Most Powerful Storm Moments Ever Caught On Camera

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hello everyone uprooted trees demolished houses cars lifted into the air wrecked docks with boats these are just a few of the destructive impacts of some storms and tornadoes today we'll explore some of the most horrifying and astonishing ones Let's Get It On is there anything above us I don't know I told you you can't even imagine how completely different The View will be in just a moment a tornado ripped through Lincoln Nebraska on April the 26th 2024 tearing off the roof and three walls of a factory that spanned more than 10,000 square m with winds peaking at 265 mph it snapped trees wrecked houses and hurled cars into the sky a truly horrifying scene don't you think that served as a reminder of what not to do during a natural disaster these people were likely in panic mode and not having a clue what else to do decided to take cover under the overpass just so you know staying under bridges during those moments is like being in a wind's tunnel it's a miracle no one was injured oh my God by the way trying to hide behind a sign isn't the best idea either [Music] [Music] finding yourself on the road during rough weather is a tough situation for any driver m [Applause] when the road gets slippery visibility drops to almost zero all you can do is rely on your driving skills and hope that other drivers are cautious but what if a blizzard heavy rain and freezing temperatures all hit at once Canadians are no Stranges to such situations just take a look at these scenes a truck driver is literally battling with the elements and losing badly during a winter storm in Alberta the Trans Canada Highway became a real challenge for any driver the road froze over and the wind was so strong that it blew cars off the highway leaving them in the ditch for hours making it seem like a car graveyard out there that's so scary yeah hardly anyone could argue with that [Music] on January the 21st 2020 the cruise liner Ms Nord norre arrived at the Port of boder in Norway the docking was supposed to go smoothly but nature had other plans footage shows how the wind simply pushes the gigantic ship sideways halting the moing [Music] process now picture this if the wind effortlessly moves a ship weighing tens of thousands of tons what will happen to those tiny boats [Music] a video shot in Ohio shows strong wind gusts moving from land to water destroying not only the dock but also the boats the wind reached speeds of up to 129 km that day causing significant damage meteorologists can definitely forecast storms but they don't always nail down the details or predict the aftermath accurately and here's proof from Canada okay okay it's okay Bab in the video the sky brightens up quickly at first and then in a matter of seconds the scenary changes drastically until it looks like something out of an apocalyptic movie It's both incredibly scary and captivating at the same time oh man usually the biggest and most destructive tornadoes in history are wedge tornadoes they can span 800 M wide or even more that's exactly the type of tornado that hit the small town of Mind in Iowa on April the 27th 2024 just check out the scale of it oh please don't hit that house it's going to be it's going to get real close to that house oh it's h it's going to hit it it's going to dead center it buy that farm is to oh look at the debris it's already hitting oh no oh no oh it's going behind it it may be able to miss it it's going to be close this natural disaster hit a town of about 600 people destroying 180 homes and damaging lots of businesses it's terrifying how much damage it caused it's clear why nobody wants to deal with that kind of chaos listen at the rower yeah power lines oh my God tornadoes can not only cause serious damage to property but also knock out power for entire neighborhoods see the power oh my God oh my God in early January 2024 an unexpected tornado hit a residential area of Fort Lauderdale knocking down power lines you can see Eerie green flashes where the tornado passes on the video the maximum wind speed that day reached 129 kmph but believe it or not no one got hurt right there oh my God this is so scary to watch this is literally my worst Spirit I'm so happy it's going away oh I just flipped that b over oh my god oh it's going to run right through this freaking main drag with all these CS it flipped that I think that boat red itself that boat was upside down look at the trees another aspect you can't ignore when talking about bad weather is hail just check out this size it's practically the size of a baseball While most of us are used to seeing precipitation in the form of tiny ice particles in some regions hail can get really big in 2003 the largest hail stone on record measured 47.6 cm in diameter this is this is by far the worst tail stor I've ever seen in my entire life they have backup power here don't they yes yeah I I bet we're on backup power we're going to go no we don't have a generator no we don't we don't have a generator have aat oh no that's when they went out that like we in the he window I'm sure we [Music] do yeah especially if they're driving and like their speed speed Wild it's not uncommon for stormy winds to rip roofs off residential houses it's reasonable to assume that larger structures like schools hospitals and stadiums are prepared for these situations turns out they're not in this video from the Netherlands you can clearly see how the wind gusts peel off metal plates from the stadium roof as if peeling an orange firefights has had to wait for everything to calm down before taking any action regardless of how sturdy the materials or massive the structure nature can still unleash destruction yeah see LS yeah Antarctica is considered the only consonant that doesn't experience tornado attacks which is intriguing because it's recognized as the windiest place on Earth with gusts reaching up to 322 kmph combine that with an average temperature of -40° C ice particles pelting your face and you'll have a pretty good idea of what Antarctic expedition members have to deal with another reason to admire those who dedicate their lives to such a challenging job glacial winds are common here the ice sheet constantly cools the air plus deep Cyclones often sweep around Antarctica no wonder planes don't fly over the continent Landing There is almost impossible because of the strong winds as you'll see in the next video nope it's not even the South Pole these shots were taken at an airport in the Netherlands just imagine the power of those air currents if they could make a massive machine weighing several tons flutter in the air like a butterfly [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy moly it is screaming I'm seeing uh electrical flashes behind me wow wow indeed this is how the person who filmed this describes the start of the tornado outbreaks that raged in the southern region of the USA from March the 21st to the 23rd 2022 it all started in Texas the guy filming this is right in the heart of the tornado at first the States saw the formation of numerous