Cowboy Bebop: The Movie | FULL MOVIE | Hall Of Heroes

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e it was just that he was all alone Always by himself never anyone to share the game a man who lived in dreams that's who he was Spike time to go wake up think about it sweetheart you know what the world is like it's like a Boiling Pot with a soggy stew inside nothing in it stands out it's all the same one big pulpy slot she puddle a goop yet there is something that's special you see that one ingredient that makes it a stew and do you know what that is the meat that's what everyone says the meat but that same meat could be used for anything Curry goulash same ingredients it's the stew mix that makes it a stew stew mix is on all5 we have to I'm not looking for stew mix great a wannabe preacher with a gun hey Spike you there there's three of them I'll go around the back all right forget about the police showing up I disconnected the silent alarm see I know your security system better than you do you know why renji just get the money you see this logo that's your security company I used to work for those guys not long ago oh they laid me off when they restructured so now I'm a thief ain't that ironic uhhuh well then laugh laugh a little more looks have a big laugh it's nothing to laugh about hey take a hike buddy we're closed go somewhere else hey huh now you're going to put some Wongs on this Cash Card Max it out under understand huh hey what the hell you think you're doing you are you deaf or what yo headphone boy take him off hey how much is this hey B come here Spike [Music] yeah put my dut on their tab would you huh don't move excuse me jet what you said three not four throw down your guns now disinformation is sometimes required for enemies and allies don't pull that Art of War crap on me drop them and you you take too long to take a [ __ ] I am going to kill this old lady if you don't put down your guns don't you get it I'm going to Splatter Grandma well that's a real shame but we're not cops and we're not from some charity organization sorry lady but we don't protect or serve this is strictly business what guess you'll just have to chalk it up to bad luck Cowboy scum wait a minute I know you didn't mean that Spike son of a [ __ ] he called you a cowboy what did he mean what are you just a humble Bounty Hunter [Music] maam [Music] can't decide you can't bre up you can't you can be cool you can cry do it wrong not at all or do it right no one owes you do no one's to blame s for bad jeans or DNA ask your conss the why and how do it then do it when but do it now what's up what's up [Music] sweet anyway anyway girls Easy E so what you going to do little Buckaroo hey you better ask all you got to do happy f is ask your [Music] mom let's go jet before we're old don't rush me you don't even have a strategy do you just make a move hey this isn't about speed this is a game of wits shogi was developed by Warrior monks it requires Focus contemplation learn to outthink the enemy get in his head go where he would go that's what shogi's about see you look a 100 moves ahead and then you see your play I want to move here let's go back so much for looking ahead huh you can't take it back par you really don't understand the spirit of this game it's too deep for you shogi is like a mirror it shows your true personality you're all Instinct and impulse that's how you live and that's how you play yeah it's your turn for instance that old lady back there could have been killed you ever think about that I try not to think well that's the point the reward was only 1 and A4 million hardly worth a human life I'd like to find the guy who said Bounty hunting's glamorous is just a penny anny game you know I used to have a nice stable life before I teamed up with you oh right right that's just where I was going to put it Spike I got you now head found it [Music] ding dong it's me f hacker boy went through the eight toll booth on line 12 and now he's going to the city okay Edward send me the truck and the guy's picture bye [Music] bye he's just a kid oh I hate pint-sized Bounty heads will I IAD would you please satisy me anything go in this there anything go take care you my heart to [Music] your that's not him Qui over here [Music] this is CBC News live our top story a tragic accident at approximately 10: a.m. this morning a tanker exploded on the Alba City freeway near Red Hills 72 are confirmed dead and 425 injured as Federal Hazmat teams work to clear the area cbc's Chris Riley is live on the scene Chris do we know yet what caused this disaster I'm afraid not Mark we only know what involved hazardous materials which have yet to be identified the crews you see behind me are working feverishly to decontaminate the area and remove what remains of the truck that exploded and we now have confirmed reports that people as far as three km away collapsed when smoke from the accident drifted over them this has been a scene of panic and chaos though after 3 hours things are finally coming down then it appears this truck was carrying some kind of poison or contaminant is that your assessment apparently yes unofficial sources tell me the explosion has the characteristics of chemical or even biological weapons grade materials the site has been cordoned off and entry is severely restricted Chris are the authorities certain this was an accident there's been no official statement and there are few details concerning during the explosion however according to police records this tanker truck was reportedly stolen earlier in the day under those circumstances we certainly can't rule out the possibility of biot terrorism that's all from the site back to you Mark it's the same story on every channel former