Mother Miriam Live - 2/5/21

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[Music] welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at 1-877-511 [Music] or email her at mother at the you can view the live stream on facebook at mother miriam live now here's mother miriam good morning beloved hello dear ones how are you i pray that you're well we are wonderful here in beloit kansas we've received a number of emails of people wanting to come here and be part of the community uh the city is the community it's you can walk the whole thing it's small and beautiful and wonderful wonderful catholic families with every number of children anywhere from one to two to thirteen or more it's just so tremendous and one of the reasons that i've asked the families why they've come and they said it's because of the school saint john's catholic school attached to saint john the baptist catholic church it's just tremendous people come from all over the country because of authentic catholic teaching and you know how i advocate uh homeschooling a hundred percent 110 percent but if one cannot homeschool and one can find uh even if they have to reduce their their style of living and they can move and find a good solid faithful catholic school all grades um then it's then it's wonderful it's truly wonderful the parents still have the responsibility for raising their children the faith parents never get off the hook for that that is their vocation from god to raise and nurture their children in the faith but if it's a good catholic school that you can truly depend on and you don't have to be afraid about um uh demonic sex education or uh demonic islam or prayers or having the name catholic but not being catholic this is is it's truly a wonderful catholic school so that's why many people have come and we just closed on the house that you helped us to buy we still don't have all the funds we need because we need to do some work in that house but and people have asked me to continue to just announce the life funder that the station of the cross has set up on their website i'm just so happy for that we have never in all our years of existence which is not too many it's 12. we're our 13th year never raised money we've never ever raised money the only thing we've done is send out a newsletter three and when we can four times a year and we put a little um reply card in there for donations and prayers and anything else on anyone's heart but we've never raised money and station of the cross and lifesite news has been so gracious to let me let you know that we bought a house 200 000 and we were able to close um i'm just so grateful for it we closed this past monday and we're not in it yet we have to do a little construction and a little painting and cleaning so it'll be uh two three weeks before we're in it but um we're very happy and uh we're moving on plans to begin to build something large enough to take um maybe 40 of us which which would be good for at least a couple of years i'd be thrilled so um when we have those plans we'll let you know and at the meantime if you wish to be part of the life funder campaign that lifesight has so graciously put up for us it's forward slash then the initials of our community dom daughters of mary and moih mother of israel's hope so it's capital all caps d-o-m-m-o-i-h and you will get there and and they have a little notice that one share however one little chair in that life funder is 25 we've had people that have many have given 100 um a few a thousand um 550 10 whatever it you know if you i've always talked about the woman who still sends us a dollar a month and i i mentioned to you there were a few months she didn't have that to send and one month that she really was um kind of rolling in the money and she sent us two dollars and she had two cats and one of them died so we sent her money to bury her cat and for the cat food so um it's just so beautiful it's so beautiful to our hearts we want only what god wants for us so god bless you my dear once we have been talking about covert 19 and the vaccines and we've had people write in and even call the station of the cross for clarity some even uncomfortable because i seem to be on a one-track message that we should not take the vaccine because of aborted fetal cells and the immorality of that and that we don't do evil that good may come and so i did a search on children of god for life um and um they clarify go on to that site every day they have updates and they have reported that there is not a single vaccine none of them modi moderna johnson and johnson pfizer can't offhand remember the other one and there are experimental ones not a single one that has not used murdered babies the cells from murdered babies in their mother's womb not from miscarriages beloved those babies have to some of them whatever is needed cells from kidneys and other places are taken while the babies are still alive through abortion and they have to be in order to be viable within five minutes so it has to be planned it has to be planned and it's it's a great great great evil so they have verified that there's not a single vaccine that is not made with aborted fetal cells or tested with them uh not a single one so even if they're not made with the abortive fetal cells they have been originally manufactured tested the only way they could have the vaccines without the cells is to include cells in the testing and making of them so um and new batches have to be retested so even if the vaccines don't contain aborted fetal cells they are tested with um aborted fetal cells so there is nothing moral that i can understand in that the usccb has written that if we have remote material cooperation that is we're not involved directly in the abortions we are partaking in the fruit of those abortions so to speak um by saving our lives from dead babies uh babies murdered for that