Most Insane Military SCP Stories Ever (Compilation)

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on the 13th of October 1989 the town of Danner Wisconsin was shaken by a seismic event unlike anything they'd ever experienced this might have been written off as an earthquake were it not for one disturbing Factor the ground shaking event was accompanied by a huge Spike of radioactivity with the strange phenomenon happening a month before the Berlin Wall was torn down during a period of the Cold War that historians call the year of Crisis it's easy to understand why the people of Banner immediately assumed the worst but the huge eruption they felt wasn't the result of a nuclear bomb going off the SCP Foundation was alerted to the event in Danner when they picked up a series of radio Transmissions coming from just outside the town when they arrived they found something incredible like something out of a sci-fi movie standing at the quake's epicenter was a creature that looked to be from another world standing 2 m tall and weighing almost 300 kg the being was green and brown in color with a bulky humanoid body its head was a different story though and resembled a gigantic housefly with a prosus and huge stereoscopic eyes surprisingly the strange creature did not immediately go on a rampage instead the being designated SCP 2273 appeared to be exhausted injured and extremely malnourished it offered no resistance at all to the foundation containment team and it was taken to site 17 without conflict while the SCP Foundation is no stranger to visitors from other worlds there was something especially unusual about this supposed alien Invader the doctors who examined the creature and treated its injuries found an appendage that seemed to function as an organic radio transmitter and large open wounds on its shoulder blades and forearms where further appendages had been ripped off additionally while its insect-like exoskeleton was mostly a uniform green and brown pattern the creatures upper arms and torso were dotted with a variety of scars and markings that on closer inspection looked like military badges was this some kind of wounded Intergalactic soldier who had been stranded on Earth if it was then how were the organic badges on this aliens exoskeleton a near-perfect match to military badges worn by soldiers in the Soviet Union even if they did reference a unit that didn't officially exist within the Soviet Army the scientists were sure this alien wasn't an alien at all underneath its exoskeleton was a nonanomalous human being if that was true then this was even more terrifying than an extraterrestrial visitor the scientists were sure that the USSR had developed a new kind of organic armor and this anomaly showing up in Wisconsin was the result of a test on us soil that had gone wrong if that was the case then there was no telling how many more of these exoskeletons were out there and would need to be contained the foundation had to act quickly and find out more while SCP 2273 was recovering they called in Dr Friedrich an on-site psychologist who could speak several languages including Russian Dr Friedrich would be tasked with interrogating the SCP on his Origins and the nature of the suit the interview was conducted via AM radio from a separate observation chamber as the biological transmitter seemed to be SCP 2273 is only method of communication the interview began with Dr Frederick's speaking to SCP 2273 in Russian only for 2273 to respond that Dr Frederick's accent was atrocious and requesting he used German instead SCP 2273 who according to the organic military patches on his body was named Major Alexi bellatv initially resisted being interviewed he believed that he was a prisoner of war being held by the American Military according to him he had been in the middle of battle and that the Americans had killed his men and left him for dead in the wilderness nothing that Dr Friedrich told him that there was no war or that the foundation was not affiliated with the US government could convince him otherwise and he refused to talk further before a second interview was conducted batov was given an old copy of the level one researcher General debrief as a way of helping him further understand the nature of the foundation and his containment batro was more Cooperative after that though the realization that he would most likely be kept in containment for the rest of his life caused him great distress and he was unwilling to speak to Dr Friedrich for another 3 days Dr Friedrich didn't give up though and when batro finally opened up to the doctor he began to tell him more and more batro told the doctor that when he was a child Russia was hit by an American nuclear warhead and that the Soviet Union immediately retaliated the resulting nuclear conflict which batr called the war to end the world caused massive Devastation and left most of the planet dangerous ly irradiated that is why he had the exoskeleton it was to Shield him from the radiation and allow him to survive above ground unfortunately batro knew very little about how the suit was made or how it worked saying that it was built by the engineers and that it grew naturally over a period of several years but bellatv hadn't made the decision himself it was his parents who had volunteered him as a test subject for the exoskeleton suit program when he was still young hoping it would give him a better chance at survival the process of bonding the exoskeleton to the human body was extremely painful but according to batov its advantages far outweigh the pain the suit not only helped him survive in a nuclear Wasteland but made him a better Soldier the suit allowed him to lift and carry up to 1200 kg gave him stereoscopic vision and the organic radio transmitter allowed him to communicate with other soldiers across long distances as well as listen in on encrypted enemy Transmissions the wounds on his shoulders and arms where it looked like appendages had been ripped out were where his weapons and Supply packs had previously been mounted batro had been stationed with his men in the area he was discovered when they were attacked by American soldiers the soldiers had ripped off bov's weapons and Supply pack and did the same to all his men as well they were all shock with batov being spared for the moment only because the Americans had identified him as the commanding off officer suddenly there was a bright flash of light and the American soldiers vanished not only that but the landscape changed where there had been a post nuclear Wasteland before now there were lush green trees injured and disoriented batov began sending distress signals only to have those signals intercepted by the SCP Foundation the most interesting part of bat's story as far as the foundation was concerned came during his fourth interview when Dr Friedrich asked him about the Engineers who had designed the exoskeleton suit in bov's own words they wen't truly known to man until the years of the Great War and the revolution the French found them in buried cities where the Western allies were digging their trenches eventually they were made to build weapons for the war by both sides by his description these Engineers didn't sound human but they were by no means unknown to the SCP Foundation batro described the engineers as humanoid nocturnal covered in fur and possessing technology and intelligence far beyond that of any human those familiar with the foundation's history might already know the engineers by their Foundation designation of SCP 1000 or their more commonly known name Bigfoot a quick rundown SCP 1000 are a species of intelligent humanoid primates that lived alongside Humanity in highly advanced cities until their own technology was turned against them not only were their cities wiped off the face of the Earth but 70% of their population was slaughtered and the survivors were driven mad to the point that their mental faculties were no higher than those of a chimpanzee or gorilla the SCP Foundation is tasked with keeping them away from Human contact in fear of what the creatures would be able to do to humanity if they ever regained their memories and full mental function and rumors have been spread about them possessing deadly anomalous properties but evidently the destruction of the scp1 th000 species never occurred in bellat trop's universe or if it did it wasn't nearly as complete in that timeline Humanity regain contact with SCP 1000 after discovering their underground cities sometime during World War I after this discovery both Allied and access powers began recruiting them to build weapons and their weapons played a role in both the Russian Revolution and the second world war it was because of these technological advantages that the Cold War escalated into what would become the war or to end all wars both sides were armed with not only nuclear warheads but highly Advanced radiation proof exoskeleton armor that allowed the conflict to continue even after the total Destruction of the planet while the humans fought above ground life continued as normal for SCP 1000 in their underground cities as batov noted they never wore the armor themselves as they had no need to venture above ground only soldiers wear armor and this is not the their War batro continued to adjust to life in containment and sitting for regular interviews with Dr Friedrich he was given the rations provided for humanoid anomalies but in much larger quantities as the suit required him to eat around 8,000 calories a day to keep it functioning bellatv also began taking advantage of his ability to access the foundation's library he would often read or listen to classical music particularly by the Russian composer chaikovsky he seemed especially fond of reading the time machine Machine by HG WS no surprise given he was able to directly relate to the experience of living through an apocalypse and being transported to a strange timeline with no way to return home but with little else to occupy his time bellatv began to display symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder reporting in his now regular interviews with Dr friederick that he was constantly reliving memories of the battles he'd fought and the lives he had taken in combat the suit was making the problems worse too too it seemed it was as if he could never forget as one of its features was an ability to store and replay memories this feature was intended as a strategic Aid that would allow commanding officers to more effectively gather and process information about their surroundings but outside of combat this only served to force bellatv into reliving his most painful memories again and again every night as he tried to sleep he would see the faces of his men their weapons torn from their exoskeleton laying in the dirt after being gunned down by the enemy like many veterans bellatv was being hit all at once with the harsh realities of War now that his brain wasn't solely focused on keeping him alive it had time to process all the horrors he'd experienced he told Dr friederick I trained alongside these men for years before they put us back on the surface since we were all young children we were brothers and I gave them the order to surrender and got them killed I should have died with them while the story of SCP 2273 ends here the story of Alexi batov SCP 22731 continues in 2018 bellatv was allowed passage to vrad Russia as part of an anomaly reintegration program while he was unable to secure employment within the Russian government as he had hoped he eventually was taken in by a monastery and continued to write letters to Dr friederick until fredi's eventual death from lym F related complications there's plenty more on the monastery the anomaly reintegration program and what happened to Major bellatv when he return to Russia but that will have to be a story for Another Day cast your mind back to the height of the Cold War the ever accelerating nuclear arms race brought us closer than ever before to making the nightmare of nuclear Armageddon a terrifying reality the two main parties in this conflict are the United States and Soviet Union each amassing huge amounts of new nuclear warheads and jumping on any available Advantage they can over their enemies what you may not know is that in order to detect an impending attack from the United States the Soviets developed what would become known to the West as the dead hand but this experimental piece of technology also had another name SCP 1984 it is no secret that the Soviet Union feared the threat of US nuclear strikes an invasion just as much as the US feared an attack from them so SCP 1984 was created to act as a deterrence mechanism specifically against secure second strikes secure second strikes were both a deterrent and overwhelming concern during the Cold War referring to a country's ability after suffering an initial nuclear attack to still retaliate firing on their enemy and causing Untold damage with their own arsenal of nuclear weapons the Soviet Union knew that any action they made that could be perceived as an attack on United States St soil would be threatened with nuclear retaliation and that if they fired First America would return fire and potentially annihilate them with the second strike SCP 1984 was to be an automated system that would activate in response to the destruction of the soviet's main command and control structure given that the Dead Hand was created during the80s you might be forgiven for expecting a nuclear detection system built at this point in history to consist of various sensors connected to a computer network but you have also probably already realized that if this was the case then the foundation wouldn't be so interested in it in actuality SCP 1984 is a fully autonomous entity rather than a network of sensors for detecting incoming nuclear strikes or a computer capable of initiating a second strike perhaps what makes the foundation more interested in the Dead Hand is that it is both self-aware and links simultaneously to every single one of Russia's nuclear launch sites not only this but SCP 1984 also has direct access to every single one of the atomic weapons stockpiled by the Soviet Union during the Cold War and is capable of launching intercontinental ballistic missiles at a moment's notice in short SCP 1984 could very easily and horrifyingly quickly trigger an allout nuclear war resulting in the extinction of all life on Earth no wonder the foundation considered ERS the dead hands such a massive threat SCP 1984 itself actually consists of the preserved remains of a Russian soldier by the name of Sergeant Marat chernikov who was killed during the Soviet Afghan war in 1982 most of the official documentation of chernov's existence has been expunged by the Russian Federation and he is only referred to in fragmented documents recovered by the foundation that refer to a project December these remains serve as the location of a semi sentient Consciousness that has been classified as SCP 19841 when it remains dormant and is not interfered with scp1 19841 has the ability to receive and process any signal broadcast to it and is able to decipher information combined in any signal it picks up however when global Military tensions start to climb especially when those tensions affect the Russian Federation or what were once the satellite states of the former Soviet Union The Entity begins to manifest it self in the physical world and usually in various strange and different ways scp1 19841 has been known to appear in the real world in forms such as a humanoid outline or a bright red Spectre taking the shape of a child with its legs cut off regardless of which shape it appears in it is when the Dead Hand manifests in a more physical form that the wider scope of its abilities become clear as mentioned previously it can influence and even launch nuclear weapons overriding their command systems and bypassing launch sequences after appearing fully SCP 19841 will travel at speeds of up to 140 km an hour directly to the nearest military installation capable of launching intercontinental ballistic missiles once it reaches its destination SCP 19841 will immediately attempt to override the necessary systems to initiate a launch after firing missiles at their predetermined targets scp1 19841 will hastily travel to another facility housing nuclear ordinance repeating the process until it has successfully launched all of Russia's Atomic weapons when engaged the physical manifestation of SCP 1984 is highly aggressive and will lethally defend itself against anyone that it observes trying to interfere with it or stop it from causing a nuclear launch the entity has displayed the ability to disrupt the nervous system causing excruciating pain and debilitating damage to human beings its only known weakness if any is a susceptibility to microwave radiation although exposure to this does not seem to cause any lasting damage to SCP 1984 instead only temporarily disorienting its physical form as for the origins of SCP 1984 the Soviet Union's official leason with the SCP Foundation offered some clarity on this ironically during early 198 4 the liaison a doctor named Sergey described information regarding the Dead Hand as being of grave importance to the continued survival of the human race seeing as he was referring to an enemy that could single-handedly launch the Soviet Union's entire nuclear Arsenal he certainly had a point a top secet Conference was held in sevo between the foundation's 05 Council and officials from both the USSR and the United States using the 1984 Winter Olympics as cover avoiding too many questions about several Nations high-ranking State officials being in the same place at once the 05 Council was then given full in-depth information about the Dead Hand something they had previously assumed was a more conventional form of nuclear deterrence SCP 1984 was far more and worse far out of the control of the Russian government it was revealed that the entity had been designated outside the original specifications given to those who developed it initially the Soviets had intended for the Dead Hand to be solely used as a secure second strike response if the leaders of the Soviet Union were killed SCP 1984 would react in kind to Russia's enemies launching back all of the ussr's nuclear missiles in retaliation this is more likely where the Dead Hand nickname comes from hearkening to the idea of a dead man's switch picture that you had been mortally wounded by your worst enemy shot in the stomach and laying on the ground rapidly bleeding out you know that there there is no chance you will survive but you cannot afford to let your enemy get away what they don't know is that you rigged the entire building around you both with explosives with your dying breath you activate the Detonator assuring your own and your enemies Mutual destruction Kaboom then curtains for both of you the pressing issue and the reason this secret Summit between the USSR USA and SCP Foundation was held was that SCP 1984 was no longer interested in just waiting for Russia to be attacked and only reacting after the fact instead the entity's physical form was trying to preemptively strike at the enemies of the motherland attempting to activate nuclear launches and send Atomic weapons to destroy the United States France West Germany and the People's Republic of China in other words the Dead Hand was eager to get a head start at causing total nuclear Annihilation not to mention potentially killing millions and reducing Target countries to little more than IR radiated craters a wash with deadly nuclear fallout both the Soviet Union and the United States begged the SCP Foundation to intervene and contain SCP 1984 and under the direction of the 05 Council they stepped in to take direct control of the situation establishing new containment procedures in the hopes of keeping SCP 1984 from hitting as many launch buttons as it could find the embalmed remains that seem to create the manifestations of The deadhand Entity were held securely in an armed containment complex near verco yank part of the Saka Republic within the Russian Federation SCP 1984 was placed within a standard humanoid containment cell which was itself held within a faraday cage a type of enclosure constructed with or covered in conductive material designed to block electromagnetic fields this was done to block any external broadcast signals from reaching SCP 1984 and thus causing it to manif its other form if it learned of an impending attack on Russia even a fictional one perhaps as a part of a television broadcast as part of the dead hands Containment all signals broadcast near its cage are to be monitored and only broadcasts featuring doctor information would reach the entity thankfully to the work of the SCP foundation's information control team SCP 1984 is drip fed a stream of carefully fabricated information using on-site equipment and Facilities a team of military historians economists actors and Soviet media Specialists the information control team have created an ongoing narrative where in the cold war never ended through falsified radio and television broadcasts made to look like era appropriated news organizations they managed to keep SCP 1984 convinced that the nuclear stalemate between the Soviet Union and United States is still ongoing unfortunately sometimes information from The Real World is able to bleed through an incident inent involving SCP 1984 occurred on August 8th 1984 and almost brought forth a fullscale nuclear war while preparing for a campaign speech the 40th President of the United States Ronald Reagan uttered the following joke I am pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will Outlaw Russia forever we begin bombing in 5 minutes naturally thousands of media Outlets reported on this but signals of those broadcasts including recordings of the president's remark made their way to SCP 1984 Foundation researchers were both unsure of how these Transmissions breached the Faraday cage surrounding the Dead Hand and were unable to prevent what happened next hearing what it could only assume was a genuine declaration of war the manifestation of the SCP 19841 entity happened immediately after Reagan's words reached its containment cell this time the entity appeared as a semi-transparent woman withered and blue wearing traditional pashton dress armed Personnel guarding SCP 1984's cage engaged The Entity causing it to retaliate lashing out and attacking any that stood in its way one captain and two privates that suffered the brunt of SCP 1984's offensive capabilities began bleeding heavily from their ears seizing violently most gruesomely of all a liquid leaked from their eyes and nose believed to have been cerebros spinal fluid while armed Personnel attempted to use microwave emitting weapons hry to slow The Entity down the information control team was frantically trying to record a new falsified broadcast in the hopes that SCP 1984 would cease its hostilities and the entity would dissipate before it was able to travel at high speed to any nearby Soviet nuclear facilities and begin bombarding the United States their first attempt to record a new broadcast that would result in a cessation of SCP 1984 Slaughter of its guards was interrupted when a nearby wall collapsed desperate to recontain the creature the information control team tried to film the broadcast a second time and succeeded although one of the actors portraying a news reader suffered a stroke and had to be edited out to convince the Dead Hand of its supposed authenticity What followed was a short news clip clarifying that Russia's poit Bureau was in on President Reagan's joke including old footage of the ussr's general secretary Constantine chernenko confirming that the Soviet Union's nuclear forces were not on high alert miraculously after 15 more minutes of sustained fighting with guards SCP 1984's physical manifestation began to disappear gradually dematerializing while it seemed to attack with far less intensity eventually containment was reestablished at the cost of the deaths of 17 members of foundation staff both guards and researchers a further Aid however suffered traumatic brain injuries that left them all permanently disabled the one upside is that this incident Remains the only only time SCP 1984 has ever breached its containment and caused harm to others and considering that it could very well have launched Russia's nuclear Arsenal the casualties could easily have been much higher so remember folks don't joke about nuclear weapons especially if you're the president you never know what anomalies lurking in the bodies of dead Russian soldiers might be listening and if they are you'd better hope they have a sense of humor the year is 1939 it's the dead of night in pingfang a district of the Harbin prefecture in Japanese Imperial occupied China a squadron of over a 100 Chinese Rebels led by Lieutenant Wang way clutching Bergman MP18 machine guns hurry through the streets towards their destination the bioweapons lab operated by Unit 731 and monstrous terrifying Japanese Surgeon General Shiro isi it is a mission of Liberation and revenge if you know anything about Unit 731 just hearing the name will send a chill down your spine just as it did for the Chinese soldiers hoping to perform a surprise assault on the unit's complex of Horrors rumors had spread from the Chinese prisoners of War taken there and the knowledge of the horrible things happening to their countrymen inside that building made their blood boil with white hot Fury their mission was simple they would launch an attack on the complex when the unit least expected it save as many many prisoners as they could while also taking revenge on as many unit soldiers as they could get their hands on but what the brave Soldiers didn't know is that they were in for a battle they couldn't hope to win because what they were fighting was not in any traditional sense human they were about to go toe-to-toe with SCP 407 an elite group of anomalous Japanese super soldiers known as the pingfang 5 a name spoken in fear by their enemies and victims For What Little Time both remained alive the Chinese Rebels were hiding in a stand of trees outside the Fortress waiting for the right moment to strike when the pingfang 5 suddenly beat them to the punch and descended upon them the plan was thrown into chaos when the trees burst into flames without so much as a hint of artillery being fired the soldiers all hardened Men of War began to grow scared but then they saw something even more terrifying standing there amongst the Flames for Lieutenant mitso Kitano also known as lightning bolt or SCP 47-1 to the foundation one of his hands was wreathed in blue Sparks of electricity and the others he wielded a type 14 nambo pistol Lieutenant katano continued his attack using his anomalous lightning to blow away Soldier after Soldier when the shocked Rebels tried to return fire they found that they couldn't land a single shot katano dodged every bullet the second wave of the assault came from