analyst and criminal psych Deja Vu the situ Deja Vu I have a strange feeling I had that same cup of noodles last night we did have noodles last night we had the same flavor all three meals for the last three days so quit dreaming oh man I was hoping it was a dream if you're not happy with those noodles just say so there are plenty of other choices we got instant udone noodles instant sober noodles just pull the string and it's ready to eat we have some sushi in a cup but the dates expired but if that doesn't bother you man shouldn't have to live by carbohydrates alone complex or otherwise tell me have you ever heard of protein jet did you say something I was just thinking about meat you want meat you got to catch big game not small fries at a convenience store hey how the hit go it didn't trust me you don't want to know you couldn't have a rookie hacker this was supposed to be a quick Coller on the the way home from the horse races yeah well his truck blew up there was smoke all over the place what a mess I'll take one of those and of course all my horses lost hey that's the truck you mean you were there when it exploded Yeahs is very high the symptoms appear to be viral although we can't rule out the possibility of biological warfare we may all be at risk from this extremely grave condition if we don't identify these substances what are you doing hold on a minute I you too girl F and the government of Mars has posted a reward for the capture of the culprits of 300 million woong no what is going on you too yeah how's it look where do I start I've never seen seen symptoms like this the patients have inter cranial hypertension that's increased brain pressure but there are no wounds no apparent cause we're at a total loss we haven't come up with anything either when they were brought in every patient had an increased lymphocyst are back to normal yet the symptoms are getting worse it just doesn't make any sense so it isn't like small poox or Ebola no we know it's not nerve gas if it's a virus we should see signs what kind of signs any kind of viral activity the tests are negative even on the corpses maybe it's some new kind of virus we don't know how to detect yet or a biological weapon who knows it could be some Force that's totally unknown [Music] uh sorry I I have hay fever I uh I thought they'd cured hay fever a long time ago you'd think they would have wouldn't you I mean it's just some kind of virus that people keep spreading around passing it back and forth like a football or something uh there's no smoking in here there may making total fools of us no symptoms you sure if I do get anything I'll be sure to share it with you head founding biot terrorism hey Spike you better take a look at this I don't feel like it remember this is valuable information it's going to cost you so what else is new let's see what you got we do have the information don't we Edward you got it or not of course okay this is the hacker Lee Samson w 5 million woolong I found a credit card listed under an alias he's been using huh how'd you know about it hack the card company the driver of this truck was using that credit card when it exploded but the driver wasn't Samson it was someone else maybe an accomplice there that's the guy see him I can't get a good look at him some valuable information one blurry picture you can't even see him nice job Fay well I saw him I got a very clear view I know exactly what he looks like Magic Pencil huh you can draw on the screen just like a profiler show us the man man we don't know if he was behind this and he must be dead now anyway whatever was in that truck killed everyone in the area and he'd have been the first to go he's not dead really and just how do you know that call it a woman's intuition woman's intuition give me a break there you go huh yeah that's really unique F that a mug shot or your version of Picasso yeah hey I'll make you a deal if anyone can catch him with that drawing I'll pay you the Bounty myself F fine I'll just go catch him myself you two can stay here and make your funny little jokes haha so ends another episode of wasting time with Fay I'm going to go look into this virus thing now you're interested in the case FaZe case you can't ignore a woman's intuition now can you but for once I'd like to eat something that's not in a styrofoam cup just looking 100 moves [Music] [Music] ahead you know my daddy Gat for his life and never knew nothing his daddy dig like his old man who dug before the war and know she couldn't have known till I was BN mama got rest [Music] so like them I come out [Music] digging could it I got bored and lonely could it be that I'm just dumb and horny could it be that lady look can smile herself oh [Music] ask for a bean shop they'll know what you mean I miss all the flying we used to do yeah we sure did fly high didn't we I want to do it again shom fly clear up to Saturn just like I used to you used to you flew a prop crop dust to spray in the potato Fields that's all you ever blve huh oh is that right excuse me gentlemen mind if I ask you a few questions you can ask but we don't hear too good pades are all in the shop I heard there was a bean store here oh there's lots of them folks around here are full of beans yeah I mean special beans if you're a cop we don't know nothing about nothing do I look like a cop or a Syndicate dude they're about the same if you ask me maybe he's both a Syndicate cop I'm a bounty hunter you want to them Cowboys huh we used to be Cowboys too in the old days then uh you understand right we understand plenty that's why we're out of here are you looking for a bean shop my friend you have beans that can't be seen with a human eye and why not you can find anything on Moroccan Street that's