purpose and um and for other purposes as well including cosmetics and other things um and some of the bishops in the usccb said but if it's it's uh excuse me um you know these babies murdered years ago and it's it's remote um it's so remote that you're not involved i and they said make sure though that if we take them we're not involved and they've even gone on to say it's an act of charity to others for us to take the covet 19 vaccine so we don't get sick and spread it to others so we should kill babies so we don't get sick and spread it to others and they say but you haven't killed the babies it's just the fruit of babies have been killed years ago what is the difference and in their article on catholic news report they have said that i don't know if is it cnr i i have to look up the exact reference to that uh news report that i got it from but um let me just see if this is it hold on a minute um no it's not okay i i don't have it in front of me now but um the um the article said we can take it because of we're not directly cooperating we're removed from the direct cooperation and simply are going to have the benefits of it i don't understand that at all and the uss usccb said that we need to be careful that by taking the vaccine that they say we are not accountable for because uh these babies we didn't kill the babies that happened years ago we weren't involved in murdering them we could take the fruit of them and they said in the same article be sure it doesn't desensitize us to still fighting the evil of abortion but of course it's going to desensitize us if we're going to benefit if we're to save our lives or not spread something because babies were deliberately willfully murdered it's insane maybe they weren't murdered for the vaccine maybe they were murdered because the mother just didn't want them or whatever the cause was we should benefit from that evil no we should not um and and i i mentioned just at the close of yesterday's program that in 1930 uh the lambreth council in england was the very first council 1930 not very less than 200 years ago oh here comes the break so i think uh if i tell you the little story now which you probably already know um we'll be cut off again because of the break so we will come back from the break my dear ones and i'll tell you this story and uh why i'm so adamantly against it um and then we'll and then we'll continue and we will take your calls your emails your text when we come back uh from the break even early today because there's so many emails we have not gotten to so you're welcome to call in toll-free 1-877-511-5483 you can text at that number or email at mother at the station of the cross dot com we do take calls first and text and emails in the order they come in lifesitenews is an international news agency devoted to defending life and family and restoring christian culture we aim to educate and activate our readers with the information they need to fight the most crucial battles of our day in their churches workplaces and families our motto is karitas in veritate love in truth we firmly believe that promoting the truth is an act of love however hard it is to hear over the last 20 years we have built a reputation for uncompromising reporting no matter the cost lifesite news is by far the most popular pro-life website on the internet with over 40 million unique users every year and growing check us out at [Music] [Music] hello beloved this is mother miriam host of mother miriam live like the catholic current and the many other programs that originate from the station of the cross divine mercy in my soul is all about the messages that jesus revealed to saint faustina it is aired every sunday morning at 11 eastern and tuesday nights at 8 pm or you can listen anytime to divine mercy in my soul on the i catholic radio mobile app [Music] praise be to jesus hi this is joe mclean host of the catholic drive time morning show joining you on the station of the cross catholic radio network each weekday morning at 7 am we'll keep you informed and inspired with insightful guests and breaking news stories of the day that's the catholic drive time weekday morning 7 a.m on the station of the cross and the i catholic radio app we'll see you then may god love you welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at 1-877-511 or email her at mother at the station of the cross dot com welcome back beloved family to mother miriam live just before the break um we were talking about um the evil of uh i tell you any vaccine that you take today because there is no vaccine that hasn't been made with um aborted baby parts cells fetal cells or the fruit of testing with those cells so far there is no vaccine available that has not been either tested with or made with aborted fetal cells we are taking advantage of the evil of our society and aborting babies to save our own lives and to me it's utterly unthinkable and as i mentioned just before the break the vicious have said as a as a whole usccb have said that it's it's listed it's okay for us to take the vaccines because we haven't had direct cooperation we have not personally who take the vaccines committed the abortions from which they were made or tested it's remote and and then they added the unthinkable statement that we need to be careful that in our taking uh the cells of murdered babies in their mother's womb we should not become desensitized to fighting against abortion it's just there's no way that makes sense um and just before the break and at the close of the program yesterday i went back to the lamb birth conference and i've done that often because it's it's it's the example no abortion was legalized before 1930 absolutely none and in 1930 in england at the lambreth council for the first time abortion the killing of a baby for which in the old testament people who murdered a woman with her child were put to death