Most Expensive Purchases in Pawn Stars History...

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what do you mean a lot shorter everybody thinks I'm 5/8 so you are Steve Carell no over the years Pawn Stars have seen some incredible and rare items come through their doors you don't want to miss this because you'll be shocked to see how much the Pawn Stars are willing to pay hey before we get into the video be sure to enter our brand-new giveaway will be giving away any of these items it's your choice to enter the giveaway leave a like comment the keywords subscribe turn on notifications and most importantly watch the whole video it's that simple for one kilo gold bars what do you think pops umm it's gold obviously the classic car or a beautiful guitar commits a whole lot of money with the right customer however the standard of money in America and around the world is still precious metals with gold in particular high atop the list of the most valuable things that existence there's a reason Rick Harrison and the old man named their pawn shop gold and silver and it tracks that the most expensive item they've ever bought would be one of those two alloys according to the History Channel website the most money Rick ever shelled out on a single deal was predictably the golden substance itself giving the customer a hundred and twenty eight thousand four for one kilo bars how exactly this person came into all that gold isn't quite clear but we bet they took their earnings straight to the bank or maybe a nearby casino after that trade they had money to spare confused I'll explain in every country including the United States there's an exchange rate on gold and silver and other precious metals considering the average price of gold right now and accounting for the weight of the bars that would mean that Rick and the old man did indeed get a deal on that gold JFK cigar box this is John F Kennedy cigar box sure is and inside are the remaining unsmoked cigars notwithstanding today's divided in tumultuously wintry political climate jonathan adiy remains as one of America's most beloved and respected former presidents even before JFK was elected to the nation's highest office his family was already basically American royalty thanks to his extremely wealthy father and their connections to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt this made the younger Kennedy remarkably popular upon arrival at The Oval Office and the unfortunately short tenure of his presidency prior to being assassinated keep additional historical importance to everything he did while there they're not exactly earth changing even a simple little cigar box that sat on JFK's desk can be extremely noteworthy and valuable to his biggest admirers if there are a few cigars left in the Box unsmoked but presumably touched by JFK as reach for another that'll be even better Rick Harrison knew all this the moment a man handed him JFK's cigar box and offered him a cool 60 thousand for it turns out this was a massive steal a similar items have sold for over half a million this is one of those deals where everything truly lines up for the Pawn Stars the item was real and there was plenty of authentication to prove that it was indeed the real deal the owner even had a picture of Kennedy with the cigar box how are yours F Kennedy has remained one of the most popular presidents in history especially after his tragic death so any items associated with him are valuable and this one was not only that it was well worth the price 19:22 proof piece dollar coin where did you get this I wanted a poker game whoa one of the rarest coins in American history is the 1922 proof piece high relief dollar coins if you ask any coin collector they would tell you that not only is this one of the most amazing coins you will ever see on Pawn Stars they would love to own a proof piece dollar coin not just this one is one of those few coins that are legends in the denomination universe the seller of the coin ended up winning it in a card game wanted 20,000 for it when he came into the building but after an expert came in and took a look at it that price shot up 200,000 after Rick figured out a good price point 80,000 the deal was truckin but at parties walked away happy 1932 Lincoln roadster this was a classic floral rarity the 30s was the Golden Age of cars it was when cars really began to have style it's not very often that Rick makes a deal with the seller that ends with him giving someone actual gold in exchange for an item let alone a 1932 Lincoln roadster the one he was approached by the owner who goes by the name Uncle Phil of a 1932 Lincoln roadster he was drooling at the chance at owning such a rare vintage vehicle Uncle Phil got the car from a museum a few years ago it was looking to get a hundred thousand for it nothing was this beautiful ride might be worth two hundred thousand he was looking for but brick deals in a buy and sell business and this type of item would be tough to sell because of such a limited market Uncle Phil was not gonna negotiate until the deal of selling him gold came about and the deal was struck for ninety five thousand I want you to think about that for a second Rick was willing to give actual gold of this customer in exchange for this car gold and silver a couple of the few items in the world today that can be bought and sold with basically no consequence and because of the exchange rates you know exactly what you're getting with them so for him to give that up in exchange for a car that shows how rare and important and valuable that 1932 Lincoln roadster was in case you were curious the is a limited market for the car and because of that some models of the carbs sold for double what Rick bought it for 2001 New England Patriots Super Bowl ring the very first one I ever actually got to own that's my 2001 Patriots Super Bowl ring former New England Patriots defensive back Brock Williams showed up at the office one