Most Interesting Plays in Baseball

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[Applause] you know dangerously up and in it was not this is not typical baseball etics so that's where the bat is no come on do that on purpose so yeah it was awesome that was awesome right there caught by Flores and made the diving tag to double up Moustakas [Applause] up the middle Laurie stabs it behind the back boiling out so after the foul ball DeShields ends up with a fielder's choice anyway and he lays off Paris takes off and is safe at third Broxton draws the walk and somehow Lucius Fox [Applause] sick to his stomach right behind the mound it looked like he was trying to get off the field and he threw up right behind the gnats pitcher and I don't know how else to describe it ball goes down the dirt and he takes his mask off yep can't do that that was illegal to go out to the ball with what he did right there is a violation of the Aruba broke his Bat Seth liner just by Fister he says you didn't just do that no way come on Ken Tony swings a little dribbler by the mound tough play correct pushes it too late he knew he couldn't bear hand and throw so he caught it in the glove and just tried to push it got to make a call here on the pitch don't you there it comes are you kidding me right field it is deep C you later grand slam the Nationals are on [Music] play by Phillips double play that's the player we've heard a lot about with Brandon Phillips and what a play Turned four six went so deep into foul territory to make the catch look at Gator what is he even doing over there he shovel passes over there like he's the quarterback for the University of Michigan how many can they get one two an acrobatic double play started by Polanco to scope the Crone and the inning comes to an end kendries Morales swings at the first pitch comes Coco and [Applause] got to what happened here after the pop-up Chris Sale's got a ball in his hand now to the right side salvi circles around and then he makes a Nifty play take that Jose Iglesias Natalie rushman with a ground ball up the first Baseline flatty behind the back to Manoa covering for the ouch ground ball double play into the second oh what a stop behind his back Velasquez behind his back was able to retire and he Strikes Out Caesar Molina trying to find the ball and it's connected to his chest protector I have never seen that how about that watch Molina taking the mask off Caesar the Braves before Chuck Hernandez took that role last year off the middle Phillips behind the back what a play how about this how about [Applause] Johnny correct standing himself off Johnson has had pitches clocked at as much as 100 back up the middle giovatella comes up with it flips it and a terrific play by fatigue on a bad flip by GI patil the only thing he really stronger at the d8 spot in the world what is he doing [Applause] take a pitch but he forgot there was two strikes wow the old one pitch on the way is the ground ball comebacker in the [Applause] gun he gets the second runner as well he gets Pennington who is caught nubbed down the Third Base Line Pena hoping it goes back fair and it does Swisher's gonna be out oh that is so beautiful that is terrible for the next question and he gets a strike and he gets a strike no that's well catch it's in his mask ball never hit the ground but a foul tip two strikes altered their game plan hard hit ball creedy gets up but can't come down with it Casey didn't know he didn't catch it to throw by Ozuna got it oh yes hello oh it just exploded he wants to get it all off us well it is April Fool's Day after all well yeah somebody played the old exploding Rosenberg it's it's been their problems with the pitching and Diaz that's into short right field coming quickly candel can he get there diving catch to make the play foreign ball right side Cabrera will cut it off galawaga colors he's out oh he's safe he is safe [Applause] squeeze is on the bun is down the Run scores and double throws the ball away he's just keeping the ball away from board the whole game he wants to get it their balls [Applause] deep right field salmon back at the wall it's off the wall two runs are gonna score Lofton Dix for third he's held there I'm thinking he's going to take that for ball four and down to first base he goes there's a few steps out of the box on the way in yeah he knows that they didn't want to pitch Donato slaps a ground ball to third Alvarez and the ball just fell apart oh my goodness I've heard of hitting the cover off the ball I've never have you ever seen that and waiter's a little Chopper Blanton wants to go to second he does he'll get the oh no [Music] tagged him out he didn't get back in time so Davis over slid the bag on ball Short Stop Johnson second base one first base two oh the ball loose over at first base and Butler safe there well the Rays had a double left side Zimmerman cuts it off turns and throws and Larose grabs it ball came up on him and he swiped it out of midair and that one is going to spin back into Fair territory safe and here comes scoring no one covered home play Brian Dozier hit a spinner little roller up along first behind the back [Applause] there comes Knight and the Mets win it pops up the bun ontaro Mickey time Josh colemanter has it one away the assist from we went up way upstairs Pence a long run belt a long run patch Falls over and caught it oh my God and hopefully he's okay he seems to be and the pitch by Paul mahalem to Fly ball shallow right field sprinting out Castillo he does he hang on to it he did superb play by Jose Castillo in shallow it's this one high and shallow toward right the laser with a shot yes he did what about that play that Posey just threw the ball of the glove and PB wasn't looking wow Lee because they're thinking it's going to hit PV right in the head compared to half and cologne fastball centered a shallow right field and Bridget did he catch that ball it's being called a catch and if that holds up it's going to be an inning ending double toward right piscotti loses it and he's still caught it oh wow are you kidding me you gotta be careful little flare broken bat what a play by guns that will do it he preserves the shutout a heck of a third time through it's all too big breaks his Bat a little