Epic Board Game Haul - GenCon 2021

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hello welcome to quacklobe thank you for being here today we're bringing you a gen con haul video and needless to say you're about to drop me there's a lot of things to go through so we did this just to give you a sneak peek of what we're going to be talking about in the video but we're going to go ahead and reset we're going to go over these smaller products first kind of little highlights pins bits pieces that we got and then we're going to dive into some of these brand new super exciting and really great games that we've had a chance to play so far every single thing here we chose to take home right a few of the games or things that publishers gave us to cover that we were able to sit down and play test which we'll talk about some of the products are things that we purchased ourselves for my own selfish reasons for some reason i don't think i have enough board games yet a lot of you can relate and a lot of the other stuff is just going to be stuff that we are super excited to be adding to our gaming repertoire for instance some super nice nice trees so we're going to reset and then we'll get into it right after don't know i don't know what that is this they clapped a minute but it doesn't work that way let's do it together do it [Music] we didn't get it try again maybe that time we're gonna be driving nuts with flaps okay one two [Music] we still can't get the clap right either way some board games disappeared welcome back uh gen con was an absolute blast it was a lot of fun and considering we've had a few days to detox from it it's actually been a nice like i look back at it fun do you yeah there was a lot of stress a bit of chaos and as your first con and my first con in a couple of years it was sort of a mind-blowing experience but we'll talk about all that on the vlog that comes out this saturday that being said we've got a few things to go through so let's sprint through these little things let's talk about what we got all these things and then let's start digging into the board games because that's why people are here to see but we can't overlook some of the stuff that i think you're the most excited about i am so from steeped games we've got dice trays now alex had a set of these dice treats already which is why you knew enough to want to get them while we were there uh these are just super colorful tiny little claspable dice trays they're really well kind of sternly made we'll probably we'll probably feature them on like a board game components upgrade video at some point and they come in so many colors and designs and the backs of them also have so many colors so we were talking with them they have plans for more and new and different versions of these but i'm gonna be honest i really like how kind of creative and unbranded all of them are it's one of the things i like the most is that they're not specific to a game and they're also not specific to a company instead of like a big old slap logo there in the center i like how small they are and how easy they are to access and if you have so many of them then you could just keep them all over and just grab one very easily these are perfect for what we do on camera yes um and so we'll be we'll be using them just toss those over to the side i want to highlight uh this little gaming goat here uh there's a store out of elmhurst illinois yes right outside of chicago uh kirsten there is someone that i've been chatting with online for a while since we met at gamma a couple years back right before the world quit uh and she has a store that she runs there we have hoped to go up and visit at some point and her store patrons had created this for us which is just a little their storm mascot is this goat so yeah little quackalope logo there little quackalope branded on the back and she runs a great store out of there out of elmhurst so uh if you have the opportunity to swing by and check that out this was just super cool to have someone arrive with one of my highlights was meeting the creators of townsfolk tussle and they had piles of pins they had piles of pins and meeting them and just seeing how down to earth and genuine they all are and playing we played mythic mischief with them as well so that was another one of my highlights i think they are no offense to anyone else the townsfolk tussle crew was the only crew that i genuinely like star struck for a second they popped up said hello i turned around i was like i recognize you look down at their shirt after they pointed at it and i was sitting there playtesting a name and i literally i was like oh my gosh i'm so i love your game i'm so excited to meet you and then we just hung out for the rest of the con which was fantastic talking about playing mythic mischief with them though i know the campaign's coming to an end but you'll still be able to late black it i am sure and pledge alex and i just got the solo rules in which means we're gonna be able to check out one of our most anticipated one of the best games we've had all year and actually play this little abstract as a solo puzzle as well so that's exciting you were talking about celebrities the celebrity that blew my mind was ryan lauquet lucca lock it lock it lock it right raven games he was giving out signed copies of some prototype cards and we got a deck of cards from him as well so these are promo cards uh and this is going to be a little tiny little expansion deck for isil bland i think yep isil then metropolis uh i've only played one of his games honestly but the artwork in it blew my mind and i'm looking forward to playing sleeping gods we played now or never um look into um i'm looking forward to playing above and below and you're here so this was a celebrity like i was like super hot oh my gosh you create amazing games you are so cool to me and and he talked to me like a human yeah he was so generous he's super hot he's super he's super humble yeah a bit