Mos Espa COMPLETE Breakdown | Tatooine's Sith made City of Sin

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this video is brought to you by better help under master bib's watchful eye moss esper was divided amongst three families gambling everything here revolves around betting on those awful races what's up nerds this video is going to be a complete breakdown of mos espa from the first settlers their intentions why they picked this spot how darth plagueis and gardula the hutt became the benefactors and sparked its boom to overtake anchor head and its relationship with moss eisley and the galaxy as a whole but first i want to thank this video's sponsor better help better help is not a crisis line but nor is it fluffy self-help it's professional therapy done securely online a modern solution to barriers that have been with therapy since its inception now you can cut out all the transit time and rigid schedules of a physical office using their app to connect you to their network of 20 000 licensed therapists from all over the globe it is cheaper and more convenient and you can start 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off-worlders have been here in small numbers since around 5000 bby with anchor head growing first but it was mostly a collection of corporate mining towns run by the zirca corporation welcome to anchor head potential customer zirca corporation stands ready to serve after some formalities of course as workers brought more industries like shops and cantinas jobs and opportunity snowballed and brought more independent settlers and gonk droids provided them the power to settle far off on their own homestead and eventually establish their own cities don't worry this won't descend into a theoretical physics lecture but since conks are mobile fusion reactors they are the perfect homesteading hero as they would only need a pinch of fuel will last for hundreds if not thousands of years and can be moved around like a little generator this sounds extreme but even anakin grew up hearing that the gonks make the galaxy tick as it was the only real way settlers could travel across the stars solar and wind may be viable but they're too big expensive and short lasting when compared to the gonk's near indestructibility long life and economy of their fuel chill allowed for all your off the grid fantasies to come true as settlers removed themselves from the crime infested morally bankrupt lower levels of coruscant and if you went far enough you could even go to the republic as a whole this is exactly what happened to the first settlers of mos espa and 800 bby it would hook up the gonks to power the moisture vaporators which were an incredibly simple technology using the electricity generated to cool a tube that would interact with the scorching hot air condensing to produce water now you just needed food with a long shelf life provided from your port traders and you could always hunt local game like bantha dewbacks eop and womp rats with the space ports and jawa scavenging and ingenuity you could make a civilization work here and these free settlers the non-zirco-related folk would coalesce around this area north of the jungle and waste about 90 miles from anchor head and a spot that was chosen for the same reason that we see the lars family home built around this pit it was much cooler collected its own moisture and with the city having these narrow canyon entrances it was easier to keep out tuscans this pit could have been the result of mining as this was one of the biggest pulls to this world and zerka did dig some enormous areas out sparking a mineral rush here as you could pick up a really cheap detector and just wander the lawless world hoping to pick up on some untapped vein of pricey mineral so it could be an old mine but i do think it looks more like a natural canyon but however it started once the city took off there were enormous cave systems dug out into the walls which had to be prime real estate here a near zero threat of tuscan raiders and a great view with all the benefits of living under the rock in a cool cave the city streets would be lined with everything you would expect in a big city of the inner room if admittedly in a rougher shape and you can see even into the new republic era there are gonks and moisture vaporators everywhere one of the few major cities in the galaxy with dense urban life where almost every building is self-sufficient a holdover from those rugged individualist routes and as their pit filled the upper sprawl extended further and further out and it is in this part of the city that qui-gon hoped to find parts for their ship he never even got close to the pit area of the main city limits hoping to stay as anonymous as possible and if you take a look here and during the night with mall scan this whole area of mos espa you can see pockets of cities likely with their own nicknames or neighborhoods but which all gradually connected to make this massive metropolis we see 40 years later 100 years after moss espa was established in the year 700 bby the omar monks arrived and constructed a palace far away from the settlements of mos eisley or espa reasoning that no matter how big those cities grew this palace would remain far away from the involvement in any secular actions of tatooine around 200 years later jabba the hutt would take it over and make it the capital of his vice