Mortal Kombat Annihilation: Terrible Sequel, Terrible Movie - Rental Reviews

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[Music] Julis Justin [Music] Kirin movies for kids movies for mom and dad laserdisc Sonia [Music] [Music] why so glum Chum Oh Tony I Oh James hundreds of dollars from running commando and Street Fighter the movie for the last year just don't know what if I'm gonna be able to pay him back I just wish there was a fast easy way to make money right now need to make some extra money well let me tell you about inbox dollars inbox dollars what's that with inbox dollars you can earn an extra cash by taking research surveys using special shopping promotions or even watching TV why that's right guys and if you sign up with our influencer link you'll receive a five dollar sign up bonus just for verifying your email wow man it's so easy to make money off of inbox dollars I'll pay my rental fees off in no time yeah you better get cracking on those surveys before I get cracking in your nature thanks to inbox dollars for sponsoring this video so click on the link in the description to start making money and get your $5 signup bonus today hi hey so um I wanted to see this movie last year come on anihilation directed by Alex garland did ex machina he wrote the new Dredd Natalie Portman sighs and I was really really hyped and then I put the movie you gave me on and I heard the Mortal Kombat thing and then I was like oh okay he gave me the wrong tape again but I love Mortal Kombat and then I saw the words Mortal Kombat annihilation mmm-hmm so I was very very disappointed and now I have to talk about Mortal Kombat annihilation still have not seen annihilation with Natalie Portman yeah all right well I already reviewed the first Mortal Kombat movie which I liked I thought was pretty good good especially back then then there was a sequel annihilation and I've avoided it for so long because I heard nothing but good nothing but bad things about it yeah and now all these years later finally watched it the first time ever and it's great it's [ __ ] but it's great it's something it's something movies that are so bad they're good this is so shitty it's great is that what you're doing so it's maybe because I was expecting it to be boring it was not born oh no no it's real fast paced it's a little every scene it's like something's happening and you're just like like holy [ __ ] it's like a Power Rangers episode yeah exactly you know we were saying that when we were watching I was like this seems like a Power Ranger up so not a move yeah cuz every fight scene it's a character from the game yes around by henchman much like Power Rangers had the monitor and the play they're all the parties like their food seems like a lot of green screen a lot of crazy lights no they like chroma keep the sky as you know effects and like if you look at the characters of that opening scene yeah like their heads are kind of disappearing because they're so sure because the national effect like clearly they shot on the location they're like oh I want the sky to be weird it's like oh well put a filter on it no I wanna digitally replace the sky so like Ramon's head is like disappearing into the sky Raiden gets thrown through a bunch of bricks like every five second time he stands up he gets a launch through breaks his outfit like so I really at the time I really loved the fur I still loved the first movie I do so yeah as I'm older I realize it's not the greatest movie the story kinda doesn't make sense but it's still a lot of fun yeah I was 15 and it was like you know going to theater with my friends and it was it was the first video game movie tool to resemble the game yeah except for the violence which was a letdown ya know if it was our I wouldn't have been able see that's true yeah so I was real pumped for this as a kid I'm like a mortal kombat see what Shao Kahn he's finally gonna come back and like my grandfather took me to see it because he knew I loved Mortal Kombat and I'm like this is probably this is probably the first theater experience where I've walked out of the movie being like I was it was even theatrical because of like it looks like a made for like DVD I right yes the newspaper had like a little clipping for like a advertisement I cut it out because I was so excited huh my wall like annihilations coming out and I'm like oh that that was something what thing is to like the first one left me as a kid that movie leaving me on a cliffhanger of Shao Kahn coming down and and them going in a fighting position and then you're it's just the end of the movie I remember sitting there going oh oh I can't wait oh the new one I can't wait for it to come out and then it did when I finally saw it it was on TV and I've never been more upset and disappointed even then nothing held up yeah like the the special effects are Barna and some of the worst but we are V garbage I can't believe it but it's like I can't believe someone was like this is ready for theatrical release let's pump it to the theaters no I said are we going to this movie should never come out we need to just Harriet if I think is like the first movie okay there's the character reptile starts like that weird CG reptile yeah that was nothing compared to good this one they have like every other scene there's some like monster that's what the CG like here's the thing like that the first one comes out people like it but they complain the CGI's bad shriek later comes out people complain there's too many characters yeah you think this movie would learn from that but alright maybe less CGI maybe work better on the CGI and less actors no no things like they double the [ __ ] they were like oh less characters oh you mean less of the original cast Sampras is gone I thought it was he was disconnected but they have I think was just Liu Kang I'd like to talk about katana