most asked Angular scenario based interview question | Top 5 Angular scenario based question

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scenario 1 what steps would you take to optimize the performance of an angular application the answer is to optimize the performance of an angular application you can take the following steps first use Track by to optimize NG for loops Second Use on push change detection strategy to optimize change detection third use aot ahead of time compilation instead of jit just in time compilation fourth use lazy loading to load modules only when they are required fifth use the angular CLI to create production builds that are optimized for production environments scenario 2 how would you handle cross-site scripting xss attacks in an angular application the answer is to handle cross-site scripting xss attacks in an angular application you can take the following steps Step 1 use angular's built-in sanitization functions to sanitize user input Step 2 use content security policy CSP to prevent inline scripts and external resources from being loaded in the application step 3 use angular's HTTP client to make HTTP requests and ensure that user input is properly encoded step 4 use angular's built-in Dom sanitizer to sanitize HTML fragments before they are added to the Dom step 5 avoid using inner HTML to add user generated content to the Dom scenario 3 how would you handle authentication and authorization in an angular application the answer is to handle authentication and authorization in an angular application you can take the following steps Step 1 use a token based authentication system to authenticate users and maintain user sessions Step 2 use angular's HTTP interceptors to automatically attach authentication headers to requests step 3 use angular's route guards to control axis to specific routes and features based on user roles and permissions step 4 store user authentication and authorization data in a secure cookie or local storage step 5 use server side authorization checks to ensure that users have the necessary permissions to perform specific actions scenario 4 how would you implement data binding in an angular application the answer is to implement data binding in an angular application you can use the following types of data binding first interpolation use the syntax to bind a component property to a template element second property binding use the syntax to bind a component property to a template element property third event binding use the syntax to bind a template element event to a component method fourth two-way binding use the NG model syntax to bind a component property to a template element property and handle changes to both scenario 5 is how would you use angular animations to create a smooth user experience the answer is to use angular animations to create a smooth user experience you can take the following steps Step 1 use the angular animations API to Define animations for specific components or elements Step 2 use CSS Transitions and keyframe animations to create simple animations step 3 use angular's state-based animations to create more complex animations that change based on application state 4 use the angular animations API to create reusable animations that can be used across the application step 5 use the angular animations API to create animations that respond to user interactions
Channel: Frontend Insights
Views: 6,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: most asked angular interview question, Angular scenario based interview question, Dev Interview Shorts, angular interview questions and answers, angular interview, angular interview questions, ‎Angular Project, ‎Angular Pipes, ‎Angular Services, ‎Dependency Injection, angular interview answers, interview questions for angular, interview questions for angular 8, angular mock interview, Top 5 Angular scenario based question, angular developer interview questions, angular
Id: sAvN3KAbfL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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