Most Hated Side Character EVER

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then why are we fighting you made me feel stupid and unimportant trash people of the internet I come here as the bearer of bad news you see Mary Jane a woman I dubbed the most toxic woman ever was only the tip of the iceberg if you didn't know recently the Invincible season 2 trailer dropped and it brought back memories memories of someone so vile so so toxic and so so fly away fly boy stupid Amber from Advent and honestly I fear that her character is starting to influence other characters but we'll get to that later if you don't know how she became the most hated side character ever well let me show you so we first see Amber in episode one where she's getting hit on by you know the typical high school jock y'all know the ones that talk like if it isn't my main man fingleton what's up dude that kind of guy and she wasn't really feeling it but that's what my boy Mark subson and this is before he got his powers so uh you know what happens but luckily Amber being the independent woman she is she comes in and kicks Todd right in his and Amber starts to admire Mark a little because you know it takes some courage to get whooped like that in front of the whole school so fast for a little Amber pretty much blackmails the bully Todd would I guess some old explicit pictures in order to get him to apologize to Mark and also give Mark her digits which is a w Amber making the first move you would think with the way things started this relationship was gonna be amazing so a market number set up you know their first little study date but it's interrupted when Mark has to go handle some superhero business at Mount Rushmore and from Amber's perspective it looks like he's just ditching her which is really really messed up but as we know that's not the case but we have to look at it from her perspective imagine you're constantly getting ditched by someone you like wouldn't feel too good and it happened several times he even misses out on the soup kitchen but Amber and Mark rekindle again because you know he got hit by a bus which is really just Intergalactic Mufasa destroying his insides pause pause pause and so they decide to plan a trip to what is this college called Upstate University probably the most straightforward name I've ever heard for a college and this trip is the beginning of the end so they arrive at the campus and everything's going calm no there's some people missing on campus but that's fine we're good so they go to this one lecture and there's this guy this guy with slick back hair pink suit honestly I would have saw him I would have knew he was a super villain who goes to a lecture in a whole Pink Suit even the way he talks typical alpha male like you know this man's into the whole blue pill red pill black pill stuff anyways Amber calls him out for being weird he gets kicked out of the classroom then we get this nice little Montage of Amber and Mark enjoying the campus and by the looks of it everything is going amazing then suddenly this evil cyborg appears and starts attacking people and destroying the campus and Mark being the only superhero there he has to run off and suit up and come back as invincible and eventually the cyborg is defeated enough very gruesome way and remember nobody knows he's invincible so this was not a good look for Mark like imagine you're with someone you love and they're supposed to protect you or whatever and stuff starts going crazy and you turn around and they're halfway down the block that is not a good look so Amber starts crying and talk about how Mark just abandoned her when they were in danger and this leads to Amber ignoring Mark giving him the cold shoulder and eventually going to this college party where she almost cheats on him if the dude didn't hit her with the yeah my girlfriend says the same stuff bro you know you know and I would give her a pass but nah bruh it don't matter if you're dating freaking Darth Vader don't cheat on someone so they get back from the college trip and this is when stuff goes down so Mark starts apologize into Amber telling her he knows he hasn't been the best boyfriend but he can change for her because he loves her and that's what relationships are all about Denmark gets an idea on how he could fix things and he thinks it's time yes ladies and gentlemen it's time for him to reveal his identity cause surely she'll understand all his disappearances all his mishaps are cause he's a freaking superhero out there saving people 24 hours a day seven days a week and that's exactly what he does and y'all know what happens y'all know what happens I'm not an idiot I figured it out weeks ago what she knew she knew the whole time the time he was late she knew he was saving people the time he got hit by that bus she knew a bus couldn't have done that to him at the college campus she knew why he disappeared so what were those tears for why are you crying she's a better actress than Mary Jane talking about you made me feel unimportant because you are it's literally a secret identity the whole point is it's a secret and how long have y'all been dating less than a year less than half a year and if not