they were counted for two murders you murder a woman with a pregnant child or murdered that baby you are a murderer 1930 the lamb birth counsel in england decided that abortion would be acceptable if it were within marriage because who would consider a baby a woman being pregnant outside of marriage so in 1930 it was acceptable for women within marriage whose life was threatened by the baby and that was it and it was illegal anything for any other place any other cause zero so someone could say okay now listen mother um listen family i know the law says you're within marriage and you have a serious health condition so the abortion is legal now but make sure it doesn't desensitize you or for just having an abortion for any reason and others well come on if if we allow us to murder children under any circumstances where's the line drawn god is in life's hand listen to that life is in god's hands from birth to death natural death and if we have remission to murder for any reason along the way that we finite sinful creatures decide is okay to murder a human being that god has created um where we're going to stop we'll come up with other reasons till today there's no reason for abortion order what are the pills through the mail mail order abortion what does it matter do what you want you you just don't want the baby for any reason murder the baby uh you don't want the baby and someone says but there are families who can't have children they would give anything to raise that child won't you at least bring it to term and have the baby and will take the baby from you right from birth in the house excuse me now i have hiccups right from birth in the hospital we'll raise that baby if you don't want to even hold the baby you never have to even see the baby to make it hard or whatever you wish in any way you wish um and they say no don't want to don't want to look pregnant don't want people to know i'm pregnant i'd rather murder than uh be embarrassed or have my life hindered in any way or you're a young girl and your parents want you to have an abortion and you're supposed to honor your parents except in sin and no parent may force a child to have abortion no matter the age of that child no parent if you are pregnant and you are underage or you are under your parents roof and you are pregnant and they want to take you to planned parenthood or any abortion facility run away go to the church go to your relatives go to strangers let them protect you and go to a home for pregnant women and you don't have to have a penny you don't have to have clothes on your back just go and they will take care of you we will take care of you don't get don't murder a child and live the rest of your life with the knowledge that you have murdered a child don't do that will you be forgiven if you repent of course you will be forgiven but you will know that you have murdered a child and there's no way that you could be forced into it dear ones there's just no way that you can be forced into it unless you're drugged unless you are held down against your will that sort of thing you do never have to obey parents the president or the pope if it comes to sin absolutely not so beloved the fact that the pope has confused millions of people by taking the covet 19 vaccine that was from aborted fetal cells we know that tainted the reports say tainted is he in mortal sin i cannot tell you that god is the only one that can judge that mortal sin is it grave sin i believe it is but graveson is not necessarily mortal unless someone knows it's mortal and takes it of their own free will if the pope doesn't believe it's mortal i don't understand why he wouldn't believe that but i think if he truly understood that or believed it he wouldn't have taken it so god alone is the one who judges the heart but um i don't think we should stay away from mortal sin for the fear of hell although that's a good enough reason for the fear of hell not just for the pains of hell but because i would love thee above all things if we deeply love god that is our reason for not sinning against him but if it's simply for the fear of hell that's good enough you teach a three-year-old don't cross the street why mommy because there are cars coming you don't always see them i'll look but the child doesn't have the perspective and isn't tall enough and doesn't always child acts impulsively he's going to run out in the street and perhaps get run over so if the child crosses the street at 3 years old he's going to get grounded or a paddle on his rear end or whatever it's going to be but the parents are going to do everything that they can to keep him safe and so god does everything he can he puts the moral law in our hearts we have a conscience we know what is right and if we shut that conscience out and we turn from it we have uh deadened our conscience and we have put a block into what god has built in to show us right and wrong so i don't know what else to say dear one there is a fantastic article i'm going to refer to you on lifesitenews if you go to lifesitenews you can look it up on the web it's just simply one word and look up the february 3rd online edition february 3rd of this year today is february 5th so two days ago i want to read this article to you but we're not going to have time today so i don't want to start it and then have a whole weekend come in between us but it is for everyone to read and the title is on february 3rd it's in the opinion section because it's written i don't even who i don't even think the author yes by karen durantier as an opinion it's excellent and the title is refusing vaccines made from cells derived from aborted fetuses colon let us seek our mother's response that's the blessed mother refusing vaccines made from cells derived from aborted fetuses colon let us seek our mother's response and the subtitle is a reflection on vaccines and the modern day