(some of) The most emotional Helluva Boss moments (so far)

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mommy [Music] daddy Mia is calling a Stella you get up via what troubles you my outlette Daddy Daddy I had a dream a really bad dream a nightmare I was looking all over the palace and I couldn't find you anywhere you weren't there there there via it's okay you're okay when you're scared and you don't know where I am you must remember no matter what happens to me I will never be far away from my special little Starfire it always seems more quiet in the dark it always feels so stuck how silence grows under the moon constellations gone so soon I used to think that I was bold I used to think love would be fun now all my stories have have been told except for [Music] one as the Stars start to align I hope you take it as a sign that you'll be okay everything will be okay and if if the Seven Rings collapse although the day could be my lost you will be [Music] okay when I'm gone you'll be okay and when creation goes to die you can find me in the Sky upon the last day and you will be okay Octavia I take it you up not having fun I didn't even want to come here I'm sorry sweet I I thought you loved it here when I was a kid and my parents didn't hate each other my dad didn't FL was a weird red dickhead the entire time I'm sorry via I'm sorry for everything happening right now I know it's a lot I I should have listened I just want to go home but home doesn't even feel like home anymore you ruined it you need to understand your mother and I I just I felt she's always been I haven't been we weren't in I'm sorry I I don't have the words are you going to run off with him and leave me behind go away where I can't find you what no no no never I'd never do do that never I think it's time to leave this place you were right you are too old for it anyway let's get the fuck out of here you're going to get us all into shit I just wanted to see what was so important that you'd be distracted from your job what I can't have a break we have a parking spot on the line hey dude why don't you chill out why don't you stay out of it okay this is our business literally oh fuck Blitz why can't you stay out of my face for like 5 minutes because I adopted you and that should mean something oh what does it matter you're not my real dad I was almost 18 it still counts well it shouldn't I didn't need you then asshole I don't now I'm going to get so close uh Blitz I'm enjoy your break Looney I'm going to go kill something uh damn girl that was Savage you okay yeah I'm fine he'll get over it he always does why do you hurt me so why must you push my why does it seem like a recuring thing that you alienate with your toxic routine I don't know eventually everyone goes it's your Thoughtless and Cru and you'll end up alone it me my dear boss you don't know what you are doing half the time and you depend on me and the misses to manage your foolish fight of fancy I don't need you I can do this shit on my own so easily but you don't want to do things alone P you tried the solo act it didn't work out so well get you still shove away anyone who gets too close until they resent you for being a selfish shit [Music] are you afraid to love people blitzy I believe your s conscious is trying to tell you that you simply cannot fathom proper intimacy but also craving as well it's rather unfortunate sir considering it's often how you treat those who stand by you such as myself are you worried I may have enough of it one day as well stop fucking talking all of [Music] you you're going to die you're going to die do you remember what you said to me after my first day with the company not really I remember you told me I did a good job and that you were proud to work with me I feel like you wanted to say something more judgmental but you said that because I needed it and it helped look I'm hard on you because I know what you're capable love mock you care too much about what everyone thinks except for me because you know my opinion is correct but just keep doing a good job okay you shoot and kill good you escape things easy you could be strategic and cold- blooded when you need to and don't expect any more compliments I'm maxed out thank you sir you know my name use it thanks Blitz oh shit come on fam let's blow this toxical joint [Music] hey quick the book shit I can't I can't read the spell in this light I can't see dick well shit looks like we miled this weapon tip dry and now we're out of badassery you demons AR going anywhere [Music] now who dare threaten my imish little BL agento what's the matter Demon Hunter never seen a real demon [Music] [Applause] [Music] before [Music] [Music] stole it hold on how did you know that we needed help I have my ways darling are you all right G I'm fine stole us good hello everyone oh hi thank you for letting me be here it's an honor to play uh hurry up sing boy I