shy when it comes to giant crowds like that uh but it was really great to be able to connect with him again and say hi and grab grab some things so some other things some old friends of mine we we didn't have anything to get from the fire tower crew we got a pin so we just grabbed some more gems because we have one of those custom little fire places i backed on kickstarter like full in and so we grabbed a few more gens to fill that out love seeing them again these are going to be expansion dice for a few specific things that we still have to show off that we'll we'll get there yeah another one of the things that really made my day are from orange nebula they created the series of artwork and they're all they're misunderstood limited edition and the whole concept behind them was that what if medusa was just misunderstood what if like all these ogres and trolls that are portrayed as dumb are actually geniuses and what if this slimy gooey monster is actually non-toxic we're planning on getting these frames hanging them up somewhere oh and they were signed by the two artists that created them so that was really exciting i also got them in iron on patches and i got them in pins i might have been that excited just about the concept behind it yeah um i just love the connection meaningful stuff we also grabbed the uh inner glow from vindication which is just a little expansion pack some little promo cards here a few more pins a few more objects and items uh are you just dumping off so i did for those of you that are looking at the top cam here we have a thing where we travel around and instead of taking a bunch of cell phone photos or anything like that we end up taking polaroids yeah we travel with this little mini polaroid camera and the important thing for us is that the picture isn't perfect but it captures the moment and we can look back i usually write on the side i'll write the date that it was taken on i'll write like a cute little quote or something that helps us remember the memory and then we'll write down the location that it was at and we've got a book over like 60 of them at this point from when we started traveling so this is just our main gen con experience this is an evening where we got to hang out with jeff from seamon it was great fantastic to hang out not only with him but all the like there was a big crowd of publishers and friends and just content creators and so we all get to hang out have some drinks relax from a long day uh and that was just a really cool experience so we saved both of those and also jeff if you're watching this yeah that dragon that dragon at least isn't entirely lonely goomhaven draws the line we're in middle of a campaign i don't know why you got more stickers so we got it we didn't have the sticker set we didn't have the stickers set and so i've been doing the stickers on our set so this is the removable stickers oh and you're freaking out by placing them on things yeah and so these you can touch these these see removable sticker set and map that's cool so this will make it so you're not destroying a thing okay and then we've got to appreciate them as well does that mean i can start writing on our actual no no writing you actually had decent handwriting maybe i'll reconsider um i had to get just a starter set of pins from the whole experience in case you can't tell i like pins we got a few different pins yeah pins pins pins you got uh too many bones which yes just released a giant announcement which is the brand new content coming from too many bones which you still need to sit down look super cool super exciting they have so much stuff already there so if we're gonna end up doing coverage of this expansion we're gonna have to get started on the base game and get you up to speed because the game's incredible but i'll be honest the last time i dove into it the sheer amount of stuff i had to puzzle through was a bit overwhelming okay so i'm going to need your help yeah okay all right off to the side uh we got a chance to read the book we got a chance to demo the game uh the stuff of legend i already put out a video on it because it's already up on kickstarter uh doing decently really cool little comments just waiting for us to get our hands on the game we're waiting for the prototype to come in okay off to the side that is a map for parks yes we ended up getting uh one of my five out of five games have you played parks i love parks yeah so it was time to go ahead and start upgrading one of our favorite games i also got a pin from them over there save the wildlife is that what this is nice okay so we got our play mat for parks we got some pictures you want to talk about these cosmic frog a game that so before we were even a thing we're a thing we're not a thing before we were nothing um i would listen to him on the quacklet podcast and he was talking about this game cosmic frog about a frog just consuming its enemies and i love the idea and i really wanted to play it i haven't played it yet but we got these two gorgeous the artwork's so incredible it is and i'm looking forward to framing these as well we're gonna have a section of artwork in our house yeah we're gonna have we're gonna have a pile of uh really cool board games picked one all i need though what i really need is i need the artist to sign these things that's what we're gonna have to have yeah the last stuff to show off before we start swinging into the bigger titles is going to be a rpg that i picked up i love rpg games i love the promise of them i want to start playing them with you and i i i mean it's where i entered the hobby space just throw it somewhere i did it's where i enter the hobby space and so i had to go ahead and pick up another rpg book i picked up you never know i love this artwork never going home uh tome of corrupted beasts bones in the dust which is gonna be the campaign and book of whispers which is going to be extra character classes and like things of the occult so this is basically like