massacre of the innocents we are massacring innocents today um not only beyond the innocence that were massacred at our lord's death a lord's birth rather but more than everyone killed in every holocaust on earth it is such an incredible incredible evil and it's accepted today uh as easily as taking an aspen for a headache it is a tremendous evil and how does satan work in our our minds he works in subtle ways if he could make evil so blatant so rampant we get used to it frogs in warm water we boil to death and we don't even know we're in warm water it gets so hot our bodies keep adjusting until we boil to death that's it we're not even if you throw a frog in hot boiling water it's going to jump out instantly because the shock of such danger is just like that but if you put them in warm water and you a little pot on the stove when you ever it's a it's a it's a age-old illustration analogy you ever so slowly turn up the heat um he does his body his little frog's body adjusts to the heat that's why they could stay in water in winter and summer and all they adjust to the temperature so they keep adjusting to the slow increment of heat until they boil to death and they don't know it we are boiling to death beloved we are so used to evil and even when it increases it used to increase so slowly we're hardly aware of it now it's a tremendous evil overnight and we still accept it and we still adjust to it and we still make excuses for it i said yesterday that the rate of evil in this world and absolutely in this country because the only reason president biden is president is because catholics put him there and and catholic bishops are at the forefront of that for supporting biden congratulating him and now um and now coming against his laws on abortion how could they do that we knew what he was going to do how could they congratulate him how could they still not come against giving him communion it's unthinkable that any bishop would support giving president biden who is responsible for the murder now of millions and millions of babies not just in our country but mexico and all over the world how on earth could any bishop justify that which is an insanity beloved we have to say no to evil the only hope for the world is if we live our faith as if it's true we need to learn what's true and we can live it without compromise we are the only hope the catholic church for the salvation of souls that is god's design from saint peter on we'll be right back dear ones we stand at a crossroads in history we can stand up for life family in a christian culture or we can stand idly by while the fabric of society becomes fundamentally anti-life anti-family and anti-christian slowly leading to its own demise life site news is the leading defender of life family in christian culture through our news reporting we seek to educate readers with information and zeal they need to fight the most crucial battles of our day and we need your help to continue that mission you can support lifesitenews by following our social media pages on facebook twitter and instagram another way to support lifesight is to prayerfully consider becoming a sustained life monthly donor to help us continue to save lives in the culture to donate visit forward slash sustain life our staff of over 40 and millions of future generations thank you for helping to save the culture the i catholic radio mobile app is two apps in one your place to hear great catholic programs and music here's what listeners are saying about the updated i catholic radio mobile app through the i catholic radio app i have listened to the sermons and teachings several times the effect has been a deeper understanding of my faith and catholic tradition this app has truly been a blessing in my life and has increased my faith with the new app you can choose to listen to our programs like mother mariam live or the catholic current whenever you like you can also switch over to the best in contemporary music by catholic artists we even bring you hours of gregorian chant every sunday morning if you do not currently have our app download it to your iphone through the apple store or to your android phone by going to google play and searching i catholic radio the updated i catholic radio mobile app your one stop for great catholic programs and music welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at 1-877-511-5483 welcome back beloved uh to mother miriam live and we are going to go now to your calls your texts your emails um uh toll-free one eight seven seven five one one five four eight three uh text at that number as well email at mother at the station of and our lines are wide open um we are going to take an uh an email from it looks like mammy m-a-m-i who writes hi mother excuse me i do appreciate your work on the radio i'm going through rcia right now at a local church oh bless you mommy i'm so glad maybe it's mamie not sure not pronounced your name dear one but blessed be god so glad you're doing it and i certainly hope that the whoever is teaching at rcia is solidly catholic and mamie writes i happen to hear your radio show on january 4th and in that show you mentioned that wearing the mask is wrong and harmful well i'm not saying i didn't say that i i i don't think i would say it's wrong to anybody i would say it can be harmful or not good but i would say everybody do whatever you wish where are you getting that belief from she says i researched online myself there's no such data to show wearing a mask is wrong or harmful i would like to hear your reasons to say so thank you and god bless well mamie if you just look up your question online um i've heard it many times doctors are being censored for saying so um and there's a i'm looking up all i did was type in to a search engine um our masks wrong and harmful and um and i got this article um expert um this is from may 2020 this is last summer