Mortal Kombat Legacy - All Episodes (Season 1 & Season 2)

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[Music] so [Music] speed up ladies we got deadline to me it's a new directed energy weapon the red eye transfers energy to a target delivering the desired attack i know what it is work faster jax located the black dragon's warehouse at 20th and wash preparing a shipment of robotic weapons to be shipped out tomorrow under code name cyber initiative i think this is what we've been looking for confirm and tell and re-transmit as soon as i can one more thing jax lieutenant blade is referring to as a ghost and rumored to be the leader of the black dragon crime cartel but in fact no one's been able to verify his location because anyone that's have come close to him is dead this shipment contains stolen materials from the dod's highly sensitive robotic defense program they want it back which means we don't have a lot of time prepare your teams to move out once we have confirmation from sonia this transmission came in less than an hour ago we need to move i know you and sonya are tight but this is protocol when we don't have conclusive intel that's when people die so we just leave sonia in there no backup she shouldn't even be there we both know this isn't about the black dragon jacks which is exactly why we need to move now she's not gonna wait for us don't put me in this position you know what [ __ ] protocol i'll go myself breaks [ __ ] it let's move out uh kana sonja blade i understand you've been looking for me well here i am look at you so excited to see me you're quivering ah i love getting you all right hey i'm not pissed at me or i will cut your hearts out like i did to that picture of a partner of yours good guess you're one of them smart blondes i'll find you oh i planned it thanks to you you see that video that you tried to send got intercepted it didn't go through until i re-transmitted about an hour ago two days after the shipment was delivered to my client so all jacks and stryker are gonna find us you dead the robotics garden my men waiting they're here right on time i'm gonna miss you baby [Music] everybody [Music] kill them all [Music] [Music] [Music] how the [ __ ] did they know we were coming now's not the time i'm going for sonia you got this i gotta go all right cover me so [Music] oh [Music] come on [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh where is it keno [Music] uh i've been waiting for this moment for a long time detective briggs i'm gonna enjoy this as much as i enjoyed torturing your sweet sonja [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey sonia jackson striker how are you feeling yeah i'm okay where am i in the icu you've been out nearly a week i was pretty worried about you did we get kanel we got to him before he could it was a trap i know oh take it easy you need to rest listen the important thing is we got you out alive and jackson he's alive but he's in pretty bad shape what happened when the grenade went off he covered you as best he could saved your life he took some pretty bad damage to his back but it's it's his arms they're most concerned about can i see him all right now they just transferred him to a medical facility at the dod hey sonia try not to worry so much they have a plan hmm teen heartthrob martial arts master paragon of masculinity these are just a few titles bestowed upon what used to be known as the most promising action hero of the next generation a man known around the world as johnny cage but before becoming a worldwide sensation john carlton was just a small boy with big dreams everyone loved john they gravitated towards him we used to uh we used to go to martial arts tournaments together guy would win like every category he was a total rock star growing up i was i was shy i was weak i actually got my ass kicked a lot but martial arts changed all that and i was reborn and that gave the world john cage in the next hour of faded star we'll explore the rise and fall of johnny cage from his worldwide fame to his many arrests his ego just took over he started picking fights with random people and clubs and i couldn't protect him anymore nobody could and a string of failed attempts to transition from the small screen to the big screen left the troubled actor frustrated the fans just couldn't adjust to the fact that johnny was getting older to them he would always be that ass kick and teen heartthrob and power rangers this is the story of a faded star this is the story of johnny cage [Music] like [Music] piracy burning more than just dvds i'm not loving it me neither sorry johnny what are you guys talking about this is exactly what you asked for well to be frank i was brought off my ass 10 seconds into the thing i was literally getting more and more pissed the longer it went on but the reality is it's just not something we're looking for excuse too old for our demographic yeah and honestly we're not gonna win any [ __ ] emmys with this kind of stuff we're trying to get out of the reality business yeah not to mention the fact that martial arts is just not hot right now you know and you'll be competing against a law man and dog the bounty hunter have you guys seen those shows nothing happens in my show i'm actually gonna be fighting well that's also a problem the actual fighting you're doing this is pretty weak and quite obviously staged that's a big hurdle audiences already think all the fighting you do in your movies is fake well no [ __ ] the fighting's fake it's a [ __ ] movie i don't know what to say look we're gonna have to cut this short we got to get on set nice to see you johnny i'll be right there thanks johnny i'm gonna be honest with you okay i don't think tv is the right move for you right now well what is the right move for me right now lance i haven't worked since power rangers went off the air look i need something big lance i know that this show can be a hit all right well look we'll