you're playing world war one in the trenches trench warfare military like they have every series goes through different stages of military progression where you start with like bayonets and swords and cavalry charging around across the ground you get up to a little bit more to like tank warfare machine guns rifles uh and i really really first off loved the artwork of this but then also got more and more compelled by the gameplay i don't know if it fits you a hundred percent but i don't know we haven't gotten into rpgs yet uh we kind of want to start with humble wood yeah i'm really excited for humble wood i like that type of artwork and i love those characters how they look this we'll see i want to run this so bad so if you uh like rpgs and you're looking for a really cool sort of indie thing that's set in world war one aesthetic and sort of then progresses up through a lot of the other like uh global or national wars this one does that and then mixes in like corrupted cthulhu and uh you know deck of crest that goes with it yeah i'm gonna slot these onto board gameco's shelf because he doesn't like rpgs so he won't try to steal them uh and these posters let's go ahead and move things over okay you want to start with the pile next to you while i get a few things sorted here sure all right this is a oh this is a little social deduction game yep i'm gonna be honest i don't know much about this one uh we were walking by and the publisher sort of handed it off to us said that he thought we'd enjoy it and so this is this is one of those that end up uh coming with us even though we're not entirely sure what it is so i did read the rule book are you scooting it off so quickly i think it's funny that you started with this one though so during the lesser houses basically you're gonna be competing as a series of houses vying for the king or the kingdom's favor and part of the main uh element of it i think it's a three to six four to six so you have to play a little bit higher player counts and the main element of it is going to be you're going to be slowly working coordinating with each other to start killing off other houses as you play with shifting alliances kind of always consistently happening until there's only one favorable house left remaining which is going to be the victor uh it's court warfare done in sort of a social deduction context and so it looks interesting i don't get a lot of social deduction games to the table so it might be a little while before we dive into it um but it'll be kind of on the shelf of things that we need to get played uh and the publisher is very confident with it so cool swing this off to the side uh wait are you going to grab things or can i grab things you you told me to go through the pile we have the night cage a lot of you that are already familiar with this probably uh saw the how to play video over here on the channel and kind of the preview and stuff we did this is a cooperative game where you're diving into the depths of this crypt it's a really really cool puzzle and a lot of people that wrote it off originally have been surprised by just how complex and how interesting the puzzle is so this is a grid that circles back in on itself like you're always able to explore even the outer edges coming back around and you don't know exactly where you are in the crypt and you're doing your best to crawl through these tunnels and not get eaten or consumed by creatures and slowly slowly slowly find keys to unlock the door to get everyone out you've played i have played i did i did the prototype coverage of this so the only thing that you have though is you have this little candle clutch in your hand like literally it's your life source the artwork shows it burning down so that the wax is dripping across your hand but you're unwilling to drop it because it's the only thing that you have to keeps you in the darkness and the thing that makes this game so cool is that as you explore the map anything that isn't lit up by your candle starts going dark and so the tunnels can change and shift behind you because you have no idea what things have become which is really really neat in a cooperative game because there's moments where strategically you find a key or a door and you tell your companion stay here keep it lit because if we lose the light if it goes dark we'll lose this location that's so cool is that neat yeah so it gives this really really good sense of like ambient foreboding it's just really cool uh so smirk and dagger uh produced that i hadn't had a chance to pick up a copy yet and so i was excited that i was able to i'm gonna go faster than you if you uh don't grab one what we have the great western trail and not the one that you would have seen uh you would have seen in the the old school this is the one with the beautiful cover artwork and kind of upgraded graphics art so this is jan's number one of all time i still have it from edgar spiel uh this is the second edition and i have to say i am absolutely thrilled we were able to get a copy of this yeah because this is probably one of my most anticipated reprints or anticipated updates to a game system period this is going to be a euro sort of worker placement style game where you're working on a giant rondelle doing your best to move cattle from the start of the board all the way up to i forget the town you're going to but all the way up to the city where you drop them off for victory points and then you circle back around to the beginning and you do the same thing over and over again it's this big rotating rondelle system here is the really really cool thing about the game as you play you're placing down tiles and cards that are upgrading the map that you're traveling through building bridges setting up huts establishing forts clearing some threats along the way getting rid of rubble and stuff and so the the map is scripted and changes based on the players that are playing the game it's really really cool it's such an