say i s this song is for my beautiful wife a surprise for our first anniversary I love you Millie I love you more than the brimstone loves the fire more than beela loves her bub more than a maggot loves gangrenous stubs you make my spirit sing yeah you make me glad I live in hell our love is a story sweet to tell yeah you cast a special satanic spell over my heart love is a journey we decided to start yeah I hope will never ever be a part I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you that blitzo so you're showing your face hey everybody this guy's a total disgrace some nerve you got to comment on a relationship last night checked your love life is a pile of shit oh blitzo I used to dat oh veras you're stroke on [Music] my yeah but when it was my turn he did no reciprocated a selfish Imp in the sheets and just as bad in the streets a reckless heartbreaking freak who's that at your table is your data demon Prince ston is that you are you sleeping with an ampoo my dark lord how the mighty d fall you used to have a smoking wife a kid you had it all I hope you didn't give it up so you and him could get it up you sold your life for a Thrust now that's the spirit of L I think you were trying to sing something for me MOX yeah I was I love us I love us just the way we are don't have to pretend to like to do things we don't I've always got you to laugh at my stupid jokes I'll never take you for GR I'll always give you my best and if you can offer the same F we handle the rest cuz I love you cuz I love [Music] [Applause] you you know what this was a mistake all right all right let's just let's just leave oh right of course thank you for inviting me out tonight despite everything that's happened I I enjoyed spending time with you yeah you know I have some more wine in the house Octavia is with her mother this weekend so we could I'm not fucking you tonight okay I'm really just I'm really not in the mood stlas we could talk or watch a movie or maybe cuddle stas don't act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fight fuck you okay you make that really clear all the time but I just I I can't do it tonight okay I'm sorry [Music] okay good night Blitz [Music] night [Music] [Music] e [Music] I had a really shitty day oh yeah is that why you drank like five gallons worth of who knows what fuck Fizz was right I'm going to die alone aren't I just a wrinkly old weathered waste will you be there Looney be where lonely I'm going die alone I'll be there dad now go the fuck to sleep okay SMY Mo St boy I got a job for you you are going to spend the day with one of the goisha princes ew why because money now listen carefully you are being B out to be his playmate but I want you to steal as much from those Rich fuckers as you possibly can heal but what if I get caught don't you want your family to be able to buy a bigger tent better food don't you want to be able to help me and your mama out of course I want to help Mama then you got to do this everything those rich fucks have will be worth a fortune but if I'm caught I'm scared dad there are scar things aren't there son but yes [Music] [Music] papa [Music] out in a cage you show your age your sweetness has run foul without a change your lost exhausted by your time on stage then you walked in my room and like Sparks in the dark life was suddenly thrilling and new what's between you and I just a comfortable life I I'm the fool who believes when you look in my eyes Prince all alone upon your throne your power is so frail you raise your voice you have no choice inside your guil [Music] jail the fuck are you doing reflecting well stop it's annoying to hear you screeching your silly Wes all the time why are you still here you leave with fear on weekends but then you stay around the house despite everything I like tormenting you I want to keep reminding you of what you did I know what I did I would feel bad if I hurt you but we both both know I didn't do that you and I were arranged for one reason to birth a precautionary air to the goisha family nothing more I tried so many years to make it comfortable for us to have this family but it was never enough the only reason I have endured your constant insults and cruelty was for that girl to have a normal life I cannot do this anymore I want you out now what do you mean out I mean out out of this Palace out of my life we are getting the divorce how dare you what do you think the rest of the goisha family will think and Dr I don't care what your arrogant brother thinks and the only thing the goisha family wanted from our marriage is already 17 so it's over I'm done fine I have no desire to stay in the place of a traitorous embarrassment you have fallen from what little Grace you had and I know you'll pay for it in the great expanse of the nether there exist boundless amounts of magnificent phenomena the great Brilliance of an exploding star the Nimble dance of