Fear Columbus Krampus Review 2022

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foreign [Music] foreign hello everybody and welcome to a special episode of hauntog welcome again everybody to another episode of Hot Talk we're going to be reviewing fear Columbus um as you saw from Kim's fun little intro of our finger poo um we actually so I I think everybody that saw that besides maybe one person if they happen to be watching it is very confused maybe why there's a poop green in them but yeah we met we met a um a fan of the show there and he had a um sweater on that had a Mr Hanky the Christmas Poo and Kim has had these weird finger poos in her house unopened for years they like and we finally were able either gross yeah yeah the texture is just like really like oh oh it's so sticky but anyways yeah supposed to like go like that and fling it and it'll like if you remember those creepy crawly things that you like the spider things that you would throw at the wall and it would kind of like just crawl itself down I think it's kind of the same kind of idea except it's shaped like poop but um any hoosil we uh we were again reviewing fear Columbus's I think they just called it Krampus I think that's what they call this event um now we went last year for this um and we were really impressed with what they did you know and they kind of said it was going to be bigger and better this year of course um and they are doing it for um six days actually yeah so when you're watching this um if you're watching us when it goes live there will be Friday Saturday and Sunday where you can still try and go um but yeah that being said we'll go ahead and get into the review we must as always refer to that and as always we are going to start with sets and props right so once again for your Columbus awesome awesome sets um and then they just added Christmas Flair to it there so much so much just and not like oh like like it wasn't over the top it was like perfect amount yeah I mean I think summer there's a bit over the topness but I think it's in a good way yeah like because when you first walk through those doors it's just like being like hit in the face with Christmas because this year they had what one thing is is we even though there's time ticketing we had to wait a while to get in um once we actually got so it's kind of weird there was like this tent and then there was a cacula in the tent but like there was no line in the tent yeah which was weird because they had the scary checkpoint then a giant tent with switchbacks that they had Christmas decorations in um but there was like no one in the tent waiting yeah but there's a huge line we stood still for probably a good half hour until we finally started moving yes so they must have been like they must have been backed up and like policing people in like big groups or something I don't know but um but anyways yes there's a few Christmas decorations the tent and when you walk in like they have a really cool like it's not a facade when you first walk in but like where it says like the name and there's just like it's like an archway that was really pretty yeah um and then it is nice because because last year we did the fast passes so we didn't get to see like their light show that they have in the queue lines this year the fast passes are sold out so we had to wait you know forever because of that um it was pretty cool now I will say like my God like I I think it was a little bit louder than it needed to be yeah oh I felt it in mice oh yeah at one point it felt a couple times like someone was like hitting me I'm like with like their bass speakers and I'm like wow like this is like louder than concerts um but it is cool they have a bunch of I think I might have a little video of this like the lights kind of synchronized yeah music and like they have like all the fog effects and all of that um they even had fake snow outside this year yeah actually I took a picture because I sent it to people and they were convinced I was in a blizzard but it was just fake snow behind me which was cool um which yeah so then you enter and the first one um was the summoning yes and uh now my dude the whole thing was Krampus themed so it was basically the characters from each of the haunts which is the summoning and then Anarchy kind of overtaken by compass and his uh minions so to speak so um you had that whole um you know summoning demons and whatnots that the summoning pretty much is and you added you know some Krampus and evil elves and this one was def I think the first one's definitely the summoning was a lot was less like Christmas to up yeah than the second now I mean there are still like because the summoning is like yeah it's kind of like Witchcraft and stuff like you know that so there are like some like I guess like living area type scenes like living rooms you walk through um but they I mean there was still quite a bit of like you know Christmas trees and Christmas lights yeah and they had um a lot of the Christmas lights set up with the boo pedals that this place uses so like someone come out in the Christmas lights turn on for the scare um but like thinking back on it there wasn't an advertently amount of like Christmas stuff in the summit like there was there but it was mainly just like Christmas lights yeah um um in that kind of thing now when you when you leave the summoning um the second little like baby queue line you wait in for the other one like they really did that one up it was like walking through like almost like a Christmas tree Forest yeah yeah it was actually really cool I was actually really surprised when we walked in there and I'm like oh there's