why you're here isn't it yala a give back [Music] [Music] [Music] so would you like some pistachios or amans I don't Rec and the Calabar beans they're used to find out if your wife is cheating on you the innocent eat at once they choke and spit them out but the guilty it cautiously slowly which makes the poison work soon she's crying out in pain that's how you can tell thanks but I'm not married now that is true happiness right see what I'm looking for fa beans are no good Pythagoras himself died from an allergy to beins never take them lightly my friend I don't in fact I'm looking for the kind that kill people like in that tanker accident do you believe in the devil huh the world is full of all kinds of beings my friend but we make up imaginary ones with pointy horns and pitchforks in our dreams we fly like Gods we long to shoot through space and why is that huh because humans used to fly long ago so you sell drugs here huh imagination enhancers if you imagine something it can come into being imagine a devil and he may show up there is a virus isn't there what you are looking for is not a virus [Music] Cal ah Rashid I have a vase I've been saving here it's perfect for you no I think not this vase is perfect for him huh Rashid is right it's perfect for you what do you mean perfect perfect means perfect you should buy it my friend what listen I didn't come here to shop for souvenirs oh but you did and you got a good one too hey hold on I say you're aish hey hey wait a minute come on damn it [Music] [Music] these 20th century games are outstanding they're like primitive I'm so bored with the new games holographics and all that it's why lately I've been hooked on this old school stuff it's like bent you know but I'm totally into it back then this was all you needed 2D Graphics in five buttons same deal with hackers you could hack in the major systems in the heartbeat take Captain Crunch broke into the national phone system with a plastic whistle took them straight into the history books but these days we're dealing with micro pulse Protection Systems it's harsh man that's why I owe you big time for making this happen seriously I had to try it out just once being a real terrorist I mean oh oh man I'm dead let's see your driver's license where you fellas going this is a warehouse District there's nothing up ahead but oh oh man he's [Music] dead [Music] if you're going to be the sheriff that's the way to do it you could actually face your enemy in those days Bob we both know that tanker had to be carrying something something equal to nothing zero what's that supposed to mean it means what I said whatever was there can't be seen by the human eye and we know nothing about it what's that a space transport was found near an asteroid 3 days ago the driver was dead and the cargo hold was empty a robbery huh turns out the transports registered to a pharmacist iCal company cheer is Medical but they haven't even filed a police report like they don't want to get near this thing rumor goes around it was carrying something illegal next thing you know boom we get the tanker truck explosion you think there's a connection a pharmaceutical company with enough security guards for a small army what do you think so why not go search the place on some pretext they probably got more of whatever was in that transport the isp's changed since you were here jet they're not interested in solving crimes anymore they're too busy covering their own butts it's just a facade now guys in suits trying to move up the ladder and everyone else selling tips to the syndicates for chump change systems rotten from top to bottom that's how it is it hasn't changed at all that's the reason I quit know much about purgatory what is it's a place Between Heaven and Hell where those who were left behind unable to get into heaven continue to suffer a place of struggle and pain in other words the world that we're in now wow that's it these are the new ones enhanced there are 30,000 inside this sphere alone open it up and they start to replicate all by themselves hey be careful with that uh about the money this isn't a it's not the full amount you'll get the other half when the part's over you can do whatever you want with it right I'm going to be living in style after this yeah I was wondering though I mean why do it on Halloween Halloween is the one one day when a soul in purgatory can be released if he prays hard enough he can go to heaven at last say your [Music] prayers shs hard all three million bounty hunters in this system how y'all doing sad luck buckaroos it's time for Big Shot we bring you all the loow down on Fresh Bounty heads and today's is a losing that's right today's show will run an extra 20 minutes because of you know who a sleepy city scker or a bad man from the Badlands this desar wor 300 million woongs on the barrel head right you bet to the biggest Bounty of time don't you love it feel but we don't know nothing about this dude the horse you rode in on but we have some Clues don't we no living Witnesses and we don't know what was in that truck that blew up you're kidding we're lying there's nothing to show the viewers who of course there is Amigo we got valuable prices to give away Fe your eyes on this anyone who calls a genuine cowgirl hotline with a hot tip on this bounty head will win a prize so call now uh now he time for a commercial how do you say useless in Texans he looky looky lookie we looked at that already the tattoo pick the Mark Mark like the Mark Mark you saw on his arm and I think it was no maybe this one select browse cancel yeah it was this one select Mars Army Special Forces seventh division interesting he was a military guy Commando Squad they disbanded three years ago and you