telling someone something is a lie then I guess I lie on a daily basis because I don't just go around telling people I have a birthmark on my right ass cheek that would be stupid and embarrassing this scene just baffles me because it changes everything she said it herself make the world you want to live in and Mark's trying to make the world he wants to live in and he's a bad person okay I get it if you want to break up with him go ahead but don't try to make him feel like a terrible person for not spending time with you instead of saving people talking about some damn soup kitchen ain't nobody give a damn about no soup kitchen and this whole getting mad about not revealing the secret identity Trope doesn't end at Amber because some of you might know there's a new show called my advice to a Superman which is about my adventures with Superman starring Lois Lane and spoilers ahead in episode 5 she also gets mad at Clark same way Amber got mad at Mark for not revealing his identity and then she jumps off the building to prove herself right and this is probably the part of the video you probably expect me to trash on Lois Lane and talk about how she's exactly the same as Amber and honestly you could not be more right kidding kidding well I do really think what she did was stupid and a little toxic is not the same as Amber these two are not the same scenario Lois was upset because she was worried about Clark and when she confronted him she did not know he was Superman leading to her getting mad for being lied to quote unquote Amber already for about three weeks is clearly not that worried about Mark you saw during the college fight and she can't be mad because she chose to stay with him if she really didn't like the superhero stuff that much she could have broke up with him or brought it up to him the second she found out but no she's retro Lois isn't safe either like I said it's still stupid why would Clark tell you that he's Superman if you're constantly saying to him oh I can't wait to expose Superman's secrets that just doesn't make sense and why literally jump off the building you could have just threatened to do it I know she's done it like four times but damn Plus on the first episode Lois was waiting to risk Clark and Jimmy's job so she could get her scoop so can you really blame him for not trusting her like that I do appreciate the fact that Lois the actual character with flaws like she does stupid stuff but she gets called out on it Amber on the other hand is perfect straight A student goes down to the soup kitchen feeds the homeless the crackheads y'all know so she's never in the wrong even when she did the whole I already knew for three weeks thing everybody in the show was defending her Eve William they were making Mark feel like he's the bad guy when in reality she is she was the one out here faking tears when she could have been maybe checking on William and his boyfriend after the robot attack making sure Mark is okay giving Mark maybe a thank you for saving them because she knew he was invincible I didn't even hear her give William her condolences after his boyfriend got turned into a freaking evil Robocop and I know he ain't died but at least and I'm sorry I think what bugs me the most is that she decides to go back to Mark when he's in a very vulnerable state after his dad just destroyed cities with his face and pretty much left to go get milk on another planet and even in those moments still has a smart mouth I pieced it together I was marked that door would have been slammed right in her face I don't know why Mark doesn't just get up and be like you know what I'ma go be with Eve cause clearly superheroes and humans cannot be together because stuff like this happens I just don't like her man like she is not redeemable at all I don't care what she does in season two she could be saving freaking puppies from drowning in a lake of lava I don't care I'll forgive Omni man before I forgive her because annoying characters are worse than villains and that's just a fact who wrote her man like who wrote her I really want to know Robert was it you buddy huh huh or was it you Simon sitting in the back there all quiet you know who Lois and ambusher aspire to be like my boy Jimmy he completely understood that a secret identity is a secret identity for a reason and that's why he's the goat man the goat all this to say Lois Lane and Amber may be a little similar but they're not the same Lois is a good character Lois has her flaws and you know sometimes We're not gonna like her but that's with anybody but Amber I never like her I hate her oh my goodness only thing worse is like Jenny from Forrest Gump and Skyler white that's like bottom of the barrel but as for Amber yeah she's definitely the most hated side character ever and moral of the story spent all this time worrying about you it's a secret identity you lied to me I'm trusting you now fine we'll do this the hard way foreign [Music]
Channel: DerekFDB
Views: 65,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: derekfdb, funny, memes, anime, comedy, commentary
Id: j0RGoqEx4TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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