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so i tweeted earlier actually i tweeted yesterday i asked guys almost knocked over my can i said guys send me cool fan-made genjin impact videos because i want to watch them and some of them are hidden gems and people should watch them so we are going to watch them today i don't know why i said it like that all right first vid let's go it's on billy billy all the talents on billy billy there's no talent on youtube all the real talent on billy billy i love billy billy this is goba but as john lee [Music] foreign [Music] oh my god that's actually really creepy that's so creepy that's so good they use the i'm assuming they use the 3d models to like animate all of this that's like this is amazing this is a talent yeah yeah yeah five pillar five pillar andy [Music] this is a team module we get a giga chad for gobo we'll see get your chat in the chat absolute giga chad [Music] this charge attack is five pillars [Music] i'm telling my grandkids this one's strongly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh this is like the comparison side by side do we even want to see this side [Music] [Music] why is this so good [Music] this little shield a little bear too that's so cute my god i'm hearing it side by side oh jesus [Music] i did not even notice that at first he's already four what the hell was that goba character leak oh my god i don't see a difference spot a difference between these two videos i don't see any [Music] [Music] foreign that's that's really all i could say what we just saw there was just god-given talent can't really recreate it in any way just talent all right next vid this one's pretty cool i think this was in the uh 2022 chinese new year celebration and there was like a bunch of art submissions including vids as well so this is really dope as well on you chilling what are we getting against anime this just makes me want to catch an anime dude oh i think maybe oh shao showing up oh the avengers pulling up heyo wow solo oh the vein droplets this is so well animated oh my god [Music] oh the cavalry or not the cannons what are these oh my god oh my god oh my dude look at the rain effects oh oh yo [Music] yo what is that this is beer the monkey got chills when i saw that okay [Music] he looks so young more racks yo more actually one shot it and that grand case is why there's a goddamn spear in the middle of the ocean okay last video this is pretty recent this is uh a fan animation for gunshot impacts fleeting colors and flight event which was pretty recent but still one of the most memorable memorable events i think for people the music at least even though i didn't even play it because i forgot to play well i like the music [Music] [Music] i'm pretty sure if someone just like gathered all the talented artists and animators in the genji community they could just make their own fan-made anime even though like they announced that they would probably step into an anime anyways never mind how you first you can see you can do you can take it from here god the hair flow got the soundtrack i'm gonna cry i hate that guy looks like they used a mix of 3d and 2d pretty good it's really good too [Music] wow [Music] [Music] really that color [Music] [Music] wow i think the gentian universe or i think hoyovers is doing a really good job at creating the hoyo universe especially for genjen people are so invested whether it's for the better or worse but people are invested in the universe and i think it's cool i also think the music is something we do not deserve genjin definitely has one of the best soundtracks like hands down ever like created for a game everything is simply a shape a form an identifier to let others recognize me as me but then what am i is this me my true self my fake self what is that i am nobody understands me what are you stupid of course nobody's gonna thank you for sending that copy pasta
Channel: Tuonto
Views: 571,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jake, jacob, jake tuonto, jacob tuonto, tuonto, tuonto stream, tuonto twitch, tuonto youtube, tuonto gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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