have any data on them huh hey what is this most of these guys are dead no go to the next one um what's the matter a huh really come on let's see the next page a says it's this guy here give me a break how would I know you see this he died two years ago in the war on Titan this is going nowhere give it up I'm not cut out for this research stuff it BS me to tears yeah I need a career change change something where I can make piles of money with no work really how' I get hooked up with these wannabe Cowboys I'm just throwing my Pearls Before Swine I'm getting old my 20s are slipping away Ley used his card again I forgot about the card hi a nice spatoon or whatever yeah whatever te oh is that a fish stink maybe what's that look guy a says it's him but F yawns and says oh please maybe it's cuz he's a dog you think whatever anyway he's dead now bye-bye Vincent vaju Spike what'd you find out what's this a vase that's perfect for me what about you I love old westerns don't you Edward wants to see [Music] it she's like a train seal maybe we can sell her to the Martian circus Bob did have a tip about some pharmaceutical company but whether there's a connection to that truck's anybody's guess what's the name of the company uh look I found something marble huh hey there pretty good shooting oh look out so you alone maybe we could have a little fun together virtual fun Doesn't Really Turn Me On I want the real thing babe the real thing mhm oh good game over now let's go I just needed 500 more points and I finally would have got to meet sporky doy hey pal are you listening have you got any idea how long I've been trying to reach sporky doie how you going to make it up to me tell me that Miss Bounty Hunter this is a real gun in case you didn't notice play time's over put your hands behind your head you shouldn't have incurred the wrath of spoky DOI babe [Music] huh hold it wait [Music] very funny shap and can you tell what's inside of it Edward it's a lymph Li lymy lymy what are you saying you mean like the lymphocytes in blood it's got a funny shape like it's playing twister you're losing me what's Twisted about it this is a regular lymphocyte yeah and this one's not same same it's a Twisted Sister it doesn't look much different magnify it's still the same ding zop it in the microwave funny funny shape will make it do funny things what what the hell is it uh excuse me this the tortois clean company all right let's hear your report the issp is expanding their investigation they're treating it as a terrorist attack but as of now they don't have a suspect and no significant leads they think they're dealing with some kind of new virus so they brought in some biot terrorism experts it'll take them a while but they'll figure it out eventually we need to act quickly what happened to menalo Lieutenant sir there was a sighting on Moroccan street so I went down there personally we covered the area and worked our best sources but we haven't been able to find him yet we need to handle every aspect of this ourselves that means no Outsiders and no leaks if we screw it up it could bring down the entire Martian government but sir do you think did Vincent really use it it's the Devil Himself and the devil is invisible and undetectable it shouldn't exist but it does that's why this is necessary they have to be eliminated both of them Vincent and Melo you do understand don't you sir hell Hey where's my truck huh you just drove it out of here didn't you [Music] what yo both hands up in the air haven't we met somewhere before love the torador thing black pants red Red Jacket nice look the jumpsuit does nothing for you I guess not turn [Music] around tell me what you're doing here let's flip a coin as I tell you you Tales we go out on a [Music] date are all the employees here like you you got some pretty classy moves for a corporate girl the more that you know the shorter your life will be I love the kind of woman that can kick my [Music] ass [Music] I'm hi freeze [Music] security close the north gate [Music] hurry [Music] oh [Music] happy Halloween trick or treat I'll make Mischief L you give me something sweet I'm so tiny that no one can find so great that no one [Music] is like cancer but why were they fighting cancer inside of a vase forget a vase Miss Einstein you have any idea where lymphocytes come from bone marrow yeah so the message mentions bone marrow so they must know about the Nano machines and so that's all I have so ends yet another episode of wasting time with jet unless you want to check the bone marrow of everyone on Mars what'd you find out of that pharmaceutical company it's not your average chem lab more like a Fortress than a research facility how's that to start with the security guards were armed with brand new g2s you sure those are strictly military issue they're very high powered they don't give those things to civilians there was a girl there with the same military tattoo as Vincent I noticed something else about her too what she was really beautiful that's all we need listen if these are military guys we're dealing with Commandos that's a whole different story things are going to get more and more Tangled hey what do you think you're doing I think I'll just sleep on it a bit come on good things come to those who wait I knew I came in here for something I was looking for that hat you know where it is no idea where is it funny funny smell can you find him [Music] [Music] is it here a check [Music] treat Shut Up Kid Halloween's tomorrow to get lost well that wasn't him oh that's cute Treck please how was about a trick instead huh little boy what do you say it's not a little boy huh it's a little girl what what are you trying to pull you're going to ruin my [Music] reputation that