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alright guys ADHD here back with another video I hope you guys a day is going well my dates are not pretty realize but it's really early earlier that I normally start off the vlog but it's early so we're going to go to Toys R Us and check out into my favorite store that makes me broke Toys R Us you guys know those price tags looking over there right now and check out some nerve stuff because they have the new nerve line it's all officially out yet before all those I was a dread bolt and the judge was like super expensive but now the entire line doubts we're going to check it out and do it they have their but before I do that right now on your screen is it legendary pokémon Mewtwo you guys Winningham on oh oh this time YouTube's on your screen in order to catch me - throw your pokeball with the hitting the like button yours at three two one if you're able to catch the legendary Mewtwo make sure you guys comment down below pokémon champion I caught them you - I already got Ho Hos a lot of it I like my own videos and just some set like that got no knock on YouTube were on full party we got two Pokemon already so gym guys become YouTube put down below a pokémon champion but anyway we're gonna head Toys R Us right now alright guys I'm on my way out right now I literally almost my heart stops I thought this right here was a bug it's not a bug it's like I got a stick combination but I thought it was a bug in my heart literally think I thought oh they're gross grasshoppers and guys we're at the land of expenses right choice for us right there Toys R Us where a kid can be a good slogan oh man just chocolate chunky Jesus Toys R Us that's something else the name no it towards R Us they're great what is it somebody let me know down below what does Toys R Us a slogan I don't have a slogan is not they're great it's not work it could be a kid best Chucky to you the process like I don't know let me know down below the comments all right guys so in the nerve section and they have nothing new they have literally what they do it's all the same stuff but they do still have the judge up there so I think if I'm gonna get I'm just going to get the judge the Adams who the jury just a judge I didn't Jerry actually is a thing though you can't really know it's a person's a persuader and then negotiated right here I thought the jury was the thing the blog bringer the jury should be a thing they have Allah bring a negotiator a persuader and judge for the convict no right here is a judge we're just going to get this I guess the only thing we could find to have here the judge is pretty nozzles I'm okay with that so we're having a deal where if you get any nerf gun basically getting nerfed are not direct a single single their dark no but really all you get is like yeah this this little you can't pick this one or like this one with mag or the big jumble one right here this is your option right here you hit this one my life would be completely different without this these six bullets I mean you're still free it's not like you're not going to take the deal they actually know where I'm not not at expect right guys so I don't know if anybody remembers one of the I think was the first vlog ever on this channel they're right in this section with a skateboarding spongebob with spongebob on a remote-control skateboard it no longer is here but we went to Frankenstein's that we saw Patrick on an ATV and that thing was worth $70 so I have a theory that spongebob skateboarding spongebob was worth a lot of money and it was on sale here for I don't even know how long we never picked it up I should have picked it up because it was skateboarding behind of I should have kept them just because he was just gay born expungeable that was cool in itself but we don't have them anymore so I write a lot but apparently that things work a little bit of money so if you can't afford a nerf gun and Toys R Us gotcha BET right here you get the mic room this little use the rubber band it's seven dollars those seven dollars on clearance for the micro missile i'd rather just good jolt okay guys we're in the Pokemon section they have tricking mad cool stuff right here if I can make a gang jar Franco is a master ball forget Charizard but oh my god this is for everywhere else this is like $40 for this for the excitement here it's for the mega power collection with Lucario Simon labeled right $70 guys I think it's like refinance your home he's like he's like a second mortgage the paper that your collection restarted that's like yeah you like just you know people your whole college fund and buy this pack of Pokemon cards because big box Pokemon card and it had indeed dollars are they freaking man at $34 for ten for ten for ten are you joking me okay guys so after going in there I looked up what Toys R Us is a motto is and their motto is twins are us where kids are a big deal Adele are you kidding me with those prizes there's me Toys R Us going on about you doors are eyes and we're trying to make your kid have no college fund where's the reservoir you can't buy for school supplies Toys R Us where you have to you know train your gardeners no way you can come in there stop that cart money there are so many other better mottos for Toys R Us in where kids are a big deal all right guys opening up the brand new judge apparently kinds of difference like pieces it's really stuck so open it up and see what it looks like but it looks really big holy home John yeah oh