Jam shot and France is right there to make the catch oh he tagged him for the L it's a double play Maldonado is saying he forced him off the bag I think his left right at the shortstop Russell High throw did it oh my gosh he's done it again it's unbelievable and cronleworth sends one through the left side into left field to base head fam will score tatisi is stopped and he'll be safe able to get back somehow again thank you degrom without looking oh did riddle get back think about taking a look at it yeah by weeders first yeah right [Applause] oh my God no way how can you make that play has his shot is played by Maddox outstanding play by Greg Maddox snapped at a ball that was outside now Harrison going out Harrison leaping over Andrew Vaughn Harrison made the catch and he may have hurt himself even there's no confusion Third Base side tough play in the Sun and moncada reaches back and makes the catch on his back ground ball schwarber throws wide and they get me out but no doubles still relatively new pops it up down the right field a lot tough play he's going to get there and he goes reaches back and he takes the catch in front of him [Applause] off again tatis Hosmer Strikes Out throw down there and is still in base [Applause] second pen piece is used as zobrist pops it up long run for Gonzalez Le Mayhew going out to make a fine acrobatic grab Osborne an O2 hole after that review and they got tatis picked off if anybody can get out of a pickle it's Fernando tatis Jr and he did what doesn't he [Music] do pitch and that one back up the middle diving stop odor the second one they get the force out and the inning is done and it's another sparkling from one of two on Robertson there's a chopper to third Valencia has it at Fair territory tough off-balanced throw just got him what a nice play WoW foreign hit ball by Harrison and even Taylor can't track that down Harrison trying for two and somehow he is safe by Design again he went into that slot get over there to Vargas who makes a fine play to get Young At first Kenny Vargas and that is a great play by Reynolds to Russian play by russet he spun around and still hit the bag that saved a rock a little flare camp out and Camp Dives and he caught it gets it back in so they're all over there Rojas and Gordon and Gonzalez and etheon [Applause] I don't know the last time I've seen a four-man right center field is it going to fall yes no it said they say it hit the ground and grounds one slowly tough play for Reyes can't make the bear hand play now trying for third is Altair and he is out great play by Cabrera as alt again pitches swung out of Miss throw to second base is high they're going to say that Rojas got in the way it doesn't matter Sosa tagged him out anyway that was an amazing catch in Tech Runner takes off Rosario he is look at him right here Fred get up dive [Applause] hopefully he didn't hurt himself then it's a screamer up the middle Gordon the wild flip [Applause] off that just to get the out check swing no it got away here comes the runner the third got the plane out at the plate is Pacheco the played umpire he goes again swing at a missed throw to second base he is in time thanks to the tag by Camargo do it Johan Johan camarga and Gallo takes off check swing throw to second is [Applause] a shot could beat oh my God thank you that's unbelievable in the pitch a foul tip and that got a piece of Bard I think didn't it wind up it's stuck in his mask oh wow thank goodness for the mass I guess it did get it it didn't get him two homers in as many days five on the season and there's a drive toward right field Turner Ward going over makes a great diving catch and we lost Turner ward he goes up and well one pitch is rifled into right center field and that's going to sneak no it's not there's Carlos Correa stealing one from odorans at this point which means he's close smashed up the middle Kinsler has a kick off his glove he recovers but not at all and Neil Santana and he goes down in the heat oh my goodness that's after he on the ground to third Gonzalez oh my goodness wow pitchers hammered out to left field toward the corner JB shot at the warning track at the wall lead so can he get it he went over the wall there goes Pedroia Ortiz takes the throw to second base and taking off for third is Pedroia he'll get there nobody covered the bag the ship was on base in right field but they're going to have to hold gelts at third but now the ball gets away from O'Neill he kicks it to benzinger no I do not believe you hit hard into left field here's marisnick throwing to the plate and get us with the tie well up and over and he's out Adam Eaton tried to go up in his career against Lynch there goes Damon no chance for Ruiz and now headed to Third Base as he got around Feliz and he's there which is important because it's silent another look this is hammered in the Gap there's no way he's going to get there there's no way he got there took every bit of effort Anderson fastball tapped at the plate it'll trickle down the third Baseline the Mariners are going to let it roll roll roll Lenny Randall gets down in his hands and knees and blows on it like a curler and it goes foul Randall puts on quite a show and Matt Chapman caught it well how about that as a pitcher you're the man in the middle of the diamond and you're thinking this is right about me I got you turn around [Music] make it and Dave Roberts will argue he went out of a baseline but no call me it's an interesting matchup right here as the ball is thrown back it's over the head and a heads-up base running play by Peralta tough play out there Espinoza Scoops he fires no one at first are you kidding here's a 1-1 pitch a punch Lester bobbles and got the out flipping it out of his glove Iglesias gonna argue the play foreign [Music]
Channel: Top All Sports
Views: 743,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MLB, Baseball, Beisbol, MLB plays, Baseball plays, Interesting plays, Best plays, Amazing plays, Greatest plays, MLB best plays, Baseball best plays, MLB amazing plays, Baseball amazing plays, Las mejores jugadas baseball, Sports highlights, MLB highlights, Baseball highlights
Id: mj55JxsDCsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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