Dangerous Hacking Gadgets in 2024 #hacking #flipperzero #m5stack

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you know just with a small device for mere $15 it can be really dangerous and it's so easy to use this content is for educational purposes only please read the Four Points below before you proceed if you want to use this knowledge Please be aware only to use it on your own possessions do not hack anyone that is illegal and you can go to jail so in this video we're going to talk about the most dangerous hacking gadgets you can get in 2024 I gathered myself quite a lot of things here in my table today we're going to talk about things like the M1 multi-tool of course the flipper zero and so on but let's just right started with the first one we're going to talk about it's not being shipped out yet you cannot get it yet if you bought it in the early bird on Kickstarter the monster chech M1 it's going to be somewhat like The Flipper zero but it's just a faster more modern version uh I kind of hope that you're going to see the same kind of community racing up programs and and stuff for the monster Tech M1 multi-tool but I kind of doubt that it's going to be and have the same kind of Pop popularity that the flipper seral will actually have because it was the first on the market anyways I think it's a great thing it's quite dangerous already and with this one you know you you get all the things that you know is is with these kind of devices you know you get like the infrared the RFID the NFC the sub one gahz the hardware hacking storage even the gpio pins possible to input stuff you can buy from a Express you know the small custom made this is one a radio signal for Mouse jagging you know just create a video with that check the link description below for the mouse checking video for with flipper zero so why is this so dangerous you know because it is a oneclick device so what I say is dangerous it's not how many can use these kind of things you know many people can use them even I think my son could probably use these kind of things here so I think the monster Tech M1 you unit is one of the more dangerous units coming out this year and I'm actually getting one here in July I don't know how fast going to ship it but they are talking about in July so I actually backed this project with $109 so I'm really looking forward to it I'm going to do a comprehensive video about it comparison with flippers Su when it comes but I still think this is a great thing all right so talking about the next one is the marer I have one right here it's on my table table it's from a guy called called me Coco it is not powered on at the moment it got a customized antenna I can just plug in a new one I can also put in a GPS in the in the top of it uh on the screen you can see a small video running of the marauder and the thing it kind of enabled me to do is to go ahead and run the marauder software which is kind of why it says Marauder on the actual unit the maraud software is basically well firmware is a WiFi hacking software most of the things are but it could do more than that it can create some evil portals it can spam units with different kind of things it's handheld it's kind of powerful it's a touch display you know it's more modern in a way as you can see in the video so basically it's one of the more uh I guess a little more expensive unit to get if you're going to if you want to buy these kind of things go to call me coco.com again all links is in description below going to cost you around $80 to $85 depending on the option you will pick uh there's also other things in his shop you can go check it out you know caps and stuff also a mini Mara which is basically just a small handheld unit it's going to be I guess good for you when you you know sitting in a bus or something or your car and just want to be you know a bit an ominous no way well that is a thing you can do the bigger unit here you know it is kind of big as you can see it's in my hand I have quite a large hands so it's kind of big it's like an oversized cell phone as a comparison you can see this is my iPhone and it's kind of big you know I think this device is also quite dangerous because it is a part of the family easy to use one click it come pre-installed you know and you can just basically use it the third device I'm going to talk about today is called the crazy radio PA I have it right here actually it's uh with a 3D printed custom case a house for it it's just a small antenna as you can see here I'm going to zoom in on it um maybe Open Image new tab then you can go ahead and check it out it's small antenna what you're going to do with this is basically well sniffing on the sub gigahertz signals on the radio signals what I used it for is for Mouse jacking I created a video also for my YouTube channel where I actually tested with my wireless mouse I have right here I'm going to show you exactly what I mean it's the one from Logitech and the problem with these devices is that they have vulnerable USB unified dongles some of them do have so it's a great way to test for the vulnerability this device is a bit more advanced to set up because require you to flash actual remote firmware with a well well a older version of Python 2.7 uh so for most people if you don't have any advanced experience with Linux it's going to be a bit difficult for you to flash it but if you cannot do that basically go ahead and buy yourself a radio signal gpio module and just plug it into your flipper cereal and then you can install firmware like extreme and basically you're good to go it can do the same thing I would like to think this device is a bit more fertilized uh because it can have a bigger range and also a higher customizability the fourth device that I put in the most dangerous device list is make your own bad USB now we all know space hun if you follow him you know it's going to create a lot of different kind of things um create a lot of good penetration software and penetration testing software again for us in the community and most of his work is actually there for you for free to use going to go ahead and buy one of those Digis Sparks small pins I'm actually getting three uh soon so I'm going to create a video about how to create the uh bad USB myself and I use his guide right here actually and I want to send my credit to him so link description below to spacin also go ahead and check out his shop you can go ahead and