MOST EXPENSIVE ITEMS on American Pickers

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oh wow whoa w we walk into the space you probably think the same way I do I think this is the coolest bike ever made I want to take this thing home over the course of 24 seasons there have been a lot of really cool rare and vintage items that the American Pickers have been lucky enough to see with their own eyes and share with the viewers at home as you probably know some of those items can cost a pretty penny that's why in this video though we're going to be taking a look at some of the most expensive items to ever appear on American Pickers lson paintings got some amazing dude lson paintings postcards come here I'll show you here we go in this first clip let's check out a collection of paintings that the American Pickers crew purchased for 10 grand The Collection consists of all artwork by Lewis H Larsson also known as dude the entire estate of dude Larson he was a famous Western painter back in the late 30s dude Larson was a famous Western painter from the late 1930s and 40s he was known for his landscape and cowboy paintings but also became well known for postcards his stuff is it's hard to find we were trying to find anything we could on his history so I'm just glad to have you here that's right a lot of his artwork ended up on postcards as the market for those had just opened and Larson saw a huge opportunity with that you have to know what you're selling you have to absolutely have a value before you can even Market it but just check out how amazing this collection is along with dude's story he was just a really interesting guy in 1933 his family had a ranch in canab Utah that's right dude was a bit of an outlaw before becoming a painter the fact that the American Pickers managed to get their hands on the original paintings look how shiny this was printed in the 30s it's gorgeous is still beautiful that is crazy because as the expert just said they were never actually sold or went to auction while dude was alive and doesn't look so bad on a card he never sold this artwork there was no auction prices this means that there is technically no market value for the art and the price postcards okay so basically this Market opened up and he kind of saw an opportunity can basically be determined by just how much the right collector is willing to pay for it now onto the postcards he really captured Americana his art makes more sense on a postcard yep that's why he didn't sell his paintings this collection came with what you'll find out is around 3,000 postcards it was really exciting to see all this collection of dudes together it's it's it's Unique all of which are considered extremely rare the expert valued each postcard at around $5 what would these cards go for what what's a good price to sell them for depends on the subject matter the likely number for these is $5 depending on the subject matter but as part of a collection of postcards the pickers might be able to get more for them a lot more paintings here than I realized I think that each one's going to bring a different price this is about an $800 painting on top of that she's now estimated that each of the actual paintings will go for a couple of100 a piece once again depending on the subject matter bad curtain in there no I love the bad neveress this is this is at least a few hundred in the end it was determined that the pickers could see at least 7 Grand in profit depending on who they see it to I don't know the exact amount I haven't counted them out but we do have a lot I see about 5 to Seven Grand and profit for sure okay yeah the biggest issue is how long it will take for the collection to sell because with all of these pieces it would be easy for the pickers to flood the market and end up lowering their own value buy what you love cuz you're you could get stuck with it you're going to be looking at it for a while right exactly in other words there is potentially $5 to $110,000 in profit to be made it just might take some time to make it on this very rare and expensive collection of Lassen paintings Schwin aerocycle okay well Bobby green has a 1934 Schwin aerocycle original paint in this next clip Mike Wolf from American Pickers finally has a line on an item that he claims to have been searching for since before the show ever even aired on television get him a f a pre-war Schwin autocycle the clip opens with Mark explaining to his brother why they're heading to a bowling alley to meet up with an old friend of theirs Brothers how you doing man good to see you hey good to see you even though Bobby doesn't have any intentions of selling the bike check this out check this out what what are you trying to sell me Mark can't help himself and knows that he has to try to get his hands on it that's the original sign what year is it building 27 1927 no matter what the price is the duo arrives at the bowling alley and you can really see how much pride Bobby green takes in restoring the old properties but above all the guy's a Storyteller and the way he tells stories is through the properties he owns I would love to bowl there and I'm not really a big bowler after they finish checking out the bowling alley it's time for Mark to check out the antique bike that he had heard about I got stand back but look how cool that would look you know you walk in here and clearly this is a passionate subject for Mark you probably think the same way I do I think this is the coolest bike ever made I want to take this thing home as Mark explains why he loves the 1934 Schwin AOS cycle to me as a bicycle collector the 1934 Schwin AOS cycle is one of the world's Marvels so much you can see in his eyes that he's willing to pay as much as he needs to get this bike from Bobby what they were thinking at that time you know when you look at this bike you're trying to figure out the influences to hear that he had been searching for so long to find one you just know that he's going to do anything that he has to do to get that bike where you can put the batteries into it the front of it is a winged eyeball I mean this was so incredibly Advanced even if it means bowling I'm getting ahead of myself as Mark and Bobby begin their negotiations would you consider selling it I would have to get quite a lot Bobby admits that he doesn't really want to sell the bike and therefore he would need around 12 grand for it I mean like 12 Grand would be pretty good after Mark counted with $10,000 though he came to an interesting agreement $10,000 even though it's a passion I have to always look at it as an investment as well the pair are going to bowl a single frame and if Mark wins he gets the bike for 10 grand flat I know right if you want this bike this bad Let's bowl for it but if Bobby wins