empire and thus a major political center on tatooine though he was about 500 years from being the true universally recognized lord of the dune seas his biggest rival was gardulo the hutt and she was less attracted to the vice more business-minded and cautious while jabba had his big palace on a hill she had a hidden fortress in the dune sea which took advantage of the terrain and locals being so hard to find that when zam wessel and jango fett were looking for her it took zam hours just to find the place where are you i'm just outside cordulo's palace it took me forever to find it and only with jabba's help did jango learn that you could fight your way through hordes of tuscans all living in the canyons that surrounded her compound and you might be able to find an unguarded and non-sensor scanning entrance via one of the many air vents at the peak of their feud the great jabba asked for assurance from django that he would never give him up as the source jabba had only grown so bold since the silent investor and planet maker higo damask had come to back his push for tatooine this mewn banker with the secret identity of darth plagueis had previously agreed to finance gardula's takeover 30 years earlier in 67 bby i plan to make a grab for tatooine madison and i've come to solicit your support any joke that this investment must be for one hell of a moisture farm but she explains that it could become home to the best pot racing course in the galaxy padres course that will make those on mother's dare and on your own munilins seem like amateur runs the bunta eve classic would provide the biggest boneta to the economy that tatooine had ever seen especially concentrated in the nearest city moss espa excellent eateries and merchants to meet the needs of the tourists racers and their entourage and more junk shops than ajawa could dream of but this also changed the spirit of the city as entrepreneurs were able to leverage the hype around this boom but if things went wrong loans became debt and out here debt could become slavery mix that with the hutt's vast off-world slave markets and this town that prided itself on living away from the likes of zurka corpse and coruscant found the slave rogue growing exponentially over the years most of them were owned by the hutts and then sold off to work in many of the businesses throughout mos espa though even moderately wealthy espanites could afford a couple slaves shmee skywalker's parents were hopeful settlers striking out against the big cities to settle in the outer rim but they were kidnapped by pirates and sold into slavery to gardula and then the hutt lost them in a bet to watto however you ended up a slave you likely lived in something like this rows upon rows of stacked housing on the outskirts of town these homes were decent sized considering the size of homesteaders like the mars weren't much bigger the shmi's being a cozy two-bedroom with the balcony made of well-insulated and sturdy construction used all over tatooine simple but effective stacking of stones which were covered in mud and plaster but the twisted form of cruelty was in the sludge fuel system in a galaxy where gonks were ubiquitous the homes in the slave quarters are on a centralized power system operated by the huts hit 2 was efficient in its own way being bio-waste but it wasn't like you could pop a squad over a generator and get it pumping yourself the bio-converter fuel system that powered the home came through things like gas lines and could be throttled to control the use by slaves or completely cut off if you wanted to punish them and just in case you thought about smuggling yourself off world or running off into the canyons they had a plan for that all slaves have a transmitter placed inside their body somewhere any attempt to escape and they blew you up but if you weren't a slave pact with a secret exploding chip that you hoped didn't accidentally go off when you were hyper waving your popcorn if you were freeman you might like that you were not automatically entered into the republic's genetic database nobody extracted a blood sample at birth which is what qui-gon is referring to when he explains how such a powerful boy went undetected had he been born in the republic we would have identified himalay through this podrace course would be the first time many of the galaxy at large would ever hear of this world and as gardula's power grew plagueis secretly began backing her rival jabba ensuring he was the source of power no matter what happened between these backstabbing slugs when jango did feed gardula to her own crate dragon it cut off tatooine's involvement in a particularly deadly version of death sticks and allowed jabba to be called by names like the absolute overseer lord of the underworld and daimyo all cities paid tribute to him and he would keep the peace and back all contracts he was the law and the only one outside it a system that actually worked out well here noted by 88 and fenix and as the time honored and proven system i do not torture respectfully lord fate on tatooine you must project strength if you are to be accepted as a daimyo and we do see that even hot head powerful dogs like sabobo won it dair kill a slave owned by someone else and when watto tries to back out of the bet with qui-gon hoping he wouldn't know what to do about it in this rough outpost as soon as he says he'll get the hutt