] i feel like i'm cheating a bit it's um it's a bit sort of damp but it'll still be a challenge this is the worst bits yes ah it's beautiful this tractor's up that [Music] oh sometimes going down's worse than going up so follow my line roughly [Music] ah oh good just gonna yeah just bloody pretty sensible weight on the back let's get up the other line through this bloody hole so even at this slow speed [Music] oh these things are tractors awesome [Music] all right full sweat only been like 10 minutes so yeah very happy with him very happy with him like this is a i don't know why much but he's reasonable hill got his challenges got his lugs and roots sticks leaves all right have a look at these tyres this is about a thousand k's worth of dirt and road so i don't know if you can see but she's um still pretty uh that's a bit hard to tell but she's yeah she's bloody a bit hard to tell but that's sticking so it's on the bottom of my finger it's got that much tread that's about 12 12 mil and i don't go easy on the bike and um yes basically you just got rid of the little lugs on it so bloody thousand k's to lose a couple of mil i'm very happy with that have a look at the front one obviously doesn't work as hard but it's still bloody got his little bristles on it yeah but you probably see it's a real rounded rounded profile to it so they're very good on the road they just you don't really know it's in knobby's got a tiny bit of a squirm thing happening but they basically torn like a road tire just got to relax and ride out the wiggles so yeah thousand k's in and still bloody looking like new and performing beautiful up bloody sandy ass hills and things like this so yeah happy happy campaign great on the road so i'm about to do a bit of a road run on it and wear them in a bit more so yeah so very very happy for like literally forty dollars dearer per tire to the dumlaps that were on it um same performance but three should have three times the life expectancy so i got three thousand k's the other dunlops and i expect uh you know six to nine thousand out of these maybe more i got 10 on my last bike so awesome we'll just keep clocking them up and keep you posted on any good and bad points catch us next time [Music]
Channel: Mid Coast Adventures
Views: 2,396
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: L_Cg599noXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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