Most Black People Won't Become Wealthy Because of This (Eye Opener)

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I think you're missing it you're missing it they know where the money is going you're missing it I'm no you AR let me St no real quick let me let me brid it yeah said something recently he said everybody's praying when something happens some of us have to pray to be the answer yes it's like okay I get that this is going on God make me the person that can solve it Absolut I always that myself he said it's time to go from intercession to be answers God help this person help this person when you pray that somebody got to do it CU whatever God going to do in the earth realm he going to use humans to do it always because we always hear about send me someone to use that will use their power their ability and influence I've always prayed Lord make me the person that has the power the ability and the influence to help somebody else absolutely absolutely yeah it's like and you have to receive it for real by faith because it's like God make me somebody that when a student comes and say I got to go home I could WR check and pay that tuition for me to be able to do that and still live sleep and eat indoors that mean it would be so small compared to the rest of what I have so when you're asking God to make you an answer to help someone else you're really asking him to do something even bigger for you because you got to pull it from somewhere he wouldn't leave you to write the tuition so a student could stay at school and then you you kicked out your house God wouldn't work like that not at all so he would have to give you more than enough that you can pull from that and bless others when they need it so it's as you're prayer for someone else you're sewing that same seed into yourself and you just don't realize it do we believe we can honestly be answers wealthy in the black community do do we believe that we have the capability as a culture as a community to to be that individual because listen to what she said as soon as she announces she has a grant available she's flooded as soon as she says hey we need you to give is very minimum you're saying no we we don't believe that a the the situation that she's up against the the race racial divide that we talked about uh a few minutes ago I think those who have are afraid um and those who don't have have never seen it so they don't know what they could do because you can only be whatever you can see and so I don't believe that we believe that we can do that because first of all many of us are just now learning about compound interests and we're keeping our money in Banks where those are just digits this is the thing I teach my children money is just digits in columns on paper absolutely it's not real that that's that's why I tell my children so if you want to have money you have to learn how to change the numbers in the columns that's all that's all you have to do we're not exchanging money anymore like when I went when I was at the hotel today and I ate I just sign my name a piece of paper I wrote numbers on a sheet and slid it across the table and the girl was happy yeah you get your salary you never see you don't see yeah when you get paid you don't see anybody give you green dollars you your digits change in your bank account and I believe that's what this is all about making sure that those numbers as we get the information don't change because it money does have power right or these digits do have power and we've not as a collective ever gotten a chance to really see that yeah and so even when we're we're starting to move the needle in our own lives we're so far behind the the eightball like we have to learn as we're growing it's like I'm I'm drinking at a water holes trying trying to get all of the information and keep up cuz you finally have an opportunity to put some numbers in the columns yeah and it makes me wonder if what you stated if we even all have a collective understanding of what it means to be wealthy cuz that means something so for black people um I don't think we have one definition of what it me to be wealthy so to say can we be wealthy well to me that might be coming into a modest home driving a paid for car you know having groceries or you know my whole outfit came from Target you know that might be wealthy to me I'll have somebody back home in my family they can't say that just having you know some extra on that EB at the end of the month is wealth to them but then there's somebody else living in a huge home and that's wealth to them and they drive a G wagon you know so we as a collective body we don't have one understanding of what it means to be wealthy we're changing the the The Leverage every day based on who we are and where we are and who we're with cuz then you know that's where Fronton comes from and flexing so good you know so it's since we don't have a clear understanding of what it means to be black and Wealthy I don't think we can say yes because everybody's answer is so different you're correct cuz what you said right there to me is a huge disconnect materialism has nothing to do withal with wealth Z for you and then there's so I know that's why I said that cuz you said so many answers I'm like yeah cuz materialism has nothing to do it well right right but a black there's a black person who might sit here and argue with you about that this that I'm like no you better take it back biblically we're supposed to have enough for our children's children children that's what a good father does keep it basic keep it basic even even my fault bro I was just going to say that question Hit me hard bro cuz it's like you ask questions where it's like I don't want to say the answer is no you know what I mean I'm like man I don't want to say this on camera but it's like I'm thinking about it practically and I'm like yo we we might just need to wait a couple more Generations like sad part you feel me like what you mean by that what I mean by that is that I think we can in I