incredible title and i have a copy of the new one my turn also if you just want something compelling your meeples you get to choose your color hat that's cool solder the game right there that's all we needed uh we will 100 doing coverage of this probably jumping into an unboxing or something okay here is rift forced her force is two players head to head this is combat game this is coming out of uh this is coming out of capstone games it's actually interesting because it is a lighter game than their kind of bigger box they they do a lot of like heavy games pulling into the pulling into the mix we have a few more of their heavy games with us we actually got into this we have gotten this to the table since gen con and had a go at it and it's about all these different forces of nature who are coming against each other you create your own team and you have that deck and then you have a lineup of different battles that you're occurring and it's number versus number and then you have the abilities of your team members you're lane battling with a lot of really unique custom abilities you're able to kind of mix and match and start using and sequencing them i'd say it plays really cleanly you could sit down i could teach someone new to play this in probably just a few minutes it was also really good for its time frame plays very tight it's very good for its time frame yeah probably not immediately my favorite of all time yeah but when it comes to this lane battling genre i have a few of these smaller box lane battling games honestly they could probably all fit into this one and a few of them uh set up on the table for a really good evening okay uh is compelling to me it's kind of the same way that alex approaches uh like rolling right gangs yeah not not no roll and right game is perfect unto itself right it's not going to make a game night but but they are but in a collection they provide enough diversity and enough interest to uh to cycle you grab another one okay luna captain do i even need to talk about this one so i don't think we need to say anything about it we have heard so many people talking through the convention about this title we we bought it like and and we played it and we played it yeah we did all of the above so wounded capital is by de ver and it is about you are a company a franchise going up to popularity and build up the moon and it is a tile placement what do you call the like buildings that you're putting on what meth what mechanism is that i know it's like a table building so so you're building your card grid that you're then placing you're placing buildings down on so you're not actually triggering a lot of extra resources and stuff so it's not tableau building okay it's more like it's more like you're doing tile placement and like pattern building in a way okay it has a similar scoring too honestly it's super comparable to cascadia verdant and calico yeah with the way that it does pattern building but it does it on such a high level there were so many things to focus on it was so deep and complex i mean there's this immediately and i'm so sorry to them this immediately bumps all of those games off my shelf yeah i mean it's it's incredible you have in-game goals that you can do and then each of the different building types scores differently and what one person is focusing on might not be what another person is focusing on and there's just so much yeah the whole object of the game is to draft cards that have an escalating number of buildings on them and then place those cards into your timeline uh or into your city district and then place those buildings in accordance to however you're trying to score victory points there's like 17 different ways to score victory points yeah and it sounds like a lot but it it both is and isn't because there's so much opportunity to score that you you have a a breadth of of you know yours was 120 you got 120 points i got 116 points yeah we were very close and we went for two completely different strategies i regret not getting a second copy of this just to give to alex and i cannot wait to show him this game uh this might be if it's not the best it's within the top three that we saw at gen con this year easily um this was out of nowhere and like any time we would ask anyone so what game are you most looking forward to everyone was like luna capital by javier it was yeah they'd all played it and they were all right i saw a demo actually there all right aquatica one of my we don't actually have the base game no we don't we just got the expansion and they ran out of the basically because that's how sold out of that's how popular this game is this is like one of my all-time favorite games it will most likely be in my top 10 when i get around to making it yeah both because a my favorite color is blue i have loved the water i love to swim i love the artwork in this game i love the mechanisms of you slide up your where it doesn't even show it on here so you're sliding up your cards getting different rewards triggering different things to score and uh it's a beautiful this does have tableau building the cards that you play start sequencing onto each elf and they just like escalate in the way that your tableau is gonna be just like there's a polar bear over there there's like a little squid over there this guy has an eyeball there's like wrecks all at the bottom so alex has everything for this and we've been deciding slowly to add this one we've known for a long time as soon as i played it with we've known it for a long time i was going to our collection we just haven't had an opportunity to grab it yet so we grabbed the expansion and then hopefully we'll get the base game at some point yeah alex is kind of done with us borrowing his copy of things so all right here is another copy from devere this one the publisher actually gave us yeah this is this is one that uh they thought we'd really enjoy i love the art the theme the aesthetic and so i was talking with him a little