space star through a nebula but once every 1,000 years our corner of reality is treated to an incredible sight from the deep eldrich recesses of the cosmos the tears of a forgotten Colossus Begin to Fall Tears made of the hopes and dreams of every living thing that never came to be condensed and sent shooting across the night sky in a dazzling final display what appears to Mortal beings as a meteor shower we can see for what it is ao's tears Daddy can we go see it someday yes dear I promise when the day comes nothing will be able to keep me from being there with you good night my owlet good [Music] night Hey Dad I can take him Mr Ronnie I'd be happy to adopt old ugie and give him the attention he needs yeah yeah may maybe you should adopt a they're all so cute and they're sad maybe you could adopt this one yeah quite a strong lad he'll be perfect for whatever work you want to use them for no I'm not looking for no ugly woner I need something that's more f family friendly a gift for the wife huh no problem we have a nice selection of other HS who's that oh her that's just Luna what a nightmare serious attitude problems she'll be out of her hair next month when she ages out good Ritt if you ask me she'll never amount to anything much no no no you can't have her she's mine and I love her hey hey how did you find me your Instagram nice pics by the way oh thanks you okay can't believe I was so stupid I spent all day looking for a place where I can see some dumb meteor shower and all I get is this yeah smok's a [Music] bitch you know your dad's really worried about you right that's why you're here instead of him he couldn't be bothered to keep his promise and now he can't be bothered to come and get me himself he'd rather spend his time just screaming at my mom why does he hate her more than he loves [Music] me sometimes sometimes it's not as simple as that this kind of shit gets messy and everybody's got issues especially dads and sometimes they fuck up well all the time that doesn't mean they don't care if he cares where is he he's somewhere down there he's here looking for you I mean try to cut your dad some slack he may not always get it right but he's trying that's more important than you think you ready to go yeah Dad I'm so sorry I'm just relieved you're okay but what would possess you to do such a thing you know I haven't taught you spells like this yet I just wanted to see the stars you promised the Stars ao's tears oh no oh my dear sweet Fe I am so I know Dad it's okay you're here [Music] now what the fuck is that my acting career look at that one did you see that one things changed when we went on a heist together [Music] so what are you in for okay not much of a talker are we I'm Blitz the O is silent I'm sure we're going to get along just fine so what your deal what' you do who'd you didd you look like someone who's good with a gun you look like someone who'd shoot up an office and I hope you are cuz I got a plan to get us out of this dump but I'm going to need some help you think you can give me a hand I need to get out to my daughter the babysitter will kill me if I don't get back soon you like kids let me tell you they're a fucking once I got out I never looked back look at me kid one way or another you're going to do what I fucking say don't cross me [Music] ch [Music] for [Music] let this be your lesson Moxy this is what happens when you cross [Applause] me now get to bed Moxy you have a big day tomorrow yes sir oh and MOX if you ever talk back to me again you and that pretty little thing you brought here a going home in boxes capiche yes [Music] sir Crimson wants you all to stay in separate rooms why moxie it's just one night Millie it's okay Max are you okay I'm fine please don't worry sweetie you know you can tell me anything right yes everything's fine your partners Max it's just my dad it's okay really it'll be over tomorrow okay I love you I love you too good night [Music] oh crumbs we have to get him to a hospital oh good you guys actually [Music] managed uh sir are you okay oh pachy yeah no today's been wonderful what the fuck was that about stalis got hurt bad stalis got what ow he can get [Music] hurt [Music] [Music] Mo M you'll never believe it they want me to perform on stage tonight for the local news those videos have made me some kind of human celebrity all week it's been oh look at Millard isn't he e great oh look how talented Millard is we have a job to do and you're off Dancing for views why does it matter so much how these yals feel about you it doesn't it matters how I feel about myself and for once I feel like like I'm important like I'm somebody to be proud of and I had hoped that my husband would be there to support me half as much as I've supported him this week Millie I didn't mean save it MOX you could have finished that job anytime if you had just listened to me but you wanted to do things your way so fine finish