bring it up at the next development meeting see what everybody says all right maybe we can i don't know maybe we can put one of our cable slates hey that's all i'm asking for all right regardless you got to reshoot this okay really make it sing [ __ ] add some stakes man pirated dvds we're not [ __ ] hallmark hey it's no problem i'll get you what you want all right the following program features real violence viewer discretion is advised [Music] foreign back on that [ __ ] on that super mac pimp rap cool [ __ ] dunce cap yeah i be going stupid you a [ __ ] so you ain't gonna do [ __ ] [ __ ] i think that you should do [ __ ] chris brown say you're checking up the deuces they probably should have never let loose this beat making saying how we gonna produce this my words paint pictures i'm synced with the literature every single neighbor's trying to get a [ __ ] signature [ __ ] that i did it by myself i'm independent hoe heavy concepts breathtaking if you didn't know trying to shine i don't wanna wait a minute mo i'm all about the dollars what the [ __ ] you think i'm in there what are you doing seeing enough john there's a whole other action sequence i'm i'm not gonna drag this out any longer i i should have just told you on the phone i talked to everyone on network they all feel pretty much the same this project is simply never gonna work for us john do you know how much work it took to put this presentation together i spent 50 [ __ ] grand and you won't even do me the courtesy to watch the whole john john you're not listening to me we're not renewing your development deal you're dropping me after all the [ __ ] money i made you yeah look it was a tough decision all right but this is a business we can't sell anything with you attached audiences want to see more than what you do action star is dead john they're asking for you on set take care john bye johnny [Music] you know we love you so we come up with something to put you in the spotlight where you belong this one's right up your alley erica okay let's hear it all right so we're looking at next year's slate we're racking our brains to find something to compete with lana you know so we thought why would you like a sexy version of dog the bounty hunter start with a strong female lead you don't see that out there yeah not since buffy right so we thought let's do a half hour action reality thing where you find people at the wrong place at the wrong time and you come in and you save the day like a superhero yeah everybody loves superheroes yeah yeah we shoot it really gritty you know kind of slice of life reality style we're thinking about calling it you got saved okay guys this is uh great right it's great okay i'm in fantastic you know we couldn't think of anyone better let's be a nice bit of business for all of us hey hold up johnny what the hell's going on this page [ __ ] shows what's going on security security does that look [ __ ] fake [Music] you guys sure know how to pitch a show you're real piece of [ __ ] you know that johnny i'm gonna make sure you didn't work again you [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this johnny cage who are you i've come here to make you an offer how did you just do that what if i could offer you mr cage a way out of everything a long long time ago the realm known as adenia was at peace for years edenians enjoyed life without conflict but adenia's best warriors lost 10 consecutive mortal combat tournaments granting outworld permission to invade their lands and adenia was destroyed [Music] the innocent were brutally slaughtered by the tarkatan warriors of outworld led by their merciless general barakah once resistance was extinguished the outworld emperor shah khan sought to eliminate adenius leader king jared how much time the approach quickly king jared we must move i cannot leave my wife and child it will be protected please highness the king's castle was attacked and the adenine knights were soon overpowered forcing all within the castle to surrender [Music] foreign uh queen cindel and young katana were left without proper protection except for the king quickly i i'll see you to safety who had one final plan while he did his best to ensure the queen and infant daughter escape unharmed his efforts were not enough [Music] stops this man is an imposter your king has already escaped left with no choice but to retreat the real king was never able to return to his family and the realm of adenia was changed forever once he was in complete control shah khan took queen sindel as his wife and katana as his daughter shah khan grew to love sindel but it was returned only with hate fearful katana would one day feel the same and turn against him he devised a plan the princess will learn to despise me once she knows the truth make one in her likeness that won't as you wish [Music] a clone of katana was created identical in every way except one [Music] me [Music] terrified of shah khan corrupting katana's young soul queen sindel had no choice but to relinquish her own so it could merge with her daughters [Music] was left to rule alone and to raise katana and molina the same shah khan exploited the exceptional skills possessed by both young girls and manipulated maturing emotions to ensure their allegiances remained only to him as molina grew older her struggle to control her tarkat and blood became more difficult leaving her consumed with fear and anger [Music] katana and molina trained under the watchful eye of shah khan and as they matured so did their skills in the art of deception yet the years of training together did not keep the two from growing apart [Music] enough very good katana despite molina's growing resentment towards katana shah khan sent the sisters to end what he had begun so many years ago the two proved themselves a deadly force and began eliminating all who threatened shah khan's rule but more importantly destroying all who could expose his lie one by one king jared's