Most SURPRISING Recent Discoveries About DINOSAURS!

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from new species of dinosaurs in 2019 to possibly the biggest t-rex skeleton that we know about here are the most surprising recent discoveries about dinosaurs hey guys how's it going I'm your host America and I bring to you another epic video before we get started make sure you smash that subscribe button hit that like button and leave us a comment let us know what you think number 13 the Zeus key Tyrannis a recent discovery new mexico 2019 seemed to show that the tyrannosaurus rex had a small relative known as the tsuki Tyrannis which stood about three feet tall what slightly puzzling about this dinosaur is s s made to weigh only about 90 pounds compared to a t-rex that weighs 9 tons that's pretty small the fossil discovery was of a specimen estimated to be only three years old based on the bone rings some have theorized that it was likely to have feathers and live 92 million years ago it's interesting to note that it had a large brain in comparison the rest of its body which would suggest a decent amount of intelligence like most tyrannosaurids it was a carnivore that lived in a formerly heavily forested area where many fossils have been discovered if you have a dinosaur of a pet t-rex this would seem to be about the right size number 12 the uni Tyrannis another link that evolution on the t-rex that we all know about in love the uni Tyrannis was a dinosaur much larger than the last one we mentioned in 2012 a chinese paleontologist discovered a nearly complete specimen near a quarry in the Liaoning province it's estimated that lived 125 million years ago and would have been about 30 feet long and would have weighed 1/2 tons it likely had some serious feathers going on with the most brightly feathered ones being the most suited to attract a mate the females were more likely a bland grayish brown color this is the male dinosaurs would basically take what they can get the feathers definitely didn't serve any functional role in flying since they clearly weren't too aerodynamic number 11 the pseudo Pollux so if dinosaurs were pre large animals you have to assume that large parasites were able to prosper those short t-rex arms certainly will you'll pick off ticks from their backs similar to modern-day fleas but 10 times bigger these paths were able to deeply embed themselves and other dies with her sharp serrated steel its since dinosaur skin would have been fairly thick this was much needed for survival they were discovered fairly recently in China and Inner Mongolia and were known to exist any time from 165 million to 125 million years ago we can all be thankful that these aren't still around in modern times and certainly not something we want to clone if we could number 10 microbe dinosaur bones so if we have the ability bring back the dinosaurs should we do it well might be a good plotline for some sci-fi films this is likely to remain a fantasy possibly forever ancient DNA in dinosaur bones is virtually depleted thanks to microbes who feast on protein just this year in 2019 scientists were going through some old dinosaur bones doing their best to yield some DNA proteins but to no avail instead they found various forms of modern-day bacteria but just nothing to be proud of fossil bones contain nutrients like phosphorus and iron which attracts microbes to start colonies when some moisture begins to get introduced to the fossils the microbes lived in the solid bone get a worthy meal what also makes the Jurassic Park plotline and a fantasy is due the fact that DNA breaks down naturally over time which makes it more unlikely as the time goes by number 9 volcanoes role in extinction researchers are contemplating how casts traffic eruptions could take place any minute and it really isn't much we can do about it this could Sunday bringing an end to the human race some believe it was actually volcanoes that brought an end to life before dinosaurs the mass extinction that took place was about 252 million years ago this was much earlier than the last mass extinction about 66 million years ago this helped clean the slate and allow for new creatures to develop though in any case new evidence comes from mercury found in ancient rock around the world the volcanic explosion would have taken place at a volcanic system known as the Siberian traps found in central Russia the release of toxins and carbon into the atmosphere played a big role and is helping us understand in modern times what happened with excessive carbon levels never ate lochness like fossil although it's a heated debate as to whether or not this mythical creature truly exists somewhere in the Scottish Highlands there's no doubt that there are some fossils that look similar to it the Highland Loch seem to have been home to some real-life monsters at some point in time like 170 million years ago a fossilized skeleton of an ichthyosaur as' was uncovered on the island of sky this creature would have been about 13 feet long and would have looks something similar to what you see in this photo it also would have had a large beak with some cone-shaped teeth sometime the Jurassic period these large reptiles had a taste for calamari in a large amount of squid and other small sea creatures could something like this still be alive in the deep lox of Scotland somewhere number seven frog nap the dawn skeleton paleontologists were able to come across the discovery of her Marc bull probe method on in Central Jordan in 2013 this horrific eighty-five million year old creatures stretch over 50 feet long making like the t-rex of the sea's frog Natha dawns were apex predators and anything that swim near its mouth was as good as gone it's believed that these reptiles breathe air but was an extremely efficient swimmer here in this photo you see the perfect outline of its tail and flippers which made it seem like the king of the Seas