behind as the rebels tried to flee katan's wrath private tekashi Honda also known as the ogre or SCP 47-2 charged Into The Fray he effortlessly wielded a type 11 machine gun and rained bullets down upon his unsuspecting foes they shot back at him but the bullets seemed to just bounce off his skin he wasn't bothered by them in the slightest he just smiled and continued firing the rebels quickly real realized that the whole thing had been a trap but what had given them away as if on Q one of their own soldiers turned and began firing on his fellow Soldiers with his MP18 this man wasn't a rebel in fact he wasn't even Chinese it was Corporal joiro Ida also known as the fox or SCP 47-3 how could he have possibly infiltrated the Squadron the answer is simple he's an anomalously brilliant liar in fact it's impossible to not believe a single thing that Corporal Ida says making him a true expert in Espionage not a single one of the other Rebels ever had a chance of sniffing him out before the doomed Mission if this betrayal surprised them then what came next must have seemed like something out of a nightmare Lieutenant Wong way the man who' spearheaded the entire Mission turned and began picking off his own troops with his pistol the surviving soldiers didn't understand had the lieutenant gone mad they tried to shoot him but just like the other he dodged effortlessly and continued to murder them that's because he wasn't Lieutenant Wang way at all Wei had been murdered in the forest earlier that night and replaced by private teredo nishimura also known as SCP 47-5 or The Shape Shifter the pingfang 5 had infiltrated and compromised the mission from before it had even begun they never even stood a chance during the chaos of the massacre a few of the rebels had managed to escape running through and nearby clearing into a Thicket of trees if they could survive then perhaps they could regroup and lead a second assault on another day they had no hope of survival during a head-on conflict with these anomalous super soldiers they needed to get away and form a new strategy but gunshots started ringing out through the forest tearing into their bodies and dropping the men one by one they tried to return fire but they couldn't even see who was shooting at them it seemed to come from all directions the rebels dying thoughts were that the trees around them must have been crawling with Japanese troops the reality was even more frightening it was only one man private shiru Matsui code named smoke for this ability to become invisible at will to the foundation he's known as SCP 47-4 the last member of the pingfang 5 the deadliest troops in the entire Imperial Japanese Army but unlike many of the biological anomalies cataloged by the SCP Foundation the pingfang 5 were not born they were made in case you aren't familiar with the infamous Unit 731 and their horrifying complex in pingfang this unit was the secret Department of the Japanese Army ordered into existence by Emperor Hirohito himself for one Sinister purpose researching chemical and biological weapons for the Japanese Imperial Army their leader the Surgeon General shiroishi was essentially given blanket permission to do whatever he deemed necessary in order to achieve results for his Emperor and his Nation isi took that directive and ran with it unleashing pseudoscientific evil on a level matched only by the Nazi extermination camps in Europe experimental weapons and horrific diseases were tested on captured Chinese civilians political dissidents and prisoners of war thousands of people met horrific ends through execution experimentation and viction which is the dissection of a subject that is still very much alive how does this late to the pingfang 5 and SCP 407 it all comes back to a top secret project overseen by isi himself project shinka while Unit 731 was established in 1935 in 1937 they began working in collaboration with the Imperial Japanese anomalous matters examination agency think of it as Imperial Japan's hypernation answer to the SCP Foundation they had become aware of the existence of anomalous individuals in Imperial control ter territories and general yishi wanted to know whether the powers manifested in these anomalous individuals could be induced in others through forced organ removal and transplantation to test this hypothesis isi had the Japanese secret police Round Up anomalous individuals in Imperial territory on mass they were subjected to mass Viv sections with the intention of isolating and removing anomalous organs it was an act so positively genocidal in proportion that East Asia had statistically fewer nless humans than they should to this day isi's intention was to transplant the organs into loyal volunteers from the Japanese military in order to create an unbeatable military force perfect soldiers who would win the war for them the vast majority of these Twisted experiments were complete failures leading to the higher ups at Unit 731 almost writing project shinka off as a waste of time and cancelling the whole thing but there were soon five notable exceptions the very scary individuals you've already met not only did every member of the pingfang 5 end up with a specific anomalous superpower as a result of the experiments they also experienced incredible anomalous progress across the board members of the five boast extended longevity meaning they rarely show their age enhanced physical abilities including faster reflexes incredible senses and immense physical strength they also appear to have advanced mental development displaying phenomenal tactical and strategic reasoning as well as the ability to effortlessly learn read and speak multiple languages like Japanese English Mandarin Chinese Russian and German of course Japan eventually lost the war but the pingfang 5 had no intentions of ending their fight they continued their missions long after Japan formally surrendered causing chaos and violence across East Asia after several unsuccessful engagements with isolated members of the pingfang 5 leading to the deaths of many Foundation agents and civilians the foundation formed mobile task force 551 AKA MacArthur's dogs an elite group of operatives trained for the specific mission of Bringing Down the pingfang 5 while the hunt rages on three of the five are already dead SCP 47-1 mitsuo Kitano the man who can unleash burst of electricity met his end in Burma in 1948 during a procedure called operation Smokehouse 551 engaged katano in combat in the jungle as was one of his trademark techniques he attempted to use his electricity powers to burn down the jungle and Escape during the chaos however the foundation operative surrounded and boxed him in he couldn't escape and when the fires were put out he was found dead on the ground the apparent cause of death was smoke inhalation SCP 47-2 tekashi Honda the man with Bulletproof Skin died in 1957 in the Philippines 551 engaged him in in combat in a mission dubbed operation home wrecker which culminated in them calling down an air strike on him in the aftermath Honda was found dead but his cause of death was determined as having been from a powerful electric shock and finally SCP 47-3 joiro Ida the man with the silver tongue was found dead a year later in 1958 his corpse was discovered in his room in Guang Southern China he appeared to have been strangled to death and interestingly the was evidence that he tried to engage in a shootout with his killer but hadn't succeeded in preventing his own murder all these circumstances were somewhat mysterious but the foundation didn't investigate them much further after the bodies were tagged and bagged SCP 47-5 tiro nishimura The Shape Shifter is still on the run today while SCP 47-4 Shiro Matsui The Invisible Man is doing just the opposite he lives in sarak Malaysia and works in open Cooper with the SCP Foundation to help track down the fifth member of the pingfang 5 not much has changed in the 64 years since the death of joiro Ida it seemed like the search for SCP 47-4 had gone cold until a foundation archival clerk found something suspicious the original paper copy of the SCP 407 document which was dated a year before the foundation had supposedly discovered the existence of SCP 407 as the archival worker dug further they found a number of unsettling discoveries that alter the true meaning of SCP 407 in the original paper documents each dead member of the pingfang 5 had organs missing and each subsequent member's death involved a power possessed by a former member two was electrocuted and three's gun was useless as the killer had been wearing two's Bulletproof Skin who was behind this why and most importantly of all how had this all been forgotten through more Di the foundation discovered the truth about SCP 47-4 his powers weren't invisibility they were anti-mimetic he can make people forget him at will essentially editing their memories so he could do whatever he wanted without detection like for example murdering his team members and stealing their powers they even managed to find an archived letter from 4 to 3 begging for his help in fighting some kind of unknown monster something that would require their combined powers to face whether they ended up being as five separate men or one man with all of their powers this whole time SCP 47-4 had been playing the foundation like a fiddle using their resources to help him track down the final member of the pingfang five to recruit him into one final mission or murder him and steal his powers but that still leaves one question what is this Mission what is this monster the foundation managed to find out at least partially they charted the death locations of each of the three dead pingfang members and the living location of SCP 47-4 and discovered something amazing four of the five points on a perfect Pentagon centering on the South China Sea the foundation also estimated that the Pentagon would reveal the location of SCP 47-5 at the final point but his location isn't nearly as interesting as what resides at the center of this massive GE graphical Pentagon Foundation divers discovered huge numbers of sunken Japanese battleships down Plains and thousands of Bones littering the seabed based on the damages to these vessels it was clear that they hadn't been shot or blown up no they had been torn apart by something obscenely huge and Powerful underneath the water the Pentagon a significant shape in sorcery is likely a massive Supernatural containment ritual keeping whatever unspe able horror is lurking under the ground there from escaping a containment ritual that could only be maintained by five special individuals in five special places it was in this moment that the foundation Came Upon a truly horrifying Revelation they had misjudged the intentions of project shinka it was never about creating assets for the war against the Allies it was about a war against something else entirely something much more dangerous then and deadly than the squabbles between men it was about the entity that lurked below a creature that nobody understood and that no conventional weapon can fight and if the ritual is ever broken and the Beast is allowed to rise the pingfang 5 will be the very least of our problems welcome back comrade the case of SCP 2273 also known as major Alexi batov has sparked your imagination and you need to know more but even if you're not familiar with the major his story all you need to know is that it's one of War tragedy and Alternate Dimensions he first appeared in the town of Danner Wisconsin on the 13th of October 1989 during an unprecedented seismic event when he was first discovered the foundation researchers assumed that he was an extraterrestrial being on account of his Advanced organic exoskeleton in a surprising move for such an imposing creature batro gave himself up to Foundation agents without a fight major batro was then impounded in Foundation containment site 17 where he was interrogated thoroughly over a series of interviews the foundation ascertained that batro came from an alternate timeline where Russia and the US are locked in a soall war to end the world thanks to Advanced military technology given to them by SCP 1000 bellatv had nearly escaped execution at the hands of American soldiers and appeared in our timeline now now he is a prisoner of the advanced suit that formerly kept him alive but his story isn't over The Last Remnant of a cold war turned hot has plenty left to teach us something that you need to understand about the SCP Foundation before we go any further is that it doesn't only exist in every nation across the globe it also exists in every Splinter reality across the Multiverse and these Splinter realities offer a countless multitude of tales of different places different people and different times today's tale concerns major bellat trv's future in a universe where the secrecy of the foundation is broken and the anomalous world needs to find a way to fit in with our own the year was 2018 like many humanoid anomalies that the foundation was holding in this timeline bellatv was released from containment he was no longer an SCP he was now a mere Person of Interest free to move around as he pleased but this didn't mean batov was about to enjoy a quiet life on easy street he was still an interdimensional Refugee from a broken alternate World thankfully there was a certain group willing to help the Mana charitable Foundation this anomalous charity has been involved in a number of strange cases investigated by the foundation before and now they were going to lend a hand to Major batro thanks to their anomaly reintegration project Mana was able to transport bellatv back to his home of vrad in Russia there he he became something of a national celebrity making headlines across the country sitting down for interviews on every Russian talk show and even being offered book deals but as a former military man batov was eager to return to government life and run for a government position however this ambition didn't go very far bellatv was rejected by all the government bodies he applied to even Vladimir Putin wasn't eccentric enough to want an insectoid cyborg from another dimension in his cabinet bellatv endured a rough two years in VRA he was treated more like a sideshow freak than a human being people didn't want to rent apartments to him and he was never able to find permanent employment even entry-level jobs rejected him nobody wanted to get food served to them by what looked to be a 7ot monster and he seemed equally ill suited to help Russian women find the right perfume in department stores in April of 2020 batov had finally had enough he contacted the Mana charitable Foundation once again and asked to be relocated they told him that some religious institutions in the area including the Eastern Clockwork Orthodox Church were accepting and housing anomalous refugees not long after this batov truly fell off of the SCP foundation's radar but one former Foundation operative was well aware of major Bell's fate it's 2021 Dr friederick the site 17 anomaly psychologist who conduct conducted all the initial interviews with batov all the way back in 1989 started receiving letters from him there was no indication as to his true location and they appeared to have been handled by a Mana charitable Foundation mail carrier in Russia but Dr Fredick was happy to hear from an old friend nonetheless due to a career of working near highly radioactive anomalies like bellatv Dr Friedrich was suffering from terminal lymphoma it seemed almost like an act of Divine Providence that bov's letters would come to him so close to the end the two began a correspondence and it was only after Dr Frederick's eventual death that the letters came to the SCP foundation's attention it was from this final correspondence that the foundation was able to answer the big question whatever happened to Major Alexi bellat in his first letter to Dr friederick batro thanked him profusely he knew that Dr friedrick had been a crucial part of him gaining freedom from the foundation and credited the therapeutic Tech techniques taught to him by Dr Fredick with keeping him alive and sane to this day bellatv expressed a mix of Amazement at this Brave New World and a sense of profound weariness as a man eternally locked into a weapon of War he felt unsuited to a world in peace time he almost missed the scorched irradiated Russia of his home Dimension but most of all he missed site 17 he missed Dr friederick he missed some of his fellow anomalies like SCP 507 the teleport sporting man and SCP 163 the spacecraft he even missed the Simplicity of being contained he hoped that doctor friederick would write back in his second letter batro began detailing his experience with the Eastern Clockwork Orthodox Church despite growing up in a highly atheistic communist environment batro became enamored with the ways of the church he found them to be highly accepting of him in spite of his unfortunate circumstances they displayed a freedom in their faith that bellat had never encountered before and he was eager to be a part of it with the help of Dr friederick belov was also sending letters to some of his fellow freed anomalies he signed off by saying that he had even started praying something he'd never considered before the next letter sent in 2027 struck a much more somber tone it was sent shortly after batro discovered Dr Frederick's diagnosis he wanted to return and see the doctor one more time but the Mana charitable Foundation wouldn't allow him to return to site 17 believing he had been abused during his time there belet gave Frederick his prayers and well wishes and asked for a number through which he could contact his ailing old friend by the time the next letter arrived in 2034 batov had become a fully-fledged member of the Eastern Clockwork Orthodox Church he referred to the other Monks at the monastery as his brothers and sisters he seemed to have finally found a true home there and the others fondly referred to him by the the nickname Father Anvil but the True Heart of the letter is bellator's deep concern for Dr Frederick's Health notably in this letter he often refers to Dr friederick by his first name Thomas as though to emphasize the urgency of the message after the deaths of several of the anomalies that batov considered friends he stated that he couldn't handle losing anyone else his letter ends with a poignant passage you may be unmarried Dr friederick but you are not unloved you have to be strong for me you you have to be strong for yourself if you're ever worried that you cannot find the strength to continue think of the garden you'll plant this spring I'd like to share gardening photos with you again not many of my brothers and sisters here appreciate the simple beauty of a flower bed or the effort that goes into growing a patch of vegetables it's a beauty I'd like to continue to share trust in the power of Our Lord Thomas and Trust in the power of modern medicine God is smiling on you please be strong with love and prayers belov this letter arrived on the 15th of February 2034 sadly Dr friederick had already passed away 4 days earlier he never got to see Alexis's final letter and it truly was his final letter with nobody left for him in the world major bellat stopped sending any correspondence what we know about the final years of bov's life all comes from a few scattered journal entries translated from Russian after his passing they provide clues as to the kind of life he lived during the 29 years the foundation could not account for his whereabouts and his actions the first entry written on January 7th 2035 paints a grim picture of bellatv feeling broken and isolated in the monastery he wrote today is the day that our Monastery celebrates the birth of our Lord however I feel no desire to celebrate all of my friends in this world are dead my brothers and sisters are partaking in some celebration outside my dormatory all of their required ceremonies are complete neither they nor whatever is happening out there will lighten my mood belov also wrote about losing the Comfort he once had in his faith and his doubts about whether he would be able to recapture that Comfort but he had survived greater traumas than this and he would continue to press on as the months turned to years and the years turned to decades batro climbed through the ranks of the monastery seeing as the Eastern Clockwork Orthodox Church practically worshiped the concepts of industrialization and mechanism ation the fact that bellatv was permanently encased in a biomechanical exoskeleton probably made him seem even more Pious to his holy Brethren the final piece of evidence collected by the foundation Into The Life and Times of Alexi batov came just over 20 years later in a final address written to comfort his followers in preparation for his own death bellatv recounted the details of his own life being born into a world of fire death and mushroom clouds then his life being suddenly saved by forces Beyond his control only to place him into containment for almost 30 years it was only after accepting the teachings of the church and accepting the Clockwork Goddess that he felt he was truly free from his past in this final note bellatv lay out some of the teachings of his new religion the belief in a great mechanized goddess who planned all of reality according to bellat trov everything in her design fits together perfectly like hogs in a machine turning and twisting in unison to create an ideal world he HED to be forgiven for the many violent sins he committed in his military life and that his contributions to this new world were valuable at the very end of his address batov wrote I do not believe that my time in this world is much longer brothers and sisters when my time of judgment comes do not mourn me I would rather you remember these words the god is most pleased with those who seek kind nonviolent resolution to their problems because a machine whose gears grind against each other is a machine that cannot work see truth but also compassion the words are only words seek out truth within them God bless you all father Anvil a month after authoring this statement records indicate that Alexi belatra was found dead in his room having passed away peacefully in his sleep from natural causes he lived A Warrior's life but died a humble priest's death the true tragedy in The Strange Life of major Alexi bellatv is how little Choice he had in his circumstances but thanks to this tale we know he did what he could with the life he was given his remains lay within the graveyard at the Eastern Clockwork Orthodoxy Monastery where he spent the last years of his life with a life as difficult as his own we can only imagine he's glad to finally Rest Mobile task forces they are the elite special forces units of the SCP Foundation whenever a particularly dangerous anomaly rears its ugly head you can guarantee that these members of personnel with highly specialized skill sets will be sent in to take care of business a lot of the time mtfs are relocated between different Foundation facilities or sent from location to location hence the mobile part of the name they vary in size and function too with some teams being small covert investigators and intelligence gatherers meanwhile others might be huge battalions consisting of hundreds of troops vehicles and enough heavyduty Firepower to put the Terminator to shame whether it's containing a newly emerged SCP or helping the foundation to get a flighty anomaly back into its cage and keeping it there the mtfs are who you're going to call when it all hits the fan they are the best of the SCP foundation's best and few represent that better than MTF tow 5 if you're at all familiar with the SCP Foundation then there's a good chance you've heard of the iconic mobile task force TOA 5 also known by their Collective code name samsara take everything you know about an average task force give them leagues better equipment and training and put them on anomalous super steroids and you're still likely to get an MTF who can only dream of getting on samara's level in our series on the infamous site 13 you've only seen these badasses take on ORS Beyond description and not even blink even rescuing other mobile task forces from the jaws of death on many occasions why are they given such Prestige even in a crowded field of elite Foundation operatives it's because the four members of the samsara team are unlike any other mtfs on a fundamental level given that each one of them was created from the Flesh of a dead God sounds cool enough on its own right well not only are T 5 specially created from a divine deity but each of them has also had their bodies enhanced with Cutting Edge cybernetics these Immortal cyborgs can be upgraded at any time as and when the need arises using the latest of the foundation's experimental Weaponry to combat and contain all kinds of anomalous threats from the theurgic and psionic to even powerful reality warping entities that a normal MTF couldn't dream of handling together samsara consists of two male operatives named aranu and munu and two females nanku and onu and that's all you need to know before we delve into the insanity that comes next buckle up and put on your scramble goggles it's time for avatara long ago there was a deity known as the Lord of endowments a God who once assumed the Persona of Prometheus no not the terrible Ridley Scott movie Prometheus was a figure from ancient Greek mythology who stole the gift of Knowledge from the gods of Mount Olympus and gifted it to the people of Earth often represented as metaphorical fire as punishment for his transgression Prometheus was chained to the side of a mountain where every day he would have his liver pecked out by birds only for it to grow back overnight so the birds could feed on him again the next day so our lord of endowment stop giggling you at the back gave himself a body of Flesh so that he might walk upon the Earth as a giant humanoid his goal was to like Prometheus provide mankind with knowledge and power to grant them technology and then redefine what it meant to be human the Lord amassed followers as a result and began to conquer new territories to expand his power however something changed and the Lord gradually began to die whether it was the result of him becoming flesh and therefore mortal a betrayal by his armies of followers or punishment from the other gods for his exploits the Lord of endowment decided to split his mortal form into three parts in order to survive these were his mind body and spirit and they were hidden across the Earth with his body being buried deep within the tabernas desert in Spain where his mind also slept with his body jump forward several thousand years and a group known as Prometheus Labs discovered the dormant flesh body of the Lord of endowment Prometheus Labs was once a group of interest to the SCP Foundation known for researching anomalous objects with the goal of using them to develop new technological breakthroughs unearthing the Lord's body the Prometheus scientists discovered that