bit there and he was like hey bring a copy of silk home to give a closer look uh and then we circled back to grab the capitol uh silk looks really interesting i remember watching the shut up and down coverage of it which was more of a comedy skit i remember specifically like the guy in the worm uh yeah yeah it was it's funny you should check it out but the game looks really really interesting so this for me is one of those games where you're basically going it's basically sequences you'll be rolling dice to trigger a set of actions and you're not tied to the dice that you roll you can spend resources in order to change those numbers and there's only a breadth of six so it's not that far away and six wraps around to one so you actually have a lot of control over what you're able to to program and do when you trigger those actions you're pretty much going to be focused on doing two things generating silkworms onto the board and then moving and shifting your position on the board across all these different pastures and tiles and so if you've ever played those little slide puzzles that's sort of what this feels like because every piece can interact with other pieces the beast is going to be moving trying to consume the silk worms the silkworms are going to be able to be able to move on their own or the farmer or the mastiff which is the big hound dog can move them although the mastiff is unable to go over things like fence posts or through places with the farmer the farmer is unable to scare away the beast but the mastiffs to scare away the beast you see and so you might have a sequence where you decide to move the mastiff into the beast location shifting the beast over to a friends like farmer shifting their farmer over to a silkworm shifting the silkworm off the side of the map so one little action starts triggering all of these other actions and it's competitive so you're trying to establish your plot develop your technology when it comes to farming these silkworms set up fence posts to keep things from consuming them right yeah uh and then also set up little uh incubators that start spawning them onto the board and the silkworms of course are going to be consuming and processing and getting new victory points by exhausting the tile underneath them so green tiles are worth more depending on how many silkworms you have there you see what it is so i'm looking forward to it it looks like a really cool puzzle and coming off the back of luna capital high expectations there's a strong chance i just get everything to virus made as soon as i play i mean yeah and it's just and it's just absolutely gorgeous all right another title that so many people were talking about at gen con a title that was selling out within 30 minutes of the month we had a limited amount of supplies people were standing online to get it and people were walking away without getting this title uh this is vagrant song which is going to be a dungeon crawl style sort of campaign little puzzle now we got a chance to get a preview of it we didn't get a chance to sit down and demo it uh but jan and sort of the team were really really excited about first off it's gonna have that old school 1920s style uh similar to tom's focus i like the artwork that was what pulled me in honestly i saw the artwork it looks cool it looks absolutely beautiful it's not a big boss battle like townspook tussle is instead you're gonna be kind of working across this train track system here you're inside the train track i believe and you're going to be battling through a series of i think 12 campaign stages uh doing your very best to like play your characters upgrade your cards select and like utilize actions it is a really interesting system when it comes to the way that you actually start upgrading progressing your character uh you get like a lot of control just like you wanted a dungeon crawler um but yeah i i'm compelled by it i haven't had a chance to play it so i don't quite know i mean what to say about it yeah uh that being said i will do the flavor text on this one though uh haven't had a night's rest since you don't know when there's a whistling from a train coming round the bend out from the darkness it's hate blue light descends hop on board as it passes by it'll be your bitter end your monkey was i yeah okay great good job cool uh i'm excited i'm excited i'm excited about so many things so many things including wait what are you doing what about eschaton ah eschaton okay is it chaton or eschaton not sure but this is going to be a scrappy little publisher i walked past their booth and i was pulled in by all the darkness honestly all the black it was so cool like all the just the color scheme is magnificent they basically have a booth that in a gen con of bright lights is just absorbing great darkness crumbling at your spirit so this is an area control deck building game which area control is my favorite genre building is one of my favorite genres and so we saw it on the table uh we saw people being really mean to each other that's one of the things that's really compelled about this you cycle through your deck or your hand of cards very fast and you can be very very brutal in the way that you're playing with other people and we thought it was one that fit right up our alley we really wanted to try so we ended up picking all this up we got the upgrade we have the upgraded components which are actually going to be adorable little cultist meeples we have the main base game and then we have the expansion which they said don't even play with until you've mastered this so i'm looking forward to getting this i'm really excited about this there's so much to get to the table no this is gonna happen this is gonna happen like this is gonna happen like this weekend awesome i think uh we've gotta unbox this one first though i think that's my turn for this might be competing so there's two games now we haven't played all the games so give us a bit of grace but there was two