it was able to thrive in shallow waters from the Late Cretaceous period it also resembled a vicious whale with razor-sharp teeth number 6 red heinous or fossils imagine seeing a dinosaur that weighed as much as 14 African elephants this creature was 130 feet long and weighed 170,000 pounds it's believed that this was a larger species to ever roam the planet bigger than the Stegosaurus Argentinosaurus or eversource you can think of here in this photo you can see a technician line next to the femur of possibly the largest creature known to man as you can see from this illustration is believed that these dinosaurs have whip-like tails to defend themselves against predators these bones are about 90 million years old the gigantic fossils were uncovered by a farmer working the Patagonian desert paleontologists came across 150 bones in total at the six site Argentina has yielded many important fossil discoveries in the past number 5 frog and amber fossil ok so it's not really a dinosaur but would have been around the same time as dinosaurs so why not another way organisms can scan the test of time is by being preserved with amber amber is basically fossilized tree resin produced by extinct trees or the tertiary period this fossilized resin can even preserve fragile things like frogs for millions of years frogs are much less common to find and you're usually not going to find an entire frog preserve this way in order for this type of false happen the Frog would need to be covered in a sticky SAP of trees millions of years old it's quite remarkable this thing actually exists it appears as though the viel here he was trying to eat for lunch got caught spend an eternity like this here in this photo you can see the tiny frog from Myanmar that scientists believe was cut in the SAP trap 100 million years ago this gives paleontologists an up-close look at what frogs were like and stifled that any other fossils like this are out there number 4 Allosaurus this species of carnivorous dinosaur lived from 155 million to 150 million years ago it would have also looked absolutely horrified with dozens of sharp serrated teeth and would have been about 39 feet in length it was one of the more common predators and often on the top of the food chain it consumed herbivore dinosaurs and eat meat other predators if it needed to similar to wolves these things hunted in packs too jess has a few of them can take down mega Giants like a barosaurus just trying to defend itself quite a few of these have been discovered in the northwestern part of the United States and places like Wyoming some of the best preserved specimens are named Big Al and Big Al - who were on display at the Museum of the Rockies and the University of Wyoming geological Museum when it comes to comparing the t-rex to the Allosaurus the Allosaurus had the weaker jaws of the two but its mouth could open up wider number three tropical gargle here in this photo we see a fossilized scar from fossil Lake Way amine and they're amongst of the most primitive fish they're easily identifiable with their long snouts and diamond-shaped scales this skull here was taken from a tropical gar which shares very similar characteristics to prehistoric creatures you see in this fossil even though this creature was once widespread across the globe they're now only in North and Central America as well as Cuba number two hammerhead Dino fossils this ain't a reptile seems to have a very strange beak and it was actually just made that way it sure is a striking resemblance to a hammerhead shark a little bit different here in this photo you see modern day recreation of the actual fossil that was discovered signed his believe of the shape of the face actually evolved so that could probably filter through edible plant material this was discovered in the Yunnan Province of China where unusual fossil discoveries seemed to happen it's believed that this one here lived 242 million years ago and actually continued to live after the mass extinction took place it was most likely a marine feature that uses chiseled like teeth to scrape plants off rocks and off the seafloor before we get to our number one let us know which dinosaur you want to clone someday in the future Amy will feature you an upcoming video and number one world's biggest t-rex don't call this dinosaur fat to its face is clearly just big-boned paleontologists came across a skeleton of a t-rex that would have weighed nine point eight tons which is roughly 1,600 pounds more than average this would have also made it heavier than until elephant it was dug up in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan and was given the nickname of Scotty in order to determine how much it would have weighed they examined the femur bone which was much thicker than average this normally means that I can support a larger wave - it likely lived a long and healthy life until a possibly died from a tooth or mouth infection and laid to rest at the age of 28 some are a little bit skeptical of the width of the femur bone being indicator of size and feel as though their legs were over developed into seeing large amounts of running so what do you guys think of that video be sure you hit that subscribe button escape into my videos see you next time
Channel: American Eye
Views: 7,429
Rating: 4.7714286 out of 5
Keywords: dinosaurs, dino, dinosaur, discovery, amazing discoveries, prehistoric animals, fossil, prehistoric, discoveries, facts, dinosaur facts, facts about dinosaurs, dinosaur fossils, strange discoveries, unexplained discoveries, weirdest fossils, surprising discoveries about dinosaurs, discoveries about dinosaurs, interesting, prehistoric creatures, fossils, surprising discoveries, prehistoric finds, recent discoveries, prehistoric bones, incredible discoveries, dinosaurs for kids, t-rex
Id: Wxxhf2-IF8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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