The World's Most Extreme Humans (Record Holders)

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the word extreme means reaching a high degree or the highest degree something or someone that is far different from the rest and through my travels i've been fortunate enough to meet some very extreme humans in any given place i purposely seek out the most unique individuals because they always have the most inspiring stories to share so in today's video i will introduce you to five extreme travelers i've met over the last six months starting with the extreme budget traveler from sweden this is felix and i traveled the world for three years on less than ten dollars a day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this is homeless me this is me canoeing through the amazon rainforest and this is me living in a box felix comes from a small swedish town called lund and we met last week on board this hertagon expedition to greenland his life is so insane that i wanted to share with you in today's video from a young age he always had a travel bug inside him but didn't get much of a chance to let loose until after high school so like many other swedes do he took a gap year to see the world but wanted to do it all without flying so i started in sweden i biked across europe then i sailed from europe to the caribbean i spent about one year and a half all around south america and the caribbean and end up in mexico then i made my way up to canada where i spent about one month i flew over to japan took a boat over to korea and another boat to russia i took the train through russia into mongolia where i spent about two months and then i took another train which is the transat bayern high railway through russia to moscow and from moscow i took the bus to latvia and from there it was just about 1000 miles so just like ah i just walked back home how long did it take you to walk home it took about 80 days to walk in total he visited 32 countries by walking biking hitchhiking taking buses trains sailboats canoes ferries taxis and motorbikes sometimes he didn't shower for two months and other unfortunate times he got robbed once in spain and three times in peru the craziest part about his story is that he finished this trip when he was 22 years old from the beginning i spoke only mother tongue swedish and some english and after the trip i could communicate well in both french spanish portuguese and a bit of japanese and mongolian as well so you might ask what about money how does he pay for everything the answer he's the most expert budget traveler i've ever met i spent less than ten thousand dollars in three years he slept on streets he dumpster dived he couchsurfed he worked odd jobs like helping yaz get through the panama canal apple picking in canada fixing drainage systems in bolivia cleaning the marina in the canary islands babysitting in the caribbean yachting in mongolia and his current job in svalbard so right now i work as a dog sledding guide on svalbard so i drive my own dog team and take tourists on trips so what did you learn from all this traveling so i learned a lot about people in the world in general that they are very very nice and it's much safer in the world than most people think that it is and i believe that it's from the internet that you only heard about the bad things and not about the good ones what's next for fevix so my next plan is to get myself a sailboat and live on that boat and sail from one place to another all around the world and do different kind of projects few people in this world are more courageous than felix and i can't wait to track him down in years to come alright drew it was really nice meeting you and i see you again when i see you [Music] next i will take you over to pakistan to meet this extremely creative artist let's hit it this is sarah and i recreate love stories through the art of henna [Music] so i was born in karachi and i moved to hong kong when i was about seven years old and i've lived in hong kong since then so i'm born karachi i have chinese nationality i do not look chinese at all as the first thing immigration officers out there they're like chinese you're not chinese were you always an artist from birth or did you get inspired or how did you start with art so i think my mind works and nothing else but art all throughout my childhood i love to draw paint all throughout school i did art as a subject and even in university that was my degree as far as henna art is concerned um i used to watch my mom she used to apply henna for brides and i used to just get inspired and started practicing and i've been doing henna for well as long as i can remember now what is your experience so far having a habitat it's amazing it's the first time and i cannot believe that this is in my hands right now like i can i've been following you guys for about five years now so i'm doing a little portrait that i like the best of the two of you as well just a rough sketch so i can kind of get an idea of what i want to do on the hand my first bride was when i was 10 years old i started my business sarah's henna in hong kong around 15 years ago and it was the first business of its kind in hong kong the chinese people the locals had no idea what it actually was and i explained it to them as a form of traditional temporary tattooing i'm so glad that i don't have any reactions from henna is this natural oh yeah this is 100 natural organic henna that i make at home so basically in pakistan and in india as well in the local markets you get chemical cones and they're really bad for your skin so i started making organic henna i roll these cones myself and i now supply this all over pakistan so what makes serious henna stand out from all the other henna artists so basically i started the love story henna concept about five six years ago now and all it is is that i just asked the bride or my client you know what their story is so for example for diana i wanted it to represent her time in karachi hence why there's all these bespoke elements we