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alright guys ADHD here the true rotational foot stay is gonna be a very very very very very fun day because today involves nerve which one of you guys favorite things to involve and I know you guys love the last nerf knock off in yesterday we're we trying to go get some of this shrimp nerf because you can find and do nerve knock-offs tricks eyes as he we can do the worst church let's hammer within the worst nerf guns ever hopefully maybe we do some cool trick shots maybe some crazy he wants what the guns are gonna suck but but maybe we could some do perfect stuff I don't really know anything like that but if again that would be sweet so we're just on their a brawl Stowe's which have been I knew a new addition coming very very soon to the pop shop but I'll show you guys that right now but you're right now on your guys's screen are three different hobbies right now you were gonna get one of the most useless superpowers of all time this is what superpower you guys guess you're useless superpower I want you to let me know down below what superpower did you guys get and how would you utilize this really useless superpower and make it somehow useful maybe you can use this or power if you make it useful in some way let me know down below how would you sister power and what you guys are doing guys aren't already join the education getting my head in the Bell button down below anyway that's gonna get started with the vlog and subscribe so anyway so right now these in the Pops that are done though I have a spongebob once in this box right here this guy the journey the journey the journey of getting is this I order them a long time ago the guy missing my hey dude bro man awesome man bro mobile adult if you just please double box and he's like nothing he didn't say these are I'm not gonna say goddamn thing we're investing again I hey man what are these gonna send out you don't kind of all I have a blog or anything where I said I got these pops and then I almost a good Avenue no butts how I feel is just like and I would another weekend yeah and nothing happens there's no messages that is one day this package comes from New Jersey and I'm like Lisa's gonna throw the show and that is the spine proper ones then we have two pops left and the Nickelodeon pop collection is time all right guys we've been here are the spongebob pops like I said you guys if you guys didn't watch the video where I've openly I got it on eBay I got them for $250 a busy day of all them for about 50 bucks each not this for a ridiculous price I have the cheapest you can get them all for about $500 I never loved her 250 which is it disgusting I'm the crank and criminal like say you just have a virtual virtual II stole it and I spice it up don't send it to me so I gotta better be in here but I'd be like some pop-tarts someone I can already see something though mr. Eugene crap adding is barely barely there we're gonna open this up and then get this whole little like a rickety out of here that is one expensive bubble yeah be careful be careful supposed oh yeah careful spongebob careful Patrick bullets already open oh my god guys he's got taped it onto the box what a doofus he obviously does not know a lot about pops there were $200 I kind of expected that we're gonna try and get this out of here this is a breath to me a little cut here to do a little surgery here we're trying to things out of here safely but here we go first off you got Spongebob Squarepants which looks pretty sweet then the box is kind of rickety but you know at least it pops in there is a good place holder one I think I might buy another spongebob like I said at least I have this one next up Eugene Krabs mr. Krabs looks pretty freaking sweet the box this is not too bad I might keep this one of my main one but definitely replace that spongebob but this one's actually pretty sweet mr. Eugene Krabs I'm feeling a warm spot see how about filling it now mister crap next up the second the best condition was actually one than that tape on it which is crispy as heck for the most part Patrick Starr the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma we got him just like this it was actually really fresh Patrick it's a $100 pop so glad I've gotten and put him down there too next up we got Squidward Tentacles a squiddy we got him it's actually not too bad either a little bit dented in but not that bad the box is actually pretty okay I'll probably keep this one with my main one - we got Squidward that one's sweet and the last one which is excellent for those valuable we're just standing cheese they're running over $100 there's my dog to like 200 dollars as far as the most messed up one it's all visited on the side sticker up here and tape along the entire bottom but nonetheless it is Sandy cheap so it's still gonna be fine on the Shelf this is I'm definitely a good never know I'm gonna get definitely for sure another standing another SpongeBob's replace these two but for now I'm still gonna keep them on the Shelf is the finished collection for spongebob and eventually I'll get velocity like I said okay guys so the moment is here the spongebob shop is almost complete right now I'm gonna turn I'm gonna show you guys a spongebob shelf that's butts but overall look you gotta spend my pot now this box yeah you might as well be it's in the audience sell so show you guys in three two one [Music] [Music] [Applause] so this is the five so guy I have way too excited about this so glasses laugh because I need loosens on the shelf because this is gonna go gonna move this here move that there get another drill pack for something right here and then I'm gonna put this one here and then the rare