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[Music] finds his way back into this game eg can they need a miracle dealers sumail still have a lot of damage on his side but he home just marching down and eg might just not have the bodies to do this night classes not now the jump board all taken to go through time hopefully feeling something has me disrupted but for snap get some space daggits boy goes down Red Bull Dagon they take down old chicken the beat faster said old chicken still alive though juggernaut is good to go who's gonna be able to take that Mahler x-range rack up next Bailey or Ricky down i flat coming in is this ring track that could be makers the names of will TBD he's Oh buddy is the spy pack anymore except since warlock be home going to be incredibly satisfied but they want to keep pushing forward they know that this morning this axe can't help out if they can catch the mail or PPT there's gonna be another here with no buyback the disruption say from side can they give me PD out because the first half away but no the extra damage comes in up from the warlock it's a fatal bonds eliminate symbol size mega creeps incoming but evil geniuses will stand strong for now against eHome are about to come back evil geniuses they can't end this game yet they're gonna try though [Applause] Aereo 60 seconds without this jug a home can they hold Ichi confident they can smears coming up as well the tier 4 feet bring it on [Applause] [Applause] [Music] teamliquid paparazzi runs for to eat sitting hit by the fire spirits as early Florida is attacked that much they still would it be throw up in the tower yeah look at the energy she ation he go to the real one the link it's getting way too late but ball stop back to they have to get him into found in the miracle heat up the vine back from no other choice vici gaming are in net harm and must be repelled they want to keep the pressure going they start miracle to find this one out he just got the car entirely to mind control on the face think of life vici gaming they want to pose the issue but it seems sir damn bloody HOD Maragos monster kill even in death he fights it out or he wants to get back out again we ha the re-connect still have to fight back in join us up for on this once microsoft needs the attack need the opportunity windows rochelle with the unstoppable bitters like the burning crusade fine control where is your attack where is your something you'll never send him back up again my controls now the one being attacked back at the base of a Fiji gaming thing committed every single buyback they've gone and there's no one else to come back it's literally warlock versus the water and he may go down here comes Cora but he doesn't see he actually hits his tumbler inside the tree the Clemmie cake will wear off in a second eh he's gonna check the trees he's gonna love the dy middlings being crushed it in the meantime as well they're attacking the tip for you slipping down d white drop down from Fiji gaming they all gotta be dead if dy will finally bloody time we don't going for the fan TP back we huh what Paco he picked up an escalator he's going for the dream buyback thing you've got get to the frontlines the TFR towers into rocks I'll pay off Bhaskar it was one attack Toby the leader tackles mid-air and would have killed Phoenix and puss with no buyback instead they're still changing Thompson and Adam on the defense duty fortifications it delays as much as they possibly can and now the jump out Hanks the boy the bubble Thompson able to be protected once again challenged very very low on mana they have a lone phenom me he'll change the life with cooks it needs to be pushed away altitudes of his life Justin Steelers newly to the hooked up won't be able to connect banana he needs a retreat they still have not taken the main rack Sergey and just trying to delay LG deep at the moment by periods around the bubble is there protecting the Bailey switches the life of the bull with the difference from Thomson it's good never killed the main by Beckett their somas things forward they just keep punching them around but they're still battling from inside the bubble but the will comes along living Ltd they're going to the GTA going up the keyboards how is Fergie they have to hold the line they have the number seven for the site whether they go now they're pushing around looking for one child is now on the run they tried to go for the TG push they didn't get much more than this and now look at him go Beatty for a pizza sir I almost done the middle chalice baby not hex is up charged on the run the moonlight shadows if I could never rent and the same with the donkey from Xerox this guy's an NBA all-star looking for the killer the chalice and then the TP coming forward Ocho from my get it bowls of the fire the Thompson will arrive up onto that white the leap out the Fisher is available his there Obama Dustin is then they push forward they get the control and that bringing my down Al GD with fog here is turned on by back Margie they are gonna push there's no buyback slept on either team I do think only buggin haha Sam saw as his is getting nervous there are bones in there is a glue Thompson Thompson and grx it sounds like a brand of victory not coming through the military will be up in just a second the fortification in five times the end the devil Charles but now Santana Pino the front lines Jarek leaping forward all into his face Belova to control the game SiC chief is he keeping phonic locked in place secures another kill & tongfu is going to continue to push they're not done MEK still hasn't even been used there's a hill how but all the way back to the base cleaned up by the fountain and that puppy gonna be caught out we can do her tongfu so if he had been a little bit farther up he would have been able to throw the hook but the thing there is a range paper in the way oh there it is yep banana going for a ride on the Dendy Express welcome barely able to get away now Navi though in position they might try something tin Dee's gonna try it again candy got him that time see you in the base no