the body's liver contained cells that could endlessly regenerate eventually harvesting and researching these cells resulted in a brand new research project the goal to create a group of immortal Warriors Prometheus Labs took four volunteers and uploaded their consciousnesses to a computer hoping to then download them into new bodies that were cloned from the regenerating cells the thought was if one of these clone bodies was destroyed or somehow became so badly damaged that it couldn't be be used then this process could be used to upload the same mind to a fresh body as simple as booting up a new computer with an old hard drive the project did produce some results seeing the creation of some mass-produced cyborg Warriors later known as SCP 1637 however the research was cut short when a surviving group of the Lord of endowment's followers stormed Prometheus Labs the followers raided the entire facility shooting the newly Clon bodies that were intended to be the hosts for the four consciousnesses that have been saved to the computer but even those were destroyed along with all the backup drives that contained copies of the four Minds The Lord's followers destroyed the Prometheus facility but the machine used to create the Clones miraculously survived it began gradually creating four new bodies despite sustaining heavy damage the problem was the minds and bodies of the four volunteers were all gone their lives thoughts emotions imagination everything their Humanity had been stored on a hard drive that the followers had destroyed but still the machine did What machines do it' cloned four new bodies but there was nothing to inhabit them nothing more than a simple template two genders and four names years go by and Prometheus lab suffered another major accident which eventually led to the organization disbanding however some of the former scientists were scooped up by the SCP Foundation including one Doctor Who had survived rived the attack at the cloning facility he took a group of the foundation's agents to the location of that old project where they found four almost featureless fleshy shells empty but ready to be transformed into an asset the likes of which the foundation had never possessed before the Prometheus Labs project that had almost been for nothing lived on Sam Sara more time passes until the members of MTF to 5 also known as samsara were eventually sent in to deal with a new new anomaly that had started to spread it originated from within a seemingly ordinary Farmhouse however when anything organic entered it would rapidly become cancerous in much the same vein anything mechanical brought into the house would break down this meant that sending in any human Personnel or even unmanned drones were options that were off the table for the foundation so instead they called in samsara after all if you need to send someone into a house that causes certain death why not for functionally immortal cyborgs the members of MTF tow 5 were constructed from the same basic mind template meaning that all four of them lacked any real Humanity they react to anomalies very casually in terms of their emotions but respond extremely seriously in terms of executing a task or containing an SCP granted this makes them a formidable fighting force but even though they try to hide it behind acting human to 5 have very little understanding of emotions as they enter the house they heard the sound of religious chanting and began to follow it back to its source in the bedroom samsara discovered a figure hidden behind a tumor so big that it appeared to just be one huge mass of Twisted flesh provide him your flesh the creature chanted say it it's thirst give it your flesh that he may make you Gods tal 5 was given the order to terminate the creature that seemed to be the source of the anomaly but their shots only ricocheted off the fleshy Mass The Entity could not be killed by anything not made from flesh aranu ordered nanu to hand him her pistol and didn't hesitate to shoot her multiple times in the neck he started hacking away at the dead nanko's neck with a combat knife while unu and Manu helped rantu finish decapitating her taking a grenade from nanko's belt he stuffed it into the mouth of his teammate's severed head pulled the pin and threw it deep into the cancerous mass diving out of Harm's Way in the last second the remaining members of samsara took cover as the grenade detonated killing the anomaly and showering the room with gooey bits of muscles intestines brain tissue and bone marrow hope you weren't eating while watching this one folks they had No Reservations about killing one of their own but to 5 had neutralized the anomaly and its effects had stopped spreading Outside The Farmhouse samsar re-entered the bedroom only for one of them monu to discover something among the blood guts and viscera that remained underneath piles of Flesh stained with meat was a small leatherbound book monu took it with him hiding it away this tone was a gmir a type of ancient textbook of magic typically a gmir includes instructions on how to create magical objects talismans amulets and the like or number of spells and Magic charms but some grimo also instruct a reader on how to summon or invoke Supernatural entities calling forth beings from the great beyond like Angels Spirits demons and deities and this particular book described how to summon the essence of a certain Promethean plunderer the Lord of endowment himself somehow the cancerous tumor spreading entity from The Farmhouse that affected both flesh and Technology seemed to have been created by this book so why would one of the MTF to 5 take the grimoire surely as a member of samsara Manu would normally react to anomalies with the same emotionalist pragmatism he and his teammates shared and would never think to stash this book on his person unless of course monru was being manipulated by some Force without realizing it the mind of the Lord knowing that this book was an important tool for his resurrection had managed to influence Manu into keeping the grimoire the members of samsara returned to headquarters where they all began looking over the book over the next two weeks nanko's head was reformed and meticulously put back together by the foundation left with only the scars from all the stitching around her face head and neck luckily for rantu the T fives lack the emotional capacity to hold grudges after all think about it how would you feel if your coworker decided to behead you and use your severed head as a bomb sounds like quite the headache God I make terrible jokes as the to 5 team studied the book they found themselves enjoying it learning about a place where they could learn more about acting like people a place they then hoped to visit perhaps because it was the place they'd first started if you were paying attention earlier in this video you'll remember we told you the MTF to 5 members were created from the Flesh of a dead God and this particular dead God buried his body in the tabernas desert in Spain it was none other than the Lord of endowment that had been used to create the four Immortal cyborgs of MTF tow 5 the samsara team had come from him and now he was trying to tempt them back when a hyper aggressive lizard or an even living Cowart starts rampaging through your town or a Sinister salesman turns up in your home who you going to call hint it's not the Ghostbusters the answer is the SCP foundation's mobile task force you probably heard them mentioned in every single video on this channel but what exactly is a mobile task force what do they do for the SCP Foundation and what are some of the most famous mobile task forces in the field let's crack open the files and take a look in short mobile task forces are the foundation's Elite personnel and each task force is generally made up of highly trained foundation operatives with specific skill sets these MTS aren't rooted in any one base and are relocated to wherever they're required hence the mobile part of the name the exact parameters on what an MTF can be is pretty flexible the size of their units can vary from Whole battalions of troops packing Heavy Artillery to small tight-knit groups of intelligence gathering spies some mobile task forces are bound to specific scps whereas others perform more generalized tasks such as securing certain facilities or territories when the regular Rank and file Foundation field agents can't do the job the mtfs are brought in to pick up the pieces each group is controlled by a mobile Task Force Commander who reports to the foundation director of task forces though the actual organizational structure of each group varies sometimes mtfs which were created for extremely specific purposes are disbanded after that purpose is achieved how many mobile task forces are there exactly the exact number is shrouded in secrecy and often times the answer will depend on who you ask but you're not here for what we don't know you want to know the details on the biggest badasses under the foundation's employ and we intend to deliver much like our video on the proposals for SCP 001 we're going to give you a rapid fire crash course on some of the most prominent and interesting Foundation task forces and remember if you want us to go more in depth into the most exciting missions of any of these groups let us know in the comments but for now it's time for a rundown of the foundation's best of the best MTF Alpha 1 AKA Red right hand are essentially the Black Ops of the SCP Foundation they report directly to the 05 Council and conduct Missions at the highest level of secrecy with most of the information hidden behind a level five clearance wall many also believe alpha 1 to have links to the infamous chaos Insurgency a splinter group at war with the foundation but if anyone asks you didn't hear it from us seriously we don't want to get assassinated ntf Alpha 4 AKA Pony Express are a covert group deeply embedded into the the world's Logistics and Postal Services the trafficking of anomalous objects is a worldwide issue and it's up to Alpha 4 to intercept and keep a lid on those anomalous objects before they fall into the wrong hands think of them as a better funded paranormal USPS police division one object they've prevented from reaching the public is SCP 360 a series of cpat machines that cause nighttime visions of frightening entities MTF Omega 7 AKA Pandora box was an experimental task force which Incorporated the use of Highly combat effective scps including SCP 076 better known as able the test showed initial success but after they ran out of missions ael's blood lust proved to be too great for the team to control in the experiment as well as the task force were scrapped however this led to the creation of MTF Alpha 9 AKA last hope this is a mobile task force designed to train viable scps to provide services to the foundation out in the field this group has learned the lessons of its predecessor and has employed the use of more measure and reasonable anomalies those include SCP 073 or Kane the much more even tempered brother of AEL MTF beta 7 aka the mass hats are the Elite cleanup crew for anomalous biohazards chemical spills and radiological disasters so if an area suddenly looks like it's going to become chernobyl's scarier sequel or an anomalous fast- spreading disease is Wrecking Havoc over a wide area the mass Hatters are the guys to call they worked closely on the containment of SCP 1280 a kind of parasitic nematode worm that often injects false memories into their victims MTF gamma 5 AKA red herrings are the foundation's chief disinformation division they prevent the leaks of classified info to the public and on the rare occasions that this information does somehow get out they're in charge of burying it and administering necessary amnestic treatments to those affected it's a thankless job but you won't remember they did it either way they gave amnestic treatment to the traumatized victims of SCP 1618 a malevolent urinal which replaced the user's value with disgusting Alternatives from toilet paper to pig intestines ntf gamma 6 AKA deep feeders investigate and track deep sea or Oceanic anomalies a job that commands the ultimate respect from people with philophobia that's the fear of the deep ocean if something terrifying and mysterious is stirring down there in the abyss you better believe gamma 6 are going to be the first ones down they keep a close eye on a number of anomalies such as SCP 1264 an underwater amalgamation of sunken ships eager to drag down more vessels and add them to its mass MTF gamma 13 AKA asimov's lawbringers are a specialized task force devoted to investigating tracking and apprehending anomalies originating from Anderson robotics a group of interests that produces anomalous robots and machines this includes examples of SCP 2806 a number of advanced anomalous prosthetic body parts that wish to attach themselves to a lacking host whether they want it or not MTF Delta 5 AKA Front Runners are a large group of autonomous Deep Cover agents buried in various groups of Interest across the globe it's their job to gather intelligence from within to Aid in the apprehension of anomalies before these groups can get their hands on them they also sometimes make use of anomalies to track down others such as when they requested to use SCP 185 a Russian r15m radio used during the Cold War that can receive signals from any time period including encrypted ones but can also emit sound waves so powerful they can literally kill you MTF Epsilon 9 a Ka fire eaters are the foundation's resident pyromaniacs they're the ones sent into missions involving extremely high temperature environments and they're also highly skilled in the use of powerful incendiary weapons if the foundation needs to burn or avoid getting burned the fire eaters are the ones for the job their vital skills assisted in containing SCP 165 massive colonies of carnivorous parasitic mites that eat prey to the Bone MTF Epsilon 11 nine-tailed fox are another one of the most classified mobile task sources existing only under the oversight of the red right hand they work internally and are only dispatched to Foundation sites when standard protocols fail and multiple breaches are imminent they were brought in to deal with the SCP 2139 incident a strange psychological phenomenon that inexplicably increased the suggest ability of foundation staff at site 35 this made the infected staff agree with everything they heard MTF Zeta 99 mole rats are a task force that specializes in the exploration and containment of anomalous areas that are either enclosed or underground particularly if due to the effects of the anomaly the space-time fabric of the area is unstable you may remember them from our series on SCP 1730 the mission into and out of the anomalous site 13 MTF 8 to 10 AKA C no evil are a team that specializes in taking on dangerous memes and Cognito hazards that affect the victims through Visual contact one example is SCP 1561 a crown that when worn causes all those who see the person wearing the crown to imagine the wearer as their King and immediately adopt positions of servitude while MTF E 10 AKA Savage beasts serve the opposite purpose they deal with musical or auditory anomalies and any Cognito hazards that work through the medium of sound like SCP 2402 a cord progression which can regenerate all their dying cells MTF Theta 4 AKA gardeners are a cracked team of agents who face off against any Botanical or plant-like anomalies their skills were put to use against SCP 1147 a colle of plum tree seeds which can grow out of literally any substance even ones that are totally inorganic MTF Theta 90 AKA angle grinders are a team that specialize in two of the most frightening things out there anomalies and math these brainiacs deal with anomalous mathematical issues like warped topologies and geometries even listing an example of the kind of anomalies they deal with here will make your head hurt so just be thankful they're out there ntf Iota 10 or damn feds are a huge network of undercover agents based in federal and local law enforcement agencies across the globe they intercept any anomalous objects beings or information and make sure that it makes its way out of police evidence lockers and into Foundation hands without incident MTF capit 10 or Skynet is a temporary team of combined Meats space and virtual agents tracking down and disrupting anomalous cyber threats such as SCP 2987 and external hard drive basically capable of turning artificial intelligences into living souls for trades with soul consuming anomalies MTF Lambda 5 AKA white rabbits are a group that specializes in combating reality warpers of all types whether they're messing with SpaceTime or exhibiting Godlike Powers some anomalies even respond directly to them like SCP 2446 a phenomenon where corpses often identical to living white rabbits team members suddenly manifest around San Jose California MTF Lambda 12 Pest Control are a group of agents who exclusively go after anomalous Vermin incidentally they're one of the only Mt who've never lost members in the line of duty their purview includes SCP 201810 an anomalous pathogen that causes the victim cells to become tiny versions of their own species like a human cells becoming cell-sized humans MTF Lambda 14 onear reviewers are a task force that deal with retail oriented anomalies their main focus has become combating a Sinister group of Interest known as the Ambrose restaurant a chain of extra-dimensional restaurants with strange and anomalous food and service MTF moo 3 AKA highest bids is a mobile task force devoted to preventing the group of Interest Marshall Carter and dark limited from disseminating dangerous anomalous objects and then obtaining and containing these objects one such object is SCP 2818 a number of 50 cal sniper rifles that when fired turns the shooter into a bullet and fires them MTF move 4 AKA debuggers are particularly useful in the modern age as they track and contain anomalous electronics and Technology including isolating and containing anomalous websites and software one of the anomalies dealt with by the debuggers is SCP 896 an online roleplaying game that improves the physical and mental attributes of the player when they name their character after themselves remember when we said you didn't need to call the Ghostbusters well that wasn't entirely true sometimes you need to get MTF moo 13 AKA Ghostbusters on the line since they're an MTF whose specialty is tracking intangible or incorporeal anomalies particularly those considered Sapient or sentient and they on called 24 hours a day to serve all your Supernatural containment needs like when you're plagued by SCP 1036 which are a number of haunted congales Fetish Dolls MTF new7 AKA hammer down are the ones you need to call when you need real heavy duty work they're a huge force with a massive stock of army vehicles and heavy weaponry and are only called in for truly catastrophic events they're also assisted in the containment of SCP 939 The Voice imitating amnestic producing red monsters MTF F Epsilon 6 AKA Village idiots are a group of Agents whose specialty is investigating and containing anomalous phenomena that occur in rural or Suburban areas if you live in a small town and you're on the run from a vicious monster you better hope the village idiots are on their way they've contained SCP 2561 a cat with a vintage television set for a head capable of causing painful tentis MTF Pi 1 AKA City Slickers are pretty much the exact opposite of the village idiots they pursue anomalies in densely populated Earth urban areas particularly in the New York metropolitan area they assisted in the ongoing containment of SCP 1155 the incredibly bloodthirsty predatory street art ntf Sigma 66 AKA 16 tons are basically the foundation's owned version of The Suicide Squad they're a team made from captured members of other groups of Interest who aren't particularly loyal to the foundation but whose very particular set of skills make up for that fact MTF to 5 AKA samsara are another group you might remember from the events of SCP 1730 these are a group unlike any other Immortal cyborgs made from the Flesh of a dead God who can be upgraded as needed they're equipped with experimental and state-of-the-art Foundation Technology to take on theurgic magical and psionic threats MTF size 7 AKA Home Improvement is a team specializing in structural anomalies in plain speak they deal with anomalous activities concerning buildings containing and sometimes even demolishing when necessary with a variety of Heavy Artillery for example they counteract the nightmares SCP 3050 a building in North Carolina that once a year fuses all living matter inside its own structure on an atomic level mtfs 8 aka the silencers are a team devoted to containing reanimation anomalies and those who've been affected by them if you've just come back from the dead then the silencers are going to want to know your location MTF omega0 AKA ARA orun are another highly classified mobile task force that's actually the memories of deceased Foundation Personnel preserved on the foundation internet system their job is to protect their surviving co-workers against informational threats on the servers they also contain SCP 3664 a damaged but highly Advanced assault rifle existing in the non-physical conceptual space it can only be interacted with by thinking about interacting with it and last but not least MTF Omega 12 AKA Achilles heel is an anomalous task force and these powerful reality warpers From Another Dimension hun down dangerous and Powerful reality warpers in ours you can thank these guys for every single day that our reality continues on as normal or whatever normal means now they're enemies of SCP 3155 members of the iconic Pinkerton detective agency with anomalous abilities relating to combat all right we did it of course even this is only a sample of the vast number of mobile task forces at the foundation's disposal who put their lives at risk every day to keep Humanity normality and reality intact they seem to have a Tas Force perfectly tailored to every threat we could possibly encounter and as new threats are cataloged more mobile task forces are sure to arise to meet them what more in-depth explorations of any of these groups and their epic missions let us know in the comments below Star Trek versus Star Wars Batman versus Superman scp096 versus SCP 682 we just can't seem to resist putting icons against each other what can we say it's fun to see how two powerful forces would go up against one another and which one would come out on top fortunately at the SCP Foundation we can justify pretty much anything by saying it's for research purposes trying to make infinite money using a SCP 914 well that's just research giving a can of soda to SCP 999 to watch it bounce off the walls research making infinite margaritas with SCP 294 while you're still on the clock it's totally fine Ethics Committee it's just research now putting two USP Foundation mobile task forces together and making them fight isn't playing God and risking lives for your own Petty Amusement it is say it with me now research more specifically it's cross testing sure that term generally applies only to scps but people who ask too many questions don't survive long at the foundation instead let's talk about the answers to a question we pose to all of you what if cross tests were done on mobile task forces which specialized groups would you test with one another what kind of chaos do you think would ensue we asked our community here at SCP explain for your ideas and you all really let your creativity shine so without further Ado let's see what happens when we pit spy against spy brain against Brawn or the cold calculated expertise of the red right hand against the unpredictable nonsense of Dr brigh shy Reynolds said I can't imagine MTF Lambda 5 white rabbits losing to any other mobile task forces I mean being the first ones called of SCP 953 SCP 106 or SCP 239 brake containment and worst of all working with Dr cleff has got to make their tolerance for pain through the roof however if I were to cross test with one I'd have to go with MTF Epsilon 9 fire eaters something about a team trained to handle reality warpers versus a team whose dreams of becoming firebenders kind of coming true sounds epic to me on a side note in a previous video that I also provided a comment for which SCP mobile task force would you join that radio neutralizing MTF Lambda 5 Agent looked shockingly similar to me should I be worried about the possibility that the foundation knows what I look like or that I may have just made Dr cleff angry resemblance to any existing commenters is purely coincidental and not intentional on the part of the SCP Foundation or any Affiliated YouTube channels did I get that right Dr clef do you promise to leave my family alone please put down the chainsaw back to your original Point seeing the white rabbits face off against the fire eaters would certainly make for an explosive event get it because of fire moving on Chase Frost said Pandora's Box versus samsara they would be comparable alpha 1 and T 5 would go to samsara every time samsara versus Abel and his handpicked teammates whom could easily surpass Alpha 1 in skill would be far more comparable anomalous humanoid and some of the most highly skilled human combatants versus anomalous cyborgs how could you turn that test down Pandora's Box was technically disbanded following the disastrous outcome of trying to harness Abel's blood lust for the purposes of the foundation but you can never rule out a reunion and an unkillable warrior with an insatiable thirst for violence up against four cyborgs made from clones of the Flesh of a dead god with Minds that can survive and be recovered even if their bodies are destroyed yeah that is the crossover of the century and since no one involved can truly die it is a battle that would probably go on for a century or more too Jason Gutman said set Epsilon 11 niled Fox against new 7 hammerdown and see what sort of Armageddon would result from it probably involving Heavy Artillery tactical combat skills and a couple of nukes no thology or reality warping here just good old-fashioned combat and a couple of nukes I'd say I like the way that you think but it honestly just makes me kind of nervous no long spch codes for you unknown ooh how mysterious said I'm going to say the most obvious one alpha 1 the red right hand versus Omega one the Law's left hand two perfectly opposite groups one headed by the 05 Council and the other by the Ethics Committee I seriously want to know how this one would work out plus there is a high chance that it has happened as equal opposites serving special interests that frequently butt heads it is entirely possible these two groups have already gone to war with each other in the past it's hard to say since the red right hand would probably never let the story get out in fact someone is looking at me through the window right now and is making a very threatening gesture that makes me