expert explains face max our ser face masks are serious risk to healthy and make covert more deadly let me read a little bit new information about face masks has emerged warning healthy people of the dangers of wearing them in fact according to a neurosurgeon they can make contracting covert 19 much more deadly this speaks about facebook people shaming uh their neighbors for not wearing a face mask and in some cases and in some countries they're calling the police and they're being arrested for not wearing a face mask just even taking a walk in the street it's insane she said we're being told by governors that if we do not wear masks we are selfish horrible human beings with no souls who want grandma to die a horrible death police are tackling people who don't wear face masks properly in the subway i've seen these articles grocery stores are throwing maskless people out and denying them service but now there's a knock another doctor weighing in besides dr fauci um and i won't read what they've said about him it's a little um not for everyone's ears but it's not positive um who has also said uh even though he's the mask tsar and so forth that face masks are largely security security theater and a security theater and of no use to the healthy so um let me just read the the points here um the russell blaylock a neurosurgeon has written an editorial saying that mask masks pose serious risks to the healthy there is no scientific evidence he says that masks are effective against copenhagen transmission even dr fauci has said that pro-science people should care about this as for the scientific support for the use of face mask a recent careful examination of the literature in which 17 of the best studies were analyzed concluded that none of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask slash respirator use and protection against influenza affection it also um i'm not going to read this whole article but if you do a search on the harmful use of masks um uh okay hold on um eight reasons why i don't wear a mask could be mask wearing could be dangerous and they also referred to russell blaylock b-l-a-y-l-o-c-k and another uh article says wearing masks is anything but harmless and another article this is why you should never wear your face mask uh covert 19 dangers of wearing a face mask if you want to avoid the cobin 19 virus it could have adverse effects on your health especially if you wear it while exercising so there's just a whole uh ton of articles on it and um again um maybe that's that's all i can give you is what i have read um if anyone requires us we carry faith we don't wear face masks and our parish does not require it some people wear them and our parish here in beloit serves communion on the tongue you can kneel it's just wonderful um do not require face masks but people wear them that's completely up to them and we do have businesses here in beloit and throughout the company country that require face masks we always respect that we always put a face mask on if uh the store has a signed face mask required we fight nothing like that but if they don't require them we just don't wear them um if you come into our priory we don't require them so um that's maybe where i get the information from and it's it's just um you can look it up in many many many places um not only is it not necessary to wear a facemask but it could be harmful and you couldn't you could still breathe in the virus and then keep it within you it's it's it's not a good idea we have an email from bess bes who writes dear mother america dear mother miriam i recently started to listen to your program and it has helped me greatly thank you so much bess i'm i just love when i hear that i'm so grateful for it because that's why we exist all of us to encourage one another to love and good works i wanted to ask you something important to me a close family member is in a sinful relationship i've been praying the rosary for him and sometimes send him videos of different priests homilies from father mike schmitz unfortunately he replied to me saying i have committed no sin do not send me any more church stuff keep it to yourself do i have to respect his wishes am i failing my call for brotherly correction i wonder if this was not the right way and i have just made things worse what do you recommend i do thank you mother fullest and god bless you best well bess if he has if he says he's committed no sin then he's going to resent anything you send him concerning how to confess and how to stop sinning he doesn't believe it so what i would do there is um send him church documents not videos from priests not because the personalities and all that is apparently turning him off i would not continue that but i would say you don't want these videos you don't believe you've committed sin so i will not send you any more videos uh church stuff in the way of videos as you've requested however um all i will send you and all i am sending you with this email or letter or whatever is um a specific church doctrine written by the church and it's between you and god what you do with it if you don't believe you're sinning um and church and i'll you quote a sentence the church says thou shalt not commit adultery or whatever the sin is and dear one you are committing adultery whether you believe it or not you are committing adultery here because here's what the church says and i might add a sentence if you do not believe you are in sin if you are living with someone intimately outside of wedlock then you are committing either adultery if the person's married or you are or you're committing fornication in either case the scriptures say neither adulterers nor forticators or slanderers anyone else will be in heaven so this is why out of love for you send them scripture in that i am i am concerned and why i've tried to help you apparently i've not succeeded in sending the