welcome home the boats not that he needed to they made to get this was giving away they just goes to tofu and now charging back out Cindy gonna be spotted and he gets though he tube the chair that's a much better choice I already got him you've got it I'm gonna cry withering away because we got a famil to wash the puppy trying to get away from it going to be telekinesis well there you saw a one-for-one trade and Wow Alvin still live downtown but the hook around the world rascal that first hook that shut them down when they were pushing the last time and we're gonna see puffy spotted out he will be too much you can see a post going to work now getting a kill as well puffing in he's there to try and help him though he's not - I'll be trying to chew him around and yeah keeping it on him there's the MPL to follow it up puppies still alive next room Gigi [Applause] nothing [Applause] in the upper bracket each a carton is good friend and roles have with the BKB Stanhope sodon't BKB turns towards a move on the frontline generals been called out they'll get the tiny nobody available in general they're charging forward for more will come through will falls back there is the Sun the Sun is well onto Dendi Dendi try to get out me gets trapped back into the clutches of against the light strike is pretty sweet jeebus God keeps his distance but MB bruising Bob's to refresh the exorcism back out ready to go again I'll be that down to there now three then you want my back Chris life looking for TJ TJ gets look all up in time now if the ex-cons 2mb they've got the control PE on his turf five times the dps is father than there's the second instance of the peak heavy tanks or refresher coming out big TJ has the bonus match off the board over here a general court out crystalline surrounded if you try to give yourself alive again for is the bash come through prefer though before are you kidding me stamping the pussyfooting outside of the base I must move back up there we gonna jump in and get another fire our bridge bridge let's get it up back to the base we'll reach it up wheel turns towards this this together put the ules up but fanatic get the mega creeps oh my god Bobby whoa ring gear Lindsey he's gone fully in there up to the racks the tower miracle all these Pontiacs on God PB teen on to the creep though is getting killed up by the blood right now incentive to clear up with government they don't forward penalty but Bloodseeker they want to kill the damn it but the pkv but some of us have a damage of you've got trapped on down time with his teammate no way to run away be fighting for the moment besides Bullock searcher never pull people time than the stock family but his brother coming to raid the team for that brought down one of the team liquid it is a three on everyone fight bonus prize they wanna win this a hundred and two minutes and miracle has the exorcism but only get lots a little bit longer they have to damage output favor forward winces done with the control blanket now after a champion risk of the team members moment looking for the killer to no one that's the one they have to get the water pistol water fight have to be committed using another Greek a line on the agent has miracle the hawlings they're falling they're doing this to be the huge moment their plastic inside right now they could be Erika they thought they had it yeah yeah it's gonna finish the job and now they all scramble to get in position rate your potatoes their ages pop Ohio wants to go but he get taxed he gets focused that's what's actually that snow has usually a pencil yet you haven't goes down what's the minister job the wall is there is fanatic from the vacuum the computer can handle it Ohio going in a double as an absolute disaster for minuscule Mets on the edge of bogey surviving through it all our trouble tough to count distress retreat go with your attacks beautiful study get bagels back in alright first 12 starts getting ready to hit on the buildings the angry ogre I was a ride home Weaver or sorry lifestealer coming in and the Weaver for the time being just sitting very far back fanatic not even trying to defend they're going for one last Errol they won't have time for the TA I think they're gonna lose this game guys tear pores are falling there is a cliff available great stun on the demon keeping them out of position Jules going in for the jugular with the mold against the bkb's get for the wall has dropped so mineski don't care they keep up surgery for its throat dropping low about the ball one this trip one last hurrah I got it it's not gonna matter the rigors of time the vampire now then moving towards the middle lane the century Ward is down good to make choice as long as they don't lose Rameses before at home they was going in schedules and rain to the Sentry they know exactly where he is after they just got caught [Applause] that was the best one we've seen you know it's all that Rubik maybes even about the Enigma allowing puppy to come in an empire blow everything to try and make sure he doesn't get that combo off what what happens now you have a secondary life team secret they are the ones that want to initiate and they're you know a target they are staring down the spectral beam the gospel flyboy and he's after [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] even bigger actors 69 minutes is how long it took for the first rights of all can they get more however new habits easy he doesn't know what to do the only thing they can stop Empire from getting is maybe megasis till 1 million please of the drum Ranger bill giving some extra damages Wars extra slow and Empire it took him 72 minutes bed oh I want to say there there maker just refused to careful Universal stand his ground but the duration is going down and it's going down fast even fortified the Enigma result of the beatings are on the way universe attacking this for the user one last hall of glory for puppy it's not that he's the captain's gone and summers the fortress GJ that's not even the worst track yes sir imagine if you could print with your nukes tall and that would be so dirty maybe