think I should stop talking about MTF alpha 1 immediately moving on katson said oh MTF mu13 Ghostbusters versus MTF omega0 ARA oron Omega zero are the Saints the foundation the memories of dead Foundation employees and depending on your interpretation pretty much Ghosts working for the foundation this would be a cross task samsara versus hammerdown would be one for the ages as well I'm also curious how the City Slickers and Village idiots would fare against each other you're far from the only commenter who proposed pitting samsara and Hammer Down against one another in general it seems that folks really want to see samsara fight with other mobile task forces and it is easy to see why since the result would pretty much be an SCP themed Terminator movie on steroids but I'm more interested in the other pairings you suggested Ghostbusters versus what are essentially the ghost of the foundation itself is too interesting to ignore meanwhile Village idiots versus City Slickers would be the perfect chance to see once and for all if it takes more skill to contain anomalies in the city or in the country Brandon Muer said Lambda 5 white rabbits is my favorite MTF Squad because I feel like they would have to deal with the craziest missions the SCP Foundation has to offer and we don't get to see enough of them I would like to see them be cross tested with Omega 12 Achilles heels because they are composed of reality vendors should be fun and convoluted the white rabbits specialize in navigating unstable surreal and controlled reality and containing potentially dangerous persons and artifacts capable of manipulating space and time while the Achilles heels are a team made up of reality bending Personnel from an alternate universe fun and convoluted is an understatement as a cross test of the two might just result in reality itself collapsing but hey at least it would be entertaining before everyone turned inside out or we all fell into an alternate Dimension filled with a giant shrimp or whatever somebody no seriously that's their name said I would like to see Epsilon 9 fire eaters and Delta 14 Winter Wonderland they have the Opposites of jobs one is for fire and another is for winter I'd like to see them try to fight fire versus ice simple elegant I like it wouldn't know what to wear for that battle though I'm thinking safety goggles snow pants and um flip-flops Commander tool belt said I would like to see alpha 1 the red right hand meet the bright 99 oh no you don't I just think it would be funny seeing a super serious MTF meet the goofy goobers that have to deal with over 300 Dr Brites well after all this time the age-old question would be put to rest what's more dangerous physical violence or the psychological toll it takes to interact with 300 Dr brights all at once I say it depends on who gets a head start and if the Dr brights have access to any prompts you should see what Dr brgh can do with a rubber chicken and a hand grenade it's not pretty Derek McDaniel said MTF Zeta 9 mole rats versus MTF Lambda 12 Pest Control I'm curious how would Lambda 12 that has never lost a single operator as far as I know Fair against the mle rat team who face so many unimaginable Horrors that they probably have the highest death counts out of all the task forces and maybe the most experienced veterans in the SCP Foundation the monotony of pest control versus the unfathomable horrors of the deep underground H honestly instead of having them fight maybe we could just give both groups a free counseling session instead Hannah quinua said hm ATA 10 C no evil which is for visual anomalies and AA 11 Savage beasts is for auditory anomalies let's see them work together a collaborative cross test rather than a battle I like the way you think putting those two groups together to handle a mission as one would either be extremely successful or result in the auditory anomalies harming a of 10 while the visual anomalies went after a 11 knocking out both groups at once only one way to find out Whooper gamer said MTF Lambda 14 onestar reviewers versus MTF row 9 technical support neither of them likely have any fighting experience so it's a fair fight now that's what I'm talking about some viewers want to see the most effective combatants working for the foundation go Toe to Toe but not you you want to throw two groups with basically no combat experience into the ring together and see what happens next it would be one of the most low stakes fights in Foundation history negative Yelp reviews and can I speak to the manager versus hacked Instagram accounts and those annoying emails that say forward this to 10 friends or you'll be cursed or you could just give everyone a weapon take their computers and phones and see what happens next link said we got to see alpha 1 red right hand versus new 7 hammerdown alpha 1 is a highly sophisticated MTF unit dedicating and risking their lives to save the 05 Council doing insanely risky tasks that involve years worth of training not only in fighting but stealth too meanwhile new7 doesn't give a damn about Stealth and just goes balls to the wall the resulting conflict would probably decimate cities and fell National governments but it sure would be entertaining to watch Falcon fig said I'd honest ly like to cross test my favorite MTF beta 7 hikade Spear and MTF gamma 6 deep feeders and see them fight off deep sea Aldrich entities considering how beta 7 specializes in theurgical combat countermeasures and rituals they would be very useful with gamma 6 if something like that scenario were to happen another collaborative cross test theat spear specializes in theurgical ritual analysis and countermeasures while the Deep feeder specialize in the investigation and track of deep sea or Oceanic anomalies in order for something to require both of their skill sets things would have to get pretty darn lovecraftian and I mean the real deal not a super chill gamer cthulu like SCP 2662 some real mind-breaking Cosmic horror rising up from the deep broad Ford said I would find it really interesting to put Delta 5 Front Runners against Sigma 66 16 tons an MTF that specializes in infiltrating gois going against an MTF that is made up of gois sounds really appealing to watch captured members from existing groups of Interest going up against a group dedicated to infiltrating those same group of interests would definitely be appealing to watch but it would probably get a bit awkward too as more than a few covers wind up getting blown imagine working side by side with a guy in your secret organization for years only to get captured by the SCP Foundation and find out that same guy was working for them all along Bob was a traitor all along even when he signed your birthday card even when you did a duet together at karaoke you wonder was any of it real he promises that he really did see you as a friend not just a coworker and a means to gather secret Intel for the foundation but some wounds never heal dinot Tales said I would have to say mtf1 troops of literature and MTF to 5 samsara who's better to take on narrative anomalies and author entities than a team of cyborg demigods they created kind of a chicken or the egg situation there only instead of chickens and eggs it's incredibly powerful Supernatural cyborgs and creative anomalies this fight would give a whole new meaning to death of the author that's for sure Derek McDaniel said MTF Iota 10 damn feds versus MTF Pi 1 City Slickers the two task forces at least that I know of that work in urban environments and undercover how would these two face each other one way or another I can see it now the feds driving in non-descript black cars tailing the City Slickers down crowded streets I'm not sure why they'd be doing that but I really want to see a car chase and this seems like the best pairing to make it happen solar King YT said 10 to one that any of them would just sit down and have a coffee when you think about it all of these groups have way more in common than not they all work for the same faceless organization they all deal with life-threatening anomalies in their own way maybe instead of thinking how they would fight we should just let them kick back for once relax and swap stories over a hot cup of Joe just don't use SCP 294 to make it that could get that fast let them go get a Starbucks or something history is often the greatest teacher by looking at the past we can learn from it with the benefit of hindsight such as in the early 20th century when the entire planet was in the grip of a horrifying War at the time this conflict was often referred to as the Great War although though there was little great about it others knew it as the war to end all wars the largest armed engagement the world had known although it would not be the last today with that hindsight we just mentioned we know it as World War I in June 1914 an arch Duke of Austria was shot dead by a Serbian assassin and as a result of the complicated treaties forged between various Nations soon much of the world was involved in a war that started out as little more than a scuffle between neighbors the horrors of trench warfare the Carnage caused by the earliest chemical weapons and armored tanks left a permanent and Lasting scar on the world's history one still mourned and remembered to this day the advances in chemical and mechanized Warfare that took place during World War I range from the use of chemicals like tear gas used to disable targets to more lethal compounds like mustard gas and of course this was the first War to introduce tanks to the battlefield although these were clumsy and cumbersome to begin with it was arguably the Advent of the first world war that forced many advancements in armored Warfare it was the belief of many individuals on all sides that if the Great War was made too gruesome and horrific to continue it would come to its natural end this of course did not happen only encouraging each participant of World War I to continue advancing their weaponry but what if there were weapons developed during World War I that were too dangerous to be deployed with every side looking for advantage over their adversaries what if some turned to the unethical even the anomalous to gain the upper hand in the war introducing SCP 186 otherwise known as to end all wars try to imagine Weaponry that was so incredibly Advanced for the mid 1910s yet so horribly and unjust defia cruel worse than gas that can cause blisters to form not only on the skin but also inside the lungs more advanced than armored vehicles with mounted machine guns crawling across no man's land it's hard to picture something that could be more devastating than that especially for the time period but a good measure of a weapon's destructive power is usually found in the damage it leaves in its wake in this case SCP 186 is exactly that not the anomalous weapons themselves but the sight of a battle that took place between the 24th of July and the 13th of August in 1917 the event became known as the Battle of htin woods but you won't find any mention of it in the history books any and all records of the battle have been secretly expunged by the SCP Foundation and their own archive is now the only place where someone can find the details of what happened over those few weeks the engagement took Place between the German Imperial Army and forces belonging to Russia's provisional government a small Skirmish in comparison to the enormity of many battles of the first world war so what happened at the Battle of hottin woods to make it so horrible that it had to be stricken from the historical record for that we have to go back to htin a small settlement in Western Ukraine in July of 1917 the surviving remnants of a Russian division had been scattered the Germans counterattacked against the kinsky offensive had driven the Russian troops to the dense forest that surrounded the town of hottin you might be forgiven for thinking that the outnumbered Russian Force was decimated by almost 500 German soldiers pursuing them but you would be very very wrong as the opposing forces met they engaged each other in a fearsome battle but this was unlike any encounter that had taken place over the course of World War I or ever would again both sides were armed with anomalous Weaponry possessing technology Beyond any that had ever been seen at the time to this day thep foundation has been baffled by these weapons even with their unique understanding of the anomalous Foundation researchers had been unable to replicate any of them and instead keeps them secured in the Munitions wing of site 23 all under the designation of SCP 1861 among the recovered instances of SCP 1861 is a highly modified scoda m1909 machine gun however rather than behaving like a standard firearm this gun would cause rapid forming growths not unlike tumors to appear within the body of its targets another was concertina wire a form of spiraled razor wire commonly used in trenches only this wire was coated in an unknown compound that cause permanent hallucination whenever the wire cut a person and allowed the hallucinogen to enter their blood stream a number of rifle cartridges were also found littered around SCP 186 sounds pretty normal for a first World War battlefield right except these cartridges were not filled with gunpowder like you would expect them to be instead they inexplicably contained human bone ground into powder the purpose of this ammunition or how it was manufactured is still unknown to the SCP Foundation as if a gun that causes tumors and hallucination triggering wire weren't bad enough Foundation researchers also found a number of grenades used by the troops at the site of SCP 186 these were British Empire standard issue number 27 grenades but they contained a unique anomalous gas that was capable of passing through any and all filters gas masks were developed during World War I to protect soldiers from mustard and tear gas on the battlefield but these masks only offered basic filtration by today's standards even so the gas contained in these grenades was strong enough to negate any and all filtration systems but that was far from its worst quality did this unknown gas choke troops not quite did it disable them like tear gas in a way yes but this gas did so by making any Soldier exposed to it experienced the sensation of having their bodies set on fire constantly also recovered at SCP 186 where the remains of some form of explosive and it is believed by the foundation that it was detonated at the culmination of the battle of Houston Woods causing approximately a third of the battle's total casualties Foundation researchers estimate that almost 300 civilians were either caught in the blast or died as a result of the crossfire between the German and Russian forces the soldiers involved were also all permanently incapacitated or killed or at least almost all of them so where did these anomalous weapons come from and why were they used just in this battle not throughout the first world war according to records kept from the public by the SCP Foundation the German troops in the Houston Woods were accompanied by a Hungarian adviser to their military named Mattias nemes under his orders they specifically targeted and tracked the Russian division that was retreating from them who were similarly accompanying a French scientist Dr Jean Dand it was these two men nemes and Durand who were responsible for arming the Germans and Russians with their arsenals of anomalous weapons they had ensured that their inventions of death had only received limited manufacturing and had intentionally joined opposing sides of the war effort to test their Creations in real Combat in other words it appears that Dand and NES has been working together since the beginning of the war and the troops they were with had been manipulated into taking part in a big test these soldiers were just as unlucky as the civilians caught in the crossfire today the SCP Foundation has established an automated security perimeter around the site of SCP 186 preventing access to anyone unless authorized everything within the perimeter is frequently patrolled and observed by security Personnel why the need for so much security at an Old Battleground given the damage caused by the use of so many anomalous weapons including those that the foundation was unable to recover the area of of SCP 186 has become a hot spot for unusual happenings even long after the battle of huon woods ended these anomalies include abnormal environmental or weather conditions for example all the trees in the southwestern portion of the former Battlefield died and decomposed at an accelerated rate in 1923 while the temperature dropped to a permanent minus5° C 4 years later but yet there was never any snowfall then there were the sounds of gunfire in 19 19 32 despite there being nobody inside the SCP 186 site a number of years later a pair of foundation agents disappeared on a routine patrol of the area and were never seen again of course 23 years after the end of the war to end all wars the world was plunged into chaos and found itself at War once again during this time SCP Foundation Personnel were instructed to evacuate the site of SCP 186 based on intelligence from their Allied operatives who were working undercover inside the Third Reich as the foundation disembarked their observation posts a faint glow was visible coming from SCP 186 4 years passed and the second world war came to a close the foundation returned to reestablish their containment of SCP 186 and immediately discovered 13 corpses dressed in German army uniforms bearing the Insignia of the fourth Panzer Army that there were further 27 bodies of soldiers wearing the Garb of the Soviet 22nd Army both sets of bodies had already begun decaying although someone had removed the dog tags and anything else that could identify these dead troops it seems that history had to some extent repeated itself as the Nazi and Soviet forces had clashed on the same Battlefield where their German and Russian predecessors had fought during the Battle of Houston Woods years later in 195 9 a large sinkhole formed in the Northeast portion of SCP 186 four men were found wandering nearby all extremely disoriented wearing decomposing military uniforms were they lost survivors of the Nazi Soviet battle no these men were in World War I uniforms German Empire and Russian standard issue they had survived the battle of Houston woods and Were Somehow Still Standing even though they should have died during the first World War how did these troops manage this well the final anomalous weapon recovered at the side of SCP 186 were mortar shells but unsurprisingly these weren't your standard high explosive artillery much like those grenades mentioned earlier these mortar shells contained a unique previously unseen gas but instead of causing the Perpetual pain of being on fire this gas altered the biology of animal cells that it came into contact with somehow it triggered a change that prevented a body's cells from ceasing life function keeping them continuously operational in other words it meant that any soldiers exposed to this gas simply could not die that's right some of the troops involved in the Battle of Houston Woods are still alive to this day the SCP Foundation immediately began Excavating the sinkhole and discovered 23 bodies buried beneath in a mass grave there were more of the surviving World War I soldiers kept alive for decades by the mortar gas some of them still had infected wounds and Battlefield injuries that should have killed them yet their bodies refused to Die the soldiers were rounded up and hauled off to site 23 where the foundation researchers began assessing them however they were unable to glean any useful information from the German and Russian troops that had been Unearthed all of the soldiers exhibited symptoms of extensive psychological trauma and had developed various mental disorders while buried alive under the battlefield they had all been driven to Insanity perhaps as a result of their unnaturally extended lifespans maybe from being buried underground and unable to die for so long or perhaps it was the wartime atrocities they witness that drove the soldiers over the brink history is a great teacher but those willing to forget its mistakes are often doomed to repeat them Matias nemes and Dr Jean Duron created the anomalous weapons respon responsible for SCP 186 and similar minds would later go on to build the atomic bomb and countless weapons of mass destruction after World Wars The Suffering of countless troops and civilians these parts of history mean nothing if we don't allow ourselves to learn from them and maybe that's our curse as a species that we are doomed to fight the war to end all wars again and again and again gtin KN m welcome back to SCP explained World War II is one of the most tragic periods of recent history and perhaps the defining event of the 20th century and Not only was this conflict a horrifying atrocity that led to the deaths of 75 million soldiers and civilians it was also a time of immense weirdness the American Military created the ghost Army a tactical deception unit that used tactics as crazy as inflatable tanks and wooden airfields to distract and confuse the AIS Powers they also temporarily renamed hamburgers Liberty stakes in some places in order to avoid the German connotations of the original name the Polish military even gave an actual bear the rank of Corporal and this bear named Corporal voch became a decorated military hero but enough about SCP 5464 we've got bigger fish or well Bears to fry one party in this war had more than their fair share of alleged World War II weirdness the Germans Nazi scientists were performing horrifying and nonsensical experiments from medical experiments on prisoners to attempt to create large and ridiculous weapons known as wvf one of Hitler's right-hand men Hinrich himler took up residence in a castle where he and his men allegedly performed odd occult rituals and even the leens born a deranged Eugenics experiment intended to produce a huge stock of Aryan children from SS member fathers and if all of that seems certifiably insane which for the record it is then the stuff thep Foundation has been suppressing will make your toes curl we've already covered the fact that even Hitler himself copied by Stalin with the help of saric wizards is now classified as SCP 2430 and held in containment by the foundation but really that's just the tip of the iceberg we can thank a shady group known as the obscura cor for the creation or U ization of a lot of these artifacts and entities as we discussed in our video on the immortal Hitler clone the obscura core was Nazi Germany's answer to the SCP Foundation though their highly unethical methods were much more like a racist version of the chaos Insurgency this group of loyal occult thugs was charged with hunting down any anomalous artifacts that would give Germany The Edge it needed in the war effort think the kind of guys going after the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail while trying to kill Indiana Jones of course seeing as Germany still lost the war in the end they weren't exactly the best at their job but that doesn't mean they don't have a long list of bizarre and often dangerous anomalies to their name starting with SCP 2367 this is a device so Infamous that not even the SCP Foundation has been able to fully suppress knowledge of its existence popularly known as dlaka meaning the bell in German this device has been a popular staple among time travel and alien cons cons spiracy theorists and those theorists honestly aren't that far from the truth the Bell is a spatial and temporal Transportation device created by the Germans during World War II in hopes of teleporting spies soldiers and Equipment Behind Enemy Lines and terrifyingly the Machine actually worked and was able to transport multiple SS officers however there is one detail that makes deaka a little less terrifying everything they transport materializes several hundred fet over the top of their intended destinations in the case of all transported SS officers this means that they appeared high in the air and immediately fell to their Doom like Wy E coyote SS officers hitting the ground at incredibly high speeds is always a delightful mental image as funny and incompetent as this is there is actually one major threat posed by SCP 2367 the SCP Foundation raided a number of obscura strongholds during World War II as a part of an operation called oper operation Hammer during one of their raids a large group of around 1,400 German soldiers along with a huge number of large vehicles and pieces of military equipment fled Via de glocka they all disappeared through the teleporter and according to all Foundation estimates they're likely to manifest again in 2031 they'll rain down from the sky near Berlin crushing everything below under the weight of their own vehicles and bodies a mobile task force nicknamed himler housekeepers has been mobilized to clear the area and reduce all possible civilian fatalities when this happens German engineering at its finest right but hey let's give those mad Nazi inventors another chance to prove themselves with the second even bigger Wonder Offa designed by Albert Shier German minister of armaments and war production under Adolf Hitler it's SCP 044 the biggest artillery weapon ever created it's a ginormous Cannon 251,000 kg or 251 metric tons in weight and so huge that it required two Freight locomotives at the same time to transport it the Nazis were big fans of absurdly huge weapons whether they were cannons giant planes or the world's heaviest tanks almost as though they were compensating for something but there is one thing that makes 044 special to the point of being anomalous it can fire literally anything when something is placed inside the firing chamber of SCP 044 the weapon will transform into a powerful full explosive payload with its explosive power being proportional to the size of the objects placed inside even crowds of people could be transformed into deadly explosive rounds one of the largest objects that the foundation fired off was the administrator's diesel pickup truck weighing 8,900 kg how on Earth did the Nazis ever lose with a weapon like this on their side right well much like so many of their other weapons it was a victim of their own greed weapons this big just couldn't be moved practically and were easily routed by less powerful but more maneuverable Allied weapons next we have another anomalous Nazi failure though this one was intended to give life rather than take it for once the anomaly in question is SCP 2936 a secret Nazi military and research base hidden in the cold reaches of Antarctica the place has likely been abandoned by humans since the 1950s but there is one entity that still rolls through the Halls on rumbling caterpillar tracks an advanced sentient robot nicknamed the stal M or steel mother powered by a mysterious power source shaped like an ambiguous glowing symbol on its chest who would have guessed that the