start with the camel ride because i saw it on your insta stories so we've got it there with drew and diana with her hair flying i know you guys have been really inspired by truck art and it's something very traditional pakistani so these are the kind of things that make up my bridal head up when i first started doing it there was nobody else during this concept but now of course with social media it's incredible like brides all over the world asked for it and artists there are some amazing artists who do the same thing now and they do it hundred times better than me honestly okay so my standard rate for bespoke designs the love story henna is a thousand us i fly worldwide for this and it covers both arms till the elbows and feet up to the knees what are a few countries that you've flown to for work oh my god okay i've been to europe all over asia uk australia hong kong and now pakistan sarah is one of the many hardworking women in the world who don't get enough credit for their entrepreneurial spirit not only is she a talented artist but she's a fantastic person and a pleasure to spend the afternoon with in karachi [Music] from pakistan we go over to the netherlands to meet the extreme men who can withstand sub-zero temperatures better than anyone else this is wim hof i am the ice man i must be a genius because it's so simple to be happy just going to this ice path is meeting the stress to the deepest see the mist it's cold i'm in holland i'm with the ice man it's pouring rain it's freezing and i'm gonna get an ice bath with this man who's already been in here for 45 minutes go down slowly and surely follow your breath follow your breath don't think about the camera just be oh man great this is awesome powerful everybody should do this it's amazing you learn to deal with stress [Music] six-year-old wim hof is an extreme athlete from holland who is world renowned for his ability to withstand sub-zero temperatures at 17 years i was when i first encountered a thin layer a layer of ice on the water i went in and i felt connection i could get a hold of my deeper feelings after decades of immersing his body into freezing temperatures he developed his own practice called the wim hof method is about breeding techniques that makes you able to enter into the depth of your natural physiology your mindset and you have the cold which trains the cardiovascular system to the best he claims that it can strengthen the body's immune system and help cure things like depression anxiety pain and even fight off diseases winning a tour of women's house right now yeah man it's more like a campground this is where i drink it's not cold now but normally it's -30 degrees celsius this man is truly a superhuman i run in my shorts when it's cold you know for an hour or so no shoes and go you have how many world records and what are they yeah it's like 26 world records guineas world records breaking them standing for in the ice for almost two hours now uh running beyond the polar circle barefoot then once i lost the way under the ice i had to go for 50 meters but i went over the 100 meters because i missed the ice hole there i lost the fear of dying that was very very impressive he is completely breaking down barriers for what scientists thought the body could do when i asked him how he does it he explains that cold exposure works like weight lifting the muscles get stronger the more you expose them reducing the force that your heart has to use to pump blood it's the best part you know the striptease do you own shoes yeah but they don't own me my vision is that we are now able to get 100 control over our own brain we are able to defy inflammation actually the cause of disease and then we will change mental health care with natural ways we are able to outbalance any hormonal or mental disorder i tell you once again any mental disorder wayne wants his voice to be heard in every corner of the globe which he's had enormous success so far hearing cops [Music] dozens of documentaries and books have been created about his life and theories millions of social media followers actively engage in his lifestyle and he constantly runs workshops for people to implement his wim hof methods into their daily lives if there's something i've learned over the last two hours at wim's house it's that this man is up to something very special i literally spent zero hours last night we came here i'm sleeping in the car and now i've never felt more alive in my life it's been incredible to meet the legend himself and i look forward to not only practicing his message but seeing him next time in the cold mountains nice meeting you drew and remember eyes is your warm and fast breath from holland we go over to the southern region of the philippines to meet the extremely short man this is jun rae and he's the world's shortest man at 23.62 inches in height jun rae balawing holds a guinness world record title for the smallest living man on this planet he stopped growing at the early age of one his age now 26. junrei lives in a city called dapitan in the mindanao region of southern philippines i flew down here from manila just for a few hours so i could meet him and share his inspiring story with you [Music] junie comes from a normal family with four siblings he's the only one with this condition and doctors still don't know exactly why can you talk about when he was born from a young age when did you realize that he would stop growing jury's mother bore him normally just like the normal parents poor child and then the moment junior was delivered they noticed that it's just the size now it's the size just this inches was born he has a speech defect and has trouble standing on his own and on top of his conditions junia grew up in a poor family his father earned two dollars a day as a blacksmith which was barely enough to feed a family of six they used to only eat dried fish and bananas and he couldn't afford to see any doctor until he was eight years old they went to the doctor at his age eight years old with no proper substance