supercells the least common but the most destructive thunderstorms which later grew into a real natural disaster throwing trash everywhere wow dude all right it's dying down pretty mesmerizing huh but don't let this beautiful site fool you if you ever see something like this don't stand and stare at it for too long these clouds are called shelf clouds and they're a warning that a powerful wind storm thunder and downpour are coming soon oh it's coming fori no it's gr tsunami are no Tsunami water the top of tsunami water is gray when it when it SPS out it's just a cloud those were the kind of clouds that accompanied hurricane Ida in August 2021 the second most intensive and destructive hurricane after the infamous Katrina Ida was classified as a category 4 hurricane on the Sapp Simpson scale just one notch below the highest category the maximum wind speed during the disaster reached a terrifying 240 kmph a regular Ferris wheel usually the scales at about 200 tons why bring it up you're about to see now just to give you a sense of the sheer magnitude of the disaster and this isn't the first time this happened it's hard to imagine the sheer horror that would have gripped anyone on the ride in the small town of Tuscany at that moment luckily there were no passengers in the cabins remember to always check the weather forecast before heading to the amusement park ever felt the Roar of the Winds seen waves several meters high and felt utterly vulnerable shielded only by the ship's windows from the Wrath of the elements well that's exactly what powerful storms in the ocean feel like but there's this place the Drake Passage where folks have to endure over 800 kilm of that Madness [Music] that's an InterContinental straight where the southern parts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans meet some of the strongest ocean currents in the world pass through the Drake Passage making it officially one of the most dangerous places on Earth it's easy to believe when you see footage like this [Music] honestly it looks like the start of the Apocalypse a massive dust storm hit Arizona one day leaving 10,000 people without power and causing flight delays of nearly an hour and a half seen anything like this in my life we're in believe yeah know I really can't it's not a tornado it's not going to lift us up or anything hey I can't believe this sh is CL she's driving she's at home I just ran up to our second floor is crazy looking at this thing Man it is like unbelievable what do I do the wind's blowing I know later experts said the storm was over 80 km wide in some Vista and about Chandler Heights and then this is the climates in the United States makes it more prone to tornado attacks compared to other countries and it's not just about how often they happen but also how strong they can be [Music] March 31st 2023 marked one of the most significant tornado outbreaks for the USA Landing in third place for the highest number of tornadoes within a day a whopping 146 tornado hit various areas wind gusts peaked at 270 kmph nearly matching the average speed of a racing car we've only seen bigger tornado outbreaks in 1974 and 2011 with 148 and 216 tornadoes in a single day respectively it's hard to imagine the terror someone feels when they realize a tornado is coming straight at them the person filming this got lucky though Not only was he in a shelter at that moment but he also managed to capture some truly breathtaking footage [Music] yeah restoring the backyard's going to take some serious efforts but the good news is nobody got hurt [Music] [Music] out front the big one theyve been trying to say just shattered yeah just oh our mailbox broke damn it mailbox is down running one of the most unpleasant things about hurricanes is the wind it can not only knock down trees but also uproot them and it often happens unexpectedly oh our trees's gone we lost two trees both our front yard is gone oh damn I love those trees and of course the last place you'd want to be at that moment is outside or in a car that could get hit by a falling tree at any moment oh my God holy [Music] guys for instance on March the 5th 2018 in the algar region of port pugal winds gusting at 180 kmph didn't just ruthlessly uproot trees but also H them through neighborhoods causing devastating damage to everything in their path quite a funing site isn't it yay yay but the aftermath of such a disaster is just shocking those trees have likely been around for many years it took some real power to uproot them lightning is perhaps one of the most dangerous things that comes with bad weather a bolt of electricity with millions of vaults can strike anything and most importantly completely unexpectedly most people say it's practically impossible to guess where lightning will hit and here are a few more reasons showing why it's so unpredictable I got a storm that pops up out of nowhere bringing rain and lightning causing massive damage and then disappearing just as fast that's the terrifying Duro in Spanish this word means straight or even which makes sense because unlike tornadoes where air flows swirl into a Vortex the direct show forms a straight line of strong winds you are looking at one such storm that occurred on August the 10th 2020 when a powerful direct show hit the Midwest region of the USA the storm fronts with an average speed of 88 1 12 kmph traveled 1,240 km from west to east in 14 hours they say storms of this magnitude happen in this region about once a decade similar storms were recorded in 1998 and 2011 [Music] sometimes the weather gets so harsh that all you can do is helplessly watch as your property literally breaks apart under the force of nature here are a couple of shots from Ohio where a house was destroyed during a storm Norm on May the 7th 2024 [Music] on August the 23rd 2023 people in Saudi Arabia witnessed a powerful storm Mecca got flooded and the wind gusts were so strong that they even tore down billboards the Roar of the tornado with Sirens wailing in the background made it feel like a scene straight out of a horror movie people from Andover Kansas must have felt like they were in one at the end of April 2022 it's not only about the strength of the tornado check out the speed too you wouldn't Envy anyone caught in a car on the road at that moment despite its destru potential the start of a storm can look like a masterpiece from a renowned painter [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: #Mind Warehouse
Views: 622,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Mind Warehouse, your mind is my wearhouse, facts, Incredible Moments, Incredible, Caught on Camera, Powerful Storm, storms, tornadoes, nature, Most Powerful Storm Moments Ever Caught On Camera, storm, tornado, weather, hurricane, storm moments, hailstorm, extreme weather, incredible moments, scariest storm moments ever caught on camera, thunderstorm, wind, flood, mother nature, storm chasers, heavy rain, scariest storm moments, moments caught on camera, storm chasing, mother nature angry
Id: Kkva6quTF3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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