day ready to make a deal for his commemorative 2001 Super Bowl championship ring it's not often that an actual Super Bowl championship ring makes it into the shop so Rick was giddy with excitement over the ring when he saw it but made this ring so collectible was so ridiculously beautiful it was covered with 143 diamonds and made of 14-karat white gold it was the first time a ring exceeded the NFL's rule on expense limits Rick ended up buying it for 2000 as collateral for a loan and kept it after Brock never returned to get it it's not worth $100,000 so while the Pawn Stars didn't drop a fortune on this item we had to included on the list for the price it's worth now they almost made a hundred grand off Rick gloves decide him so much that a time so just wear it around the store in order to look even cooler he loves telling the story of how he got it he's got a piece of history now with them after all the 2001 victory of the Patriots wasn't just considered a major upset meeting the greatest show on turf it was the beginning of the Tom Brady dynasty one that includes a total of six Super Bowl victories and it all started with that one sure it may not have been Brady's ring but it was still a team members ring and that's just as important in its own right 1932 custom Ford Roadster we got a deal I got a pretty cool car two of the most popular items on Pawn Stars are antiques and cars so naturally when the two concepts get combined into one big bucks quickly enter the conversation that was definitely the case when a customer invited Rick and Corey Harrison to his home for negotiations over a beautiful black 1932 custom Ford Roadster similar to the classic model B when cars of this type were first introduced they cost a cool four hundred ninety dollars which even with inflation is just a modest eight thousand eight hundred and twenty two dollars today however the age of the car plus the fact that it was in practically perfect condition with only 450 miles on the speedometer after almost 80 years of existence made this a true one-of-a-kind find despite how good things looked Rick and Corey were understandably a little bit hesitant to make such a big money deal on an extremely old vehicle until their car expert friend Danny the count Coker talked him into it it is now worth over seventy thousand dollars which is insane how would a car cost that much you asked firstly an old one like that it's simple it's an important part of automotive history Ford was the one who really kicked off the automotive craze and the Roadster was another in a long line of models that helped change things for the better in terms of car styles and models plus 1932 is in the early parts of the Great Depression so getting something for that era that is pristine and not a wreck when it comes to the parts yeah that's rare so yeah that's a valuable car Stephen Stills 1941 Gibson guitar this is a 1941 Gibson SJ 200 guitars are something that often come through the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop and while some of them are just really cool versions of classic guitars some of them are indeed ones that are super special such as a legendary owner Stephen Stills was a member of the rock and roll group Crosby still and Nash and is most definitely a legendary guitar player when a young man showed up with it in the shop did he take very long before an expert verified the authenticity of it Jesse his local guitar expert loved the guitar a rare 1941 Gibson SJ 200 and even let the owner know about it the guitar itself was worth 75 thousand dollars at least but being owned by Stephen Stills turned that price up another 20,000 after he left the negotiating began with the seller looking for 90,000 the Rick offered 85,000 and eventually struck a deal one of the reasons Rick loves guitars is because of how quickly they fly up the shelves at pawn shops and with this one we'd be surprised if it wasn't a similar deal after all there are all kinds of guitars out there but to say that you have one from a legendary rock star like Stephen Stills it's another story entirely now it is unclear as to how much Rick got back from that particular purchase but something tells us that someone out there was a major crosby still in NASH pan and scooped it up for themselves Book of Mormon brought for you a book The Book of Mormon is it the player of the book it no not to play The Book of Mormon that's another thing entirely besides I'm not sure the Pawn Stars could actually buy that well if they tried they probably are for $25 if that's the best they can do anyway well most people these days have made the jump to movies or TV the people who still read books really enjoy reading books granted the ones who prove this the most of the sort who would be happy to pick up a shabby barely put together copy of an old classic and get lost in it as if it were brand-new however if a book fan is going to actually draw huge bucks on a particular text it better be pretty darn special what a singular book is responsible for putting one of the biggest religions in the world today it's fair to say it reached that level of uniqueness that was definitely the case with this 1842 copy of a fifth edition of Mormons one of the last printed in the lifetime of Mormonism's founder Joseph Smith when a customer brought this into Rick's store he understandably doubted it could be possibly real only for expert Rebecca Romney to confirm it was given the historical value alone Rick was willing to drop twenty four thousand dollars on a book Romney said he could probably make him anywhere from 50 to 75 grand you might be thinking can religious documents really cost that much absolutely you need to think about this from an objective standpoint when it comes to religious texts if they're real and really old and prominent they can cost a whole heck of a lot to a lot of people a great example of this is the Dead Sea Scrolls these were mere pages of the Christian Bible