she'll lose them the talent one on top right there and that'll be every single spongebob pump every single thing called a pop period done and I'm also gonna paint this shelf green and orange look at this side of the sea just off green and each stuff individually orange be really dumb or that are fibers I'm not sure to say yeah let me know down below but anyway that's a bunch of up shelf shelf okay so that was the nickelodeon show up it's almost fencing the two more cops are left right now guys good really really close fishing net think I told you that bring guys on that journeys right now though we're heading to Toys R Us so we're gonna start on this nerve knock off trick shots right there because again but also good again at the same time they're also knocked off from the mid this is go alright guys so right here we have a bunch of knockoff guns right now me apart gonna play a game a fun after you and whoever loses basically the lose and you suck ass so it's almost like skate or horse or nerve before the previous and best wear trial is gonna done see what's one of these not confident is the best you just see this one here before we're gonna try it out and see if things have improved or if anything's different about this we also got another job which is adventure force like a Gatling gun this week we're gonna try all about get understand which guns are which and then we're gonna try and tricks on which ones we know soccer which was the shoot so far more accurate all that stuff yadda yadda yadda yadda you listen start right now cover the first letter we're just f let's go alright so right here this is the first time we got this movement the pump action pump back home oh man all right little baby that that very tiny and this guns better get good enough the student so we're gonna find out right now you should only buy a very sharp shooter plaintiff I think you got him that time Robert Duke okay now as the durability test does it still work we're gonna find out what piece of crap didn't you gonna shoot I just hit him once and the table really are you know I'm never gonna wonder broken uh yeah yeah oh yeah metal again again is a common cars with you I'm always bending metal and I'm always straightening I just broke this down into these shambles this is power we have a gun right my favorite grab it and they'll look at you and say wow now that was powered yeah here's my wallet next one is this little piece right here it's all ak-47 look like you presented very 50 yeah but this little grab my power capsule real quick let me try and flip the actual bullet into right here I'm trying to flip it in there ready where's do perfect some height see some height I believe in you both a you have to pick it all up cuz I want to get bouncing on your theory can we try it we're done alright now we're trying it Quadra doesn't like that that duck names Quackers I'm Robert kid duck Quackers bridge right amplified whoever novel getting hit choir is dubbing the Baskervilles purity oh yeah yeah and it held oh I know oh we held up hit Quackers that held up there was only two criteria we judge you hit crackling can you hold up you hold up any fighters now ready well let you I hold up anybody your head that's it there's this Jimmy burger you're taller than I am yeah you weren't having good how do you know that what if I had a gun you hear that sound wasn't this guy's casket again there's got a call shoot hope we can do it really just called she just called shoot let's see if you could do one primary function okay so far the leading gun is a little horns one here we go all right here we go next gun a little marshmallow ball or I call this yellow snow so here we go recoil if you don't blink like you $5 if you blink there's a little little vagina lips oh really yeah his partner vagina lips or is he a $5 here we go I won't hit you won't die that I'll tell the string I'll kill you right now you're gonna hit me I know you are I can see the vanilla all right three two one you totally like I knew big unless you're asleep you bleep yeah one more try blink again wait again wait this one's I ended because I think the blink happened between frames yes you did you and I okay so right here this is what goes on right now that's not this is it a third try yes this is what can't you guys you watch all the footage and you guys tell me whether Parker blinked or not gonna put it slow down no oh here we go ready 3 2 1 you blinked again I channel it alright guys so now it's my turn I'll show you I'm not blinking looks like this guy over here I okay so this is the lots of you look what you did the ball came at you like this you is not so bulky and back hater eyes your eyes are closed more they are open brighter but as a fact okay so here we go I'm the tribes get something I'm willing to Parker blinker dig nobbling you guys told me if I believe tonight so I hope you guys bleep that's good day for work let's go alright alright guys we're gonna play at home right now I'm going to shoot this you guys if you guys didn't blink hit the like button if you did blink then then just don't do anything who comment blows again and I've liked them more freaking vagina but just does hit like button if you didn't blink ready three two one cha-cha man chill I see how I'm just chill dude it's a foam ball you're a computer at home working with Kentucky far away from this ball man chill help okay so right now in the play in the bill if I blink I generally don't I'm Frankie Legend all right give me a second and I'll give you true opinion I don't need your opinion no if all you and you shut your hole I will tell you if you blink all right three no no no this is not how close you were to me please applause you were to me oh you