like trees everywhere I think they had a car not the animatronic in there too yes like I think he's holding a lantern or something that was cool and they even had it I think it oh no it definitely was snowing and it was snowing in there yep and they even had some of that like spray snow I think to make it look like the ground was frosted and that kind of yeah slippery snow so that was really cool um but yeah the entirety of aftermath is really where I think a huge majority of the work went too because I mean like so you go into like aftermath starts off you're kind of like in like a butcher slop shop slash Diner scene um not much there but then soon as you walk out into like the city street yeah um like all of this there's like a huge Christmas tree it's snowing all the windows for all the shops are like frosted over yeah um it's just it's insane like the amount of Christmas lights and just like every storefront's decorated and it's just like it was definitely a wow moment coming out of that shop and seeing all of the work they put into with the Christmas lights and that yeah um and there's like a there's a Krampus on top of a car yeah there's a giant yep that's right there's a giant Krampus on top yeah cars yeah and I think there might have been like some like creepy snowmen and stuff like that as well here's that there is just a plethora and then you go into the Asylum which is always my least favorite part of that haunt um that was probably the least Christmassy decorated of the different sections that are in aftermath yeah um there were some still of course like I said they were like lights and I think maybe trees and some corpses wrapped up in Christmas lights as you do um but then like even like the general store and I remember this from last year being impressed like they stocked the general store with like boxes of Christmas lights yeah like I'm assuming assuming all the lights they had throughout the whole place just kind of set out to make it look like you could purchase the lights which I thought was kind of funny there was a really cool section when you actually leave the Asylum it's like they've made almost like a like uh an A-frame like a triangle roof of lights that you walk through so it's just like this tunnel of Lights yeah um that was pretty awesome um and then like even in the greenhouse scene towards the end of aftermath like they had everything like glitter fried and Frozen like all the plants look like they're frozen oh yeah yeah like the snow like the detail was like kind of crazy how much snow they had on things because you have to think about they have this snow down and it's like they have to clean this up so that they can have their Regular Show how are they going to clean this up because it was all just like glittery and snowy and all this stuff and it was just kind of like you're walking around and you're like how are they going to clean this up without like making it too clean yeah you know to ruin the show The Regular Show and uh it was just kind of interesting how far they went yeah really and it's weird because like we always describe fear of Columbus as like a kind of a beautiful haunted house but like what the Christmas lights I mean it really is like it really is pretty um it would almost be nice if they did for people that like just went almost a Christmas walk through like besides the corpse thing there aren't actors like you're gonna walk through and be like this is beautiful and I mean like that was one thing we said last year is they advertised fake snow and we got like a tiny bit of fake snow last year but this year oh my god there were so many scenes where we were just like I mean it was just snowing the whole time with their snow machines I don't know it was just like really cool um I'm trying to think if there's any other like specific scenes but the whole thing was just like decked out in Christmas there's just so much to look at um and there's already so much to look at in this haunt and then you add all these crazy Christmas decorations on top um yeah it was just really cool um obviously we're giving sets and props to ten that's what we gave it um on the on season and they've just decorated it more so yeah um like yeah like Kim said really kind of Tastefully as well I mean I guess as tasteful as a haunted house can be right but like it wasn't it was a lot but it wasn't too much yeah um not not enough to the point where like it made things too light where you couldn't like you could see where people were hiding yeah yeah like it still kind of kept the atmosphere going but yeah just added that little Christmas exactly yep so moving right along to actors um so again a lot of the characters were more towards um yeah holiday or like you know minions of Krampus and things like that um one standout that I thought was pretty cool they had like a um one of those monkeys with symbols he was really cool yeah I forgot about him yeah cause I was an actual person yeah yeah yeah and he was just sitting there and he was just I I think he was screaming or making I think he was making music yeah but he was doing the symbols um he was really awesome they had people dressed up as like creepy elves they had like I think there was like a Sugar Plum Fairy at one point I know there was um an evil gingerbread man that like came out of a hole like in the sealingish area yeah oh oh and he um yeah and he said lines from Shrek I do believe oh yeah yeah he gave us a chuckle yeah yeah that was pretty funny yeah yeah and of course your krampuses yeah your Crump eyes yeah your she crumpuses and you know all of lots of those um and yeah lots of like demented elves um