I don't think we can afford to we can't afford to but I'm saying even when I'm thinking about her analogy of family right I think we are the first generation like I we probably all had a similar upbringing right I don't know you guys but I know I didn't grow up in the best situation right I I didn't grow up the way I'm living now but my parents pretty much grew up how my grandparents grew up and vice and going down and going down so like we are the first generation with a sense of awareness that's Tech technologically advanced that is considering financial literacy I don't know if anybody was even starting the type of ideas that you have like as a collective I did grow up middle so it might be our children colletive you're correct as a collective our children or our grandchildren might be the ones who we can say yes to your question then that's sad to me very sad that's why I was sitting here like oh I I get what you're saying maybe our maybe our grand if you in in 40 years if you ask our children our grandchildren do we believe we can be answers it's like absolutely you know who my you know who my dad was you know who my I don't think it would be grandchilden I think it would be our children our children okay you feel what I'm saying that's a whole another generation whole generation at the end of the day my father was born on a sugar cane plantation right I'm only one generation removed from the enslavement of an entire culture of people so to be sitting here right now and having this conversation I think it goes down to neural synchronization that we are are are brain synapsis learn from the groups that we're in so as I sit close to you and I see what you have and I see what you're dealing and then you tell me your thoughts and then you know I spend time with you I be my brain begins to learn and says okay I'm simil I'm assimilating yes I'm becoming more like this you know as I as I grow and become and become knowledgeable and I'm listening to things that are educating me and um I'm learning about opportunity I then take those things to my girlfriends say what do y'all think about this and so the more we begin to talk our brains take on whatever it is that they see and it begins to evolve and assimilate and and I think that that it is going to be our children's I I believe my grandchildren are be the first generation of African-Americans with access to privilege recently I've completed my full estate plan and it's been an emotional Journey if I'm going to be honest with you but now I have a peace of mind knowing that my family and loved ones are well taken care of but here's something you may not know that I think you need to know according to a recent study nearly 60% of African-American adults have life insurance now wait a minute many of these policies may not provide sufficient coverage to fully protect their families in case of unexpected deaths this lack of adequate coverage is a pressing issue among the black community it can lead to financial difficulties and potentially hinder the building of generational wealth in today's time it's more important than ever for African-Americans to give priority to life insurance and estate planning you see by doing so you can ensure that your loved ones are secure in the event of your passing this covers funeral and burial costs clears all debts and mortgages and provides a financial cushion to help them continue Building Wealth longlasting wealth don't leave your family's financial future the chance I want you to secure life life insurance today I want you to get a free life insurance quote through my friends at ethos all you got to do is go to Anthony forlife inssurance again that is Anthony forlife inssurance for your free quote or click the link in today's show notes protect your family's future and attain a peace of mind at right now and let's get back to Today's show you know what's so funny is which is why I feel as if what fear is is doing is so important what Angel is doing is so important but what we all just said stats are showing completely opposite okay 2053 so I had an opposite answer I believe so I don't think that I don't think that there's a a lack of belief I don't think that our generation I don't think folks like don't believe that we can be wealthy I don't think we know how to so I think that's two separate things why like do I believe I can be wealthy yes do I know how to attain wealth is totally different I think I think that's you I think that we don't know how to attain wealth like I think the belief I think a lot of people believe like I can be wealthy I can achieve this I can do better I just don't know how motiv he said something I never viewed it the way Anthony said it he when you put up for a grant you got 6,000 applicants when we put up a petition for a ask I had a hundred donors in like a whole month wait he said that shows you cuz M this are the same people I had 10,000 people signning a petition the same day he's same audience same people he said they don't even have the mindset that they are the answer so that may be different than producers well it might be a little different that too though that can be different to prod people money there's a different I think that's different though because if I think if I'm asking for money right I have questions as a person who's going to give so been because that's real like but if you think about like Shark Tank they're asking for money they're being they get an opportunity to ask a bunch of questions I'm just saying just no question we need we need a million dollars we need I I think you're missing it you're missing it what they know where the money is going you're missing it I'm not no you aren't let MEK no real quick let me let me bridet yeah me asking you that's different Angel that's completely different these are the same people who signed that they are in support of this yes who also have applied you get the money say something from something you don't understand how it works you don't not ask to receive from something