Nazi design sensibility was tacky the stal mutter is there to maintain the Glasser botran or glass wombs where a number of desiccated human fetuses are held the intention of this base was clear much like the lebensborn project we mentioned at the start of the video this was a controlled breeding program supported by the Nazis derange philosophy of eugenics but after the war when the Nazis attended the base presumably fled for their lives there was some kind of accident that destroyed the Seal of the glass wombs allowing the amniotic fluid to leak out and killing the fetuses inside but due to a malfunction the stal mutter's Diagnostics were way off and it never realized that its mission was futile when researchers attempted to inform the machine of that fact it's simply replied the Li on the bottoms of the they are moving like the dead soldiers but the Kinder are not soldiers and the Kinder are notation and the chemical physical and mechanical parameters of the glass are all at optimal values are not dead the St M loves the Kinder always good kinder will grow strong and brave and vse this tal mother loves a good Kinder the next anomaly wasn't created by the Germans or the obscura but it was utilized by them it's SCP 3457 a collection of strange rituals artifacts and workings known as the rights of Solomon if the correct artifacts are collected and the rights are performed the executors of the ritual have the ability to control the distribution of magic or thury acord across the globe it's obscuro's plan to perform the right and remove the ability to perform thury from anyone who wasn't of Germanic descent giving them German magic Supremacy this was the end of the infamous sth occult War which was the major geopolitical event that led to the formation of the global occult Coalition coinciding roughly with what we civilians consider World War II luckily through a collaboration between the SCP Foundation and the precursor to the global ult coal alition the Allied occult Coalition obscura was defeated before they could complete the ritual and Grant magical Supremacy for the Fatherland since the defeat of obscura in this pivotal battle organizations like the SCP Foundation the GOC and others have sworn to keep the different artifacts necessary to perform the rights of Solomon safe and secure some are kept in public museums as part of a global sting operation to catch remaining members of obscura who hope to someday attempt the dark ritual again some of the items remain in the hands of scattered obscura remnants to this day okay so Arcane historical rights are a little complicated let's hop back to another wacky Wonder wafa to cleanse our pallet something like sccp 3721 remember when we said the Germans were kind of obsessed with having the biggest godest guns back during World War II they were also apparently ahead of their time in this regard as in 1943 they were able to construct a fully operational orbital Cannon and an Earthbound computer bank that allowed them to operate at strikes remotely but even scarier than a giant orbital Cannon controlled by the Nazis is a giant orbital cannon that's completely out of control that's right the computer on the ground is autonomous and decides the best time to make its strikes by monitoring news broadcasts of current events so if you feel like a day full of bad news is unpleasant just be grateful that it wasn't the day that activated the massive death satellite looming up above maybe the idea of land being bombarded by an orbital Cannon freaks you out a little understandable really maybe you'd prefer to flee to the water for safety but you're not safe from the Germans there either and we're not talking about them stealing your beach chairs while you're going for a swim we're talking about SCP 4217 which was once known as the bismar which was a German World War II battleship before it was appropriated by a giant SE flod that not only has giant dangerous tentacles but also has the ability to use all of the ship's weapons against you too what will you think of next Germany and finally perhaps the strangest obscura Wonder wafa of all a dangerous semantic weapon known as SCP 3878 it's a deadly word-based infectious Cognito Hazard created in a single patient zero via strict regimen of psychotropic drugs electroconvulsive therapy and at the conclusion inclusion of the program trepanation to create an extremely strong anti-c concept within the subject's mind when this person is activated with a trigger stimuli this will begin to spread the Cognito Hazard causing a lethal effect to anyone who doesn't speak the subject's native language fluently the first infecte would have been German if the plan came to fruition so all but fluent German speakers would have been killed by the infection it's a solid plan by which we mean a metal gear solid plan incidentally killing the victims of this Cognito Hazard was never actually the plan they just hoped to erase other languages though given that the Nazis weren't exactly people of high moral fiber we'd be willing to bet that they were probably a okay with killing anyone who wasn't a fluent speaker of German anyway and there you have it a taster plate of the wackiest vfa and the Sinister soldiers and scientists who made them a reality or at least tried to twist them to their own gain it's honestly lucky for all of us us that the Nazis during World War II were a gang of arrogant and incompetent buffoons because if that weren't the case we'd probably be speaking German right now though if you'd like to live on the bright side at least we'd be safe from SCP 3878 mobile task forces the renowned first line of defense for the SCP Foundation comprised of the organization's most highly trained operatives mtfs are the boots on the ground dealing with anomalous threats and containment breaches head on it's a dangerous job in fact joining an MTF is widely considered one of the most hazardous roles within the entire Foundation one where every day brings with it a whole host of unexpected threats and a high number of casualties so let's take a look at how one of those days goes 6:00 a.m. rise and shine troops comes a gravel voice yell louder than any alarm clock the very second that early morning call goes out over the intercom the member of MTF news7 are on their feet climbing out of their bunks and quickly getting into uniform The Operators file out of their barracks and hastily make their way to the mess hall among them is the latest recruit to join this particular task force private Killian Hess lines up to receive his breakfast behind his new squadmates this all takes place before most of the foundation has even woken up even though these MTF operatives would rely on working as a team to keep each other alive there is little casual conversation most of them are actually quite solemn as they eat aware of the inherent risk that comes with their job private H receiving a briefing the previous day is paired with a more grizzled and much older veteran of new7 Lieutenant Patterson upon sitting next to his new senior officer Hess immediately asks what has the rest of the unit feeling so down boy you really are new patteron scoffs look rookie we do what we do and watch each other's backs like good soldiers but but make no mistake you're on the USS Enterprise now kid and we're the red shirts 8:00 a.m. following their breakfast and early start any MTF operatives that aren't thrust into immediate action are sent to their designated basic training area here they are presented with all manner of intense assault courses fighting rings for hand-to-hand sparring and a live ammo shooting range to improve skills with weapon proficiency the SCP Foundation demands the highest level of skill from its mobile task forces so regular combat drills are an absolute necessity for keeping their operators alert and ready to take on all manner of threats for some of the more hot-headed MTF troops drills are a chance to cut loose show off their skills or challenge their squadmates to beat each other's fastest assault course times or shooting range scores but to those that have been around longer and have the benefit of hindsight after multiple catastrophic containment breaches morning training can feel like pretty inadequate preparation after after all the foundation sends its mtfs to take on some of their most dangerous scps most of which have wild unpredictable abilities how does practicing Krav Maga really help prepare someone for a fight with a creature that can warp reality around it and hitting motionless paper targets at a range can seem a little redundant when some anomalies are virtually bulletproof 10:00 a.m. of course this is the SCP Foundation meaning it doesn't take long for some strange happening to occur MTF new7 are soon dispatched on their first assignment after the foundation loses contact with a site known to house a particularly dangerous anomaly nicknamed hammer down the task force hes has found himself thrust into is usually deployed as a direct result of incidents where communication is lost with Foundation facilities and containment breaches are suspected to have occurred hopping aboard a high-speed transport private H and the rest of hammerdown are quickly briefed on their mission at approximately 0900 hours the same day the Foundation lost contact with another pair of their mtfs Omega 59 AKA neva's wolves and Sigma 18 the Chess Masters both were stationed at armed containment complex 04 a secure location within the Russian federation's Saka Republic Patterson informs the rest of MTF news7 that they were to reestablish communication with the site and assess any potential danger although by the time the transport arrives at complex 04 it becomes pretty clear that things aren't looking looking good SCP 1984 has breached containment the Dead Hand is loose unluckily for hammerdown SCP 1984 is a semic corporeal entity with the nasty habit of attacking any human being that it comes into contact with by disrupting their nervous systems usually resulting in excruciating pain although that did answer the question of what had happened to the other mtfs at the site 12:00 p.m. immediately engaging the Dead Hand hammer down stormed complex 0 for Patterson had ordered them to go weapons hot on the Creature from the moment the transport touched down having manifested as a hazy humanoid outline SCP 1984 was making quick work of slaughtering MTF Omega 59 and Sigma 18 new7 were able to intercept before it could completely decimate their fellow operatives but now the Dead Hand had them pinned stopping the unit from accessing the on-site Armory well they had all arrived loaded for bear the MTF operatives knew they couldn't keep SCP 1984 at Bay for long with only their standard issue Conventional Weapons the entity's only known weakness was microwave radiation that could be emitted using specialized weapons if only they could access the complex 04 Armory time is of the essence too and the pressure of stopping scp1 1984 quickly weighs heavily on private HS he and the rest of hammerdown know how the entity operates that it would be heading just over 80 km Northwest at the first chance it got if one too many of them were killed or if there was a pause in the fighting for a second too long the Dead Hand would be on its way to an installation nearby housing a number of intercontinental ballistic missiles once there it would waste no time interfacing with nuclear command systems launching those icbms and causing catastrophic destruction 1:30 p.m. deploying some quick thinking Lieutenant Patterson contacted Foundation command and had them send a secondary Detachment of new7 to the missile installation part of their mobile task force includes a platoon of experts in various forms of warfare not just chemical and biological but nuclear too while that portion of hammerdown were directed to lock down the missile installation 80 km away Patterson hes and the rest of new7 were trying to distract SCP 1984 their engagement lasted around an hour with the entity attacking a number of the troops on the ground each one would suffer symptoms of intense neurological trauma including seizures and the loss of cerebral spinal fluid from their nose and eyes experiencing it was painful enough and the sight of his fellow MTF agents dying in such a horrific fashion wasn't exactly what private Hess expected from his first day eventually SCP 1984 dissipates after a sustained battle with hammer down although it could easily REM manifest if it ever intercepts particular broadcasts but the task Force's work at complex 04 is far from over after the battle comes the cleanup operation private H follows orders from Patterson to clear as much debris and as many bodies as he can making a note of every member of their unit that they lost to the Dead Hand however it doesn't take long for the surviving members of new7 to receive another call for assistance 400 p.m. despite hess's concerns that he and the others haven't eaten in hours the team loads up and heads out again the foundation has sent word that someone has taken advantage of all the commotion at complex 04 and force their way into a different site wasting no time the remainder of of hammer down dusted off from the Saka Republic locking and loading ready to begin their next mission arriving at the site Foundation command radios to news7 updating them about their situation A large group of as salant all members of the Church of the broken God was midway through launching an assault against the SCP Foundation their goal was unclear although the site they had targeted was known to house SCP 882 this anomaly is widely believed to be the heart of the broken God a deity where worshiped by those of the mechanist faith one of the church's core goals was to repair their God as well as to enhance themselves through mechanical anomalous means of course this means that a group of cyborg cultists awaited the arriving task force hammer down clashes with the Church of the broken God trying to divert them away from the saltwater tank containing SCP 882 Lieutenant Patterson warns them not to get too close to the mass of welded metal noting that the mtfs troops weapons would become fused to SC P 882 if so hearing that is what gives hes the idea to engage the cyborgs hand to hand although the church members were much stronger luring them closer to the heart of the broken God meant all their metallic enhancements would also become pulled into SCP 882 killing the devoted cultists despite how pleased they were to become one with their God meccan 700 p.m. moments of levity are often rare for mobile task forces already it's been a hell of a day multiple deployments and extremely high casualties for private Hess exhaustion is already setting in he's been awake for over 12 hours barely survived encounters with a hostile SCP and a tenacious group of interest and during each of the ensuing battles he has been made to watch as a number of his fellow operatives die some of them he'd only just met now he can barely recall their names instead as the day draws to a close he prays that he Lieutenant Patterson and the dwindling remains of their squad won't be called on again but this is the SCP Foundation after all 8:00 p.m. and whatever can go wrong usually does with a gigantic angry reptile in the middle of it sure enough the alarms begin to sound and private Hess has to get back to his feet he musters what fading scraps of energy he can will back into his being his weapon feeling heavier than it has all day a tiny Spike of adrenaline hits as Patterson barks the Fateful words hes had hoped he would never hear on your feet Soldier SCP 682 is loose hammer down races through the facility corridors passed by a flood of researchers all fleeing for their lives the MTF team reaches the containment chamber just in time to witness SCP 682 the infamous hard to destroy reptile lunging at the unfortunate Personnel that couldn't get away in time right next to Hess one of his fellow new7 teammate steps in a puddle of acid that is spilled from the vat that usually houses the murderous reptilian monster as the carnivorous SCP 682 finishes decimating its previous Target it turns to angrily charge for the MTF troops who raise their weapons and open fire in what is ultimately a futile attempt at stopping a creature that can't be harmed by mere bullets 1 p.m. hours pass containment breaches by a CP 682 are far from an uncommon occurrence and fortunately the foundation's task forces are more than used to driving the creature back into its acid tank where it's held only slightly more securely but with every escape attempt by the hardto destroy reptile comes a slew of casualties from Foundation personnel and today is no exception despite having sustained heavy injuries himself Lieutenant Patterson is instructed by his superiors to file an endof Day Report before he and those that are still breathing can be debriefed the MTF Lieutenant tallies up the considerable losses his unit sustained on their various engagements throughout the day every operative killed by the dead hand then those that the church of the broken God were able to make quick work of and of course the ones who met their demise at the hands or rather Jaws ofp 682 the role of a mobile task force operative is a difficult and dangerous job but what few realize is how Expendable these troops are to the foundation in fact they're not all that different from d-class in that regard the SCP Foundation will simply throw their most skilled agents Into The Fray in hopes that enough of them will kill or contain an an less threat no matter how many lives it costs perhaps nothing exemplifies that more than the body of private Killian Hess being wi away for disposal after falling in battle with SCP 682 as if dying on his first day wasn't bad enough the superior officers of MTF new7 are already looking for a replacement to join hammerdown if this sounds like fun to you apply today in the SCP system uncontained anomalies are considered especially heinous at the CP Foundation the dedicated operatives who investigate and neutralize these deadly aberration are members of elite specialized squads known as mobile task forces these are their stories dun dun hey that was pretty good someone should make a TV show about this but I digress mtfs are a vital part of what keeps the SCP Foundation up and running and keeps the public safe from all kinds of dangerous anomalies mtfs specialize in a wide variety of different threats and can be dispatched to handle those threats when ordinary field operatives just won't do they might be a large army of militarized on the ground forces or a tiny group of Highly qualified researchers it all depends on their specialty and what sorts of threats the task force exists to handle either way they represent the best of the best that the foundation has to offer if given the opportunity to join one of these Oho exclusive task forces which would you choose and why we pose this question to our loyal viewers here at at SCP explained and received as wide and varied a number of responses as the mtfs themselves so without further Ado let's get into it and see who's suiting up for battle brushing up on their thology or trying to crack down on that pesky Dr brigh once in for all Luna hartnet said beta 7 MZ Hatters the cleanup and containment of biohazardous anomalies sounds like grueling work mentally and physically but it also lines up pretty well with my real world skill set listen one of the most important parts of job hunting is knowing your strengths if your strength lies with cleaning up all kinds of Supernatural Gunk goo and slim then more power to you grab a department issued super mop and get down to it thank you for your service a clean Foundation is an effective Foundation iron clamp said me13 Ghostbusters everyone knows how scary fighting the scps that you can actually see and physically deal with are but imagine the steel balls that takes to go into a scene to deal with a potentially deadly SCP that you can't do either of those things with it would be like having a much more violent version of paranormal activity or Insidious but instead you have to figure out how to deal with it also the idea of Ghostbusters but with guns is just too good for me to pass sounds like you're a horror fan so enjoy your own personal entry into the Paranormal Activity extended universe and try your best not to become a ghost yourself who you going to call yanuka A1 said I would definitely want to be a member of Epsilon 11 nine-tailed fox the fact that they're only called in to deal with the facility and in such small teams proves that the skill set of these troops is astonishing not to mention they're under the command of alpha 1 red right hand were known as the best of the best also probing their skills in the game SCP Containment Breach where three troops are sent into a facility where some of the most famous scps have breached such as SCP 173 SCP 049 SCP 106 and many more they easily sweep through the facility with no casualties so in my opinion Epsilon 11 would be my go-to task force you've definitely got your work cut out for you if you want to become a member of Epsilon 11 and serve the red right hand but if you can hold your own against the likes of the sculpture The Old Man and the plague doctor then go right ahead and try I hope you've got quick ref lexes an itchy trigger finger and can go hours without blinking Rift Z said I'd proudly wear the Insignia of MTF 8 of10 See No Evil I think visual Cognito hazards is a really interesting thing to work with interesting sure and extremely dangerous too good job knowing what you want and knowing that what you want is to risk exposure to all kinds of things that will make it impossible to trust your own eyes don't worry we've heard working with 8 of 10 is a lot like like a game of Marco Polo only if you get it wrong you break your brain die and unleash unspeakable destruction on countless innocent people the drum major said definitely MTF Alpha 9 Last Hope I've always loved the more human friendly anomalies and feel like even the most hostile sentient entities have some sort of kindness within them that can be shown if given time being able to work alongside these friendly entities to help people would be amazing oh that's so sweet so instead of just containing anomalies you'd like to have them as your co-workers it is a pretty impressive team you'd be joining one that includes the likes of Iris Thompson SCP 4051 also known as your friendly neighborhood ker and the shadowy icon of crime fighting we call the Spectre but there's no need to be intimidated I'm sure you have your own strengths to bring to the table too maybe you always get everyone's coffee order right or you're great at giving pep talks whatever it is you'll be a great addition to the team lemon demon dangar ropa H the name you have there said it would be interesting for me to be a part of MTF Omega 9 also known as the scrubs for context there are a group of Gamers who got trapped in a Lobby of quake and now help out the foundation while being stuck in a game would have some psychological consequences it would be fun to 360 no scope the competition and other scps who DARE stand in my way why settle for being a twitch streamer or a professional in the world of Esports when you could just leave your Earthly life behind completely and spend the rest of your days in a world of pixels and Nonstop Action you'll miss your friends and family sure but don't think too hard about that part the rest of it sounds pretty poggers do people still say that don't tell me I don't want to know God I'm cringe the Raging Adam said this isn't even a contest I'd go with MTF Sigma 3 the bibliographers of course not until after the whole library in thing had cooled off and they reorganized it's just the closest you could get in the foundation to recreational anomalous usage which is awesome who knows maybe I'll sacrifice everything I hold dear to become a type blue smart move waiting for the action to cool off first if you end up becoming a type blue let us know I need a magic act for my nephew's birthday party and he said last year's amazing Melvin pulling a rabbit out of a hat wasn't cool enough for his sixth grade friends he's really hurtful mannequin Skywalker okay that was funny said honestly going to say MTF Lambda 14 onestar reviewers I've got a lot of experience in retail in many different positions so i' think I'd fit in there with being able to tell what seems a numus or potentially how to deal with a retail oriented SCP including a Karen class after working in retail I'm sure you've seen Horrors that would put the findings of the SCP Foundation to shame after you've dealt with unruly customers picking a fight about coupons 20 minutes after closing time there's nothing you can't handle Tor The Jackal said I'd go with Zeta 9 mle rats I love enclosed spaces especially those underground if given the opportunity I would definitely join Zeta 9 are you sure you're not part mole groundhog maybe I've never met anyone who quote loves enclosed spaces let alone underground ones but I also got kicked out of my local spelunking team for crying too much so maybe that's just me Sharky Reynolds said I'd go for MTF Lambda 5 white rabbits and I would use my training to determine if the terrible new songs coming out these days are only popular through reality warping Properties or if the world is doomed to experience bad taste it's probably anomalies after all everyone knows that bad music is a brand new invention and every previous generation didn't think the exact same thing about the new music there kids were listening to hang on I'm being told that's absolutely what happened and that taste is subjective sounds fake besides there's got to be a supernatural explanation for what does the fox say I won't hear otherwise Banana 1 said Zeta 9 mole rats I got to respect this task force since they have the lowest survival rate when it comes to their missions besides I like how they're in sigo was made with the design of a gas mask we've got another volunteer for the mole rats what is it with you guys and dangerous underground situations it is a cool Insignia sure but there's a reason it's a gas mask you'll need to wear a gas mask good luck to you I guess Nick T wolf discusses said for me it's kind of a tie between two groups I would love to be on MTF a 11 Savage beasts I know I'm not 100% deaf and working on learning sign language being part of a group where I felt like I belonged and might be accepted would be a dream come true if I couldn't get into there MTF Sigma 3 bibliographers would be amazing the idea of possibly spending time doing research and Gathering info in the library would be a great experience and in possible downtime all of those books that are waiting to be read that is a great reason the Savage beasts would be lucky to have you and you deserve to work with a team that understands and appreciates your unique strengths maybe you could split your time between the two and Moonlight as a bibliographer Eternal tribute said