Most Bizarre Arrests of All-Time

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Did you know you can get arrested for eating SpaghettiOs? Let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - Good Mythical Morning! - You might be surprised to know... ...that in all the years that we've known each other, and all the stupid things that we've done on this show and off, I'm proud to say we have never been arrested. Nope. I guess we've just had a very long, lucky streak, Rhett. - Yes. - But listen. If you are int-er-est-ed... getting ar-rest-ed, take notes. Because today we are going to chronicle some of the weirdest arrests ever. It's time for... - ♪ (driving drums) ♪ - ...You Have the Right to Remain... ...Silent. Anything You Say Can and will Be Used against You on... Good Mythical Morning. That's this show. It is this show. And last month, in Portland, Maine, a tree was arrested for obstructing traffic. This is the most exciting thing to ever happen in... - ...Portland, Maine. - Well, I've never been there. I can imagine that not a lot of exciting things happen there. - But the tree. - Not a tree, exactly. It was actually... ...a man dressed as a tree. It was 30-year-old Asher Woodworth. Right off the bat, this is a man who understands the worth of wood. So he's on my team. You know what happens if you burn a tree? It turns into ash. Yeah. Yep. That's true. That's another thing. There's a lot of wood jokes that we could make, but we should probably just move right along. Nope. Eddie literally said, "Uh!" like I took his breath away. - Like you had stabbed yourself. - Thanks for the support, Edward! He said he "planted" himself -- ha ha -- in the middle of an intersection. (frantically stammering) See, there you go! Where's the "Uh!" for that? Because he wanted to see how he could impact people's natural choreography. It turns out people adjusted their natural choreography by just driving around him and calling the police. And his natural choreography was impacted when the police showed up and made him put on the handcuffs. And we've got the video. Look at this. Here he is being escorted away from the intersection. (Link laughing) Oh my gosh! He is just an absolute tree! (Rhett) I love how he's just continuing to do the tree thing. - (Rhett) Look how slow he's going! - (Link laughing) (Rhett) "I'm a tree. I can't move too quickly." (Link) And the cops -- it's like they're helping a disoriented person. I'm thinking about bringing back tree man and doing this in an LA intersection, but something tells me that the LAPD will not take nearly as kindly to me as they did -- as the Maine police did -- to this guy. Neither will drivers of vehicles here in Los Angeles. - Right. They will run you over. - So do not do that. Speaking of trees, back in 2005, 43-year-old Dieter Braun from... - ...Recklinghausen, Germany... - Mhm. ...was arrested for being a public nuisance. Oh, okay. Well, not too weird, right? Unless the public nuisance is running around naked, shouting at trees. - Oh, that happens sometimes. - Why, Dieter? Why? Dieter? - Uh... - Do you have a "why?" Here's the "why". His marriage counselor advised him to do it as... - ..."relaxation therapy." - The naked part or the yelling part? All of it! He said, "If I didn't go to the woods and scream at the trees, then my marriage would probably be over." - Oh! - Which is weird, because if I DID get... ...naked and go into the trees and scream, my marriage would be over. - Yeah, right. That's how it works here. - I think. He says, "Feeling the... ...breeze on my naked skin really calms me down." Well, you can do that just in your backyard. It did not have a calming effect on anyone else. Especially the trees. - Yeah, I could imagine. - I would think. - My kindred spirits out there. - Don't disturb the trees with your... - ...naked yelling. - Dieter, don't go up to those... Redwoods, the Rhettwoods, that we're planting in northern California. I don't wanna see your naked tail around my Rhettwoods. - (laughing) - Back in 2014, 23-year-old Ashley Huff... ...of Georgia was arrested for SpaghettiOs! Let me explain. - Please explain. - She was a passenger in a car that got... ...pulled over. One thing leads to another. The police find a spoon in Ashley's bag that is covered with a mysterious residue. She says... (southern accent) "It's SpaghettiOs!" And then they were like, "That seems like the worst lie ever." Some adult woman saying that it's SpaghettiOs. So they immediately arrest her for possession of... - ...methamphetamines. - Okay. And