the job go home if you want to but I'm going to have my moment with or without you Satan fucking damn it thanks a lot blitzo I'm out of a job fuck Barb wait I want to help you let me help you please you're clean now let's grab dinner we'll catch up and we'll talk about you don't fucking get it just cuz I'm at a rehab doesn't mean I want to see you I never want to see you ever next time you want to find me blitzo [Music] don't I'd give you a comeback but that imply i' give a shit what you think you always car what I thought after what you did to me I didn't do anything it was an accident an accident are you kidding me you always had it out for me because people liked me better you wanted me gone because you were jealous just wanting the spotlight I looked up to you I thought you were my best friend you ruined my life then you just left me I lost so much because of you and you selfish piece of shit you didn't even care I did care it was an accident it was okay you're right it was all my fault okay I I should have done more to help I was I was trying there was so much going on I was trying to get help fiz I just it was still my fault glad you can admit it want a medal look I'm sorry Fizz I am so sorry that you got so hurt I'm sorry for what you lost and I I know I can never make that right but you have no idea what I lost in that fire I mean it's it's all my fault I'd hate me too I mean I do [Music] shit [Music] you blew me up again you fucking prick I did but this time I stuck [Music] around [Music] fizzy ay miss you sorry I got a little messy you don't need to apologize for getting banged up babe I'm just sorry I couldn't be there it's okay Oz guess I'm just not used to this kind of thing it's been an intense day just take it easy okay oh it's fine I'm fine really you know I bounce back fast so besides my whole scary hostage thing how was your day well I was stuck with Stoess the whole time who by the way asked me to give him one of my crystals as a gift for that guy you hate so I told him no mhm fuck it let him have it excuse me yeah why not you could say he earned it all right then anything for you thank you so much for coming to the show we love you face [Music] [Music] I hope you're excited for the big finale okay fiz you can do this you can do this you can do this it's okay it's fine you have a show to do soon it's fine no no no no no no [Music] no it's okay you're fine you need to be fine Fizz are you okay why does everyone keep asking me that you shouldn't be here osmodius I'm fine [Music] please froggy I'm fine I'm fine just needed a minute you aren't okay you're shaking Oz I'm about to go on for the finale I need some time to mentally prepare Fizz come on I'm trying to talk to you you can't force yourself Oz I have to do this this could be my last chance to prove I'm still good at this that it's not over that I'm still good enough it's not just Mamon I'm fine I just need to be better you think you need to be this perfect model performer but that's because Mammon is always forcing that image on to you but everything I have is because of mmon I have this life I have security I have you without Mamon I wouldn't be I wouldn't have I just I have to win this fizzy I don't want to lose because I feel like if I lose this I lose you how would you lose me come on froggy you're with me because of who I am at my best I'm barely worthy of working with a king of sin cuz bit is who I am without all this I'm just nothing and Mamon made me this I owe it all to him Fizz Mammon didn't do shit you are already were this you'd be this no matter what you are the most inspiring demon I have ever known and meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me I adore your inventiveness your attitude your resilience and you're just the cutest little thing alive also you are a way better performer than Mammon ever was and that's just facts it's it's hard you know to trust that I just I love you so much Azie and I love you too fizer and I would whether you win this bullshit or not well I kind of spent my whole warm-up having a panic attack crooked H crooked green you're a crooked horny freaky little joke you're a deadly sin and I don't want to hear another goddamn what about oh oh oh I think you're messy but I'm [Music] messy no no no I wouldn't clean up thing when I ended up with you I don't know why you waste your time on me baby all I got to time there's so much I'll never be holy shit babe there's so much you can't see what can't I see you're a broken record don't you ever shut your crooked little lips what do you want me to do with my lips oh oh oh you are lucky you make my crooked heart do freaky little F you make my crooked froggy little f [Music] ribbit
Channel: _tomstarcoo
Views: 458,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6cKx2mWFYik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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