spread out among some jars found in a cave kid you not they were dated back to being the oldest known version of the Bible and now they're considered priceless or at the very least millions per page so a Book of Mormon that was printed in the time of its founder yeah that's worth a pretty penny big flakes 1961 Stratocaster guitar so where did you get this thing this guitars been with me for years see I told you that guitars were popular at the pawn stars place but this one's a little different than the stills guitar but just because a musician's name doesn't instantly inspire millions of fans to celebrate their contributions to music doesn't necessarily mean they didn't heavily impact a medium for example big fleek is a guitar so even music experts probably didn't recognize when he appeared on an episode of Pawn Stars it has been involved in some of the biggest records in history in addition to working with the Beatles Eric Clapton Tom Jones John Williams and Nancy Sinatra flicks iconic guitar playing is featured in just about every double-oh-seven movie as the lead player on the James Bond theme even flicks fame and the fact he was offering the relatively pricey guitar to the shop in person Rick Harrison knew there was a deal to be made but he wasn't sure on the price until consulting with guitar expert Jesse Amuro so after examining the axe and discussing it with Rick and Vic it was decided that 55,000 was the perfect price for it now sadly there was a bit of a twist in this tale that isn't so good for the Pawn Stars mainly while the guitar did indeed have a name that was important to music history that doesn't mean that everyone exactly knew who that person was so when he went to sell the guitar at auction it didn't sell that well not to mention it remains sitting on the shelves of the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop for some time because people just weren't interested in it how can that be well even though the guitar was used in certain songs and he worked with stars it wasn't him that technically was the star while the James Bond theme thing is cool it's not cool enough apparently to inspire my home when all this was not only one of the biggest buys in Pawn Stars history but also one of the biggest losses definitely a live and learn lesson right Rick 200 pounds of silver the old man is crazy about silver he's gonna be like a kid on Christmas morning when he sees this the owner Jeff of 200 pounds or 3,000 ounces of pure silver decided it was time to get paid on the investment his father told him about he was younger so he wheeled into the shop with sacks and bags of silver from bars to coins everything was pure silver the only issue was a giant silver bar that might have been filled with other metals Sarika had to test it which was cool to see how that was done and found out it was the real deal the offer then came in for one hundred and eleven thousand but that was the absolute most they could do for the silver because the limited amount of profit margin it would bring them but overall this was one of the most expensive palm star purchases of all time but because it was pure silver it wasn't too much of a risk you can calculate how much silver and gold are worth as long as you know the basic exchange rates which Rick no doubt does so he knows where the upper limits are to make a good deal and make a good profit plus how many times does someone come in with 200 pounds of silver Mary Ford's 1961 Les Paul guitar this blonde uh Mary Ford married for guitars have always been one of the more valuable items to come through pawn shops the ones that date back to the rock era tend to be worth a ton and always seemed to find themselves making it into the shop like this one did the only difference is that the owner of the guitar showed it to Rick and then said it belonged to his aunt Mary and she used to play it with her husband Les Paul it was one of those moments that remains one of the greatest in pawn stars history because they were looking at a 1961 Gibson SG Les Paul guitar it was played by the wife of the man who created it it was like having Babe Ruth's grandson bringing a sign Ricki car to them it doesn't get much better than that after an expert confirmed the value of it to be close to $150,000 a deal was made for ninety thousand the original where the wild things are artwork we're talking where the wild things are these things rarely if ever come on the market this Pawn Stars continues to get bigger and bigger each and every single year so does Rick's bank account he's gone for making some cool deals in a shop to traveling to private sellers and local dealers to make offers on extremely rare and unique items that are worth enormous amounts of cash this one in particular remains one of the coolest and that has to do with how rare it is he was approached by a dealer that had original artwork for book where the wild things are and that made them one of a kind the original asking price was three hundred and fifty thousand dollars rig me to play for them at two hundred fifty thousand and a deal was done where the wild things are is one of the classic books in American literature and was even made into a live-action movie a couple years back so for them to get artwork from the original book yeah that's not only rare that's extremely valuable
Channel: DayDreams
Views: 567,570
Rating: 3.9255126 out of 5
Keywords: pawn stars, pawn stars moments, most expensive buys on pawn stars, most expensive, tv show, rick harrison, pawn stars show, pawn stars buy, pawn stars bust, pawn stars scammed, pawn stars pay outs, rare, viral, new, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars, Pawn Stars clips, Pawn Stars full episodes, gold and silver, pawn shop, corey harrison, chumlee, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars full episodes
Id: UZai6jmc2HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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