wasn't him [Music] hold on a minute yeah what is it and don't you know who Edward where are you right here Ed Mr Lee oh that's good Ed I didn't mean it when I said you were a pain in the butt so where is he here comes Ed's official locator stay there and guard the place I'll be right there don't move no matter what heads on guard byebye level one clear this is so easy you're still playing that the marble thing that's cool what kind of game is it all right B calm down she's just a child word how am I supposed to find this guy which building is he in in solitire you eliminate one piece at a time if there's only one left you win oh well looks like you won then game over the real real game is just beginning what are you talking about man hey wait a minute is that one of those it's all part of the game no way you were just kidding right when the game's over there's only one left what I didn't see spoky doie not enough points wait I need you alive kid hey where my reset but [Music] [Music] watch h this is little boy blue I have Humpty Dumpty inside location 24.15 the target is mobile repeat the target is mobile all right I'm on my way wait till I get there don't lay a hand on him how about a foot he's going from 17 to 18 the target's headed for Central Station [Music] over there I'll show you where he is stay here I've got him hold on just watch the car here hey hey [Music] he [Music] Vincent I haven't seen your face but I know it's you I can smell the blood on your hands from here a bounty hunter don't feel bad about it you can blame the guy that posted that 300 mil [Music] h why don't you shoot what what's wrong lose your nerve you started out so fearlessly go on pull the trigger I don't think so I blow the Bounty if I blow you away I I have no fear of death it just means dreaming in silence a dream that lasts for eternity you're an original aren't you oh is that all you got [Music] spe what's your name Spike Spiel what do you want to know I'll be seeing you in another [Music] world [Music] please Vincent it's me [Music] s I'm okay why Vincent can you hear me Spike you almost didn't make it he died actually he was dead from the beginning just like you [Music] spike his eyes found a man who had given himself to the river who let the flow of the River carry him away thank you both of you your eyes gazed into the realm of death what did you see I had a dream it was the first time the first that I was really scared shook with fear if one thing one Adam had given away then I would be gone it was not a good day for you to die so you did not that is all know this Swimming Bird this blue eye perceives all things conjoined the past the future and the present everything flows and all is connected this eye is not merely seeing reality it is touching the truth open the Eye of Truth truth there is nothing to fear yeah I see what you [Music] mean looks like you're going to make it guess so what about Vincent he disappeared almost as if he was never really in this world I was right we got into something really nasty this time yeah my old man always used to say when a ship goes out to sea either it keeps sailing or it sinks there's nothing else you and I are bounty hunters scratching around for a few bucks that's all this thing is much bigger than that too big we don't have to stay with it we can drop it right now I say we let it slide what do you say spike hey you sure do sleep a lot why did you disobey orders he was baiting to see if we were following him you were set up you're supposed to be part of a team you break away and the whole operation suffers that's how he got away from us in the first place I thought I could get him I'm suspending you from your duties temporarily an official decision will follow you're dismissed keep her under surveillance yes sir based on the symptoms of the victims it's clear that the substance in the tanker truck was the same substance released in the monreal attack that followed and have we determined what that substance is yet we are still analyzing it about the public statement that was issued in connection to these two attacks we've linked it to a hacker named Lee Samson it appears disseminated the statement we're looking into his data files and access history well do you think he's The Mastermind it's possible at minimum we believe he has some connection to this terrorist group what kind of terrorists are they do they have a political agenda or are they just after money we're trying to determine that everything is being determined analyzed or looked into when do we get some answers we can do a standard systems an Anis in half a day what's the hangup gentlemen hey Jet is it just me what's that my leg feels heavy like it oh hey head found it circles and Eyeball circles are pretty a tasty wonderful just like black grap here it is jurious medical look up good schedule for space transport on October 15th Spike I thought we were going to let it go I know I'm just checking it it's on my mind so much I can't sleep ah you do nothing but [Music] machines and beans and trucks with nuts there they are macademia nuts macademia nuts I don't think you'd want to try eating them search function macademia nuts maintenance macademia nuts research and development they sure are putting out an awful lot of effort for an ordinary nut Ed pull up the R&D section for these macadamias can you tell what kind of research they were doing a that's hacking program broke what after we've come all this way Ed use a different program to get a profile on this guy yes Dr menalo aledia former professor professor of sit and Pioneer of nanomachine technology I knew it it's not just a pharmaceutical company they're developing nanow weapons for the military and Vincent got his hands on him