and not know how it works people apply for EBT and all types of for they need it like you're thinking about a need needs to be met I'm asking for you to meet a need I don't really care where the money's coming from if I need money to run my business if I need money to eat I don't care where the money is coming from but if you're asking me to give to you and I really don't have now I need to know where my money's going can you just clarify cuz you're not asking a bunch of millionaires you're asking people who really don't have a whole lot to give so I need to know where my money it's still the it's still we do it's still the principle of sewing and reaping come on now you're okay with receiving $10,000 from me you're not okay with giving 10 that mindset is problematic that's it and that mindset mind still what you that's what I mean by that so they don't believe that they are the answer and that mindset is biblical Jesus said the Harvest is plentiful but the laborers are let's dive into something exciting bethl text micro credential program just 15 weeks and you're on your way to mastering in demand Tech skills setting you apart in today's competitive job market and the best part is all online 100% online fitting perfectly into your busy life bethl Tech isn't just about tech skills it's about growing your character through spiritual mentorship and Faith groups shaping you into a Christian leader in the tech World you'll learn from industry experts geared towards your success what about Landing your dream job bethl Tech's graduates are making waves at companies like Salesforce and Dell and with a price tag of only $5,000 it's an investment in your future that's both affordable and valuable are you ready to start with multiple start days there's never been a better time visit Anthony bethl again that is Anthony bethl and step into your Tech Career with confidence and character and were saying was different and the Bible said will always be with you always have the bo with you so I when I say no and yes to your thing about some of us don't know how but there's also that level of a mindset that has to happen because they haven't ever seen it before and once you get there once you break that glass silly like this is so easy I want everybody to know and people like every single one of us sitting in this room or go run knocking on the door let me tell you how you can eat let me tell you let me tell you and you will have people who still won't eat because it it it's more than just understanding out because if I don't first I have to believe in order for you to tell me how that I'm worthy to receive if I believe that I'm worthy to receive the government assistance and the programs that talking about I'm gonna work the system and figure out how to get that but I but if I tell you you know what leave that stuff alone because my story I'm only talking about me talk about nobody else I'm not taking full stance no more and I'm going to do whatever I have to do to get off of this system because this system is keeping me stuck I have to be able to get access to some of this stuff that I'm reading about so I start making little small you know sta I have something that I can sell to you will you buy what I have to sell you give me money in exchange for my product and I take that money and I I stash it in the beginning I'm just like taking you know some of my profits and then I'm putting some away for taxes you know things like that and I'm just you know little coins you know chipping away and then I begin to learn how to use the system that system a different system which is the system that we were talking about a bigger level just a few minutes ago that's attacking what they're doing to help the people who do understand what they could do If Only They believe so I think yes your your your statement of some of us don't know how but we're talking about as a collective do we believe because we've seen ourselves be marginalized we've seen ourselves be stuck we've seen ourselves try to Grapple out of things and get pulled down you know every time you just get a a little bit further so I I think that's that's the point I was making our pastor I got to say this because he just said this this Sunday it speaks directly to this conversation he he he always talks about this principle of exposure right that God uses exposure to awaken a possibility to you that you didn't even know was possible until you saw it right that a with that is the enemy don't want you to possess what you're exposed to so what he then uses is somebody you should be inspired by now you jealous of now you competing with now you project your own self-hate so somebody with a fun like that could end up on the shade room and be a meem for six weeks when she trying to change the community that ain't going to happen to you the name the name but I'm just saying self-hate jealousy fear right somebody who supported her can now see the power Dynamic she's up against and their own self fear is projected in their lack of support that's good that's what that's what we were're trying to communicate with that but it starts with the exposure and she's saying you cannot be what you do not see see if I've never seen it before I don't know what the opportunity is and that's why I've been spending my life to say let me tell you what you could do if only you belied because it was a matter of being around certain people and seeing it you know for the first time in my life I get to drive what I want to drive time in my life feel good don't it feels amazing every time thank you Lord yes ma'am you know for I mean that's just the thing you know what I mean like I don't have any but but I I had to do it I had to get it Anthony's teaching on his show how you go and get it having business and having having successful business is one way you unlock the door I know this this talented young lady amazing at cooking and I keep saying why don't you just why don't you just start why don't you just out of your kitchen start making plates yeah I'mma do that I'm making my menu right now well how long you going to be making the menu just go and use the you know go up to your refrigerator because it's good you got people salivating on your on your social media to get it the menu is whatever you what your baby or whatever y' at for dinner that's there are people who will put money on your what's these things you can do now where you can say thank you on your YouTube and send you a dollar. 