12 Most Amazing Things Found Buried Underground

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there's a lot to be said for keeping your eyes wide open when you're out walking you never know when you might find something interesting and worth telling your friends about sometimes though just paying attention to your surroundings isn't enough if you want to find something truly amazing try heading underground to see what's been stashed away there over the years like all of the incredible things in this video thanks to the hit television series Vikings interest in the helmet wearing warriors who came from Scandinavia and battled their way across Europe is higher right now than it's been in years there's a new enthusiasm about finding Viking relics and now a team of experts in Norway has found a whole Viking ship underneath a graveyard archeologists using radar technology in østfold County located the 66 foot long ship hidden barely 2 feet below the ground the cemetery itself has Viking connections with 715 hundred year old burial mounds dotted around the area including the final resting place of the Viking King gel based on the results of the scans it appears that the keel and the floor Timbers have been preserved by the earth scientists now have to decide whether or not to dig it up doing so could risk damaging the boat by exposing it to the air until very recently scientists believe that any living photosynthesizing bacteria needed both oxygen and sunlight to survive now thanks to a recent discovery by scientists in Spain they have to reevaluate that opinion living bacteria were found clinging to the surface of rock that researchers dug out of a well a full 2,000 feet below the surface of the earth at that depth there's no light or air but the cyanobacteria also known as blue-green algae have somehow found a way to exist the best theory scientists have been able to come up with so far is that the algae somehow managed to use hydrogen instead of oxygen during the photosynthesis process but if they accept that as a fact they are now going to have to look again at the way that we understand the process of all algae the environment these creatures live in is called the dark biosphere about which we know very little it looks like we'll have to carry on digging and learning bird-watching is a hobby that's generally carried out above ground after all birds fly in the air so where else should you expect to see them while it's true that you can find most species out in the open if you look hard enough if you want to see golden bee-eater you have to try a little harder ornithologist alexey lavochkin was determined he was going to capture perfect photographs of the lesser spotted birds and so he had to go below the surface to find their nests he found the bee-eaters close to the banks of the Volga River but he had to wait awhile for his chance to use his camera the birds were suspicious of his presence so he stayed almost motionless in his camp for two weeks until they accepted him as part of the environment only then was he able to get these beautiful pictures the bee eaters which get their name because they raid hives and eat the bees they find there are only as small as sparrows but their bright colors make them easy to identify if you know where to look a crashed plane can easily end up below the ground by accident but there's an old mig-21 plane buried near Prague in the Czech Republic which found its way there deliberately it's an art installation by British artist Roger hi urns hi urns had to negotiate with military experts and dealers from all over Europe to persuade them to let him bury a plane and the one that ended up in the 14 feet deep grave is built from spare parts the wings and chassis arrived separately and were assembled at the site before being conveyed into the earth high urns is an experienced sculptor who's worked with many materials but a former fighter plane has to be classed as the most unusual it took three days to assemble and then bury the mig-21 with the process under constant scrutiny from environmental agencies keen to ensure there was no risk of pollution or contamination from the buried parts hi urns intended the burial to act as a symbolic funeral for the era of aeronautical innovation that the MiG planes represent if you were a member of an insurgent group active during the time of the Soviet Union it would make sense to keep your important documents hidden away somewhere out of sight being caught in possession of them would likely be a fatal mistake it looks like these documents were once in the hands of the Ukrainian insurgent army also known as the UPA and were probably buried by someone who intended to return for them but never did three residents of the ivano-frankivsk area who were out walking happened upon the discovery by chance and alerted the director of a local museum the stash includes cash bank statements soviet-era identification documents a Czech propaganda poster and some caricatures of former UPA commander Roman shukhevich some of the paperwork seems to detail UPA activity within ternopil and l'viv as it's known that shukhevich spent time here it might even be the case that the documents belonged to that would explain why nobody ever came back for them he was executed in 1950 by the looks of things someone in the mellah to pool area spent a lot of time and money preparing for the end of the world but then walked away from there sealed bunker when the end of days failed to occur on schedule a team of diggers excavating an old warehouse found an entire survival bunker hidden away behind a secret door and behind that secret door was the perfect hiding place to escape a nuclear apocalypse the door was hermetically sealed meaning everything beyond it has been perfectly preserved there's a ventilation system a living quarters a bathroom and a stockpile of 1990 style computers and electronics equipment along with survival equipment including gas masks is it possible that someone planned to hide here in the event of all the doomsday prophecies of the millennium bug turning out to be true the door to the bunker is thick and the construction is similar to what you'd expect to find in a bomb shelter whoever built this didn't want anything or anyone getting in to share the space going down the rabbit hole has long been used as a metaphor for exploring an idea or uncovering a secret for a farmer in England it turned out to be the way to find a whole series of delicately carved grotto caves with very mysterious origins the caves are in Shropshire and according