imposters were hunted down but with each assignment katana was left with questions she could not answer daughters there is one final task i would see completed should you fail there will be grave consequences stand up and face me he found me it has been so long katana how do you know my name you look very much like the queen your mother my mother's dead and what is it you remember about your father shao khan is my father oh my princess that is a lie you are uh daughter [Music] shocked that her entire life may be a lie katana sought to find the truth and returned to the only place where the past could yet reveal itself [Music] [Music] the threat of king jared's return was erased shah khan turned his attention towards conquering a new realm unaware that his own hand had spawned uncertainty in his most trusted guardian my daughters as a result of your loyalty edina stands unencumbered and with your help will remain so for all time now rise and let us discuss the merger of earth realm and what the future holds for us all yes father how are we today lordran [Music] oh wow hello are you okay where are you from damn it lou how the hell did you get out here wait who the [ __ ] is that i found him he's mine flew inside now only have to do this again do you huh [ __ ] hey where do you think let me go foreign patient number 6032 [Music] is disturbing our patients administering excessive levels of ketamine appears to be the only form of effective sedation today is the first of april 2011 and this is session 12 with john doe age unknown no known relatives patient appeared at meadowbrook facility on the 3rd of january 2011 suffering from severe delusions of grandeur after three months of therapy patient maintains he is lord raiden the god of thunder and protector of earth he displays unusual strength and bursts of hostility requiring that he be constantly restrained as his mental well-being is our primary objective and progress in his rehabilitation has not been made we believe he will benefit from more archaic methods of therapy let me out of this place you know we're unable to do that you don't understand if you don't let me go yes you've explained this to me before the earth will be overtaken by khan yes and if you don't let me attend the mortal kombat tournament i promise you all of you will die i'm here to help trust you me that i can do that yeah let me go today we're trying something new lord raiden something that should free you from your delusions [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so are you okay time is running out we have to move now please stop asking me that okay i told you to stop look look i'm doing so much better look there's only five today see and they said that was that's progress they're never gonna let you out of here you know that maybe one day they will you're the only one who can help me please release me take care of this find you [Music] this should alleviate those outbursts [Music] uh [Music] you don't have to do this do it please [Music] [Music] [Music] be the scorpio uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] foreign day m [Music] outside [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] um hanzo oh foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] to cut that door so so so foreign you are certain he can be turned so easily he witnessed the death of his wife and child his honor demands blood blood and his thirst for revenge will cloud any rising suspicion i come offering redemption fight for the nether realm the mortal combat tournament and in return i will help you find sub-zero avenge your brothers and ensure you find peace what he did to your family will you do that for me general assassin scorpion you go to our death sector and you welcome it i do what is asked of me you vowed to do the same sirex the sooner you understand this the easier it will be our fallen brothers did not agree with this because they were weak grandmaster knows what is best for us we must embrace this technology and with it we will be stronger this is the future of the lingquay this is the end welcome to the cyber initiative over the next few hours you will encounter a series of tests that will challenge your capabilities we wish you luck on your command grandmaster [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] go on boy busy little bastard ain't he begin phase one twenty delta take one taylormark unit lk 4d4 and unit lk9t9 project cyrex and project sector significant advancements have been made since our last assessment specifically with respect to our casing thus far we have enhanced speed by implementing a lighter alloy and we have separated the titanium plates with a heat sensitive plastic are now prepared to move on to the next phase of testing weaponization and emotional recalibration [Music] the goal to maintain the subject's memories while severing all emotional connections thus creating responses that are cerebral as opposed to visceral [Music] ah project sector and project cyrex far exceed any models to date our software upgrades uh eradicated all glitches from previous versions your goal to completely control the lin kuei is now a reality and if i may i i would recommend commencing phase one on the remainder of the clan i wish to see these improvements in a practical setting doctor against a more worthy opponent very well [Music] [Music] i'll put my money on the red one awaiting phase two commencement begin phase two sequence initiated another glitch doctor so project hydro failing warning project hydro disengaged warning project hydro fatality excellent [Music] [Music] sometimes [Music] sometimes i feel like [Music] sometimes [Music] [Music] sometimes [Music] [Music] yes from home [Applause] are you ready for this [Music] don't sing that song who i am hey [ __ ] him up crazy [ __ ] so so [Applause] [Music] come on yes [Music] bars closed [ __ ] [Music] i don't need a drink but if you let my friend go i promise not to