I choose to 5 samsara I already feel basically emotionless so it would have zero impact on me and I like the idea of immortality and being a cyborg I love technology however my alternative would be the debuggers or Skynet because I am decent with computers um hey buddy uh you okay I'm just checking Fabian Robert said MTF beta 7 hect hates spear because I think it'd be interesting to look for knowledge about the occult rituals and how to stop them especially in instances where an SCP was involved specializing in theurgical ritual analysis A it's the closest thing out here to joining a literal wizard Army so I can see the appeal just be careful the world of thology attracts the attention of forces you don't want putting a magical Target on your back unlike the aforementioned amazing Melvin these guys are doing this stuff for real and they'll do a lot worse than sawing you in half if you slip up on the job Mr pixel said I would probably want to be part of MTF Epsilon 9 the fire eaters after all who can say no to the alluring destructive power of fire and it's not a war crime if I roast mostly anomalous creatures instead of humans for the second time in this video I say are you okay buddy maybe you should have a glass of water you can't use it to roast your enemies live but it'll help you settle down niiko tee said Skynet of course the internet is a vast ocean containing both everything and nothing thus giving me something to do for the rest of time or at least until the world ends plus what better excuse than being a member of Skynet would I have to watch you guys all day now you're talking when you're not tracking sentian malware or the influence of the archon Lord you can spend your time watching more videos from SC explained that's the perfect way to unwind after a long day of scouring the web for old gods and I don't know an iPhone app that knows when you're going to die you're the web expert not me hey maybe you could teach me how to make a Tik Tok that was cringe incidentally we do have a Tik Tok now at SCP explained official go check it out after the video Apple 33d said beta 7 I'm a biochemist in real life so this would just go well with my skill sets working with anomalous biohazard cleanup sounds like grueling mental and physical work I didn't know we had biochemists watching us that's awesome you're probably overqualified to clean up biohazardous anomalous material but dress for the job you want by which I mean you should probably wear a hazmat suit and some heavy duty goggles who knows what kind of radioactive slime and monster snot you'll be wiping up Jay the monkey of cherry trees said if I was asked to join any of the MTF teams most likely after looking into them it would be MTF Theta 4 or the gardeners seeing that many MTF teams usually follow certain protocols Gardener seems to be situated around very flab based scps usually in sites or locations of known Flora based scps either mitigating the effects securing or researching potential Sprouts of scps maybe some woodworker skills might come in handy helping the team though I thoroughly wonder if the SCP Foundation would trust a man in an MTF team called gardeners who has a bonsai plum tree growing from their head oh that's so nice you must have a hell of a green th hold on wait I'm sorry what was that last part Bonsai plum tree growing from your head for the third and hopefully final time are you okay blink twice if you're in danger James Herold said definitely MTF gamma 13 asimov's lawbringers they're the group in charge of dealing with Anderson robotics who's the most interesting group outside of maybe the Church of the broken God to me Anderson robotics has been a cybernetic thorn in the foundation side since 2007 with influence all throughout the Pacific Northwest of the United States as well as branches in New Mexico Arizona and Louisiana they're an elusive group and while they're unlikely to attack the foundation directly their use of Science and magic in one mysterious package is definitely something to keep an eye on fish hisf I see what you did there said I'd have to go with up on 23 art critics I'm usually drawing or painting so I'm down to get my hands dirty dealing with anomalous art and I love slots you like drawing and painting so naturally you like to work with anomalous art makes sense you might want to steer clear of any art depicting SCP 2774 though if you want to continue loving sloths that thing will ruin sloths for you faster than you can say nowhere is safe in the corner of my eye it's just staring I don't know I don't know Charles Watson said MTF a of5 jagger bombers sounds exactly like my dream job bombing runs in something like a C130 is already something I'm interested in and getting to fight what are essentially Kaiju Monsters makes it 10 times better hell yeah dude I love to party oh you said fighting bombing runs I grossly misunderstood what ada5 is responsible for I'll just put this bottle of Jagermeister away and get back to work final Advance said MTF Ada 11 Savage beasts I get triggered by even non-anomalous noises easily so dealing with audio-based Cognito hazards where noise discipline and actively shutting out sounds is perfect for me if you hate sounds I guess there's no better workplace than somewhere where you have to avoid hearing things at all costs you'll be facing off against trumpets that can collapse walls and the nless chord progression and even a corrupted Beetles song so make sure you get some really good quality noise cancelling headphones though or you'll be in for a rude awakening Alexander Barry said bright 99 oh no you don't as a way to contain them more efficiently I'd have them set up some form of comedic entertainment to be broadcasted throughout the foundation to boost morale while keeping the brights entertained of course to be safe we'll keep an eye on all items they have access to and run the broadcast through a filter to get rid of possible Cognito hazards oh no you don't is right if you're a regular viewer of this Channel or a fan of the designated page on the SCP Wiki you know that there are more things Dr bright is not allowed to do then there are things he is it'll take some pretty good comedic entertainment to keep bright occupied I don't think you can just throw on SpongeBob or coco melon and call it a day Dr bride is way too attracted to real life chaos to be distracted by television though it's a nice enough idea or wait are you suggesting we give Dr bride his own TV show that is too much power you cannot let him on the airwaves he'll have half the foundation quacking like a duck and making the other half's head explode before you even changed the channel sorry your request to join bright 99 has been denied Kurt gamer said I would proudly put the Insignia of MTF Theta 90 on my shoulder knowing that I have defended Humanity especially children from the anomalous mathematics problems I will even happily lay down my life to protect children from trauma stress and especially depression that anomalous math can do I think math and its entirety is even anomalous let us rally together to ask the 05 Council to contain math entirely due to its anomalous ability to make anyone cry and be depressed I hope my work can bring a smile to the children that I have defended this brought a tear to my eye thank you Kurt for your willingness to fight against the scourge that is simple mathematics with your hard work children all over the world will never need to hear hear about Billy buying 30 watermelons and 22 apples ever again when you think of the SCP Foundation you probably think of the organization being primarily based in the United States after all many of the anomalies we cover here on SCP explained happen to take place in America so it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture the fact of the matter is that the anomalous is not just confined to the United States and if it were the foundation would have a much easier time doing its job than it actually does unfortunately for the foundation it's not just the us that they have to focus their efforts on it's the entire world that's right no matter where you are on earth no matter how far you travel the threat of being the victim of an unsuspecting anomalous incident Remains the Same even on your family vacation to Disney World of course the foundation's mission is massively expansive too with each object requiring not only significant resources to capture but even more to effectively contain and study over a long period of time and then you have the utilities of each site keeping the power on and the water running or what about actually paying the hardworking SCP Personnel who put their lives on the line every day how about keeping Global reconnaissance as a watchful eye in case of talk of any unnatural incident start making the rounds in the Ordinary World what about maintaining a standing army of trained task force operatives far deadlier than any other military force on the planet resources to cover up events as soon as they happen field agents database expenses it's unimaginable to think of the costs of operating the foundation in one country let alone on a global scale so how do they manage this heavy responsibility how does the SCP Foundation divide up its resources accordingly as well as raise enough money to continue operating think about it if you were an organization having to cover the entire globe in service of protecting Humanity from the less what would be the best way of managing your resources first you need to make sure you were backed by the richest of the rich who could use some of their personal wealth to fund your goals well that's the overseer Council the group at the top of the foundation composed of some of the most affluent and Wealthy individuals in the world second you'd make sure you had a means of generating Revenue the foundation can exactly open itself for donations from the public and it can't issue taxes but it can have others do that for them cover up businesses in sourcing funding from the governments of the world either legitimately or through blackmailing are two Surefire ways to keep the cash flowing endlessly who knows how many Fortune 500 companies are actually owned by the foundation there's a lot of money in the world to go around but someone needs to capitalize on it in order to get it but the most important way to manage global resources is decentralization remember what we said about the perception of the foundation being us-based well it is true that the foundation has its origins in the United States and the country is the center of a large number of containment efforts but the English-speaking branch of the foundation is far from the only one allow us to introduce International branches or- int for short the foundation likes to codify its various branches based on the majority language spoken there so the English-speaking Branch would cover Nations such as the United States Canada and parts of Europe while in regions where Chinese is spoken the Chinese branch presides over the territory truly the containment of the anomalous is a global effort with at least one Foundation site located in each country Africa India Japan Latin America there isn't a part of the world that the foundation doesn't have covered and for good reason too anomalous objects can be discovered anywhere and everywhere having locations near all major population centers isn't just a luxury of having limited funding it is the very thing that necessitates such funding and with International branches adhering to their own policies holding their own personnel and speaking their own languages it should come as no surprise that they have their own database of SCP objects too that's right each branch has an archive of files of their own written based on objects contained in their respective country imagine being the guy who's just finishing reading all the files currently existing in the English database when you realize then you have to Drudge through several more databases filled with thousands upon thousands of files just to be the completionist your heart wants you to be it is a time-consuming task but that's what we're here for and today we're going to boost your own International database with coverage of SCP 007-inspired famous for much well outside of hosting the annual Maser Roa International piano competition which we should remind you that we're all very excited about this year considering Dr kleff himself has decided he'd enter but enough about agent ukul Le's wild Pian skills let's get back to the story at hand a contingent of mobile task force operatives Source from a squad dubbed smoking anomalous snakes who belong to the foundation's Italian Branch were stationed in the town for the past week given that masar Roa is smaller than the average city with a population numbering just over 22,000 these operatives had to take extra precaution as to not give away their presence in a town where everyone knows everyone a gaggle of unfamiliar faces making their way through could set off proverbial alarms in the local population the foundation operatives were there for a single purpose to Source the production of anomalous Weaponry rumored to be occurring throughout the region now why is this a problem in the first place as technology advances War changes along with it sometimes necessitating the need for more efficient weapons and inspiring their development Spears to deal with the invading tribes on land horses and chariots to rush those with Spears bows and arrows to combat horses War has always made use of new technology to make combat more efficient and deadly and anomalous Weaponry is no different after all not every paranormal organization holds the same ethos as the foundation's secure contain protect mentality there are many groups of Interest such as the dreaded chaos Insurgency or the foundation's greatest rival the global occult Coalition that would be more than happy to utilize Research into the anomalous for military purposes and who can blame them with anomalous Weaponry situations can be resolved and enemies eradicated easier and deadlier than ever before up against a world that doesn't abide by their mission even the foundation is forced to utilize anomalous Weaponry albeit on a much smaller scale take task force Alpha 9 Last Hope a squad made up entirely of SCP objects such as SCP 105 Iris Thompson and SCP 4494 the world's greatest Arbiter of vigilante justice otherwise known as the Spectre even mobile task forces such as samsara a group of heavily augmented cybernetic super soldiers make use of anomalous Weaponry to further Advance their efficiency on the field after all task forces spend their time combating anomalies in the field field it only makes sense to Fight Fire with Fire so to speak third party Sellers and producers of anomalous Weaponry often provide the technology to establish groups of Interest so the foundation getting the jump on a distribution center in masar Rosa Italy was a strategic move on the part of the foundation they weren't sure of the exact details but their sources tipped them off about a gang of fascist neo-nazis in the area working on supplying anomalous Weaponry to the criminal underworld it's bad enough that the trigger happy radicals at the chaos Insurgency have access to anomalous means of Destruction imagine if every two bit gangster and minor criminal had their hands on something as deadly as an SCP object and they could acquire even more powerful equipment if they wanted if the fascists made their money who knows where their anomalous Weaponry would wind up the foundation wasn't sure what they were manufacturing but they were positive that it wasn't good their Source explicitly described it as a weapon that could change the course of War as they understood it a living breathing Shield naturally the foundation was just as interested in potentially finding a purpose for this mystery weapon as they were in taking it out of the hands of the black market suppliers what uses could it hold in the field could it provide an extra layer of protection for the foundation operatives the operatives were compiled from a Vanguard and reconnaissance team and were the only ones the resourc strained Italian Branch had available for the job they spent days combing through the town until they stumbled upon what they believed to be a hideout for the gang while attempting to investigate a mysterious man ran out in front of the team darting towards them from across the street the team went to shoot but hesitated after realizing that the man was accompanied by a mysterious silver balloon-like entity ominously floating above his shoulder not only that but he was wearing a full suit of protective equipment almost like a beekeeper suit the operatives opened fire at the unidentified Target but before their bull could make contact the silver balloon began bubbling and spread itself across the man's body like a protective sheet it was then they knew they found their living Shield the bullet slid right off the man hitting the liquid covering him and immediately being negated by its anomalous properties then before the team could react the liquid shot forward detaching from the man's body and latching on to a foundation operative the silver gel began to risee and constrict attempting to absorb the operative through his protective gear in a quick executive decision the team lead made the choice to put the operative who was in the midst of being absorbed by the gel out of his misery after all they couldn't take risks when dealing with an unknown anomaly especially one that they already knew was being utilized as a deadly weapon as soon as the body dropped dead both the liquid and the gang member took off through the streets and the foundation gave Pursuit the foundation chased the man through the narrow mazike streets of the town with a silver liquid tail tailing after them and attempting to absorb even more operatives thankfully the gel wasn't fast the man however was another story The operatives chased and chased indiscriminately unloading a salvo of bullets into the general area a few struck puncturing the man's skin and causing him to bleed following the trail of blood the foundation was able to Corner him into a street alley but then all of a sudden the gel burst through the concrete wall the man was backed up against the anomaly now larger than ever the goo reconnected with the man shielding him from the foundation's Firepower and allowing him to run away and escape the foundation briefly retreated and reconvened with their superiors to try to find the best strategy to move forward they then took to the streets again searching for the man and any trace of the anomaly they found bits of the liquid strewn through the streets squirming and ring unlike the first batch these bits were able to be neutralized via regular bullets their search eventually bore fruit and they found the man patching himself up in a nearby Cellar he had a briefcase and the area around him seemed to be a type of laboratory still they were unable to find the silver balloon anomaly the operatives with weapons drawn attempted to speak with the man but he lashed out and shot at them prompting them to shoot back immediately killing him they weren't able to get much information from him but it was an act of self-defense the foundation now with their only source of information gone resorted to looking through through the rest of the basement they found a series of documents held inside the room all written in Italian they also found a tunnel leading outside the town and a small cart that was intended to be used to transport cylinders containing the silver liquid out of masar Roa the foundation was very quick to stop this anomaly from getting out on the black market as it seemed like this was a distribution and testing center but with the man dead and the gel contained they realized their mission was complete and collected all remaining documents and traces of the silver liquid anomaly in a joint effort between the Italian and lucione branches the liquid was transported to Brazil for further research and classified as SCP 07-on Branch's Board of superintendents had made the decision earlier that SCP 07- held historical and research significance for the two branches as some of the task force members that aided in the capture of the anomaly were sourced from Brazil the documents were shared between both branches and chemical research on the object was conducted immediately the foundation discovered the reason why the liquid responded so quickly to the man who was Distributing it and why it works perfectly as a living Shield SCP 07- is sentient and capable of recognizing patterns and portraying emotion albeit to small degrees Research into SCP 007's composition and responses to stimuli and El La environment continued but one researcher from the Italian Branch noted that this wasn't the first time they had encountered an anomaly like this when dealing with a group of organizations known as the fascist Council of the occult the foundation discovered a heavily redacted and secret anomalous weapon with certain properties similar to SCP 007-inspired liquid and the fascist Council of the occult that portions of SCP 007-inspired for a significant amount of testing researchers found that the gel was adaptable durable and intelligent to a certain degree but they also discovered that their data was incredibly similar to another anomaly in their database recorded by the lucione Branch's predecessor the scientific Academy of the anomalous you see the foundation hasn't been around forever before at the anomalous containment world was decentralized and composed of tinier organizations and this was one of them as it turns out this organization recorded data remarkably similar to SCP 007 but the details of the research was lost due to an incident involving Rogue Agents defecting from the organization think the chaos Insurgency but before them two the two instances of the anomaly were apparently a perfect match to SCP 007t and the two branches had both contained the same anomaly across decades without being aware that the other had done it well the documents were lost when defecting agents broke away from the academy researchers theorized that they either defected into or sold information about the anomaly to the fascist Council who were able to improve the liquid and turn it into a formidable military grade weapon still the experiments with SCP 007 dint proved to be a success the anomaly sapients allowed it to form a bond with its host protecting and showing the desire to comfort them if need be what a nice little hunk of deadly Gunk right but then just as the branches were about to give up on finding the Academy's old documentation for SCP 07- they happened to discover it the anomaly was given the code name project Mel this initial research found that the anomaly was incredibly adaptive as seen below instance Alpha is the most belligerent case of SCP 007 dint it prefers being involved in combat oriented exercises and watching Marshall performances Alpha has demonstrated a certain degree of infatuation to the party with in its conception the best performance by using its pseudo pods in attempts to imitate some executed movements for the respective party to see instance beta is an exemplary case of Personality I've witnessed beta abducting a stuffed penguin irresponsibly given by one of its operators to demonstrate affection beta also displayed excitement when presented with pictures of penguins an extraordinary situation involving beta happened when it parted itself its copy assumed the form of a penguin which beta proceeded to care for in the likeness of an animal companion beta protected and guided the copy through the training course until the spontaneous expiration thereof instance gamma possesses a particularly High physical intelligence it is expressly competent in solving movement related problematics such as obstacle courses involving the manipulation of sensitive objects and complex movement and transformation patterns interestingly gamma has been seen reacting to music by dancing to the respective Rhythm this original documentation proved to be valuable to the foundation as it provided further information on what occurred when SCP 007 was stolen from its original location and placed into the hands of the fascist Council on December 25th 1972 several security breaches across the academy occurred as sleeper agents of the council stole various anomalous assets from storehouses and vaults across the country for 2 hours the group of six Rogue individuals took what they could smuggling the objects away away from the organization for the purposes of using and selling them to the highest bidder objects stolen included project Mel several prototype Prosthetics and various other pieces of high Security Academy documentation the foundation also discovered that these sleeper agents within the academy were students researchers and operatives who had been working with the organization for years sometimes decades given their history it's possible that they may have been coerced rather than them being outright agents of the fascist Council of the ult unfortunately all of them expired during the interrogation procedures and only one survived captured by the academy via suspended animation though their whereabouts in the present day are unknown it's unknown if the foundation has seen the last of SCP 007 or if samples of the deadly adaptive Shield are still lurking in the anomalous criminal underworld regardless whoever possesses SCP 007t is surely to be a formidable Force for anyone to go up against the booming steps echoed through the museum corridors pharaohs Emperors and Mongolian War leaders all stood stock still as the terrified security guard ran between them Roger pascow swung his flashlight this way and that the light glinted on the polished steel of ancient Weaponry muskets scimitars and cannons exhibit after exhibit flashed past him as he ran through the dark Museum there was no way it was real no possible way he was having a bad dream that's all it was a bad dream the shaking ground under his feet and the marching Rhythm of the impossibly heavy footsteps behind him told him that it was real all right it had just been a normal shift like any other just a regular Night at the Museum Roger had been sipping his coffee and listening to the radio when all of a sudden he felt his chair start rumbling Ben him he put his coffee down on the table and watched as it recoiled as the footsteps grew louder and closer he got up to investigate and couldn't believe what he'd walked in on skitting around the corner he tumbled into a medieval suit of armor and sent it crashing across the floor chain mail helmet gauntlets all of it rattled and crashed to the marble floor echoing all through the museum then there was a sudden deathly silence as the footsteps stopped Roger didn't breathe then they started again heading straight towards him it was all Roger could do to lie on his back in front of the giant Taxidermy