games that in my in my mind are blowing me away yeah the reason being is i think i underestimated them initially that's gonna be luna capital yeah wrote it off a little bit into like totally underestimated i had to continue to get it and then land verse c which is not available to the public yet this one's going to be released i believe quarter four like late this year uh from good games publishing this is is this exciting oh my gosh the amount of things to focus on we have played a couple games of this already and we haven't even started touching the other things to focus on we have slowly and me being arrogant like the board gamer that i am it was like it was like hey okay so the object of the game is to just do tile tile placement where you're connecting land and sea tiles on the board she likes this enough she's like breaking it out of the face i am so the object of the game is to connect c tiles so that you're connecting land versus c and every time you finish a pattern you're gonna score for it right pretty straightforward we've all played games like this you're thinking of any tile placement game that deals with any sort of geography except it's really really crunchy from the way that you're closing off these riffs to the fact that you're trying to keep your opponent from finishing theirs and screwing them out of the battery i had the most epic one created yeah and you refuse to let me you would have crushed me like 80 points it was so epic and beautiful so invested in this game that she it really did ruin game night for a couple hours it did i went to my room and i was she stood up and said i'm done for a bit i might have moved the table but the important thing is i won i won by just the hair of my teeth i'm trying to create a water fixture right now i hear okay so the object of the game is going to be this tile placement so i was reading the rule book and i was thinking to myself oh well that sounds simple yeah let's start reading the expansion pieces there's things that you can deal with from mountain ranges to boats to trade routes to caravans to a whole lot of other little factors that score and then we started playing and i immediately went oh no oh no i can't focus on anything else here's the crazy thing every single one of these pieces is double-sided double-sided with different map pieces with different scoring with different terrain with different sequences with different objectives oh my god different abilities that you can do so this one is allows you to steal a piece from your opponent this one allows you to play two pieces at once x's allows you gives you extra points and then i don't even know what the rest of the things do but i know there's like there's all these sea monsters and these corals i know that if you line up next to each other start scoring for you for that and it's just it's beautiful and we found we found some funny artwork in it also we found a go yeah yeah it's very very funny either way if you enjoy tile placement games uh this here's the thing uh good games publishing has put out some really good titles they've put out uh fun fair and unfair which are two titles which i think are really really notable i think this is i think this is like a standout piece though i think any publisher putting this game out would be like would be super proud and successful of it it was one uh yeah i i mean keep your eyes up this is in the small box size of this yeah this is gonna be one of those games that i just i think is gonna be like a pick of the year type of thing it's also just gonna travel with us a lot like it's so easy to play two players bring it along you can play two players you can play three pack a second copy for alex we did i don't know if we give it to him anymore okay we'll cut that part okay um what else do we get what else do we finally get i've got something big down here kabuto sumo a game that i backed on kickstarter i finally was actually able to pick up my copy there at gen con this this is about all these different bugs fighting in a wrestling ring and they're literally all wearing the diaper coin cloth that doesn't wrestlers wear it's the most uh it's it's the slowest most thought-provoking little dexterity game i've played because what you're doing is you have this sumo platform with a lot of little discs on it and you start slowly pushing them across trying to shove them off the platform now we do have some thoughts around it first impressions is some elements of it are a little bit slower i mean like some of the extra like cards and game mechanics we'd like to be a little bit more fun or used a little bit more that being said we're already like five games into this yeah we brought it up we did it with our friends already like it's hit the table more than and i don't like dirty games but this one actually because it's not completely dexterity you're also you're pursuing pushing circular pieces and the way circular pieces move they roll against each other and so what you think is pushing in a straight line is no it's curving to the left it's a coin it's a slot machine it's a coin operated slot machine that operates yeah uh the other thing is we house rule that you push a little bit farther than the edge of the board you push into the inner track yeah instead of the outer edge and that actually enhanced and made it a little scarier to watch your wrestler piece come close to the edge it means you could lose quicker yeah but it also means that you can then start playing another game win quicker yeah uh so kabuto sumo really really neat do we have more things on your side we do okay i have three more things on my side i mean do we want to save the biggest thing for the very end because it's just insane equinox equinox we just got done playing this one this was one of the most recent ones this is from plan b games it is a bidding game essentially where you have this massive grid of cards that you're gonna slowly be building out you're picking eight different