then there are lab results that test the spoon. Now, first of all, she goes to jail. While she's in jail, they do a test in the lab. And they determine that there were methamphetamines on the spoon, even though it actually was just SpaghettiOs. But I think what happened was the person in the lab was like, "Hold on. What kind of adult eats SpaghettiOs and then throws their spoon into the bag? A meth head. This has got to be somebody who's on meth." I think that's probably what happened. - But they... but there WAS meth. - There wasn't meth. The lab "came back" with positive results. It turns out these lab results can be false positives all the time. - Okay. - And she was later cleared. After spending over a month in jail, she was cleared and it was just SpaghettiOs. And now, since this, the number-one defense in Georgia criminal trials has become (southern accent) "It was just SpaghettiOs." - "It was just SpaghettiOs." - Everybody's using it. Everybody's getting off! - Uh, are they? - Yeah. Because of SpaghettiOs. - (crew offscreen laughing) Speaking of SpaghettiOs, there's only one reason you should never visit a cemetery. And I meant to say "ever" visit a cemetery. - But I said "never." Just ignore that. - I know what you meant. I'll just start over. Speaking of SpaghettiOs, there's really only one reason you should ever visit a cemetery. It has nothing to do with SpaghettiOs. That was one of those "I'm trying to make a transition, but it doesn't work." - Right. - But some people will be like... - ..."I guess that makes sense." - It was because of the SpaghettiOs! - Yeah, right. - That reason shouldn't get you arrested. (Link) 24-year-old Anthony Stallard of Portsmouth in the UK was arrested at the Kingston Cemetery where he was impersonating a ghost. - (laughing) - Literally throwing up his arms... ...and yelling "Woo-oo-oo!" at mourners! - While people were there at a funeral? - He was "Woo-oo-oo"-ing people... - the cemetery. - Did he even look like the... ...dead person? Did he know who it was that was dead? Because that would be freaky. "Uncle Johnny is over there." No. I'm sure he was doing it very tastefully, too. - Okay. - He did a tasteful "Woo"-ing at... ...the cemetery. Prior to that, Anthony was seeing kicking a football at graves -- this dude's 24 years old -- while singing loudly with his friends. Okay, nothing wrong with that. I mean, that's fine. As you may have guessed, Anthony had been doing a bit of drinking before the debacle. - I'm guessing Ecto-Cooler. "Woooo!" - (laughing) Okay. - Get it? - It has been known to induce those... - ...kinds of effects. - I ain't afraid of no pasty white dude. Kicking a soccer ball. Against graves. - (crew offscreen laughing) - You know that song? - I ain't afraid of no pasty white dude. - I get it, yeah. - Kicking a soccer ball. - Because you're like Ray Parker, Jr. ... - favorite artist. - Mhm hm. But the layer downplayed it. He said, "He has accepted that his behavior, if it had been outside of a cemetery, would not have been inappropriate. But inside a cemetery, while people are grieving for their loved ones, it might be." (laughing) "It MIGHT be! It MIGHT be!" - "It just might be. "Woo-oo-oo!" - If you push it too far, it might be. Eighty-nine-year-old Edna Jester of Blue Ash, Ohio, just wanted some peace and quiet. But she could never get it because the kids in her neighborhood were always playing football right outside of her house. - Ohhh! - And every so often, a football would... in Edna's yard and she'd have to fetch it for 'em. And Edna hated this. She was quoted as saying (higher voice) "I'm 89 years old... ...and I want a little peace of mind. This is my life here in this chair, looking out that door. And all I see is playing the ball down all over and all over. If it doesn't come in my yard, okay. But if it comes in my yard, - I'm going to get it. No trespassing." - "Playin' the ball down?" There was a few run-on sentences in that, but we understand. You don't like the ball in your yard. So one day in 2008 when the ball landed in her yard, Edna makes good on her threat. She snatches the ball up. She brings it inside. And then the owner of the football tells his parents. And then the parents call the frickin' police. They don't even go to talk to Edna. - Well, she's scary. - This is an old lady! Have you seen The Sandlot? There's probably a dog. You know what? She doesn't respond well to negotiations, because the police actually issued two warnings to Edna, but she refused to turn the... - ...ball over. It did not