a patch in the future I remember when they said there there was no way they'd be CDR and Doudna and that's definitely change Vega ready to try and pull the upset here in Game two they dearly captured with the best artbeads we've seen old game captain with a double kill of his own buybacks are up and what an unmitigated catastrophe with his Vegas squad practically on a victory March they run a headlong into an empty RP followed by this is trouble though Aaron the sting of a pain they had no armies and Digger bought that qualified throws they may end up losing this game anyway but if we know he wish he wishes he could fly another hour therefore who the panic that Vega has to be feeling right now here we go one except we got hacks like X thousand uncle great therapy can be up on no one I'm most trying to go to the don't can't do it one is gigantic honda comes back out he actually bounces into the car down below ground to meet something in the woods millinery ppp's out of it only God and the quiz but bonuses just gone to town oh good hook is it emotes is waiting for this he's gonna look for no one instead the timing or the shadowfiend as well double by vehicle f40 you run the hell down it and you do it now that the throat is under siege with the bount under the 30 HP someone's gotta try and hold this off [Music] here we go on to the tier 4 this is where it gets really interesting if power raised your sounds are going to happen they're gonna blow the clip and there's gonna be a hook in to make something happen static storms off point can't do anything it's gonna be stew out by the kidneys skewers was a copy on the bantha beautiful grave to buy some more time disruptions there do they have the damage will it be arranged able to bail them out at least by the tearing once your board is down aren't they got 10 seconds 10 seconds of running to as much damage as they they're looking for it buttocks tears own either going back the learner in the front line some others rupture test test disrupted for now but I don't think he told off they won't they kill Monica through my fingernail raises on the ground he's got buybacks everybody by legate's nabis turn to throw parties and drags here we go right Jim DeYoung does not have an RP does have a refreshed if he's able to get back in the beat I know about geography leaving Nobby the job [Music] just everybody that would again we've used this term so many times but it's a massacre from both sides sumail now looking to push up beer forced to buy back but there's no buyback from anybody for lines the only hero coming up soon is going to be hockey as well as he gym in 20 seconds in lota he does have another bear but that's gonna be his last and sees refresh they lose the rack Smith they're gonna go for the base down they tear three towers being assaulted it looks like this might be a lost game for a line cr.lp EG pulling this one out late pulling it out and alliances comfort zone now the BKB from sumail the lasso dragging the spirit bear away and as the glyph ends EG look to close this out could load a hold of two male two will tie back actually down for like a 30-year or novice of Yosh fish they can't do it without theories about eg can they close it universe desperately scrappy Chloe DJJ [ __ ] he goes down to an alliance like the triple diamond to shut down easy and they depth pop back the other way no way I can't believe they couldn't finish the game there there's so much right-click on everyone from eg oh boy eg if they lose this game someone's gonna be mad and it might just happen Al's eye being chased out bulldog they isolate him to send backs they have a PPD could die back die back number for PPD is that as well Alliance moving for Luna wants the throne if they're good they're gonna get stolen there's no way EG can't defend this they fifty seconds before they can come back in it's impossible they can't do this there's no way of whites I can't believe they're about to take this game and you thought we didn't know how to play the late game say Alliance oMG they have to be kicking themselves they underestimated [Music] it's got an absurd the crimson garden except would off he's in trouble Popovich at Natick he will go down the river look at silk'n hoppety home beyond this fudge the floor is going to work though he's attacked me is it I can't believe it a five-minute one no they're all freaky dead no buttocks that kid things don't run down bedrock use already heading down there witch doctor what's happening oh my god comes down to era and silk it right now silk it doesn't have its own air doesn't have his own I mean Lotus just playing god damn black of all this is gonna talons like it hit it hit it actually over and right into the base right now that Tier three getting assault they're gonna TP in with us for the clip we'll go know who's gonna take this faster than the shuttle feed response figure with this game they have to buy back and Eric he's got to do something and he's just not in the frame they cannot resign their fate just yet this game is now hanging the balance of baby arrow on the juggernaut but it's a stock up he's not divine back he's waited his way that you hold it to the age and now he's rose - there's the buyback - live it up and I'm just gonna hit it they gotta use the old spin which ceiling worthy obviously she can't you know until it cooled out for 13 seconds no longer term stone it's gonna go they take it they win this series
Channel: hOlyhexOr
Views: 562,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dota, dota2, dota 2, hexor, gameplay, the international, team secret, дота 2, natus vincere, team liquid, biggest comebacks, the international 2018, ti8 highlights, dota 2 comeback, dota 2 best comebacks, most epic comeback, epic dota 2, most epic comeback dota 2, best comebacks the international, the international 2018 movie, the international 2018 after movie, dota 2 best comebacks 2019, the international best comebacks, dota 2 comeback 2019, dota 2 comeback mega creeps, epic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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