99 you know like if if if everybody who's following oh that looks good like to your point says here's $1.99 cuz I want to one day be able to sit in your restaurant but if we never saw it before we don't know that that $1.99 to her will help to move the needle in her life a to see what she could do if she believe that people really want to you know participate in what she's doing and then that she could actually get a food truck or get a get a small restaurant or just be or Dash well can I add something this is for the black community and the future of the black community we cannot ignore however that some of us are burdened to be the blueprint like it's on you you didn't see it and you got to figure it out and that's my story so I'm listening to you and I agree with everything you said and I've tried to be the one to carry that claran call afterward but I didn't see this nowhere my father was a gang member a eighth grade education my mom was a team mom um in the whole 28 years I had with my mom I think I've seen her work two jobs one of them Wendy's you know uh factories and I didn't know anybody in my neighborhood that said I'm getting out of here and I'm going to college I didn't see anybody I just found out that you could and I said I'm going to do that and even at a young age I made sacrifices I don't want to be emotional but at a young age I had to make sacrifices I remember being 15 and saying I'm not going to do that because there's a way out of here and I'm not going to jeopardize it I don't even know how it how to get out of here I'm not gonna mess it up Whatever It Is Well studies studies do show studies show that the way that you move the needle so studies say that we cannot move more than one or two quintiles above or below wherever our periods were studies show that that if you're in the middle class that you have you're you're pretty much the you have the worst position because you're in the middle that if you move below you know like it it's easier that you'll fall one or two sets below and it's very hard to move one or two CS so so studies are showing that the only way you do that is to get out of your neighborhood that it's it is education that moves the needle for people to move outside of wherever their parents are but that that that what I said that statement burden to be the blueprint some people it gets too heavy wow it's too hard wow you tread as much as you can and you're too far to turn around but you're still so far from where you're trying to be you just stop and that's how decision paralysis and inabilities become about because you don't know how much more you can take how much further you can go so you don't do anything but then you don't want to go back and you know and it's almost like the higher up you go the harder you fall and it's just it's it's one will start to feel like there is no way out and I want somebody to hear this and be encouraged yeah that if you are still you know treading forward don't stop it's going to be tough but don't stop because of what you're saying I think what you're saying is the end result of what I'm saying but you got to get there yeah and it's too many of us not making it there yeah because I I like just like you said I didn't have that example of college you know my brother was the first person in our family to graduate from college when we when my parents took him to college you know my mother didn't when I went to college my mother didn't know anything about filling out fast I had to fill out fast look I had to go and say mom what what is this number right here what does this mean you know my mother didn't have a college education she just worked three jobs to make sure that me she had professional jobs but she work she clawed at those professional jobs and my I when I opened my business I had to threaten my children don't you dare tell your grandma what I'm doing because she would have tried to come down to Nashville Tennessee and pack up all her grandchildren say I don't know what foolishness y'all doing down here but I'm going to take my grandchildren and we're leaving cuz I'm looking get them stability but I was doing that thing that you're saying was I was working for S different I was I was trying to do something different but my mother who remembers going onto the plantation when she first came to the South to look for my grandfather who they had not seen understood that she didn't want her children to miss out on a pension and working for a company for 35 years and I raised my children to understand that this world that you're coming into you got to work for you you can't work for some other company and the people on my team understand that I am not your boss I am your client you are in the business of your own labor that is the that is the company you own your labor is your business that's what this entire country is placed upon the labor of these people and you are in the business of your own labor and your ancestors didn't have an opportunity to own their food which is why you opened up your space absolutely but I also don't believe that you have to work for yourself right I think we talked about this in my interview like I believe that you can have a job working for somebody else and feel equally fulfilled and climb the ladder and be successful I'm never the one not that I just find that everybody's passion everybody's purpose is not going to be fulfilled through creating their own a job for themselves and I don't think I'm better than anybody because I write my own check and sign checks of my staff right like I I [Laughter] think