eagle and point his flashlight at the door as the Monstrous figure of the stone Soldier walked around the corner musket in hand Woodstock Vermont 1995 it was a normal day just like any other the birds were singing in the trees and there was a gentle breeze blowing through nothing at all out of the ordinary except of course the statue that opened its eyes the Civil War Memorial had been a staple of Woodstock for well over 100 Years A plinth sitting in the middle of a park with a young Soldier on top of it holding a musket peacefully by his side the statue had watched over the town generation after generation except now its watching had become a little more active it took several hours for anyone to notice dog walkers went past listening to their Walkman a banker sat on a bench opposite deep in conversation on a giant brick phone it was only when a young child running after her football looked up at the Statue and saw it looking back at her that things changed the girl's parents didn't listen to her of course parents rarely do the word quickly went around the girl's school most of the time the statue was totally still no movement in the eyes at all but on occasion when a group of kids gathered around it and talked to it enough this statue seemed to look down at them as if it was listening but that was it no grown-ups were particularly interested in what the children were saying and even a lot of the children who saw it went home concluding that they must have been imagining things so 6 months went by without anyone really paying the statue much attention that was until it fired its gun in a quiet rural Town everyone hears a gunshot but for a long time no one could work out where it had come from police gathered around the park searching all around where the weapon had been heard the only clue they could find was a small hole in the wall of a shop across the street a couple of officers joke that the shot must have come from the statue itself everyone laughed it off except for a couple of the school kids who were playing nearby less than 2 weeks later another shot rang out in the middle of the night and a group of confused police officers rushed to the park to investigate what had happened the only thing they found was a dead bird lying on the sidewalk shot to death again the jokes went around the department that it must have been the statue who did it except this time the officers were all laughing a little less enthusiastically without much crime going on in Woodstock Vermont the department decided to take the shooting quite seriously going so far as to perform an autopsy on the dead pigeon but when they cut the animal open and looked at the wound inside its chest they were filled with even more confusion than they were before for it wasn't a conventional bullet lodged into the bird's rib cage at all it was perfectly round and made of what appeared to be Stone but the next shot that rang out from the Memorial Park was unmistakable it was a weekend in the middle of the summer vacation so the park was full of families all sitting around having picnics barbecues and staring up at the sky watching the birds Circle lazily overhead bang one of the pigeons exploded in a burst of feathers and plummeted out of the sky landing on the sidewalk in front of the whole town in shock all the town's folk turned around to see the stone statue down on one knee with his musket on his shoulder the statue looked down at all of them surprised at the attention then quickly got back to its feet and resumed its normal stance reports flooded all the local papers and news stations the event was blamed on mass hissteria a kind of group hallucination where everyone was somehow sharing the same story but the number number of people coming forward with the exact same account was irrefutable evidence that's where the foundation had to step in in January 1996 containment procedures began and the statue was given the designation SCP 011 of course a large contingent of Agents suddenly appearing in a small town would raise a lot of Suspicion so the foundation had to move very cautiously One agent at a time the foundation established itself in Woodstock and began to study the stat you day in and day out by sitting on park benches even looking through cutout holes in newspapers and wearing fake outfits so as not to arouse suspicion steadily over time the statue appeared to gain either a heightened Mobility or just a renewed sense of confidence while much of the time it did remain standing immobile it would begin to occasionally stretch when it thought no one was looking and glance this way and that in apparent annoyance with the bird circling over its head the shooting steadily grew more regular Foundation agents observed several birds being picked out of the sky by the musket fire of SCP 011 over the following weeks a clear pattern started to emerge the statue would only fire at birds that seem to be flying above it or getting too curious about it in fact the more feal matter built up on the Statue the more aggressive it would be both in its body language and mood seemed to sour the dirtier it got while there were initial concerns about the SC potentially turning its rifle towards the local Town's people these worries were largely dismissed as SCP 011 gradually started to build up a rapport with those around it before long the caretakers of the park were having exchanges with the SCP these exchanges started with the caretakers speaking directly to the SCP ended nodding or subtly acknowledging the things they said but over time the interactions grew more and more personable in the year 2000 SCP 011 spoke for the first time it had just fired its rifle picking off a pigeon from over 200 ft away when a caretaker mildly exclaimed Nice Shot the statue smiled dipped his hat to the caretaker and said Thank you in a grally voice this marked a significant change in the foundation's approach to the containment of SCP 011 up until this point the SCP was considered a broadly harmless member of the local town community however its ability to speak raised concerns as to this SCP P's development 4 years ago it had been an immobile statue with nothing out of the ordinary to raise any suspicions among those around it where would its cognitive development end now that it had gained the ability to talk groundskeepers and agents posing as ground Keepers struck up conversations with SCP 011 as often as possible at first these exchanges were brief but over time the SCP became steadily more vocal until soon it was engaged in intellectual de baates and sharing its views on the world with anyone who would listen it was becoming clear that new containment measures were needed in fact as SCP 011 soon lost interest in shooting birds or rather the SCP was persuaded to stop shooting birds while the prospect of having animals deficate on it still appeared to anger the statue the foundation was able to explain through ideological grounds why shooting birds was a disproportionate response relative to the minor harm they were doing to it Keen to engage in philosophical and ethical discussions the statue was very open to hearing the foundation's viewpoint on the issue and having sufficiently considered all sides of the debate decided that it would in fact be better for the well-being of all involved if it stopped shooting the birds from the sky in return the caretakers and Foundation agents promised to do their best to clean it regularly and keep the animals at Bay but with word of this bizarre tourist attraction steadily Gathering momentum as the age of email began to take off the foundation decided that it would be best to relocate SCP 011 entirely however agents who had been living in Woodstock for the prior four years were hesitant to relocate The Entity to a test chamber or storage facility the benefits that it had brought to the local community far outweighed the risks and threats that it posed the statue had become a local celebrity smiling and waving at children who went past and even offering brief history lessons to any confused tourists who found themselves wandering through the the park most just assumed it was a person in gray paint it was agent KH who came up with the idea of relocating SCP 011 to a museum being kept indoors away from the dangers of any feal bombing runs was the main priority KH argued that within a museum the statue would blend in seamlessly with the exhibits around it furthermore if anyone did see the statue move or talk they would assume that it was an interactive exhibit and treated as such having shown a real love for Academia history and debate Khan believed that SCP 011 would benefit greatly from being in such a setting both learning and eventually even teaching about the history of the American Civil War however when all these arguments were put forward to the Statue itself it was hesitant having spent the entirety of its cognitive existence standing on the same plinth shooting at the same pigeons the idea of relocating to somewhere new and unknown was very intimidating even with the soldier mindset SCP 011 was still feeling incredibly nervous about the idea of moving house agent con and S SCP 011 found themselves locked in a stalemate try as she might convincing the SCP to leave its current home was like talking to a brick wall or rather a stone wall the pair of them ended up dropping the conversation for a couple years focused instead on psychiatric evaluations and history lessons for the SCP in 2002 the foundation officially declared that SCP 011 had achieved sentience with a great enough level of self-awareness to pass as a normal human being aside from the fact that it was composed entirely of stone for 2 years agent KH talked to SCP 011 every day on the Park Bench the slots on the bench had to be replaced several times as the weight of the statue broke through them snapping them clean in half on several occasions during this period the pair of them built up a rapport rarely seen between humans and scps so much so that in 2004 agent con managed to convince SCP 011 to move to a local Museum on one condition she would go as well the foundation agreed to the terms deciding that KH could take on the role of being a researcher in the museum that way she could keep an eye on SCP 011 and Report any activities while the foundation officially relinquished control over the SCP what happened next was perhaps rather predictable or at least it would be predictable to anyone who had worked with agent con and SCP 011 during that time in Vermont as the pair of them moved into their new lives at the Museum romantic feelings blossomed between them seeing as SCP 011 is officially outside of the SCP foundation's jurisdiction there has been no official inquiry into the nature and practicalities of the relationship between the woman and the statue but from the reports that make their way to the foundation every 3 months it is clear that both are very much enjoying the privacy of their new Arrangement Roger Pascal closed his eyes Imagining the barrel raising higher and higher until it was pointed squarely at his face he had been told by his bosses not to ask questions about the origins of the statue that had suddenly appeared in the Civil War section even when he saw the statue's eyes moving he'd kept his mouth shut that was until he was doing his security rounds that night and heard those booming footsteps leading him behind one of the displays he had rushed over in a panic peering around the corner he had been shocked to see Miss con one of the researchers here and the Civil War statue engaged in a passionate kiss he had turned and bolted as fast as he could until he ended up here terrified on the floor as he imagined the musket being leveled at him but then a second pair of footsteps joined the group and a woman's laugh filled the room opening his eyes the security guard saw the pair of them the statue and the researchers standing in the doorway laughing about the whole situation the musket was slung over the man's shoulder as he offered a cold Stony hand down to the security guard to help him up ironically there was something about the statue's smile that softened Roger's Stony heart as he was hauled to his feet I have so many questions agent Lane's eyes scanned over the document he'd been sent the decryption program had finished unraveling the sensitive data that the SCP foundation's cyber security kept hidden beneath layers of encryption it had been a few hours since he' received the leaked document sent to him from a mole that had been active within the ranks of foundation Personnel for some time and as for what was on this secret document it was an intake list the records and names of everyone recently brought into d-class Blane scoured the rows upon rows of inmates violent criminals the worst of the worst that the foundation used as human labrats then his eyes settled over one name the exact one he'd been looking for the true identity of a man codenamed the hatchet a mass murderer responsible for coordinating multiple acts of international terrorism but to agent Lane this man wasn't a threat to be feared he was a bait in a trap for something far worse the global occult Coalition had long been the face of officially sanctioned legitimacy in the fight against the anomalous while the SCP Foundation operated in a more clandestine f fashion the GOC was operated by and acted under the authority of the United Nations they were mandated with policing the Paranormal World a role nobody in the GOC took lightly their ultimate goal was a world rid of all anomalies while the foundation opted for containment the Coalition preferred extermination but despite this fundamental difference in their operational structures the two organizations maintained a fragile Alliance which is why Agent Lane needed base in order for his plan to work the objective was simple kill scp096 also known as the shy guy an anomalous entity with a long disproportionate human body that could use impossible speeds to kill anyone that looked at its face even through an image that was what worried the GOC it seemed all too easy for scp096 to be used as a weapon especially for assassinations it wouldn't take much for the foundation to mail a photo of scp096 to anyone say a politician who opposed them or the head of another group of interests then all they'd have to do is sit back and wait as scp096 dispatched its unwitting Target along with any witnesses that happened to see it appear so the Coalition had decided it was time to take the shy guy off the board before anyone got any unsavory ideas but there was still one issue with that given the G and SCP foundation's rocky relationship agent Lane had been instructed to leave no trace of the coalition's involvement he needed someone else to be responsible for the actual elimination of scp096 so that the GOC could deny any and all involvement that's when he'd gotten the idea who better to call on for a covert strictly off the books Mission only one of the world's most elite special forces units with no affiliation to the GOC whatsoever Delta Force engineering a scenario where Lane could get the Deltas to take out scp096 was going to be tricky he couldn't give them a direct order to kill the creature that could too easily lead back to the go so The Mastermind behind this Mission needed to think outside of the box how could he get the attention of Delta Force well by offering up one of the World's Most Wanted terrorists after all Delta Force was renowned for undertaking missions that involved counterterrorism as well as the securing and sometimes elimination of high value targets and that was where the hatchet came into plan given the severity and extreme nature of his many crimes he was certainly considered high value by the US government however it was while awaiting trial that the hatchet had disappeared under mysterious circumstances the official story was that he had died in prison following a fight with another inmate but rumors circulated about an escape attempt of course neither were correct now agent Lane knew the truth the foundation had him which means he was within the reach of the GOC issuing a coded command to his mole working inside the SCP Foundation Lane instructed that the hatchet would be making an escape of sorts at least that's how it would appear but it would be completely staged under the cover of night the mold drugged and kidnapped the hatchet breaking open an air vent and making it look like someone had crawled their way through nobody had and instead the hatchet was carried conscious to a foundation vehicle the mole had Hotwire if he drove off in his own car the foundation would be able to trace the Escape back to him and then the GOC bundling the terrorist into the trunk the mole drove several miles away from the foundation site to an extraction point where agent Lane was waiting so he's how you're going to lure out the Delta Force the mole said as he and Lane lifted the hatchet aboard the chopper but how are you going to get scp096 to come out too Foundation keeps it crying in that cell they can't stop it getting out when someone sees it though right lane replied yeah it moves way too fast the mole confirmed all someone has to do is look at it and it can get out even when even when they look at a picture of it the agent finished his sentence Oh the mole gasped realization spreading across his face our friend the hatchet here isn't just bait to lure out Delta Force agent Lane explained he's bait for both scp096 and Delta will both be be coming after him that way as far as the foundation knows scp096 will be killed during a standard Delta Force mission to recapture an on theun terrorist Mastermind and meanwhile the go gets complete deniability was nothing to do with us we weren't involved perfect scapegoat the mole commented thing is if this is meant to be such a covert Mission then why risk security by telling me dead man don't talk agent Lane replied quietly pulling a silenced handgun from his holster and squeezing the trigger firing three times for good measure with the loose end tied up nothing linked the global cult coalition to the hatchet's apparent Escape sure enough the foundation fell for it hook line and sinker while they were busy locking down the facility sealing the air vents that they believed their d-class prisoner had escaped through agent Lane had the hatchet handcuffed securely underlock and key the helicopter took them a short distance to a quiet air strip where they boarded an Uncharted plane into a safe house to avoid any further links to the GOC Lane had to transport the hatchet as Off the Grid as possible until he got him to their destination even then the safe house couldn't be one that the go had ever used before any Link in the foundation or Delta Force would smell a rat the leaked intelligence that was soon received by Delta Force seemed to confirm their worse fears Not only was the hatchet still alive but he was free and apparently hiding out in a safe house well they they would never publicly acknowledge the unit's activities the Department of Defense issued an objective to Delta Force track down the hatchet to his current location and either capture him or kill him a squad of some of the most highly trained United States troops were assembled before joining Delta Force most of them had been recruited from the elite 75th Ranger regiment as well as from other branches of Special Forces and The Wider US Army the team wasn't told by their Commander whose identity was classified where they were going all the information they were given was only the essentials just that there was a high value Target H up in a safe house although they had no idea there would actually be two only the second was unlike anything the Deltas had ever seen Agent Lane was watching over hidden infrared cameras they were sent to cut out the minute the lights came on no point in going through all this trouble only to see 096 on his feed and be killed too silently using all the skills and stealth that they had been trained in the squad of Delta Force operators slipped into the safe house their movements were perfectly synchronized practiced hours and hours at a time they checked Corners two would sweep one room of the building whilst two more protected them and none of them would move on until they confirmed that the area was clear floor by floor they worked their way up the building ascending closer and closer to where the hatchet was The Operators were fully expecting to meet arm resistance from the hatchet's Loyalists when they arrived the fact that the place was so quiet didn't seem right in fact none of the lights were on either the Delta Force unit needed to wear night vision just to navigate their way around despite it seeming suspicious none of them could have guessed it was intentional agent Lane had set everything up to work perfectly arriving at one room the special forces's troops could hear the sound of someone behind the door their voice was muffled like something was obscuring their mouth and preventing them from speaking this was it the team lined up against the nearest wall and placed an explosive charge on the door with a Mighty explosion the entrance burst wide open and the team filed in weapons trained on the room's sole occupant they could see through the hazy green of their goggles a figure sat in a chair no restrained to a chair with something in front of him it looked like a frame a photograph in a frame who sits in front of a photo in the dark suddenly the lights came up causing the operator's night vision goggles to beam bright white straight into their eyes the second the lights came on the camera agent Lane was watching through cut off and he purged the hard drive they were connected to leaving no recording no evidence of the situation he' engineered meanwhile as the room was illuminated the first of the Delta Force Team to take off his goggles saw who it was tied to the chair it was the hatchet Bound by his wrists and ankles eyes pred open so he couldn't look away from the framed photo in front of him a photo of scp096 suddenly within the blink link of an eye the tall slender creature had appeared in the room with the captive terrorist the Deltas removing their goggles turned in horror to see 096 slaughtering their target and the moment they looked at it the Wailing shy guy started bearing down on them too contact their Captain yelled open fire hostile contact they started shooting their bullets having little effect on the looming wiry monster as it came at each of the squad one by one the muzzle flashes eliminated the oncoming anomaly those brief glimpses of it flickering of gunfire made it look all the more horrifying screams filled the room echoing through the building as s scp096 decimated the team that had unknowingly been sent in to kill it one of the Deltas was still struggling with his night vision unable to detach them from his face thanks to a clasp that had gotten stuck all he could hear were his squadmates around him being killed but with no way of seeing what was happening private private the captain gurgled he sounded hurt but the operator couldn't see how badly or what had attacked him shoot the thing shoot it now I can't see sir he yelled back goggles still strapped to his face eyes shut to keep out the Searing whiteness 10:00 the captain replied directing his subordinate to aim his weapon slightly to the left there was a sickening twisting sound and the captain's voice cut out the private fired his shot winging the creature it whimpered then seemed to vanish as quickly as it had arrived pulling a combat knife from the sheath on his belt the operator was able to cut the strap keeping the goggles over his eyes when his vision cleared he looked around to see an empty room smeared in blood even the hatchet hadn't survived killed in the chair he'd been held in the operator took a closer look at the photo the terrorist had been made to look directly at it was hideous tall and thin arms that looked too long in a huge mouth and now it was behind him it would never stop killing anyone that looked at it some say that SCP 2102 was a mistake an Abomination created by an accident of Medical Science maybe those people are right maybe there's much more to it than that either way they don't know the full story how could they they weren't there they weren't there all the way back in 1972 but doctor paval zukal was the earliest moments the events that directly preceded SCP 22's creation began on March 2nd the wind was carrying an unforgiving freezing bite with it as zukal made his way to the Institute of experimental medicine zav in Czechoslovakia with the cold war between the USSR and the United States underway there was already an air of secrecy on both sides Espionage and intelligence gathering operations were rampant bringing with them paranoia and distrust there was no way of knowing if someone was a double agent leaking in information to the west but while the governments of Russia America and their various respective allies and enemies scrambled for control and had massed obscene quantities of nuclear arms in secret there were even more cogs turning hidden in the deepest darkest Shadows the SCP foundation's long-standing rivalry with various other groups of Interest was well known among any with a high enough security clearance most of these groups were radicals or outliers despite possessing knowledge of NES or even being directly linked to them a lot of gois were independent of any world government but for decades the foundation had been aware of a directly competing establishment effectively a parallel of their own organization on the other side of the globe they were known as Gru division p a USSR equivalent of the SCP Foundation themselves it is unclear based on what was recovered from Dr zuk's Personal Diary if he had been directly scouted by Gru division P for their project in Czechoslovakia given the air of secrecy engulfing the USSR at the time it is possible that pavl himself had no inclination that division P was even involved in the project due to take place at The Institute of experimental medicine he might have suspected but with no way of knowing for sure similarly there was no way zukal could have known where the project would lead what he would have a hand in creating the initial few weeks after his arrival at The Institute were Rocky to say the least zukal along with a team of scientists and technicians working on orders direct from Moscow had to contend with unreliable equipment and difficulty getting electricity to power the project eventually after clearing those initial hurdles testing could begin but what was the goal of this mysterious project while through zakol Gru division p and the Kremlin were chasing something the scientific world has been trying to accomplish for decades something that could change the very landscape of not only the Cold War but the entirety of modern medicine the secrets of cellular regeneration unlocking that would in theory enable them to create the world's very first unkillable super soldier