I did not believe you dude your whole face was like one big wink your face wink tonight no I was like this yeah no way you shot it like this dude your face bolded in half how bad you were not more try I didn't blink that count second I didn't I never bunk you you're all right just reload and we're blind he's abducted gives me those eyelids open you're totally turning that doors I have a cat reflexes okay Maliki is opposed to protect your ruler take your eyeball my eyeball the board dr. Burke thank you you know as we see if I were to blame you're like mmm gentle ooh your favorite John Oliviana here upper bleep I'll leave a like down below guys tell me down below who believe who didn't play who won blink okay first of all is you guys think that one to blink on just let me know jump your face kringles your faith is a wrinkle all right guys we're here it's not the exact strike with an exact knife oh I get it cuz it's an exact Oh Zack stripe of the exact alright is the exact stripe of the exact knife all right this is the exact strike and there's nothing nothing else to the name not nothing okay no other meaning handling it I change the name is knowing the dark progress Donovan Donovan the duck Donovan you ready to die quacking about you free our boy are you ready somebody screenshot this is in me darling me down in the duck all right here we got a lot for the adventure for us like we're getting mushy gallon century guys looks pretty cool everything looks pretty cool in [Music] I'm sure it was that can do it right I said things like probably better than acid on what but I definitely most definitely better than the Mastodon yeah whoa hey hey I'm sorry powered something new the bower you're talking about get on the 3dr your tonic partner Cottage Park Swiss Parker slowest why buy cheese all the said oh [Music] [Applause] we got Donovan clean sweep on this personal using this little shoot you shoot shoot Julia and ranch chicken and then it bounces off that wall into this Cup by trying to catch those the cop here we go my fizzy 11 make a dough best shot all right partner your worst day ever nothing it was really their best day ever with a bands tribute I sort of say the best day was Warped Tour 813 oh and if F is repentance okay all right this one's called the pop shot double me pop off my foot catch the gun turn around and hit that Reptar pop ready I see you hit him yeah is it no I I'm sorry bad officiate you sure you hit him yeah what went on at the club huh you didn't hit him I honestly because I just saw the boy yeah I saw that except I I looked with my actual eye over there and like barely moves yeah both times with both shots guys I felt like that velocity would have like maybe made him fall over or something which I have the though okay so we go to the footage and turn I did both time same time is really the first time I definitely am taking Emma him as well as part of saw that one just just take her word for it right hopefully the editing will show it a little better but Parker stirred and then we on the last letter so you is for Uranus but but somebody's anus yet we haven't I've made haven't made the Shia that's called Uranus because you're good okay i perkins attempt right now here we go I'll see if Rick can do it three two one yeah miss okay y'all gonna be the second I'll give you the second shot okay you definitely got Uranus so you got two you got one more letter and then you get those bolts or you lose and you're the official job sorry alright guys my last shot to put the nerf nail adopting the Parker here we go I call this shot bring it around down or what goes around comes around so what I'm gonna do is right here to this Cup it's time to that fan it's got a sock in the back but I think it made into the sock there we're just balance it out and then we've got a pointless so but I'm trying to do is get one of these shots to fly into that Cup say in that Cup and that is my own way a moving target no way the last shot [Music] know what really I don't see it in there I do not see it in there okay my hands a big no-no I still get my chance I still get my chance what this is your house all right starting it off I realize that for my shot that it could have been like a little bit in there about Ali's show you guys nothing's in there Parker's turn here we go furnace pan on but I trust you guys it's the same setting it's the same okay boys let's speed up first you need a shooter right now no don't let it speed up come on baby let's go all right you got one chance at it here we go bring it around town and three two one the nerf King is a tie oh not this nerf king with the nerve knock off King through boys like down below down below let me know down below guys what do you guys want to see how these nerf knocked off guns and I'm on an adventure to find some more nerf knockoffs and see how crappy these exactly make maybe we'll do some more most dangerous nerf knock-offs let me know all that down below guys anyway thank you so much Ross the video and as always I'll see you beautiful people tomorrow adios
Channel: ADHD's Life
Views: 381,368
Rating: 4.9362321 out of 5
Keywords: Most Dangerous Kids Toys, Extreme Beyblades, Dangerous, Insane Challenge, Crazy Challenge, Challenge, Kids, Family, Scary Kids Toys, ADHDs World, Family Friendly, Friendly, Funny, Funny Challenge, DIY, DIY Toy, DIY Challenge, DIY Nerf, Nerf MOD, Nerf Gun, Nerf, Zing Toys Air Storm Fire Tek Bow, Zing Toys, Zing Bow Mod, Exterme, Dangerous Nerf Guns, Nerf Thumbtack Roulette, Gun, Bow, Nerf Challenge, Brainsaw, ADHD’s life, ADHD, Life, ADHD life, ADHD World, ADHD pokemon
Id: iyFu2rAEi88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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