of money and it's far away from the city but then when jun ray turned 18 he was awarded this guinness world record certificate and that's when things for him and his family began to change he became a national sensation being interviewed by every media outlet and landing him and his family a job at a local park and a new house right here at the tourism office nowadays june right is well taken care of getting regular checkups at the hospital and maintaining a healthier diet junrei and his father don't want you to feel bad for him despite being small and having trouble speaking doctors say that he's able to live a long normal life and he can do many things by himself so before um his dad is going to help him eat then the way that he dressed but now he's doing it by itself his favorite meal is chopao yeah have you tasted chopper uh yes let's get some shop out his favorite that's his favorite once he opens up to you he has a great personality and loves being in the spotlight he's a very happy guy and we've been having a great time together what kind of things make junior happy he valued things like seeing kids around the street playing he's approachable to tap his hands with everything that amaze him but he can be stubborn when his parents try to tutor him he wants it in his way of learning and experiencing things like for example if i'm going to tell him this is letter a but he wants it ah like that we want it to be in this way that being said his listening skills are quite good he understood everything from what his dad telling he could say hi you can say hello and last but not least let's go to the united states of america to meet the extremely old traveler from new york city my name is vincent lavelli i've been traveling on and off since 1939. when i withdrew from brooklyn college to go to cuba and start a trip around the world mona lisa i had it all to myself in the louvre nobody in the whole room except me and her that's the kind of a feeling i had of the world it was all mine if you ever wondered what it was like to travel in the 1940s and 50s this 99 year old man has all the answers i headed to his apartment on the west side of manhattan on this cold rainy day when did you move here i moved here the day that jfk was assassinated that was in 1964. how much was the rent here 15 a month he invited me upstairs to sit and chat about his life you know this is the hard part oh [ __ ] oh i don't have my keys where is the belly [Music] yeah you are smart one two three have you been to bhutan yes yes good for you i was born in brooklyn uh 1920 so you're 99 are you jewish i'm jewish i'm jewish i have a tree in haifa i have some schnapps a little just so i wait wait um you have to speak word by word i'm sorry it's it's that all right it's okay how many countries have you been to 60 60 yeah i thought i had a record so you came along what's your favorite well i think now i can go back to cuba that's my favorite despite being hearing impaired since he was three i started to eat lead paint that came down off the walls mr lavelli learned five languages during his career of sailing on sixty-four ships portuguese spanish italian french and some christmas soldiers just to put in perspective how long ago this man started traveling it was just before world war ii kicked off back when the wizard of oz hit theaters when planes looked like this phones looked like this and when thailand was still called siam it was a pure pristine world clean nobody around very few people traveled for leisure during this period of time and it's an absolute pleasure to be able to hear his stories today in 39 really my first country was canada when they were indians camped at the base of the niagara falls they were tents with children how cheap was to travel back then how much 29 a weekend in havana or expenses what's your favorite part about traveling the friends you meet because unless you bring the people to your house you have not known the country and this idea of travel is to get not to know only the country but the people i met 90 celebrities including the king of siam the king of afghanistan listen to this the duke and duchess of windsor he wanted me to stay and talk with him i said look i'm hungry i'm dirty i've been driving all day excuse me uh mickey mantle we were both standing side by side at the urinals here taking a leak what is your key to living happy that's a good word and that is afro-cuban music drumming makes me happy vincent is so kind that on my way out he got up to walk me down four flights of stairs let me give you a little piece of candy but i figured you get a dry from talking let's go be careful don't talk that was an incredible experience i'm just leaving vicente's apartment complex now amazing guy it's really cool to hear about his travel stories from the 30s and 40s and yeah as he said just be happy live a happy life alright guys heading out to the city now see you later as vincent says you haven't experienced a country until you meet the people our world is full of amazing humans both extreme and not who have the most fascinating stories to share and i'm going to keep them coming your way on my upcoming three-month trip around africa see you guys there i'm drewbinski and if you like my travel videos please click subscribe and join me as i plan to visit every country in the world
Channel: Drew Binsky
Views: 2,133,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: extreme, extreme people, extreme people are awesome, extreme humans, people are awesome, manila, philippines, dapitan, amsterdam, holland, netherlands, karachi, pakistan, malmo, sweden, greenland, united states, new york, nyc, junrey, junrey balawing, ice man, wim hof, wim hof method, felix, saras henna, saras henna hong kong, henna, henna tattoo, budget traveler, cold exposure, worlds shortest man, short man, drew binsky, drew binsky travel, travel vlog, amazing people, talented people
Id: 8ji52G21Nqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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