right material so now i'm not sending opinion i'm not sending a priest's message but strictly from scripture and church teaching i'm sending this to you and if it means nothing to you my dear brother or sister then the only thing i can say is if you stick a pin in a dead person there's no response because death is an inability to respond to life and the reason that you don't think you've sinned and that you don't respond to the message of your sin is because you are dead and the things of god are foolishness to the dead person first corinthians 2 14 i think 3 14 you have to look it up um you need to if you ever want to go to heaven you need to ask god to show you and to penetrate your heart with how much you are sinning against him and that your future is hell you're gonna need to write a very unemotional factual straight letter if he sets fire to it and puts in the garbage and says i never want to hear from you again so be it but you have done your job in giving him the full truth that's what you need to do a person who is living in sin you can respect his wishes don't send me any more church stuff you can say i'm sending you god stuff straight from scripture and straight from the infallible teaching of the church not the take of a priest or anyone else these are god's this is straight from god through his church through his scriptures if you turn from it god has given us free will to put ourselves on the path to hell he will not violate our free will but you need to know that you are on the path to hell and unless you repent and change there is no heaven for you and the choice you make will be a choice for all eternity i would write a very straight letter with no emotion and let him do with it what he wishes a faithful of the wounds of a friend give him those verses [Music] say i'm not writing you out of arrogance but out of true care for your soul and if you use the word love he may not understand that love for you they he may uh not understand that that's a fanatical talk but i do care about you um you may not accept this as a way of caring but i do believe there is a god i do believe there is a devil and i do believe he has you fully the devil in his clutches right now the best way he can get at us is to have us live in sin and not know it that's his plan all right beloved there's our um the music for our last break and we come back it'll be our final segment and again you are absolutely welcome to call in toll-free with anything on your heart [Music] 1-877-511-5483 or email at mother at the station of the cross dot com we'll be right back the future of the family is grim as our lady of fatima said the final battle will be for the family it truly seems as though we're in the heat of this final battle and we need your help our mission at lifesite news is to educate and activate readers with the information they need to defend life and the family and restore christian culture we are currently the most popular pro-life website on the internet with over 40 million unique users every year and we've been experiencing an even bigger reach than ever this year but we need your help to reach more of the 7.7 billion people on earth if we are to truly succeed in changing the culture please consider donating to help our mission of promoting the culture of life and fearless defenders of the faith like mother miriam visit to give today thank you for your support each weekday from 10 to 11 a.m eastern the station of the cross brings you mother miriam live mother miriam is a catholic nun on a mission to bring jesus and a message of hope to a world that has lost its way hello beloved this is mother miriam and i am thrilled to welcome you to mother miriam live as always you're going to be able to call text or email whatever your questions are through a partnership between the station of the cross and life site news you will be able to listen and watch mother miriam live on youtube and facebook at the station of the cross including past episodes on podcast god bless you listen on your local station of the cross affiliate and our free i catholic radio mobile app or watch the mother miriam live video stream on facebook and youtube by searching the station of the cross that's mother miriam live each weekday from 10 to 11 a.m eastern on the station of the cross welcome to mother miriam live on the station of the cross catholic radio network with live video streaming brought to you by lifesite news and the station of the cross call mother with your questions at 1-877-511-5483 welcome back beloved to mother miriam live i am always so happy to be with you i always feel so grateful privileged that we have this time together um we don't know how much longer we'll have this privilege in the communist countries uh we wouldn't have been able to do this and our country is heading toward communism at breakneck speed so i treasure every moment we have while we have it and that's why we need to give the gospel to every single soul while there is still time we must not keep it to ourselves we must not hide um okay dear ones um we can you can call in again uh last segment lines are wide open you still have good ten minutes or more um one eight seven seven five one one five four eight three toll free or email at mother at the station of the cross dot com we have an email from jonathan who writes hello mother miriam i only recently discovered you your story and your radio program after returning to the catholic faith following a long detour into the new age and he puts in parentheses a hellish and bold hellish experience of which i will spare you the details anyway he says i was mailing you because i had a few questions one related to current events and the other to the holy trinity in your january 15 program i took note of the novena you had started on behalf of president trump's re-election and i am participating myself bless you jonathan