check the shop out there the store and you can buy many different kind of things I'm actually thinking about buying things from his store here course it's kind of cheap he does high quality testing for software uh devices iot devices and he's a really good you know guy in the field so definitely something that I would go ahead and check out for I you okay so the fifth one is going to be the M5 families also the sixth one the first one is going to be the stick and the S one going to be the M5 Coe you I have both of them right here and you can also see the video running you know we have the M5 coal and the stick it's kind of double the size the coal the power Behind These is that you can you know flash firmware on them you can either flash you know evil portal firmware or mini marora or different kind of things on them running so you can for pretty cheap money get yourself something that is almost similar to this kind of device right here which is the uh big marud from just called me Coco if you want to go ahead and use this you're going to go ahead and download the M5 call burner I have it open right here the power behind is that you're just going to uh put your device with normal USBC stick most of them is USBC and it's going to recognize it and and put it to some Com or something P um then you can go ahead and search your device whether it's a call 2 or call three or is a stick you know going to see a small image then basically just go ahead and type the software I want the evil PLL portal test evil portal M5 and it says not not C+ and stuff so go ahead and do s favor and check on behind of it the small one here mine is a C+ 1.1 not sure if you can see that right here but it's quite possible that you're going to get one that is not the plus so please pay attention and read the text it's quite easy to search software if you're going to go ahead and get the call one can also go ahead and type evil and go the evil M5 core which is also a Wi-Fi pin testing ethical hacking exploration whatever tool and it's quite easy to use and it's just basically if you haven't downloaded it you know you will see the blue download button you're just going to press burn and that's it really one click wonder that works every time um another great content onal list going to be the flipper zero because it's still just the multi-tool device for geeks The Flipper Ser is going to be enabling you to do so many different kind of things working with the radio signals you know sub gigahertz RFI detex MSC the whole GPI ho the big Community behind it it's one of the more dangerous devices sure it is but there are things in common I'm going to round off and talk about at the end of the video what the common thing about these devices are it's going to be the Pachi which I also have right here on my shelf and the pagi is the device for you to automatically pone Wi-Fi networks when I say pone Wi-Fi networks it doesn't mean it's going to hack anything what it really does is just uh automatically de authenticate the client and then basically capture the fourway handshake the announces in a crypted you know encrypted form or state you can go ahead and brute force that later time if the client is using WPA three the whole idea behind brute forcing passwords has been mitigated and doesn't work anymore so this device as all the other devices also have in common when you do Wi-Fi testing you rely heavily on people not using WPA 3 because it's not really going to do you much good if they are so the devices that are probably the most evil devices of them all it's going to be the crazy radio and of course the flipper zero with the extension module from in the GPI Ops where you can do mouse jacking you know please go ahead and check out the links Below in description where I link to my videos with mouse jacking for both flipper zero and the noral crazy radio basically the same thing but it looks different and it feels different if you are the one doing it you know it going to be two different kind of feels you're going to get from it so round off from all of this is um these devices are all basically more or less Wi-Fi devices and Wi-Fi can only do that much evil portal great thing if you can trick people to click on it you can get the passwords for whatever kind of thing and that is kind of serious enough because if you can get people's Wi-Fi passwords or just the password for their email account you know the email account itself is going to be a lot more dangerous than the w Wi-Fi because you can get access to the email you can probably reset passwords and read and follow and and you know basically follow up on their work and get steal all their secrets ready so that's really dangerous I want to say that this video is here for me to bring forth to you the general idea behind what is on the market and what can we do I have more things I could show you I Al also have the deal alth watch and different kind of things you can even get the 5 GHz you know antenna that is here for you to do actual brute forcing or the authentication of 5 GHz networks the reason that there's not that many 5 GHz Network for you to brute force or the authenticate would be the right way to say it is because the signal is kind of diminishing really fast whenever it meets some sort of you know wall or something so that is why 2.4 GHz which is also a video have my channel which I'm also linking to description below where you can learn about what is the difference between 2.4 GHz networks and 5 gz networks so this is more like a educational video where I talk about what's out there and this is what's out there it's quite dangerous so really hope you learn something from the video and basically if you feel like subscribing to my channel click button subscribe like the video click the small bell to get notifications write some comment below you know I will definitely get back to you and see you again online have a really nice day and stay safe out there [Music]
Channel: Security in mind
Views: 3,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hacking stuff, hacking gadgets, hacking device, kali linux, ethical hacking, cool gadgets, hacker gear, hacking, how to become a hacker, hacking tools, hacking devices, most dangerous, Hacking Gadgets in 2024, smart gadgets, new gadgets, flipper zero, security risk, cybersecurity
Id: zBtzCKIRtn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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