injure you any further whatever [ __ ] [Music] oh what are you doing back in macau my brother if or so without stupid hat would be up your ass maybe later i was hoping you had returned to see me the tournament starts tomorrow so i heard congratulations you found out i wasn't telling you wonder what tell me how much you love me to beg for my forgiveness before going off to die i want us to make peace after 10 years crazy what your conscience comes up with when you realize you may be about to lose your life that's what it takes to apologize to me huh i apologize for nothing i do not beg for forgiveness it was your decision to leave the temple it was your choice to pursue a life with a woman and it was your decision to abandon me when i needed you most after risking my life for all these ungrateful animals what did i get you chose another path for your life if you only knew how [ __ ] up i was disappointed but i respected your decision just as you should respect ours i only want us to understand one another it may be the last time we have that chance i don't need to understand you you'll never understand me so [ __ ] off [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] realized would you tell him to shut up you know you love him relax don't you list when you want to go to west relapse so do it when you want to come relax don't do it my dad is ready to kill you you think this is the wrong time to have that talk with him tonight now put it away before you lose it [Music] me [ __ ] what's up m foreign so [Music] good um you're that actor what the hell are you doing here stun gun seriously were you fighting these kung fu extras no everyone here is an ally welcome to the [Music] tournament [Music] [Music] it has begun sounds like death what is this place a ruins of a long dead civilization a reminder of what earth resemble if we do not win how do we win exactly by surviving how the [ __ ] did you do that i'm the god of thunder it's my ability to harness lightning believe it or not each one of you has a supernatural ability you may never notice as you go about your everyday lives but as part of what makes you special come on you mean like superheroes or something normally your powers are muted here in this place your powers are freely expressed your exceptional speed is beyond normal here you'll be even more powerful even one's heightened senses become superhuman your ability to use elements to your advantage you've always known that was special i'm still going [ __ ] the [ __ ] it's not [ __ ] there's no time to debate when do we begin now [Music] what kind of person strikes an old man the kind that would kick him as well it's not very honorable [ __ ] you in your honor ronan pay the toll and we'll let you live there's your toe [Music] yes how much do i owe you please if it weren't for you i'd be dead it is you that i owe what an old mystic like myself lacks in strength he more than makes up for with knowledge i have knowledge of a particular weapon that could benefit a man like you have you ever heard of the sword of cento a blade that can harness the power of the sun steel and flame that can cut down any enemy created by the devil shall khan but encased in stone in the depths of a mountain shao khan ordered the demon ermac to lay in wait for all who tried to claim the blade as soon as a man touches the hilt irmak challenges him if he wins the sword is his but if he loses merrimack claims his soul burmak has never lost he's absorbed the souls of thousands of the best swordsmen to ever walk the earth like a sponge they've all become part of him the only way to defeat ermack is to stab him in his heart of stone this sounds like all the fairy tales my grandfather used to put me to sleep with this is no fairy tale kenji [Music] how did you know my name the same way that i know the sword of sento is real it is no myth where did you say the central blade is now that will cost you [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] we are many [Music] we have been waiting for our worthy opponents are you worthy no one has ever left this place but you are not me [Music] uh greatest swordsman alive this is [Music] there's good so [Music] fatality [Music] in the realm of adenia there lived a young princess named katana from the day she was born her mother queen zindel loved her with all her heart as they lived their lives in peace until one day when their home was invaded by the warriors of outworld under the orders of shall come under the impression that xiao khan was her father katana trained in the art of combat with her twin sister molina her past remained a secret until stand up and face me you found me it has been so long katana how do you know my name you look very much like the queen your mother my mother's dead and what is it you remember about your father shao khan is my father no my princess that is a lie you are my daughter sister we're to leave shortly you're not prepared what is it it's nothing mother's blood how typical of you i think the guys i escaped that curse don't speak about her that way she was weak katana you know nothing about her neither do you it doesn't seem to bother you she took the coward's way out that's all i need to know i'm sure she had a very good reason i will never understand you our father has just given us the greatest honor to fight for our king and our empire which we will one day inherit a true warrior would be proud true warrior just not murder indiscriminately sometimes i wonder if you have even an ounce of tar cotton blood in you i've been wondering the same seems i've escaped that curse as well get ready to travel you've been quiet all day speak your [ __ ] mind don't you think we should [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] am i doing here woof [Music] foreign [ __ ] that good morning los angeles we have some not so surprising news for you today as former action star johnny cage gets into yet another fight after crashing