a guy who is listed as dead the Amsterdam treaty forbids nanow weapons so if they're building them they do anything to keep a lid on it anything and that includes assassination they wouldn't hesitate to kill Vincent and yet he's still alive Steve ah hey Electra what's going on here what's this a blood sample can you analyze it off the Record sure and since I'm such a nice guy how about a date yes sure yes dinner for two on Halloween I know a great [Music] place [Music] what's going on why am I still alive what did you do to me I gave you some of my blood you can live through anything now you'll survive even if the world is turned inside out and it will be sooner than you [Music] think did you find what you were looking for nope just a lot of things I don't need that is how it usually is in this world yeah but these things we don't need some people are determined to make them someone made that devil the one in the vas why did you give me such a thing because it was the perfect vase for you I mean the gift that was inside the vase the Nano machines Mas erating his lymphocytes Dr menalo I will there was a certain man who escaped into this area that was 3 years ago he had created something and this thing he created was an Abomination it could be passed from one person to another by touch or by air when it entered the human bloodstream it multiplied spontaneously mimicking the lymphocytes joining them moving freely throughout the body in the end it entered the brain and slowly destroyed it and then it disintegrated passing out of the body as protein leaving no trace of itself that is how it was programmed I just want to know one thing why is Vincent still alive what's the point of all of this what are you doing here are you trying to get money you have some kind of Grudge or you just get your kicks this way no all I'm trying to do is find the door the door I've been having a dream and though I realize it's a dream I still can't wake from it have you ever had such an experience it started when I went to Titan a long time ago Vincent was a test subject this man had implanted a counter Nano machine inside his body counter Nano machine it spread throughout the bloodstream exactly like the Nano weapons it's designed to stop them from functioning it was a vaccine he tested on one soldier hoping it would keep the devil under control it did but the soldier himself went out of control I don't know what Vincent's purpose is maybe he doesn't have one perhaps he is just waiting for the day of Judgment at the end of the world Dr Melo has everything doesn't he the Nano weapons and the vaccine he deleted the vaccine data but the Nano weapons were in a secure network so he could not delete them he could only pray the would not use them for to do so would be suicide after that the man disappeared he no longer exists so there is no one who can stop V now you see I lost two things on Titan one was my past there were no enemies there no allies just experimental guinea pigs all killed to test Nano weapons I was one of the subjects the only one that survived but I had lost my memory I didn't even know who I was I slept and felt that I was awake I moved through the world and felt that I was dreaming what was the other thing you lost you saw the butterflies didn't you I also see them countless in number I I know these butterflies cannot exist in this world but I have lost all memory of the world to which they belong when the nanom machines reach the Brin they enter as lights lights that appear as the most beautiful butterflies imaginable I have said too much of this matter Rashid give that man this token that is if you see him again and thanks for the gift all right so be it I'm here at your request sir please explain why don't you explain first lieutenant I'd like to know how it is that you have the vaccine circulating in your blood dream sometimes it's hard to see what's right in front of our eyes isn't it I wonder how you could possibly have contracted something we only injected into Vincent you had contact with him didn't you to prevent any leaks we're placing you under restraint Colonel if I have the vaccine inside my body you can make cultures from it and use it to protect people who've been exposed you really don't get it to you what our purpose here is to destroy every piece of information having to do with these despicable machines I told you that something that should not exist can't exist that's all ATT tenant yo I wonder what you call this kind of relationship it's not like we have any camaraderie there isn't really a bond here at all everyone just does what they want to do they come back whenever they feel like it and then they take off again I've been tossed around so much I've just had enough yeah I was better off as a solo act I miss those days damn one more move and I would have won I leave it alone it'll be all right whether they come back or not it'll be all right hey you remember our bet don't you heads you win Tales we go out on a date guess this is a pretty pathetic place for a date huh aren't you afraid afraid when they take us out of here our memories will be erased or we'll be killed either way the person you are the person I am will be gone even if we're alive it's like we're dead just like Vincent huh since you survived the explosion on that monreal that means that you've got it too like he does that nanom machine whatever you call it vaccine you know everything don't you yep and it's just like you said huh the more I know the shorter my life gets I don't believe that you're just some Bounty Hunter Spike Spiegel and you're not exactly the average Soldier either I'm Electra Electra Ooa no wonder huh it's a strong name in all the time that's passed I never knew I had those