um i'm very glad for that and uh don't ever worry they're ones if you started after us or or um if you started it now it doesn't matter god answers prayers retroactively and god is in control so don't worry about the the timing of that he said he says i must ask you is this election truly biblical the answer is no there was fraud lying cheating evil absolutely not biblical but it is correct that president biden is president even though it was done through sinful deceptive illegitimate ways he was legitimately sworn in as present he is president is this election truly biblical as as in it follows a certain timeline laid out in revelation about the antichrist uh it certainly feels that way i understand that it certainly feels that way for biden is and he says in parentheses not to sound cruel biden is a now hollow vessel that will open the door to demons we never fathomed i am truly scared for our nation and our spiritual salvation uh jonathan you've got it you've got it right um i believe not only he will but already has opened the door to demons we never fathom and his um vice president and staff is even more evil and more leftist um not even happy with him and because he's not left enough so but don't be afraid uh you can say i'm scared for our nation but god needs to purify our nation just as he purified israel and he does that through persecution and he dwindles it down like he did gideon's army who had i don't know how many thousands and thousands of soldiers god dwindled it down to 300 so that and 300 won the battle against thousands because god wants to get the glory so throughout all of history god has dwindled things down to a remnant it was a remnant of 12 and one defected excuse me at the last supper on which god founded his church on the on the foundation of the apostles and prophets on 12 he established the new covenant priesthood from the old covenant priesthood he established the eucharist and he built his church um on the apostles and prophets all jews all jews through whom through the in the nation through whom god brought the messiah the salvation of not just israel but the entire world that's why we just passed the presentation of our lord in the temple in which simeon says i can die now because i've seen thy salvation the name jesus means salvation it's the old testament joshua or in hebrew yeshua your thy salvation which is our lord jesus christ jesus the messiah jesus the christ yeshua hamashiach in hebrew yeshua jesus ha the mashiach messiah for the entire world he said i can die now because mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou has um promised from the foundation of the world a light for revelation to the gentiles and for the glory of thy people israel why the glory of thy people israel because god has fulfilled his promises through israel why because of their faithfulness no because of god's faithfulness and he gave them the mission to be a light to the gentiles and they failed over and over again until pentecost when three thousand plus were on uh in jerusalem for the jewish feast of pentecost shavuot the jewish feast of pentecost when god poured out um his spirit on those 3 000 jews and gave the new covenant um that those jews now filled with the holy spirit could finally fulfill the mission that god gave them from isaiah a thousand years before to be a light to the gentiles and now to be a light to the gentiles that through them the gospel would spread to the ends of the earth people say israel failed no they did not if you believe and you know the gospel today and you are saved by the grace of god and are being saved and will be saved we pray um it's because of god's faithfulness to his people israel um that he kept the remnant to uh through which he brought his new covenant in his blood so that's too quick a summary of that but um and so uh what am i reading here i get off on these little so don't be scared um if our nation is abolished don't worry about it the the issue is the souls of people to be saved no matter what country they're a part of um the issue is for them to be saved and it does not threaten our spiritual salvation in fact with persecution that god put on the jews because in the first century christianity was a jewish faith the only ones who believed were the jews to whom jesus came people say today don't target the jews well jesus did he came to his own and again filled them with his spirit and the gospel then went out to the ends of the world why did it go out to the ends of the world because they kind of came together as a jewish persecuted by the rest of the jews who didn't believe they came together as a little jewish community and and lived and huddled together to protect themselves against the jews who would persecute them for following the way this man named jesus who claimed to be god a man who claims to be god is deluded or he's a liar or he's god and so they believed he was god which is what jesus claimed to be and so god brought persecution on them because they were not spreading the gospel it wasn't given for them to keep it's not given to us to keep they were not spreading the gospel so god spread them to the four corners of the earth so that the gospel will go out to all the world that's what he'll do to us and it should not hinder our spiritual salvation it should cause us to be catholic maybe for the first time totally through and through with every cell in our body and compromise nothing that the world will look at us and see what it is to be a christian god bless you jonathan we'll continue with your email on monday god bless all of you have a wonderful [Music] weekend you
Channel: The Station of the Cross
Views: 2,107
Rating: 4.8699188 out of 5
Id: nBv_Oo5718M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 16sec (3436 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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