and hey it definitely wouldn't be the craziest secret operation carried out by a world superpower during the Cold War the CIA spent Millions turning a cat into a listening device and training it to infiltrate enemy headquarters this so-called acoustic Kitty was struck and killed by a random van during its first mission compared to that a cell regenerating super soldier was positively sensible with a worldwide nuclear arms race already underway perhaps the Project's ultimate goal was to produce an entire Army of these self regenerating troops with something like that in their hands the USSR would have the manpower to reinforce their nuclear Arsenal and potentially even soldiers capable of surviving and healing from the effects of an atomic blast on the on the 5th of May 1972 the first of the Project's human test subjects began to show promising results they underwent physical trauma at the hands of zukal and the other scientists only for their bodies to react much faster than the ordinary healing process would allow rapid clotting took place in the affected areas preventing the subjects from bleeding out however this quickly went ay the clots turned into severe lesions realizing this had occurred thanks to mcau one of the other project scientists administering too much neodium zukal chastised his colleague vowing him to drag him to Moscow personally if another mistake like that ever took place again unfortunately by the last few days of June Dr zukal and his team were no closer to success every subject that underwent testing succumbed to the same necrosis reducing the amount of neodium had only made the reaction worse something Pavel couldn't allow mall to know without the risk of it being held over his head for the remainder of the project in every instance the doctors were able to trigger rapid cell division 50 times faster than that which occurs in the ordinary healing process of human beings but the biggest drawback was that this division would quickly become uncontrollable it was creating enough new matter on a cellular level that it would choke each test subject in its own excess waste as you might expect Dr zukal noted this in his diary that this process wasn't a pretty sight come mid- August 1972 the project scientists decided they needed a test subject with more resilience than the average person and a suitable candidate was provided he was a counterrevolutionary who had been sentenced to 15 years in a uranium mine as a punishment detail despite such an extended period of time under the harsh conditions of the mine and the close proximity to a radioactive element such as uranium the man managed to survive unscathed upon closer examination this new guinea pig referred to as X6 16 had a rate of healing twice as fast as that of an average man perhaps it was a random genetic abnormality that made x16 this way or maybe it was a result of his extensive time in the uranium mines either way it made him the perfect new subject for zuk's experiments initially subject x6's preliminary testing results looked promising the wound healing process was actually taking place now instead of resulting in necrosis or aborting it as it had with the earlier experiments in fact drct zukal seemed to think x16 was healing almost too quickly but nevertheless testing continued although not without a different type of problem the questionable morality of what they were doing began to set in for paval causing him nights of endless tossing and turning unable to sleep as he reflected on what he'd done x16 had managed to survive for much longer than the earlier test subjects but it was clear that the torture this man had to endure was exacting a heavy toll every day the doctors would lacerate him time and time again recording the results and every day he survived only for the cycle to begin again the next day for his own part zukal was conflicted on the one hand the results of the testing were proving successful lasting far longer and working far more effectively than they had in the past and yet on the other it came at the cost of one man's continued suffering to make matters worse valid no way of voicing his concerns to any of his team any questioning of his orders or the Project's methods would have been viewed by Gru division p and the KGB as sedition and treason earning the good doctor a one-way ticket to a goog or if he was lucky a clean shot to the back of the head from an agent's pistol often morality is sacrificed for the greater good in the pursuit of the advancement of science or a nation's goals but now that the project was showing results with x16 now that it was real what they were doing still weighed heavily on Dr zuk's conscience then on October 15th 1972 the final piece of the puzzle seemed to become clear by introducing the correct amount of stabilizing agent into the serum they had concocted zukal and his team had perfected the composition upon administering this newly completed version of the solution the doctor noted in his diary that subject x16 was responding well at least medically the subject was responding well well it was clear that the continuous experimentation he had been subjected to was causing uncooperative behavior in x16 but so close to the cusp of achieving the Project's goals Dr zukal was quick to cast aside his previous doubts about the ethics of their methods they were so close to Victory so close to the project being over that it no longer mattered how Cooperative x16 was being but 2 weeks and 4 days later just as the project was nearing its end goal disaster struck mu Dr Elena orov was one of the scientists on zuk's team who had primarily helped when examining the early cell divisions those that were leading to necrosis and causing test subjects to produce too much excessive genetic material Elena had made a startling Discovery and immediately brought it to Dr zukal in a distraught show of panic the cell samples they had used to test their serum were now gaining mass seemingly from nowhere just like the earlier experiment the effects were working almost too well causing an overabundance of cellular regeneration to the point where the cells couldn't stop producing masses of waste genetic material when zukal brought Elena's findings to doors ssard and one jury T finko the project heads assigned by division P they were quick to disregard it as an error determining to press on with a project to meet their deadline over the course of the following weeks up to late November zukal was trying to determine what was causing this change it was clear that unless he and Alena could resolve the issues with the serum subject x16 would be a total failure but time was running out with their superiors at Gru division p and the Kremlin expecting results by early December under untold amounts of pressure and subsequent stress Dr paval zukal found himself losing time unable to sleep to the point where he was drifting off whenever he was on the verge of a breakthrough by the end Elena was the only member of the team trying to help him methodically figure out what had gone wrong the deadline for the project arrived on December 2nd 1972 paval didn't sleep all night leading up to it knowing he would have to present a functioning super soldier to GRU division p in the best case he was risking being accused of negligent failure forced to restart the project from scratch making his months of hard work redundant but worst case scenario zukal could be charged with treason for having not completed the task he was selected for on the 2nd of December he wrote I really don't know which is better tomorrow is a Day Too nobody knows if Dr paval zukal lived to see that tomorrow his final diary entry was made on the day SCP 2102 was born for months the SCP Foundation had operatives embedded within the Czechoslovakian government as part of innumerable Cold War Espionage Gathering efforts during that time their agents had gathered enough intelligence to make the foundation aware of a GRU division people Project based at The Institute of experimental medicine and that the scientists there were looking to unlock the secret of Rapid cellular regeneration someone possibly even one of zuk's team had managed to infiltrate the project and had leaked documents to thep Foundation explaining what was going on in Czechoslovakia the plan was that the foundation would move in in secret of course to extract and contain test subject x16 in January of 1973 that day would never come to fruition though on the 2nd of December only a month before they had planned to act the foundation became aware of a catastrophe occurring at The Institute of experimental medicine one of their agents in Czechoslovakia alerted them to a disturbance that had caused civilians and scientists alike to run from The Institute in fear for their lives something had gotten loose and the foundation had to act fast luckily a reconnaissance team was stationed in Eastern Europe members of various mobile task forces who had been spying on Gru division p and the rest of the USSR moving quickly the Recon team was deployed to Czechoslovakia led by a field commander named Merrick they were given the objective to determine the cause of the situation and if possible recover its anomalous source meric and the Recon team arrived on site at the institute's grounds the entrance to the bunker which had been housing the project was left wide open with not a soul in sight as the team progressed further Merrick couldn't help but notice a pungent smell permeating the labs and offices that they passed Foundation command urged their operatives to proceed cautiously and recover any paperwork they could among the logistical documents was a diary belonging to one of the scientists although the name paval zukal on the cover was no longer legible forever lost the further he and the other MTF agents progressed the worse the smell got they located an elevator deciding to take it down to the lower levels of the bunker one by one the team filed in mer radio command command any seismic activity in the area he asked uh not that we know of Merck came the foundation's reply why I uh I think I just felt something move down there the elevator had barely descended a foot before it hit something stopping in an instant as Merck tried once again to contact Foundation command that same something came tearing through the elevator floor over the radio the SCP Foundation were treated to a cacophony of screeching tearing metal along with the screams of Their Own men what Merrick and his team had encountered may have once been a man perhaps someone subjected to Cruelty and torture but now all they saw was an amorphous flushing Mass immediately the Recon team opened fire engaging what they assumed was a raging monster it probably never occurred to them that they might have just wanted to be free after years of imprisonment followed by months of horrendous experiments minutes later Merck was able to get in contact with command again locked in a heated battle with the entity but every round fired every shot their guns landed nothing was having any effect whenever Merck dealt damage to the creature part of it seemed to grow faster and faster each time their guns were useless unable to stop the expanding monstrous test subject even grenades thrown by the MTF operatives causing multiple explosions did little to stop the entity in its tracks listening in over the radio knowing they had few options left the SCP Foundation dispatched a pair of f four Phantoms longrange supersonic fighter jets equipped with a payload of m47 A1 Napal incendiary bombs with Merck and his men almost on the ropes command issued an order to retreat they fled the bunker only to feel the ground shake beneath their feet the monster had reached the top soil still coming after them Jones one of the foundation's agents was Pulled Under the encroaching shapeless Mass crushed to death as it continued its Pursuit utterly horrified at the sight and speed of the creature merik started begging command over the radio to get its fighter jets to the scene 6 minutes later the sound of twin turbine engines shot through the air followed by the whistle of bombs caring down towards the ground in a second Merck his team and the creature were engulfed in a fiery explosion the heat proving enough to cauterize the fleshy Abominations expanding tissue ever since December 1972 The Entity now designated as SCP 2102 has been housed at site 122 contained by the SCP Foundation they keep it in a modified cell restrained at all times with its hands and feet and padded sleeves this is done in order to prevent the risk of injury either accidental or intentional given both SCP 2102 anomalous properties and its self-destructive Tendencies its body is covered in scars both from its previous Escape attempts back when it was known as subject x16 and from burns from the F4 Phantoms Napal payload these particular injury seared the entity's ears mouth and eyes closed rendering it deaf mute and blind if SCP 2102 ever suffers any form of external injury its anomalous properties will trigger the creature as you might have guessed possessed an advanced form of cellular healing able to regenerate from all wounds inflicted on it however the process was never perfected it still works too well so well that SCP 2102 cells don't know when to stop in instead they continue producing bodily tissue expanding its mass into every available space without a halt the process can be slowed if an obstacle is introduced boxing in the exponentially growing tissue however any object or person and its path is eventually crushed under the mounting pressure at present the foundation still has no idea how much SCP 22's tissue could expand potentially even posing a risk to the entire world if left unchecked there is only one Surefire way to stop the the creature's healing it can only be halted by cauterizing the open wound with intense heat it's literally a Surefire solution SCP 2102 is a result of the good Dr zuk's work combined with his and Gru division P's willingness to put aside their morality they didn't create an undying regenerating super soldier for the USSR as they had intended instead all they accomplished was turning a tortured man into a monster an Abomination endless ly tormented by the experiments performed on him not quite as useful on the battlefield is it the war that ended the world started on October 9th 1971 tensions had been brewing for years between America and the Soviet Union and even though people had done their best to keep a sense of normaly everyone was wondering when the cold war that had been brewing for the past 30 years would boil over there were those who had been preparing for it for years While others assumed that it would never amount to anything neither Nation wanted to make the first nuclear strike and even if that happened the engineers would come out of their underground cities to intervene but nobody knew for sure if the two World superpowers could ever come to an agreement or if it would all end in total Destruction October 9th was the day that question was finally answered the first American nuclear warhead detonated over the Gulf of Finland only a few miles away from the city of lenen gr where people were going about their day blissfully unaware of the destruction that was about to befall them first came a Citywide blackout as the power grid was bombarded with a huge surge of radiation that caused bulbs to blow and wires to glow like they'd been struck by lightning there was barely any time to react before the next wave hit a white hot flash so bright that many of those who couldn't get to cover were blinded the third Wave by far the most destructive was the force of the explosion itself like a powerful burning wind it swept through the city breaking Windows knocking over street lights ripping the leaves off trees and bathing every car building and person with Ash people are trapped under the debris as some of the city's older less well-maintained buildings come crumbling down even though the Soviet government had been preparing for this day to come and the Russian people had been put through mandatory safety drills no amount of practice or planning could have prepared them for the real thing the streets erupted into chaos cars were crashing into buildings either because their drivers had been Blinded By the Light of the distant explosion or because the initial wave of radiation had shorted their batteries people nearly trampled each other trying to get to underground shelters as police and military tried to yell directions over the cacophony among the crowd a family desperately tried to stay together Arena and Nikolai batro held tight to their children Alexi and Tatiana the whole family was still in their pajamas and barely had time to get their shoes on before they started rushing towards the neighborhoods designated underground bunker Arena had Tatiana who was only two clutch tight to her chest and Nikolai tried his best to keep 10-year-old Alexis's eyes shielded as they walked past the dead bodies of people who were once their friends and neighbors it will be all right soon son Nikolai said as much as to try and convince himself as his son we're going under ground just like in the safe Thrills Alexi nodded solemnly and kept his gaze Straight Ahead they were almost at the end of the street when just above the sounds of air raid sirens and screaming people Alexi heard a familiar voice Alexi Alexi the boy looked down to see his teacher Mr Petro trapped in the wreckage of his car he must have been driving to work when the bomb struck father stop Alexi yelled tugging at his father's shirt sleeve that's my teacher we have to help him or he won't make it to the shelter the soldiers will help him once everyone else is in said Nikolai Alexi didn't listen he wriggled free of his father's grip and ran to where his teacher lay pinned under the wrecked vehicle Nikolai was calling after him and though Arena wanted to wait for Alexi to come back she was swept up in the tide of people and separated from her husband Mr Petro was crying thanking Alexi for coming to his Aid as Alexi got closer he saw there was blood pulling out from under the wreck it seemed if Mr Petro were going to make it out his legs would likely be badly damaged Alexi tried to lift the car himself but even though he was strong for his age he was still only a child a soldier had been helping people into the bomb shelter stopped what he was doing and ran over to Alexi Hey kid the soldier shouted leave him alone and go back to your family you're going to hurt yourself Alexi kicked and struggled Against The Soldier's grip as he was dragged back into the line with his family but he's in trouble Alexi cried it's not your job to save him his father scolded as he took his hand and led him down the stairs where they would rejoin his mother and sister as Alexi and his father descended into the tunnels Alexi heard a gunshot from the street above though he would survive long after that day he never saw his teacher Mr Petro again he never asked his father about what happened the batro family was reunited in the underground shelter which had once been an underground train station Tatiana had started crying and Nikolai tried desperately to quiet her Arena hugged her son so tight he felt she might squeeze the life out of him they were packed in with a dozen other families some they knew and others who were strangers Alexi recognized some of the other children from school and saw that some were there without their parents while they were in the station a soldier addressed the group and explained what would happen next the train station was to serve as their temporary shelter until the proper negotiations were made with the engineers as per a treaty that had been written and signed after the second World War the engineers had agreed to open the borders of their underground civilization to humans fleeing from a crisis above ground once the government had made a decision the survivors were to be taken deep underground where they would live until the war was over above ground the Soviet Union began dealing with the Fallout of the initial attack it was clear that America could no longer be dealt with reasonably if there were willing to bomb one of the ussr's biggest cities though the bombing had cut Communications between Leningrad and and Moscow eventually contact was reestablished and the Army was able to radio the Kremlin with a full report on the damage Leningrad was in ruin with over a third of the population dead or otherwise too wounded to move underground those who had made it underground were receiving treatment from everything from broken bones and blindness to radiation poisoning in a word it was chaos Russian Parliament was quick and ruthless in their decision to strike back on October 12th secretary breev authorized nuclear missiles to be launched at both New York City and Washington DC Millions were killed and just like in Russia the survivors retreated underground America didn't go down without a fight though and launched another missile attack this time at Moscow it wasn't long before both countries allies were involved in the conflict as well with missile strikes coming from France China North Korea Germany and the United Kingdom within a month the surface of the Earth was Danger dangerously irradiated and any humans who were still living had retreated underground but though the world had ended the war had not Alexi batro and his family struggled to adjust to their new life underground though the engineers were intelligent and humanlike their world was so different from the world Alexi had lived in for the first 10 years of his life he barely ever saw them the engineers were nocturnal sleeping while an artificial sun nourished the genetically engineered plants that grew around the city but anytime he tried to ask questions about them he was met with hushed Silence by the adults the engineers were spoken of in hushed almost reverent tones they were the beings that saved Humanity yes but they had also helped build the weapons that led to the war in the first place Alexi barely had any time to settle into this new life before what remained of the Russian army started looking for new recruits reports had come in from an above ground Scout that the Americans were working on a new type of armor that could fully Shield the wearer against radiation and the Soviets could not afford to be outmatched when their army was still recovering from multiple nuclear attacks but the Army wasn't asking for able-bodied adult men to enlist they were looking for children we can't possibly send our son to war Arena said arguments at the dinner table had become common in the batro family he would not be going to war Nikolai argued not until their new anti-radiation technology is perfected he won't be ready until he's an adult how do you know that what they're making in those labs won't kill him Arena said do we really want to trust these underground Devils with our son how much do we really know about the engineers anyway they could have let us all burn on this surface Nikolai said but they didn't I think we should trust them I want to go said Alexi I should some of my friends have already enlisted both of his parents were stunned but it made sense to Alexi he wanted the war to be over and he wanted to leave the underground city but most importantly he wanted to know if anyone was still alive on the surface if there was even a sliver of chance that it could be habitable again he wanted to find out after much discussion Arena and Nikolai agreed it was what was best for the future of Russia and ultimately the future of the human race Alexis's parents delivered him to the office of Army recruitment and it was taken by a man named Commander volov to a specialized research facility this was when Alexi met an engineer for the first time the engineer was tall and hairy like a bear walking on its back legs but with face and hands more like a humans it was overseeing a group of humans and other Engineers as they tinkered with machines that Alexi couldn't even begin to guess the purpose of do not be frightened Alexi Commander vov said they're going to explain the procedure to you before you have to agree to anything the engineer looked the boy over then held up a jar containing something that looked like an insect's exoskeleton it was green the same shade as the ussr's army uniforms this is our new bioorganic armor prototype the engineer said we can only graph it onto you while you are still growing it must grow with you starting on your back then moving to your limbs than your head Alexi was frightened by the idea but didn't want to seem weak he wanted to make sure his father would be proud of him he was taken into surgery where the team of Engineers and human doctors grafted the plate of bioorganic armor onto his spine once the surgery was over he was wheeled into a recovery room where he was fed a simple meal alongside all of his friends and classmates they had all gone through the same procedure over the next 8 years Alexi and his com R ads went through the painful process of growing their exoskeleton like the engineer had said it grew with them but the growth happened in painful spurts rather than gradually the worst thing about the armor was that it couldn't be removed but it gave them many advantages to normal soldiers as well once it covered Alexi's legs he found he could jump higher and run farther than any human normally could when it grew over his arms it gave him increased strength by the time he was 18 it had covered his head giving it a fly-like appearance but also granting him stereoscopic vision and the ability to hear radio Transmissions without the need for any other communication device during this time he and the other boys were trained by Commander vulkov learning how to use the powers granted to them by their exoskeletons for combat when they were deemed ready they were all outfitted with shoulder cannons Supply packs and guns all of which were also bioorganic and were surgically attacked it had been eight long years since the end of the world and Alexi was now able to set foot back on the surface the world he returned to was almost unrecognizable there were no signs of life outside of weeds and Vines overtaking the irradiated ruins of buildings within the first hour of returning to the surface Alexi gave up any hope of finding survivors he heard volkov's voice barking orders through the suit there was no time to reminisce about the past the sold had a job to do want an anomaly of your own check out SCP for highquality SCP merch now go check out SCP 2273 major Alexi bellatv and what actually happened to Major Alexi batov SCP 2273 tale for more from the story of this interdimensional Soldier
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 32,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms
Id: x4Xp7OrSS94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 7sec (13567 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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