we grab another one detail inside but let me cut this up and I'll show you how they look like we're done so you know all right guys right here freaking judge didn't think it sick looking it really is you should fact like um two cameras in the victim throwing ball thank you that's a break man I'll drop the show oh really three shots at once all it takes you three more shots is oh yeah boom another freezer load this up real quick this thing is a freaking monster I better your $50 all right guys so it's loaded right here is frickin sick I knew you shoot me alright that's in the range right now ready three two one oh well you're from good range that got raised dude to the sledgefire Photoshop settling right there oh yeah that much look part I wasn't worried the sledgefire if you shoot all three shots it's like the second come down are you following this thing got rain dude that missed the door all free shots alright guys what a segment where we turn this into the dangerous version of the judge of right now we're going to see a little burger like harbor say this is a point for all three shots to the same spot at once but the point of a shotgun to spread out that way if you don't have to be like quickly on target you can still just in the general area and you'll flip it up so hopefully that's how this should work is building a big giant you know one hundred barrel one two three broke up ten barrel shotgun here could kill ready to hit that Camry do it I'm gonna Wow let's keep talking crap Oh welcome the judge of execution alright here's the first shot the new exacto-knife mod and most dangers mount on the probably my very probably the best organs ever made here we go dude if you ever come on stage that's hidden something they don't want to get it oh yeah your lips your akut you're nestled in you're getting messed up so all you'll say Oh somebody broke into athe house baby done this is a gun you you know using one nerve blow with an exacto knives like maybe it's on the nose in the beginning with that high chance deliver minyak to one of us and then from there you're gonna tap music they're going to stop yeah I know right if I use wacom with it like my one problem with this is actually will really I don't use a lot of nerf guns for modding is this you just this right here I was going to cut this piece off but then we saw the problem of it being over here so you can't the gun very easily because the exact thing that gets in the way so yes pretty much only use the one shot here and move them over which is kind of sucky but there's no way around it like I said if I cut this one with the mask on I was able to cut this piece off and it would just shot perfectly but then if I cut this piece the whole like reads like people talking mechanism won't work at all so doesn't work with y'all right so we're going to be testing the lob right here on a breaking evasion right there is our you know our home and breaker inner calm invader home invader alright or a thief I really home breaker in here oh you do that it was just this time to grab a knife and then oh dang I'm Adele Forgotten District one real knife he'd already had wine he was choking on right here is in a zombie that's right chopper now just believing it as I say feel slightly and as you try to cop it out got one right in his eye socket other one is cheek is just a little guard and another mentions a knife in your face yeah - review thank you all your stuff back yeah then you get all your stuff back your iPod Touch and narrow with everything right using exactly I've kind of slows the bolts down let's give you has a range on this thing I already do it oh dude that was sick it went like evenly to each me yeah yeah so we have three enemies three really skinny enemies put spread I was like alright guys so I said to Mike Bisbing mod the all assault weapons that I have something got the dub-dub-dub don't break this one dollar each but I did get this we're going to try and see what happens and we use this modified arrow on the Craig bolt here we go ready dreadful kinda crappy but here find out okay that's pretty good yes pretty good hey that's pretty good alright like I like the dread bolt Steven get those zombies down here ready do it zombie die nam is in this side ready yep oh my god dumb I can't lore'l I love me I got myself a little there we go whoa all right guys that is an accident I hope you guys enjoyed that video the judge ended up being a lot cooler of a gun nut bottle is going to be to be honest but I still want to get the freaking double breech I gotta look freaking dope that's all I want to get next hopefully I can find it at Toys R Us or somewhere hopefully Walmart actually but anyway guys that is actually the because I knew here make sure you guys subscribe hit that like button and it's always guys I'll see you in the next video adios
Channel: ADHD's Life
Views: 565,213
Rating: 4.9387479 out of 5
Keywords: Most Dangerous Kids Toys, Extreme Beyblades, Dangerous, Insane Challenge, Crazy Challenge, Challenge, Kids, Friendly, Children, Family, Family Friendly, Scary Kids Toys, ADHDs World, Funny, Funny Challenge, DIY, DIY Toy, DIY Challenge, DIY Nerf, Nerf MOD, Nerf Gun, Nerf, Zing Toys, Zing Bow Mod, Exterme, Dangerous Nerf Guns, Gun, Bow, Nerf Challenge, Fire Challenge, Nerf Attachments, Stephan Sharer, Nerf Fire Mod, ADHD’s life, ADHD, Life, ADHD life, ADHD World, ADHD pokemon
Id: PNO_Pp-9Wi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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