there was definitely less actors for this than there was for the on season so there was more dead space but the ones that were there did a really good job there was one guy in particular that got us multiple times in like the um this the city streets yeah he had like these clicker you know one of the people that can slide and he would he would just pop out of nowhere and just click in your face like so he would get so close um well lot of them had like some had the clicky gloves that the sliders use and then some had like the finger symbols because they were actually making like jingle belly kind of like kind of noises and a lot of them had them I guess just kind of have that little Jingle Bell like noise but yeah they would like literally like I had numerous people that just got like this close to my face it was crazy how close they were getting yeah they those the people in that city streets really do a good job and again the blue puddles are very effective that the actors use because like even though I know where some of the scares are they still manage to get me because I just have loud and bright the boo paddles are um and of course we we had Isaac with us we made him we made him lead through this one and he even said like because they don't touch here and he really likes like the ones where they grab you and stuff like nightmare Cleveland which that review will be coming out next um so make sure you stay tuned for that but he even said that this is one of the haunts that he actually like screamed the most in just because of all like the jump scares and that like I said I mean some of them I do know they're coming so some not all of them get me yeah um but there are some even though I know they're there they still manage to um scare me which is impressive the way they have it set up yeah um yeah so actors are really good we just do we do wish there was a little bit more of them because yeah they're definitely it's like the Asylum specifically was super like empty seeming yeah not many at least if there was we just kind of missed the scares because I will say um halfway through the summoning we caught up with people and they didn't separate us at all when we got to the beginning of aftermath usually they kind of pulse you in but no one stopped us so we just Conga lined yeah through all of aftermath which again the haunted house is set up kind of like a Halloween Horror Nights haunted house so you can still get scarce they have tons of scrim between the doorways yeah um but obviously there are scares you'll miss when you're conga line together because sometimes a group in front of you will get something and they just won't bother with you because they're waiting for the next group type of thing uh but we gave actors a nine this year or for the Christmas thing so moving on to scare Factor um again it was uh you know with the Christmas one it kind of like changes how much more like scarier it is and stuff like that just because it's more Whimsical because it's you know got the holiday theming and stuff like that um still again we did get quite a few scares but if you jump scares and I mean the place is just so loud um like your ears ring for at least a couple hours afterwards so like I wear I have an Apple Watch on and like every time I'm there like I'm in there I'm sitting there for like a minute the watch would be like you need to get out of this environment it's too loud and it's like because we actually did notice this time that a lot of the actors are wearing earplugs which I imagine you couldn't work there and not wear them um but yeah and I one nice thing I will say that the Christmas lights do add is it adds an extra element of distraction because like you're kind of like docking at things and it does make it because they're actually I mentioned in the actor section the guy with the clickety clack fingers one of the times he got me I think I was looking up the Christmas tree and he goes and he pops up from the ground into my face with his hands and scared the crap out of me I I that was the time I screamed the most because I was just like I don't even care if they scare me I just want to like you know look at all this stuff um again I just love to do a photo shoot there um but yeah it was uh um the Christmas lights definitely added that kind of like extra distraction Factor but um yeah I don't think it was quite as scary because of the less actors and it did have a little bit more of a Whimsy feel because they were paying they were playing I think Christmas music through the majority of yes it was kind of like a little messed up a little messed up like kind of slowed down a little bit it's kind of creepy um yeah because like at one point I'm just like what's going on with this music it's just like kind of like strange like sometimes you would get into certain parts and they were playing like normal stuff um because like especially in Anarchy because of it being like in the city streets and you're going into businesses and stuff they actually have like a radio station playing in some of the areas so they had like a DJ talking and about like you know oh holiday sales blah blah blah and then they would play Christmas music and stuff trying to kind of just kind of keeping up with that whole atmosphere which is just yeah I mean just yeah the amount of thought that goes into the detailing of this place even down to something like that is is super impressive but yeah overall it was still pretty dang scary we gave it an 8.75 so that brings us to Value um because this was a special event it was a a different price than normal um this one yeah a little bit well it was all general admission