Most Mysterious Aircraft accident: Malaysia Airlines MH370 | What Went Wrong | Free Documentary
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Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 1,060,380
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Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), what went wrong, disaster, disaster documentary, MH370, malaysia airlines
Id: DzWTzL2HB7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 28sec (2908 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Sort of off topic, but I figured it was worth pointing out. A year and a half ago I posted a review of Florence de Changy's "The Disappearing Act: The Impossible Case of MH370" on the Amazon website. I titled it "Why let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory?" Well, now when I go to the Amazon page, under Top Reviews from the US, guess what - my review has percolated to the top of the list! In fact, if I search for the book using Google (search terms Changy Disappearing Act), the returned results page actually quotes part of a sentence from my review. What next? I might even have my work highlighted at!
Right after that last message where the pilot said goodnight the transmitters go off. It seems like it was intentional for the plane to look like it went down in the South China Sea. Of course the last ping is close to one of the deepest parts of the Indian Ocean. The pilot practiced this on his simulator. I am curious to know what else was on his computer.
There are what we call totally unnoticed, very solidly established findings in MH370 mystery. Why has NO attention ever given to the huge facts that ONLY in Ft. Maturin, Reunion, Mauritius, and NE, and Se Madagascar, as well as Eastern Africa from Tanzania on down into S. African shores, have ANY debris been found?
No where else in the entire Indian Ocean basin has ANY debris found conclusively and much highly likely.
Please look at the debris and current maps in the article.
None has been found in Indonesia, nor S. China Sea, nor Andamans, nor the Maldives no from India eastwards to Malaysia. None has been found in Australia.
Those debris facts are always being ignored. & because of that a testable hypothesis is also being ignored. The debris finds match the So. Equat. current like a hand in a glove.
The actual, proven and likely debris have ONLY been found in those sites. And that means, empirically consistently with the drift data alone the So. Equat. Current of Indian ocean, was Where MH370 went down!!!
Recently had another purported downing in S. China Sea. Where absolutely NO debris have ever been found, either.
Only on the flow patterns of the S. Eq. Current have Debris been found in Ft. Mathurin and west.
If he plane crashed just east of there in the So. Equat. Current flow would have taken the debris to precisely those places it was found.
If we take 120 , very durable, radio frequency buoys, and scatter them from a site within a few 100 Kms. East of Ft. Mathurin, then they will e carried by the S. Equat. Current to where debris were found. Should we find too few, then the jet went down further west of the first test drop site. If we find too many, then to the East of the test site.
This observation has been made, and ignored. It's empirically testable. ANY really solid theory of where the MH370 went down MUST, Clearly, empirically explain why the debris were found where they were.
No other model can explain the data but the above. Ignoring real, existing data is not good science and violates the Empirical rule of the science, that data cannot be ignored.
Drop the RF buoys in the right site in Indian Ocean on the So. Equ. current, and we will find MH370.
It's that simple.
Why didn't they search all along the 7th arc rather than searching one section of it that was wider? I know that there was evidence from ocean drift and the flaperon barnacle analysis showing that the debris traversed through warmer waters, but it's not conclusive evidence that writes off a more southern or even more nothern location. This is especially since the Indian Ocean currents are like an anti-clockwise circle. So many assumptions were made (e.g. straight lines? pilot still making turns at the end? hard or ditched landing?).
Without any hard evidence, there should have been at least one passing search along the entire 7th arc from the southernmost location all the way up until the north, then they could have followed with a more concentrated search in the areas modelled by the ocean drift.
OI's next search is going to be even further north which I doubt they will find anything because Z was clearly trying to hide the evidence. Why fly closer to land-based radars and risk further detection?
That we can't rule out multiple different assumptions make future searches more difficult.
From an outsider POV with little investigative knowledge i'd bet everything i had it was the us military. I'm not saying they were in the wrong by any means for doing it either. If any of us flew our plane near their island with zero communication we would be shot down, and we all know that. Regardless, thats just my theory. God speed for the truth, and for the families.
that's not even a 777 in the thumbnail