the premiere of chuck morris's new movie late last night he is currently in custody at the deakin city police station where he isn't expected to make bail more on this story soon [Music] hey johnny i'm a big fan i've seen all your films double panther time sheriff can i have your autograph would you let me go oh man i was just kidding nice try [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] not this again johnny cage [ __ ] had me committed game over looks like a party how much electroshock am i gonna need to get you people out trust me you're not a candidate real or not like i told the last figment of my imagination i'm not interested so you people can go [ __ ] with someone else's head please i'm sorry johnny i'm very real so shang i'm glad you refused to join him so who are you supposed to be anyway i'm raiden god of thunder and you're not crazy but it's extremely important that you listen to what i'm about to tell you the fate of the world could depend upon it and after i said my peace should you choose not to follow me i promise to leave you hallucination free then by all means your lordship somebody oh god please you got caged [ __ ] [Music] it's my move [Music] finish him finish him this isn't my fight anymore i'm done no more killing in shao khan's name he's our father we do as he commands he is not my father and you are not my sister we'll discuss this for you big mistake my mistake was not acting sooner goodbye sister oh [Music] [Music] it's for my sunglasses [ __ ] [Music] fatality [Music] [Music] [Music] but i came to tell you you're distracting me go home before i knock your head off you can't tell me to do what are you gonna do about it [ __ ] just go home kai listen to your brother fine i won't tell you that oh father get over here [Music] um [Music] how many times have i told you cleanline quay does not associate should i do you dogs 17 are you being clever no and why do you continue playing with that boy because he's my friend he's not your friend but why his clan aren't to be trusted but why it's the way it's been since before your grandfather was a boy but i don't understand because that is the way it is when i was young i asked the same questions when you're my age you'll see the world differently [Music] oh stay close jubei [Music] stupid [Music] hanzo leave my child be it cause no harm to jupe we were just playing right what are you doing on our land this road is neutral as decreed by our lord the shogun it is for use by lin kuei and shiraidu alike [Music] the shirairu dog has given me orders your own brothers orders kawaii bayan will not be happy to hear of this transgression let us pass and i may forget to mention it [Music] don't ever run away like that i'm not a little boy anymore hanzo do not force my hand kauai i'm tired of you telling me what to do you're gonna regret underestimating me all these years we will see [Music] it's been many years since we played here as children but it looks the same maybe even the same crows i regret we followed in the footsteps of our fathers i offer my condolences by on kawhi's friends tell me you were the aggressor with my wife and child as my co-conspirators i loved my brother but he always felt when he was in my shadow felt he needed to make a name for himself i apologize for his actions you're an honorable man those other two will be dealt with my clan will continue to honor the shogun's edict that our clan cease violence this will mine i believe this ancient feud of ours is senseless as do i my old friend we both serve the same lord i've been chosen to fight for earth realm but we face far greater mortal threats looming on our shores may this blood be the last blood spill between us i promise you there will be no repercussions against your plan and none for mine what is it general my apologies for waking you there's been an incident did i not specifically decree that there would be no retaliation for the death of my brother that not a blade of grass or a fly when the lands of sharia would be touched hanzo and i had a truce this was to be a new era an end to the senseless violence then why do i wake from my bed to find that you who i entrusted my men to hanzo this whole family his entire clan slaughtered he who i had promised to end this violence speak of you sorry i do not have an answer for that general i swear we did not do this you lie general he speaks the truth old man this is not your concern i have no need of mystics now on the contrary sir there is more going on here than meets the eye and it is most definitely mystical in nature [Music] it is a great privilege for our province to host the shogun he has arrived early and requires your immediate presence at kumamoto castle [Music] my village is without means to defend itself [Music] i can without doubt assure you general the universe has been attempting to communicate with me get to the point on muji of course general some weeks ago i was doing my routine computations as always advising your trusted counselors as to auspicious days to avoid conducting clan functions when i came across a curious message from the oni a message more like a warning what does this have to do with hanzo old man have you ever heard of shang tsung i understand you are a practical man you of this generation who only wish to believe what they can see the oni wishes to show you something that you must see with your own eyes [Music] um [Music] may you and your family rot in the afterlife immortal combat tournament and in return my name is scorpion where are you so [Music] is dead by your hand do you forget your treachery so soon hansel bonzo is no longer i am scorpion vengeance will be mine [Music] uh [Music] you've been deceived please hanzo don't do this see you in hell by hand fatality [Music] so [Music] [Music] so you know i hate that i came all this way just to find out that you [ __ ] up our deal in kiev i'm waiting for an apology to call you cough something all