animals and their factions they have cards numbered 0 to 10. unless one special faction has like 10.5 0.5 to 10.5 and basically you are choosing cards to bid in a series of five different rounds if you the sooner you bid on the card the more points it will award you at the end of the game you can only use the creature's ability that you have bid on and the person who has been soonest and has the most bidding points on that creature can use it and the other person cannot when you play and activate that card although the pressure point there is when you play and activate the card you're taking one out of the lineup and you want your creatures to survive yeah through the entirety of the game so lots of cool powers and abilities it is a table hog takes up a lot of space but i was actually really surprised by this one and surprised it two players surprise oh yeah it functioned really decently at two players i would play it again at two players i think it's gonna be best at three and four i think more people adding to that chaos of bidding and squabbling and the pressure point of like when do you decide to go in on a creature yeah is gonna be really impactful uh but no equinox plan b games shockingly compelling and to me it felt like a better version of the race games yeah uh a lot of the race games have you uh planning and bidding at certain rounds uh sort of i mean camel up by the same company as you bidding at certain rounds trying to decide like who's gonna win and how to get around the track easiest or quickest and this did a similar thing but did it in a much more controlled space and gave me way more leverage over what was happening and i really liked that i liked stealing your creatures out from under you equinox lovely little game we'll be doing more coverage on this all right oh we're getting to the bottom over here we have got iberian gage okay so this is going to be one of those games that's a little bit more classic coming out of capstone heavy thinky this is gonna be a train game is that it you're gonna say because i don't know much about it so well that is pretty we're going to dig into it i like train games i don't play a lot of train games so i am excited to dig into this one this is going to be their newest uh kind of in these series there's irish gage iberian gage a few others uh i'm excited to check this out because i don't believe you've ever played a training game a train game like this where you're kind of route building and connecting cities and villages and you have control over an economic system so one of the biggest things about games like this is you have like a marketplace where you're controlling the financial value of what you're shipping and delivering you're sort of setting up your own trade routes often um euro basically euros yeah yeah we're euro esque but train games is like its own little sub corner of that that do their own little weird thing so let's see here in iburi engage you'll invest in railroad companies during during stock rounds in the operating rounds each share of the stock allows a shareholder to build a track for that company in the order those shares were purchased but building such a in such hostile terrain is expensive leasing tracks from other companies reduces the cost and keeps your railroads expanding failure to expand will stink your stock values leading to ruin so that i mean the biggest thing in this game is like i said you're going to have that economic marketplace where you're investing in different things you're betting on companies to win just like you would in kind of a railroad economy building out those train yards it sounds like borrowing from other players what they've already built which probably gives them some kickback as well yeah uh i'm thrilled you like you like games that don't hold your hand in a mean but interesting way this may be right up your alley and also it's gorgeous it's just beautiful you know tool did the artwork you should take it on a train trip across the country okay play all the train games through all the 18x train games through across trains across america yeah great if anyone wants to sponsor that any big train companies out there that just want to send us to i mean there are trains that go across america still they're like travel trains i mean i'm not against it what else do we have we have one more on my side this is genotype okay so i have been looking for a good opportunity to cover genius games for a while they do sort of schoolhouse projects in a lot of ways like have you ever wanted to play a game with the periodic table and not just play a game with a periodic table i mean play a good game with periodic table well they do that right and so their stuff is usually scientific usually thought-provoking usually very interesting when it comes to game mechanics but does so in an educational fashion this one is not only that but for me is really interesting really compelling and really beautiful genotype is going to be a game all about how i believe genetic inheritance plants start kind of combining and changing and you start doing specialized biology is like one of my favorite classes in high school and i always love the pun and square how you have a b a b and then you get two a a's you get a b you get bb and i loved it i loved how recessive and dominance work and i am super excited to have a game that uses all those rules you wanna you want a little bit of that flavor texture okay scientific knowledge doesn't always advance in predictable patterns help gregor mendel test his paradigm shifting hypothesis and genotype a mendelian genetics game up to five players work as research scientists along mendel collecting experimental data and learning the fundamentals of genetics each round scientists compete over a shared pool of offspring dice that are ruled to stim to simulate genetic inheritance track dominant and recessive phenotypes hypothesize outcomes and watch hereditary principles in action while waiting for the next