authorities involved watto's fear forced him to obey the law without further protest would you like to discuss it with a hut when boba tried to change this doing away with the fancy litter and slave attendance he was ambushed in the streets and even after reaching out to speak to the city leaders on equal terms they just saw it all as weakness and opportunity these areas dominated by different species is pretty natural as settlers would come in large groups want to live nearby and set up businesses for their needs and in their language creating neighborhoods of certain species and smaller level crime families arose from each as they saw their opportunity with the weaker bib fortuna a man not backed by the ancient empire of the hutts he worked to deal with the most powerful three families to divide parts of mos espa the transitions took the city center the aqualish the workers district here and the platoonians the port and upper sprawl each had their own advantage with the center likely having better access to political power and better shops and homes while controlling the workers district could provide them with plenty of leverage on everyone else while the spaceport was the most obvious chokehold on the city these areas connected to the pit via a ton of these elevators massive in which would have been able to move livestock and ships but with the spaceport itself being really primitive just a flattened out hard piece of the desert which could accommodate large cargo and transport ships all would have deferred to the power of the daimyo except for the movements of the new cartel hoping to take over the pike saw this as their chance to rise above all the other feuding syndicates by controlling the entire spice triangle along with kessel to create a complete monopoly of all spice trade across the galaxy it's funny to think that 40 years earlier and in part to their credit for all their evils the trade federation didn't work in the spice biz there was an official trade federation report that read that tatooine was of no financial interest being a quote vice-ridden world of no immediate importance that's it for mos espa but you definitely want to hear these cool facts and behind the scenes stuff it's funny to hear how watto who keeps slaves and doesn't treat them all that well is very aware of the outer rim stigma and while making this i thought about something i never really considered about the food here and really in all of the moderately sized cities in star wars is that it all must have tasted really bland or basic it all looks exotic but there's a funny rule which i couldn't find the name of if you know it please comment down below but think about a family of five that if one kid is lactose intolerant or allergic to something like peanuts then it's easier for the parents to just make meals that don't contain any of the ingredients that only bother that one kid so all five are affected by that dietary restriction similarly if you wanted to have a lucrative business you gotta find foods that can be eaten by a bunch of different species it could never be too exotic or specialized imagine all the different palettes and allergies you'd have to find a middle point of all these different food interests which might be the equivalent of making something like unseasoned chicken what's really cool is that what we see in the book of boba comes from the concept art from the phantom menace this was always what masespa was supposed to look like but for the story qui-gon wanted to go on the outskirts local lore has two really cool ghost stories a mysterious ship called the dusty duck that we did a whole video breakdown on its abandonment was really strange and freaked out the locals and the spooky droid nobot also known as the ghost droid that seemed to wander aimlessly all throughout the city and it collected a ton of rumors with some saying that they could sense an evil spirit or the dark side of the force coming from it that it committed many of the unsolved murders around the town and that no one had been able to stop it the real world location was in tunisia but as of 2013 it said that a lot of the sets were about to be buried under the encroaching sand dunes and a lot of this information comes from the secrets of tatooine star wars encyclopedia species guidebook and the atlas if you made it this far please just hit that like button it's the best way to help me out leave a comment with any questions and suggestions and subscribe if you want to see more be sure to check out the links down in the description and special thanks to our supporters over on patreon especially our 25 tier bill payne oscar jones and renee flores but most important but most important of all remember get your gonkan off the grid and the force will be with you always you
Channel: MetaNerdz Lore
Views: 105,746
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Keywords: mos espa, why is mos espa so big, why is mos espa different, mos espa explained, mos espa breakdown, tatooine, tattoine, star wars lore, book of boba, phantom menace, hutt, mos espa cantina, podrace, mos eisley, anchorhead, kenobi, kenobi show, book of boba fett, metanerdz, obi wan, mos espa vs mos eisley, mos espa vs mos eisley map, jabba palace, tatooine map, mos espa map
Id: p5NhHnmQ5qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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