things inside of me Vincent he was all alone from the time he was born the only things he got from growing up were the will to fight and hatred there was never anyone to love him no one that's why I wanted to save him I thought I could but I was wrong when I saw him on the monor rail he looked at me like like he'd never known me there was no recognition at all like I was some Phantom who' never really existed were you in love with him I guess I'll never really know I just know I felt things I've never felt before the kind of wrenching feeling I didn't know what it was it just tore at my heart have you ever felt that way I have I tried to save him but I think I was the one who was saved when I was younger I wasn't afraid of anything I didn't have the slightest fear of dying no reason for it I thought that if i' die that's fine with me anytime at all but then I met a certain woman and it changed I started to think that I wanted to survive for the first time the idea of death began to scare me it was on my mind I never felt that kind of feeling almost paralyzed and where is she now she faded off somewhere strange you're the first person that I ever said this to why did you keep looking for Vincent we share the same Soul that's why I have to see him one last time this man told me his name I believe it was Spike so it's true he's one of your comrades how do you know him what are you planning to do to put an end to it the last Halloween party is going to begin soon but this time the trick is an enhanced Nano weapon it never disappears it just spreads from person to person endlessly until it infects everyone in the world you're going to take the whole world down with you but why that's insane you think so is there an indelible line dividing sanity from Insanity or do they change one into the other at the slightest turn of events we'll find out soon enough that the world itself is insane why don't you come with me when it's all over you and I will be the only only ones left you've got to be kidding I don't care what you do I'd never want to be alone with you I'd rather leave this world than share it with you vent I told you not to come here yeah I know but the Jacks are all set up I want to get out of here their cops are starting to sniff around so you know if I can just get the rest of the money come on Vincent I did everything you said did you say your prayers huh I'll be at the bridge that links Earth to the heavens you can stay here alone and watch what happens to this purgatory so what are you going to do to me you're a soldier you know what to expect hey I'm allowed to smoke aren't I can I get a Sig request sir denied wait don't shoot take it easy drop the guns Paris open the cell that's what I'm talking about and where is it the water treatment plant we followed Lee's hacking route through the system and we ran into a security breach that you could drive a truck thr that's it they're going to put it in the water system there will be no way to stop it after that get a Homeland defense squad over there right now yes sir they're finished uh what about the captain he's supposed to sign off on this if he doesn't approve we're screwed oh and also there's no smoking if we go through all that red tape shadin we'll never catch these guys you mind if we take a quick detour just show me where they keep the blood samples this way it's open get a safety suit no time for that huh they'll be here any minute where's the vaccine from Electra's blood it's incubating on the third rack no the second rack sorry this one yeah the yellow packets it's the truth I swear they they just reached full potency we used an enhancement process so they can spread more quickly through the bloodstream Electra I'm sorry go through the level three waste block it should be clear thanks Steve I guess that means the dat's off I hey who are you ISP we're taking control of the facility well hold on we didn't get a memo about this we'd like your cooperation with my luck a Peeping Tom will show up rest in peace kid are you waiting for a call huh no not really a I thought you were waiting for calls from Spike and f f huh say I haven't seen him in a while have they gone I haven't really noticed hello jet Vincent took off FY you're calling in now where the hell have you been he's planning to go out with a big bang said the last Halloween party will begin soon yeah where'd you get all this information Spike you slug you could call in once in a while you hear from Bob uh yeah the ISP just hit the water treatment plant water treatment plant C Squad reporting gate all clear Zeta Squad we're at tank three nothing down here sir this is Delta swad we found an unusual object near the entrance to PL yeah we'll send a biod disposal unit what kind of object is it uh well actually sir it's a balloon that's shaped like a pumpkin I don't know guys it doesn't make any sense would he go to a water treatment facility dressed up like a warlock there's a Halloween parade today in Alba City the streets will be packed if he's hiding in plain sight he'll blend right in wait a minute he's going to do this in the middle of the city how he had an accomplice said something something about setting up Jacks Jacks we know who Jack is Jack O Lantern a Jacko Lantern stand by we're starting the [Music] probe who the hell is [Music] that J Squad respond [ __ ] contact the squad below and find out what's going on Chief what now this is the Army [ __ ] sir who's in charge we haven't received notification about any military backup it's not back up we're taking over your operation yeah on whose authority you don't need to know that oh I don't huh the probe's finished we've got the report let me see the data hurry I told officer stand down like hell