Mark pays an extra 500 bucks on top of that if I win 10,500 and if you win 10 after a quick frame of bowling Mark is the winner and after forking over $10,000 okay fair all right all right so two throws all right yeah one FR pay attention to his ball all right see that now you're throwing me now you're throwing me all right I'm going to do the same to you he finally got his hands on the coveted 1934 Schwin AOS cycle that he had been searching so long for nice work nice work nice work I Hey [Music] Porsche up next we'll see what happens when Mark from American Pickers decides to turn what was supposed to be a Volkswagen deal into a deal for three porches instead the clip opens with Mark driving out to a garage and speaking to the owner a man named ed hey you Ed yeah I'm Mike you talk to Danny on the phone yeah from Iowa after introducing themselves to each other the pairs start talking about all of the car bodies that are in the shop 911s so how long you been into the air cooled stuff probably first one I bought was a 59 this guy clearly has a lot of heart when it comes to repairing Ing and bringing old Vehicles back to life I mean he's got a body on a rotisserie he's got another car that's chopped I can see the tools laying around but after he and Mark talk for a bit Mark makes it clear to us what he's really there for and it's not the Volkswagen bugs Danny said you had a bunch of bugs that's what you called us about some convertibl oh they're downstairs after asking to see the Porsche that was in the pictures that were sent to the American Pickers the pair made their way over to another building filled with old salvaged vehicles I sort of bought it like that but I didn't like it they had to do like 17 pieces when Mark heard that all of the parts for the Porsche were there and ready to go if they wanted you could tell that he just perked up I'm not really a collector if I see something I like I buy it I bought the Volkswagen and horses but he still has the big issue of is he going to want to sell the cars most of them are but dude you know what I mean even to find him like that they continue to talk black primered 356 also where's that car and as Mark looks over the porsch he decides to call his expert to check out what his best offer should be did you get the photos yes sir sure did let me tell you man that silver one is like swiss cheese buddy after settling on spending a maximum of 30 grand for all of the cars 30,000 bucks for all three of them for all three of of them the way they are Mark goes back to talk to the client negotiations are going relatively well but will Mark be able to meet the seller in the middle of 30k and 45,000 sitting the way that they are what I was thinking was like 15 for all of them eventually Mark gets the seller to settle on a deal with the engine throw a new engine in the 912 engine is like 3,000 bucks right Mark is going to spend 35 ,000 on all three of the Porsches including an engine if I would go 35 Mark definitely got a great deal that day but there is a lot of extensive care and time that'll have to go into them still those three Porsches marked one of the most expensive purchases on American Pickers vintage gas pumps hey are you Susie yes I'm Mike this is Robbie talk on the phone I did hey how's it going last but not least let's check out the time when the American Pickers crew stumbled across a vintage gas Treasure Trove with some of the most expensive gas pumps you will ever see the clip begins with Mike and Robbie walking up to the home of a woman named suie to meet you nice to meet you here we going to give you one of these she probably went over some of this stuff with you but oh yeah who has a very interesting collection to show the gu eyes it's sad to hear that the collection belonged to her late husband but it's definitely clear how much he cared was a loyal garage sailor he loved we had a lot of fun together a lot of fun collecting for the vintage gas station memorabilia even cooler though it seems like Susie came to care for it as well so I don't need to tell you probably this yellow pump is a really rare pump yeah he we've had that for quite a while have you much like Mark said the presentation of the collection is amazing oh wow w w we walk into the space and interestingly enough some of it is very valuable cases signs it's kind of like service station Diner in here especially when it's in good condition like this Rich Lube gas can that Mark's talking about did he just say a gas sign sold for more than a million dollars travel to that cabin you know any space could really be that space that's crazy Susie clearly knows her prices and the prices that she wants for her late husband's stuff he loved this garage he come in the house he says want you come out we'll have a beer come out and play Pinball so we come out and play Pinball thankfully Mark is able to negotiate with her after purchasing the Vintage can for $1,150 and her husband's passion1 18 okay let's do 18 let's do it it's time to take a look at the real big ticket it the Vintage showcase gas pump I'm just going to be there here she is this is a showcase pump after taking a closer look at it Mark and Robbie knew that they were going to have to really negotiate if they wanted to get a good price on the gas pump that could make everyone happy they don't turn it loose this would be like almost kind of like an industrial point of sale piece Mark starts by throwing out the number 7500 the way it is for now 7500 but it's quickly counted by the seller who seems pretty adamant about his price of 10K I can do 10 on it the pair continued to go back and forth until finally they settled on the sale price of 8,700 8700 I came a lot closer to your number all right and it seemed like everyone was happy but never in my life would I have guessed that vintage gas station memorabilia could become so expensive spend that money if he was like going to hesitate I was like are you kidding me out of all the expensive things that the pickers purchased in this video which do you think was the most interesting be sure to let me know in the comments below and if you enjoyed the video don't forget to hit that like button And subscribe to our channel so that you don't 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Channel: Rad History
Views: 32,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history documentary, history channel, documentary history, history, documentary, dark history, rad history, american pickers, american pickers clips, history shows, mike wolfe, frank fritz, antique archaeology, history channel shows, american pickers episodes, american pickers danielle, watch american pickers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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