Motion Matching - 'Dance Card' Breakdown

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so this is just a short video just to explain the use of the dance cards and how we created some of them is to support my GDC talk because I plan on releasing that talk later on in the year but this is just to kind of give you a small taste of of how we created some of those moves so the first dance card were created was very simple and it meant that we could then give this dance card to any potential actors and say use this and go from A to B and go through these things learn this routine so I'll talk you through this particular dance card so it involved me running one way then turning over my left shoulder then this way then I'd be turning off my right shoulder then what I'm going to do now is turn left and get to a point where I stop I then go back left I think 45 degrees and then here I go right 45 degrees then I go right 90 degrees and then here I'll be going back up my right shoulder 45 degrees then that is left 45 degrees and then there I come to the end of the transitions the main transitions and what I'm doing here is just making sure I'm getting a nice constant jog we found that if we didn't do this then every animation would look like it was either accelerating or decelerating so what happened is after the transition then the system would pick this up then what I would do is I'd want to kind of do warm for fun and a month of fun would involve me doing everything that was against everything I thought was going down so instead of just kind of pivoting one way that I would reverse pivot like you see there how it turned out that this would be really good for responsively because I was actually pivoting on the foot that you wouldn't normally pivot on so say for example if you were going right normally what you do is you push up on your left foot to go right what was happening is I was editing on my right foot so what was happening is when and then you press right then what would happen is you would do this spin move so ended up looking really really cool a really organic and that would be very very hard to do in an estate machine not impossible but it would have been extremely difficult to make a look that organic this then turned into simple sneaking as we called it at the time and the idea was if just to show the weight transfer from left to right when you were going forward and you're pushing on the stick so now this is where it gets quite interesting we tried marking things on the floor but we found that the actors would just look on the floor so what we had is we had two members of the team and once I rope round the the torso of someone else and then they would pull in slightly meaning that the circles would be nice and even we've got some really good curves from this as well and and then what would happen is Mike he would then let the slack out I mean it looks a little bit like Broncos being treated like a horse here I suppose but it lets slack out and then you pull it back in and this will create these really nice even circles I actually put these end of these look really really good we found it we found this was actually the best way to create circles completely if there's other ways then please let me know but this was something that we found really good you can see here when he accelerates you can see the lean in and it starts to look really really good and I might wish that the way it was pretty good but I was quite happy with that son brings me to what motion matching actually is a very very high level description so we describe a small amount of characteristics on what we want the character to do over seven that time
Channel: Kristjan Zadziuk
Views: 13,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motion Matching, Ubisoft Toronto, Animation, gdc 2016, kristjan zadziuk, gamedev, gameplay animation, Motion Fields, gaming, motion capture, dance card, Ubisoft (video game developer), animation bootcamp, video games, mocap, future of animation, locomotion system, gameplay systems, Michael Buttner
Id: _Bd2T7uP9VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2016
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