right okay that's the way you want to play it [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] you should really eat more healthy where the [ __ ] are you i'm offended my friend shang sung at your service somehow i remembered you was more intimidating i'd say the same about this new incarnation of yours well you do with me must do can i get you anything uh no thank you i won't be staying home you left quite an impression last time though as i recall i removed your head yes you did your unique talent luke get to the point our world is challenging earth realm in two weeks time i want you to join us we've got nothing to discuss unless you've changed size in the last 10 years no i haven't but you were very saddened to hear the passing of your fiancee shut the [ __ ] up do not mention i was merely being polite let's face it you're a killer from higher i knew what i'd do to get mine as do i nine people that i wish eliminated we pretty well it's not about the money i fight for earth realm not interested excellent new gang i knew there was something special about you yes it's not about the money there's something more than money in it for you revenge come now a white lotus claim to protect earth realm yet the reality is that they coddle those who destroy earth realm from within criminals rapists murderers those who have no respect for those who protect them place has become complicated laws and regulations that do not reflect the way that life should be lived you fought for them you risked your life for them and how do they repay you they murdered the one you love them and when you saw righteous vengeance gun law and white lotus banished you now believe it or not i was not always a demigod i was human like you once i had lost loved ones as well there's no way that gong now can empathize with us there is no way that he can feel what we feel he must pay you know this place must be cleansed it is inevitable raiden will almost this time there's a flood coming i'm offering you a place on the ark [Music] so oh [Music] what's going on my apologies master please leave us molly is dead i heard though i'm truly sorry you're sorry i should have come to see you but i didn't know if it would have done more harm than good what have you done liu kang karma i brought karma to the men that killed her karma is not for you to deliver you are not a god i murdered her and you murdered them i cleansed the world of phil i did nothing different than i would have in a tournament you once were protector of the earth realm its inhabitants its freedoms its ideals i protected filth that didn't deserve to live do you think you're the first person to lose someone they loved a stronger person does not answer violence with violence it creates a never-ending cycle that has caused nothing but misery for the rest of the world you should not have murdered them why silla harmony order self-restraint non-violence silla is the path to illumination and liberation this is what makes us different than those that desire to destroy our realm anybody who does not follow these ideals is no different than those of outworld when you are white lotus you vow to follow these guidelines i am no longer white lotus remember why are you here lukang you're obviously not here for forgiveness forgiveness from you i was hoping for some understanding some humanity you chose your path when you left the order to live the life of a normal man with joy comes pain and now you must follow it to its conclusion you are on your own leave and never come back [Music] [Music] so nice right there so what happened that blind kid was kicking the crap out of that demonic [ __ ] and then i saw them twins they chased me down but not these crazy teeth teeth more like fangs she wasn't human what about the other one her teeth looked totally normal she refused to fight me and then her and things got into it things lost so the other one let you go i always added there before i could give her the choice so they're turning on each other that sounds like the numbers might be on our side we might be able to win this thing yeah sure totally awesome i think if we get you down to the beach set you up by the fire and recover a bit and maybe raiden will be there you can call time-out or something i'm kidding relax nice utility vest batman was that kevlar you brought artillery to a knife fight not sure how much good it'll do you well we've all got our talents even d-list actors oh you were that actor right still am i always thought you had a stunt double nope on me obviously must have skills to be invited here you bet your ass so modest you bit off more than you could chew you should have stuck to the movies whatever if i could have this was my last shot at least to be useful would you rather have a quick death than the dirt or tents on your feet show me what you got they're good i'll make this look easy you do make this look easy still want to make fun of my [ __ ] [Music] best god [Music] liu kang why didn't you tell me in macau why would i we were once like brothers another life a long time ago i always thought you would find your way back i thought you had the strength there is still good in you there's no coming back from this why follow shangtung down this path you know where it leads in the last 10 years i've done things you wouldn't believe [Music] but each time the righteousness of my path was confirmed they're unworthy and ungrateful you're naive to think humanity is worth protecting humanity will never be perfect but their ideals are worth defending were you aspiring to those ideas when you turn your back on me i am not going to fight you lou then you will die finish him
Channel: Onin SpearItTwo
Views: 1,502,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie, MortalKombat
Id: cfxy2KrMmrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 56sec (8996 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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