to local legend they've been there since the 1600s when they were used by the followers of the mystical Knights Templar the intricate network of caves is barely 3 feet below the surface of the field above them and look the same now as they did on the day they were first carved some of the features of the caverns can be compared to a church there's a font made out of sandstone and the arches and walkways have a Cathedral esque appearance while their true purpose is unknown the historic England Society has poured cold water on the Knights Templar theory they think the caves were likely dug in the 18th or 19th century long after the Knights Templar was dis van they do however think that Blackmagic rights were once carried out down here and sealed them off from the public in 2012 there are rumors of secret Nazi underground bases in almost every country conquered by German forces during the Second World War but most of the stories are just that rumours that's not the case in the Netherlands though recently the sands of the Dutch coast line close to the Hague facing the North Sea shifted for the very first time since the war ended when they did they revealed the entrance point to a series of luxury bunkers that are so extensive you could almost call them a city it's thought these bunkers were part of what Hitler called his Atlantic wall as he attempted to build a fortified line from France to Norway and turn Europe into a huge fortress at one point over 3,000 vafan SS troops would have been housed within the bunkers including Arthur says in court who was installed as the leader of the Netherlands on Hitler's behalf after the country fell into their hands there are more than 900 separate chambers below the ground with Nazi military logos and lettering painted all over the walls in the function of the rooms ranges from kitchens to saunas work has now started to make the bunkers safe so they can be opened up as a museum whole underground cities sound like an idea from science fiction but for thousands of people in Europe they were once a way of life it's believed that during its peak years the now abandoned underground city of Derinkuyu in Turkey was home to more than 20,000 people falling in and out of use for hundreds of years it was abandoned for the last time during the early 1920s and the entrances were concealed only 40 years later when a Turkish man carrying out renovations in his basement knocked down a wall and found himself walking out into an underground street was the city found once more daran kuyou is carved out of volcanic rock and may have been the effective capital city of a series of underground towns all of which is connected to by long tunnels there are 18 stories of the city below the surface sinking down to a maximum depth of 250 feet we believe that the ancient Phrygians founded daran qu you somewhere around 800 BC but it became much busier 800 years later when Christians fled to them to avoid persecution by Roman forces life in the rock city was a little cramped but long shafts to the surface provided air and light while the 1,000 pound stone doors meant nobody was getting in without permission [Music] how many oceans are there on planet earth if you think the answer is five you're wrong don't feel bad about it though almost nobody knows about the Earth's sixth ocean because nobody can see it in addition to the Atlantic Pacific Arctic Indian and Antarctic oceans this new nameless ocean is hidden below the Earth's crust and it's bigger than all the rest of them put together the vast expanse of water is understood to be over 300 miles below our feet and we only know about it because of a rock at once spat out a volcanic eruption threw out a diamond close to the San Luis River in Brazil and when scientists studied it they found something incredible the diamond was full of hydroxyl ions in the only way they could have got in there was from water that meant wherever this diamond had come from it was wet any ocean down there would have to be almost three billion years old for all we know it could be full of prehistoric fish and sea creatures anyone who watched the popular television series Breaking Bad might think they know a thing or two about meth labs but there was never one in the show as big as the underground meth factory that was recently discovered in Mexico government officials were acting on a tip-off when they raided the town of Alki own key but nothing could have prepared them for the scale of the drug operation they found there over 50 tons of methamphetamine were being stored below ground into huge bunkers both of which were served by a fully kitted out underground laboratory the base covered an area of over 1,600 square feet and is thought to have been the property of the notorious Sinaloa cartel the huge base had specific cooling and reactor areas indicating a high level of professionalism and expertise in the people who worked here although the police didn't find anybody during the raid police said that the lab was probably producing around 440 pounds of strong meth every day most of which was destined to be sold in America everything that was found here has been destroyed as well as the Vikings the Saxons and the Romans there was another warrior race which once roamed all over Europe and that was the Celts wherever they went they left precious silver in the ground for us to find centuries later and we are still digging that silver out now this latest find is in church and Ski Teplitz in Slovakia it's a collection of more than 40 silver coins known as Petra drachmas which were the most valuable in the Celtic currency of the time analysis of the metal suggests that silver used to press the coins is of Slovakian origin meaning that the Celts had a permanent base here the natural resources in this area would have been valuable to any occupying force and so it's likely that it was fiercely guarded as we now know that Celts often put large quantities of coins into the ground where battles took place it's likely that war once raged across the hillside the discovery was made upon subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you soon
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 367,399
Rating: 4.6527548 out of 5
Keywords: Amazing Things Found Underground, mysterious things, strange discoveries, by accident, underground discoveries, underground finds, archaeological discoveries, hidden discoveries, underground, most amazing, not 12, 12 most
Id: 2sZz87A3N4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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