was 29.99 didn't matter if you were there Friday Saturday or Sunday yeah it's 29.99 yeah from at least what we could tell I think it was the same price for no matter what um we weren't able to get fast passes not 100 sure what the price of this was I think it was only a ten dollar increase it was a ten dollar increase yeah I swear they sold like 10 for each thing which was ridiculous I'm not sure but um yeah either way um again it's a 30 minute long haunted house you are in there for quite a while and um we just also think the value is great for this event um if you're watching this we highly recommend that you get it do it but make sure you understand you cannot buy tickets at the gate so if you're watching this and you do not know that already you cannot just show up you must have tickets because they are kind of strictly I believe um it seems to be how it works is like so like let's say you have a nine o'clock ticket you can show up late and still go in but you can't show up before nine and go in yeah because they'll say like oh we're now basically serving like nine and earlier type of thing but if you're 9 30 then when they check your ticket they're going to just make get you make you get out of line yeah um basically don't show up early if anything show up a little bit late yeah yeah I would actually say take your time get close to your few minutes late it's not gonna hurt and they do have some concessions and stuff like that um nothing real crazy but I think there's a good place selling like hot dogs maybe burgers and stuff yeah um and there was a place selling hot chocolate but I didn't even realize until we were leaving because it was like around the corner so if you do want something warm while you're waiting in line because if you're waiting in line for a while like we were I'd probably recommend getting something warm we got lucky though because he said most of the waiting was outside but it was like it wasn't that cold it was cold it wasn't snowing it was like 35 40 degrees so it wasn't horrible at night but if you go this week I don't know what it's supposed to be this weekend but if you go and it's colder then you might want to bundle up and because you're going to be even though the entire haunts inside you will be more than likely waiting outside yeah so just keep that in mind but value gave a 10 to um again we think it's amazing though you're getting to see a world-class haunt um I mean I don't think 30 especially compared to like some of the other places we've been to like last year like in Maryland and that what they're charging for haunts not even you know not even close to the caliber of this it's very good value so for our overall score we did give them a 10. yep looking at 10. um we were debating on like 9.5 just because like the scare factors are less than the actors or less but we think with the insane because we you know sets and props would be like an 11 for this event if we could if we did more than 10 because like of the fact that like the amount of decorating they did like we already gave them a base 10 on their normal show and then they've done this much more and just when I think about the amount of work to put the show up and take it down that's why like I'm super glad that they're doing this for six nights not how most are for two because like this amount of work for two nights I think would be insane doesn't matter work for just six nights is insane but two would have just been like how is it worth it right like the amount of time and money you're putting into this like I mean I know they're probably making a killing because I mean like usually when we go to these Christmas themes haunts they are a lot slower yeah they were busting that night like they there are so many people waiting like they couldn't even get in line yet like it took us a while to find a parking spot and they have a lot of parking there yeah so um yeah yeah yeah it's uh it is a popular event so that is it for fear Columbus's Christmas show um did you go what did you think yeah are you going to go are you watching this before it starts um they also by the way have cool like this isn't necessarily their merch but they do sell um what's it called the the Halloween t-shirt company so I love this shirt I bought it from there last year um it's like this creepy tree giving like the kids a dead um and other stuff so they do have a cool merch store I implore you to look at it because even the stuff that's not fair Columbus branded they have a lot of really cool shirts there yeah but yeah make sure you like and subscribing and leaving the comments also make sure you're ringing the notification Bell so you don't miss any future upcoming videos um and also if you have any ideas for videos you'd like to see us do in the future that maybe aren't necessarily haunted house related related let us know um if you'd like to see like horror movie reviews and stuff like that that's something we've been toying with for a while would you like to see us do that um whatever you'd like to recommend let us know and if also if you have a haunt that's going to have you having any other special events like a Valentine St Patrick's Day whatever before like the normal haunt season let us know about that um because we might be able to check it out but thank you very much for watching and we'll see in the next episode bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Spirit Light Productions
Views: 358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fear columbus, ohio, krampus, scary, spooky
Id: rS2oPMVAyzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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