generation of plans work to research work to set research goals acquire powerful tools and secure funds for hiring assistants for purchasing upgrades the scientist who sews the most plants and best predicts the results reaps victory so it's got some prediction in it and like betting i assume i like it yeah either way i'm excited i love the art i love the theme i'm excited to be covering something about genius games because i think they do such an interesting thing in our marketplace i wanted the one on the periodic table he was afraid of going back to school and it's true i left biology class dropped out of high school and then still graduated early if you want to figure out that math puzzle send me a question uh we've got one thing left last but not least obviously it was literally not least madara so i did an unboxing a long time ago on the original 1.0 this is gonna be like 1.6 or something along those lines this has a few upgraded uh cards abilities they tightened up the game rules just a little bit made it a little bit more punchy because before they'd focus so much on the story that i think they've left off a bit of the dungeon crawl fight and flight that everyone wants but we finally picked up a whole copy of madara which i love big box expansive games you're starting to get into them with me yeah we've played bloomhaven we're five six episodes into that yep we're what three episodes going on our third episode of kingdom death yep we're going to be diving into madara sometime soon we're going to start with an unboxing video uh did you do an unboxing video with alex or did he do his own unboxing video i might have i might i don't remember i remember you've seen his version opened up artwork and there's a book with all the artwork that i just flipped through it was it was so exquisite you want to get the other so we okay listen here i like my games i already know i like my games i like my big box games like my crazy kind of uh aggressively created resins i like painting and abilities and all the expansions i like minis so i i ended up getting one just one little other the juggler's daughter this is gonna be a resin expansion piece the judge's daughter she kind of looks like this we actually opened this one already i just re-taped it for sake of getting a picture are you going to show i'm going to show so basically what this is going to contain is very fragile resin pieces we're going to have our stand our base and a whole series of very important cards so these are going to be characters that you can play enemies that you can duel uh they just enhance the game state even more so we have really cool artwork of her we have some of her abilities we have her uh inverted servants which are going to be people that are on her miniatures like flipped upside down there we have a whole wall of flavor text do you see that yeah uh which for me is just super cool now i'm not sure if we get to play by her or we get to fight her i think the option is there for both uh because i think uh inverted servants actually have a combat system as well and then we have our items mechanics things that we get from them we have our initiative tracking which means maybe we do get to uh fight against her uh and we have we have the item uh item upgrade uh plushy a charmed plushie so that's it that's this is all i ended up getting okay okay i got i got one more of them i got uh dream uh walker iam walker lim waka lim there's gonna be another resin kit uh which does similar thing look at the super crazy wolf uh another another piece that you can kind of uh mix in this is actually going to be a collaboration with level 99 games okay which i'm super excited about all of them collaboration i don't believe so so this one i think is a collaboration with bullet i'm not 100 sure but i think so that's it i just those two cool let's wrap up the video okay thank you guys so much for watching i i might have i might have gotten uh one other all right um i'm just gonna keep putting this away i might have i might just two others there's there's a chance i got three uh okay okay we we did all the resin kits we did all the rest we did all the resin kits why do we do all the resin kits because they're amazing because the models are superb because the artwork is fantastic because i like kdm want the opportunity to mix and match and create the race i'm showing them the artwork oh oh i'm stacking them because i think it's amazing i'm just saying we got we got we got all the resin kits uh which is exciting yeah uh they're all gonna have resin uh elements they're all going to have kind of upgraded components and mechanics uh different characters that you can play with like for instance where are some are casual people uh like this so casual nightingale nightingale is going to be one of your core characters in the game casual nightingale is going to be alternative model alternative pieces of gear casual zeke there's casual rook and i believe there was one more casual so basically these are gonna be alternative core game characters that you can play it's similar to kingdom death's white box series which gives you some promo cards gives you new models and allows you to sort of expand and experiment uh and then of course we ended up getting uh neoprene mats neoprene mats as well so yeah we're gonna be playing some madara here soon whatever the case whatever you do remember to do the important thing get out and play some games we'll see you next time and if you're gonna be origins we'll be there we'll see you there as well thanks
Channel: Quackalope
Views: 16,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boardgames, games, tabletop, tabletopgames, player, play, gamer, quack, quackalope, kickstarter, ian, ttg, flgs, howtoplay, gameplay, game, middara, jrpg, rpg, overview, boardgamegeek, bgg, review, preview, Quackalope, right / wrong, instructional
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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