help, though... - (growling) ...that the cops issued the warnings via football over the fence. - (laughing) - That was was in poor taste. - That's not speaking her language? - She said, "I'm not giving the ball... ...up. No. That's the only protection I have. They know if it comes in my yard, I'll get it, and that keeps them off of me a little." This is a tough woman. - This woman's got grit. - She now has all the... ...policemen's balls? - She has all the policemen's balls. - (Link and crew offscreen laughing) That's what Edna's known for now. Nope. That's not true. - Yeah. She didn't give 'em back? - She did not give the ball back... the boy. The policemen didn't throw their balls over the fence because... - That was a joke. - ...I made that up. But they did arrest her. And she went to prison, and she died there. - Also a joke. (laughing) - (laughing) And a funny one! Boy, old women dying in prison! Doesn't get better than that! The charges were dropped. The charges were dropped against Edna, but she promptly sued the teenager's parents for emotional distress. You know what you should have tried? You should have tried "I ain't... ...afraid of no pasty white lady with my football." I should have done that. I'll do that next time. - But I don't have another one. - Speaking of weird hostage situations... in Leavenworth, Kansas, 2013, 26-year-old Bryan P. Smith -- good ol' Bryan P. --.. - (Rhett) Yeah, I know him. - ...agreed to babysit his friend's... spider. Which really is the true test of a friendship. - (laughing) Yeah. - You know? If you're willing to... ..keep their spider. Problem was when his friend came back to get the spider, Bryan invoked the legal precedent of "no backsies." - He kept the spider. - He did not want to give the spider... ...back. And listen. It escalated from there. He said, "If you want your spider back, you gotta pay me $100." He held the spider for ransom! - (laughing) This is not cool, Bryan P.! - Hundred dollars, I mean... - Not cool, man! - Sixty dollars'll getcha a good spider. The friend refused to pay. Bryan then threatened to kill his spider by shooting it. (laughing) "I'm gon' shoot your spider, man! 'Cause that's what it's gonna take to kill this spider!" - Not step on it. Shoot it. - "A bullet." So his friend calls the cops. The cops go to the friend's house, but Bryan calls him while the cops are there, and he says, "Are you ready to do this thing?" - (laughing) - Which, okay, is good enough for the... ...cops to just arrest him at that moment. - What thing was he gonna do? - Uh... - Shoot the spider, I guess. - Shoot the spider? Okay. (laughing) Or make the trade for the $100. I don't know. He was ordered to serve 14 months. Plot twist: the spider was in on it the whole time. Mm. The spider didn't like Bryan P. either, huh? (laughing) I don't know what the spider got out of the situation, but he was... - ...definitely in on it the whole time. - Hopefully you can avoid getting... ...arrested now that you have learned how some people got arrested in stupid ways. That's what we're doing. We're doing our part. Thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hi. My name is Nathaniel. We're 10,000 feet on Haleakalā. And it's time to spin The Wheel of Mythicality. If you get arrested, it's cold in jail. You should wear a Good Mythical Hoodie! - - Strategic advertising in jail. - (laughing) Yes it is. - Click through to Good Mythical More... ...where crew members are going to share their run-ins with the law. Ooh! - (Rhett) "Shout out to laughing gas." - (both laughing hysterically) - Shout out to you, laughing gas! - (laughing) - I didn't see that comin'! - You've brought so much joy! (both laughing) - You're so silent but deadly like a fart! - Hoooo! But you're not deadly. You just make me laugh. You can do anything. You can do anything to me right now and I wouldn't mind. (both laughing) Pull your ear? - (stops laughing) Nope. Don't do that. - Sorry. [Captioned by Kevin: GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,131,228
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, season 10, Most Bizarre Arrests of All-Time, Most Bizarre Arrests of All-Time good mythical morning, good mythical morning Most Bizarre Arrests of All-Time, Most Bizarre Arrests of All-Time rhett and link, rhett and link Most Bizarre Arrests of All-Time, Most Bizarre Arrests of All-Time gmm, gmm Most Bizarre Arrests of All-Time, arrests, bizarre
Id: 05PObxjcD8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2016
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