I want to be a girl boss and I want to be in charge if you're not profitable to let all that go first and second of all like everybody does not need to work for themselves like they are some people who have some really amazing jobs and careers that they've created for themselves where they go to work for someone else and they collect the paycheck and have all the benefits and all the things and your life is just as fulfilling if not more than mine I I'm not better than you because I work for myself you say that you're not going to make like you're not going to make it out or you need to create a and something to the effect of you need to have be a business owner no need to work for yourself no she said you own your own labor she said afterward you said something about you need to you need to um I told my children that the world that they're moving into means that they have to have ownership you said they have to work for yes well so they I I agree with that though yeah yes mindset okay you work I mean it's like you got wait perspective she's coming from the plantation to the I'm following you're not you're not I'm be real it feels a little like I can I could I don't know how I would feel going to my staff saying like you guys are your you you own your own business because you are your business because you own your labor and your time it's like no you own your I own this business you guys work with me I I mean you I you work with me you don't work for me I don't demean my team at all I value them I pay them like I love them and they know it but what I'm not going to do is try to like play this game with them like you work for yourself you own your own labor that's not true because if I tell you you need to be here at this time I'm going need you to be here at this time so you actually don't have the autonomy that I'm trying to trick you in the thinking that you have so you say grabing that's what I'm saying it's a perspective mindset versus the actual yeah because I think she saying there are some contradictions in this Leadership Model I'm just trying to understand the autonomy that the team member has no but she's not saying she has autonomy in the business my team don't have autonomy in my business no no I'm saying even over them s like even over them SS in their time what abely I never ever accuse she her perspective is coming from the plantation so that's yeah I'm still confused I'm I I'm very clear on the the history and the background of it it was just the part about them having the ownership of their labor La so I decide where I'm going to spend my time my time is the biggest asset that I own so whatever I decide to do with my time belongs to me if I decide to give my time to your business that is what I own and you give me in exchange money for that labor and then I take that money that I earn from that labor and then I go and do the things that I want to in my life if if I were forced to do a thing then I'm not in control of that that we all is a ir and what it is that we decide to do you the business that you're in is your labor so you as a cashier in my company own the choice to give me your time and I am your only customer and you in your business take care of the clients of Manan fris at the Cupcake Collection that is the business that you own and in exchange for that I give you money and then you take that money and you can move the needle in your family and in your life and what I taught my children as they were growing up is that the world that they were moving into the one that I was raising them in they had to have ownership so you know everything that they do they are in charge of that I think I think this is what I'm here not that TR time is your greatest asset that's your greatest get that back don't ever let yourself be in a position where you're so desperate that you have to lend your time to something that you hate that you don't believe now now once you commit to it you work for that person when that's your choice it's not a desperate I think it's a work with yeah I think the easiest the easiest way to put it the EAS I go back to your point there's nothing wrong with working for somebody I'm happy that you said that I literally unfollowed someone on social media because she would wake up she would post it feels so good to get up at 10: oh I feel so sorry for you guys to had to fight through traffic and get to work I mean and it was an everyday thing and and like you said at least let the uh the juice be worth the squeeze I mean are living this wonderful life from this but it created a feeling like oh my gosh like inferiority like how dare you guys go to work every day and some people find fulfill fulfillment and says that too like that's your greatest form of the highest form of conversation to with that's your purpose and you're calling you're created to do what you were supposed to do in this earth not what somebody else's has on don't make anybody feel bad that their path is different oh no that's horri like even though I work at historically black colleges and universities I've been in education for 12 years I'm a firm believer in it I don't look at anybody different who doesn't have a college education because my hair stylist make six figures two times you know so I I don't I don't have a problem with that it's I think in the black community we have a serious problem
Channel: The Table With AO
Views: 46,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthony oneal, anthony oneal debt free degree, anthony oneal student loans, money, budget, how to save money, personal finance, debt free, how to budget, debt, how to make money, how to get out of debt, student loan debt, student loans, african American, black, hiphop, culture, millennial, student, black family, black love, legacy, black history month, juneteenth, black entrepreneurship
Id: 4z9wzsafhEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 7sec (2047 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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