Most Badass Movie Moments Pt.2

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[Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's all yours [Music] don't suppose I could have a good [Music] thank god you're here I don't know what I would've done without tell you what if I need a gun I'll use one of his really one of my guns any picture that happening exactly well I guess I'm gonna take it from you that that is just special huh take are you gonna take one of my guns come on Billy jackoff take my gun from me let me see it yeah I'll make it easy for you you can make it not so easy sure thing you got it I like you I'll bet you have a name as cute what else and that's impressive so many guns I don't know what's wanted to use how about you you want one [Applause] Furniture detective recommend anesthetic injection DC metro police dispatch shows no units in this area get me out warning window integrity compromised I love the propulsion calculating window integrity 31% deploying countermeasures an order no integrity 19% offensive measures advice [Music] propulsion systems now on yeah hey I said get down you know if you shoot me in the stomach my chance to survive and go upright let me help you out how about a hole in the chest Oh effective but unsatisfying the brain still I know I know you're right you're right first thing I do separate brain stem you [ __ ] your pants ah my favorite classic but what enough splatter to let him know you mean business you [ __ ] crazy you know crazy patient come on come on come on come on don't do this myself City Hall shoot me shoot me no need to shoot me I'll stop wasting my time [Music] stop what you put in the warehouse yeah I thought it'd be cooler but the unmasking of kick-ass on the internet okay watch just got the tech he's on his way right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's talk about what judge release the hostage unharmed and I guarantee you a sense life in an ISO cure without parole life that poll it's a deal you offered only if you comply you know crimes include multiple homicide and the attempted murder of a judge if you do not comply the sentence is death you know you aren't a very good negotiator judge you know why you got no [ __ ] library yeah here's the deal you let me walk crap off [ __ ] brain okay negotiations over what are you doing yeah what I said I'll kill [ __ ] yeah I heard you out shot what I said hot shot why I only have 12 bullets so you're gonna have to share let's count them down [ __ ] bad Deadpool good someone's not counting six [Music] [Music] right up pain Street [Applause] oh I'm touching myself tonight
Channel: Benjy
Views: 12,985,334
Rating: 4.8654447 out of 5
Keywords: Iron man, terrorists, badass, moments, shooting, tank, explosion, walk away, the hitmans boddyguard, breaking bad, trevor, disarm, captain america, winter soldier, nick fury, ambush, shootout, falcon rising, Michael J White, store robbery, the longest yard, running back, quick, juke, spin, kick ass, big daddy, warehouse fight, dredd, hostage, hotshot, deadpool, counting bullets, highway fight, funny, epstein probably aint even dead
Id: 9DuPnyqc_k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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