Moses Farrow defends Woody Allen, claims Mia Farrow was abusive

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the adopted son that filmmaker Woody Allen is defending his father against accusations Allen sexually assaulted his adopted daughter nearly three decades ago in a lengthy blog post yesterday Moses Farrow said he can no longer stay silent as his father quote continues to be condemned for a crime he did not commit Moses his younger sister Dylan Farrow claims Allen's sexually assaulted her when she was seven Allen has always denied that Yana golodryga shows us Moses's new accusations against his mother Fionna good morning good morning some detailed accusations at that Moses Farrow claims his adoptive mother Mia Farrow raised her children by coaching influencing and rehearsing he says his father never assaulted his sister Dylan Farrow and suggests the story was likely planted in Dylan's head there's no moral that's Moses Farrow in 1992 publicly denouncing his father Woody Allen but in a post on his blog Wednesday Moses describes that moment as the biggest regret of his life Moses claims he endured years of mental and physical abuse at the hands of his mother Mia Farrow and that led to him being obedient and deeply afraid of her I'm told it happened here in the Attic yeah in 1992 seven-year-old Dylan Farrow claimed she was sexually assaulted by Allen in the Attic of her mother's Connecticut home an allegation she has maintained for nearly 30 years but Wednesday Moses said he was with Dylan and his father the day of the alleged assault and it never happened he said no one would have allowed Dylan to step away with Allen alone because his mother made them believe he was a monster Mia Farrow and Allen split a few months before the alleged assault after it came to light he was dating Mia Farrow's 21 year old adopted daughter soon-yi Mia called me on the phone and said in the course of an argumentative phone call she said I have something very nasty planned for you in a 1992 interview with 60 minutes Allen denied assaulting Dylan either she has been coached methodically to to tell the story because by Mia by Mia yeah I want to speak out literally in an interview with Gayle King in January Dylan denied her adoptive mother's alleged scheme what I don't understand is how is this crazy story of me being brainwashed and coached more believable than what I'm saying about being sexually assaulted by my father Mia Farrow has previously denied being abusive in a statement Dylan Farrow called her brothers claims easily disproven and contradicted by years of his own statements Mia Farrow did not respond to our request for comment Woody Allen declined to comment he has not been charged with a crime look this is really heartbreaking and whatever happened that day divided this family permanently and you're hearing multiple sides here I know you spend a lot of time with Dylan as well and it's complicated beyond it and I do talk to Dylan yesterday she says listen she and her mother both are devastated by Moses latest turn of events because he's contradicting himself again she says and she said I haven't spoken to him since July 2009 neither one of us have spoken to him and and because he's never talked to me about it we've never discussed the incident how can say what he's saying so she has no response to him directly she said I don't want my me to moment to turn into a very bad version of family feud so she says I'm not going to respond to him it is it's complicated in heartbreaking on on all's there are no winners but when you talk to Dylan people talk to Dylan find her very credible and very believable and read the reports the reports say a lot in the reports on this case Thank You bianna thank you
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 265,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBS News, CBS This Morning, Moses Farrow, Woody Allen, sexual assault, Dylan Farrow
Id: cHfBzQqe5ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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