The BEST Gaming Console of All Time

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what is the best console the question Humanity has been asking since the dawn of time Xbox or Playstation good versus evil apple juice or orange juice this simple question has led to countless hate crimes cringy memes broken friendships and most heartbreaking of all gay jokes you're gay he's gay oh both sides didn't know was that the war was already lost but to a third competitor the Wii the absolute Pinnacle of gaming I don't think anyone born after 2009 will understand how influential this masterpiece was forget the PS5 forget the Xboxes the Wii was on a different tier this was back in the time when there was barely any online game so this beautiful console require you to play a family friends or when you were really lonely you could just invite in a homeless person and yes that required you to go outside and this led to the unification of everyone I'm talking gangbangers Rival Sports Teams opposing countries religious leaders cats and dogs world hunger one of the biggest problems we Face To This Day saw its biggest drop once the week came out coincidence probably or maybe that's what they want you to believe this was truly a time to be alive there has never been a console as immersive as this one Oculus nah I think I'm good I'm my Wii nothing was more realistic than accidentally throwing your Wii Remote at the TV and actually getting your ass whooped for it immerses the Wii was actually good for your health too unlike these new games where you play sitting down all the time we you actually had to stand up and depending on the game you were playing you might actually break a sweat and I haven't even gotten to the games yet but that'll come in a second because first I gotta talk about this Sleek design the remote so simple so thin just and if you really want to spice it up you would get the nunchuck or the wheel or the huge other selection of accessories they had I couldn't afford the wheel back then but I didn't have the nunchuck the only two real dance has about the remote was one you needed batteries and two that damn cursor bro it was so jittery like I'm just trying to press Start bro press start the battery problem though did have a solution at least one that worked for me when my batteries would stop working I would take them and put them in the freezer take them back out after about a day and boom they will start working again and I don't know how that works scientifically but it worked and the actual Wii wasn't even that big super easy to package your bag so when it was time to flex on people like for me it was my cousins it was super simple and then that beautiful sound when you turn it on yeah I know which one I'm talking about nice the beautiful simple sound of the clicks the easy to maneuver Wii channels and most importantly of all that music there is not a single Drake song on this earth that could top Wii music the only thing really rivaling it maybe is OG fortnite music but aside from that nothing I could easily listen to a 10 hour version of the Wii music will I no but I probably could now we can finally talk about the games I probably had over 800 hours in the me channel alone I had a whole society first starting with my family and not just the main branch I'm talking extended family Aunts Uncles cousins second cousins third cousins because you're not even sure your actual cousins and it wasn't just family either I made friends superheroes cartoon characters anime characters anything a six-year-old will like I made it I got so into it that at night I questioned the mind of me is this all just a simulation and everything I have done or if I will do is ultimately meaningless that would mean that nothing matters now what I do today now what I do tomorrow nothing nah the best part of making the means was using them in games like Wii Sports [Music] I used to play with myself all the time come on y'all know I ain't getting like that Wii Sports was probably the funnest game my 4-6 show itself ever experienced we had bowling we had baseball we had boxer tennis and golf how could you not like any of these game modes especially bowling bowling by far was the fan favorite and for good reason too everything about it was elegant the way you hit the pins the way you got the spears the way you got the strikes even the way the crowd jumped when the bowling ball slipped out of your hands [Music] they're just beautiful and even though bowling was the best we still had three other good game modes no not boxing though the only game that could really ride with Wii sports for me was obviously Wii Sports Resort you know the game is good when you quite literally hop into it I like it more than Wii Sports we had more game modes we had table tennis frisbee wakeboarding archery bowling again canoeing Air Sports power cruising basketball basketball Sword Play and yeah that's it on cycling and let me tell you I was terrible at all these sports like complete dog but like come on who who really wants to play canoeing or power cruising bro those molds are boring I was only good at Air Sports bowling obviously and swordplay kind of when it came to Air Sports I mean what can I say you would have thought I was a millionaire Earhart the way I was flying them planes then bowling oh man and then sword playing let me tell you about the boss sword play at first I loved it it was super easy just steamrolling all the competition then after winning a while you get to the pro Rank and Things become a little more difficult but I still loved it love the intensity of the matches those moments when you'll be on the brink of falling off and then you would still win it the adrenaline coursing through your veins your remote controller sweaty as hell and even though I lose some I'd still keep fighting competing against people like Jake Takashi and even Anna the vice Champion but after defeating Anna that's where my fun ended because the only person left to defeat after Anna is the champion you you ruthless heartless bastard [Music] this man no this monster was the reason I lost my passion for swordplay no matter how many times I tried I couldn't beat him and it wasn't just in real life but in my dreams too every waking moment Matt was there just watching waiting for his rematch aside from the Wii Sports series the Wii had a plethora of other amazing games Just Dance Mario Galaxy Michael Jackson The Experience Sonic Colors Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games and so on and so forth I will not be talking about any of these at least not in this video wink wink nudge nudge it's gonna be another video moral of the story to answer the question what is the best console it's the Wii [Music]
Channel: DerekFDB
Views: 130,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: derekfdb, funny, memes, wii, Comedy, meme, tiktok, tiktok memes, commentary, degenerocity
Id: OSaTzvI__gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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