I will composition nitrogen oxygen traces of carbon dioxide argon neon Krypton it's plain air sir it's Halloween the city will be full of Jackal lanterns where do we even start he said he'd be on the bridge that links Heaven and Earth Heaven and Earth what's that mean jet can you line up some airplanes I'm going to need about 20 or 30 of them airplanes what do we want airplanes for I'll send instructions later just do it hey hold on SP f h for the climate control center we're going to need a little precipitation Spike what for look whatever you're planning won't work Vincent knows he'll survive there's no way we can win maybe so but I owe him a favor it's a waste of time F if his goal was simp to annihilate the world he would have done it a long time ago he sent out a personal invitation to his party if the guests don't show up the party can't start listen Fay I need you if you don't do it the whole thing falls apart I'm counting on you it's ideas like this that get people killed huh oh great a Bard little army me sorry I've got no time to play around with you guys [Music] I'm telling you this is an emergency you must have something no afraid I'm coming up empty the problem is all the fighter planes are L out for air show so there's no Jets available I don't care what kind of planes they are as long as they can fly I'll take anything did you say [Music] anything it's too early to start the party fellas [Music] [Music] go [Music] look [Music] [Music] now these are my kind of ples but most Folk don't appreciate them can those old things actually fly who are the pilots leave it to us we just sprayed this vaccine stuff around right no problem is that cold we don't want to get a chill now where are we going again to Saturn wasn't it don't beat this this plane can't go into space it's a crop duster oh you're going to Alpa City didn't you read the flight plan lighten up Cowboy we're joking [Music] player [Music] they actually got off the ground say what they're from our antique aircraft exhibit these babies haven't been found in decades [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] hold together you piece of junk [Music] hey taxi okay who's the head honcho here huh who are you me why I'm just a gun toen weather girl what are you doing here this is a climate control station what do you want from us I want you to make it rain rain but why let's see to crash a Halloween party [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Applause] this sucks there's a parade today so you're going to get traffic up the yingyang the bridge that links Earth To Heaven hey dude what about my bear for don't tell me the party already started no only just [Music] now Yep this is just like when my squad sunk that Battleship the bismar shom you never did that you don't that was back in World War II can it you two we're coming to the city let's get [Music] started [Applause] [Music] girl KN you keep better ask I declare this Halloween celebration [Music] open I thought you'd show up Hunter last time I decided to miss the Fatal spot but just barely right yeah that's right you got an eye for detail don't you Vincent ah [Music] to [Music] [Music] you came here thinking you would save the world but it's too late sorry but I'm just a bounty hunter I don't really give a damn what happens to the world it's all the same to me I just came here to pay back the favor I owe you you think it's just a threat don't you but I will do it go [Music] ahead me spe [Music] spe tell me before this life of yours ends did I die on Titan long ago is this world just a dream that these butterflies are showing me are they part of the dream or are the butterflies real and Titan just a nightmare that I can't wake up from I can't tell Vincent you can't get away this time we finish it Electra stin back I want to go [Music] together Vincent why didn't you shoot I remembered she's the one I used to love I wanted to get out of this world of dreams I kept searching for the door that would lead me out I understand now there never was a door you should have known that you were just too afraid to open your eyes Electra of the days that I have lived only those I spent with you seem real now that it's over I can see your face so clearly what did the rain do it spread the vaccine much faster than the nanom machines could act a rain to wash the the world clean huh maybe there'll be a rainbow later huh hey what you want to stop at the racetrack huh you never learn do you f [Music] [Music] my co and I never shed a dear now the of my of my I chain Shake shame gain into aiss burning without an I just theer I the f i the fur I call theer iing into the the I saw the brother the Fall Into the Fire [Music] OCC me the for the to my existence on the other [Music] broken sh open get through [Music] the break [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] it was just that he was all alone Always by himself never anyone to share the game a man who lived in dreams that's who he was [Music] e [Music]
Channel: Hall Of Heroes
Views: 921,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hall Of Heroes, cowboy bebop, cowboy bebop movie, cowboy bebop the movie, faye valentine, cowboy bebop movie opening, cowboy bebop movie fight scene, cowboy bebop movie ending, cowboy bebop full movie, cowboy bebop movie fight, cowboy bebop movie intro, netflix anime, jet black, cowboy bebop movie trailer, netflix anime full episodes, faye valentine cowboy bebop, faye valentine best moments, cowboy bebop 2024, Joan Crawford, Cliff Robertson, full movie, full length movie
Id: _34_vkZ_tgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 31sec (6931 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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