for a second yeah her name's katana but she doesn't use katanas you know fans that's kind of like general katana and Highlander - I think he uses a broadsword it's like name someone katana then now to have him fight with katana the thing is - like when she's fighting those guys you could tell how floppy those fans are because and all over the place you know what I like about this movie it looks like any of us could have made it like if you get like the store-bought costumes yeah get in front of a green screen it's like this could be done I totally thought about that this week as I was like editing things I was like I've done better special effects in videos I've done then this do let me take a lot of time but we could do it yeah I just want to say the the tombs and the world miniature City I made for Tomb Raider look most of the effects like this look great that I watch work out a dilation like oh my effects are genius give me an award so about the villains so okay okay the first movie ends with Shao Kahn you're thinking okay the next movie's gonna be all about Shao Kahn yeah but that wasn't enough they had to have shinnok from Mortal Kombat mythology shin is also not the father of Raiden end yeah man I know spoiler alert says the immortal line do not underestimate the human spirit that come from I like the line taller that shelf on a mission yes Shao Kahn I'm not too big on the actor maybe because they didn't keep the the mask on and the shoulder pads the whole time but he looks like Billy Zane but stung by a bunch of these I love you guys you played the bounty hunter x-files and that and x-files they film them to be like tall and imposing and serious and this movie you think they cast them for that reason I feel like all right talk like an [ __ ] yeah and look shorter than this elderly man also I'm just gonna say I hate every other villain in this movie because they act like not even well as like bad guy villain like they are the corniest things ever they're like Shao Kahn let me do the army and I will just leave I will bring you yeah it is like it will be fair it is a sequel video game movie about what will come at 2 & 3 yeah they put two and three to go also they it's like hey you know what we should get more let's get a bunch of American Gladiators in this yeah it's of Malibu and whoever it's sabor neighbors jazz really and they were both like I the thing was I was watching Netflix or Hulu I can't remember which one has the old American Gladiators and I was like wow let me watch that and I'm watching it and they're like let's go talk to Sabre and I'm like is he is that Jax oh no and then that should show you two how bad this movie is that they couldn't even get the guy who played Jackson the first one yeah he was only in the movie for like two or three minutes yeah and they couldn't even get him even saying like hey man you're gonna be like the main dude you're gonna be one of the main guys they couldn't get that guy yeah to come back speak of the bad guys it says they said smoke the robot smoke was reprogrammed by Shao Kahn I guess he's a hacker you're that actor in his like skeleton cave like at a computer like plugged into smoke it so I was like yeah that's Terminator 2 [ __ ] oh you have a list of war characters every oh there's way tonight wolf who is cool the movie also had a mud-wrestling for some yeah yeah I was fine with that scene the Molina which I was just like wow okay like I guess like you know this this movie was totally like like the first Mortal Kombat I feel like they they were like we got this movie we want to make it the best movie we can we want to really you know hammer home Mortal Kombat and really do it yeah this movie was like hey we got more to comment Oh mud wrestling scene bunch of shitty CG monsters you know that main character you like in the first one Johnny Cage yeah well kill him talk about how they're wearing different outfits than they were in the first movie Sonya Blade has a whole different outfit like she's wearing like rags at the end of our movie and then Johnny Cage has his glasses back even though they made a big point that Goro keys also airing like his shirt from the Goro fight not like oh my god that Robin shoe like prom shoes great but clearly like he like didn't keep the point all the muscles in between movies so he wears his shirt throughout the entire movie where is the first one like he was shredded I mean that happened between three movies that you actors Lee stop working out if they don't have to but then for this one he's like it's gonna wear t-shirt I don't film a be shirtless [ __ ] I'm glad you're keeping track of his his gaze yeah I notice all my he was well look just shut up guys I mean you're also drinking in a VHS a rental store if you ever describe this movie to somebody like you who hasn't seen or doesn't even know what Mortal Kombat is I just say it's a bunch of techno music playing with people jumping around on strings flying everywhere shooting laser projectiles disintegrating into CG skeletons and saying one-liners and by one-liners I mean like what yeah words like like everything I'm sorry but everything Jack says makes me [ __ ] why because it is just so annoying yeah now that's what I'm talking about yeah you barbecued his ass hey a single thing he says is the worst it was kind of funny in the first one yeah raishin was great blabber yeah like James remar but this is clearly a low point of his career before he became like a popular character actor but like he doesn't see where he meets Jade and he's like who's the girl kid she fight as good as she looks like what did you turn into a pervert you notice how many how much there is always like red and blue light with spent all time yeah all the time it's either red blue or orange and strobe yeah it's always that I'd like to talk about the horses not I don't thing about the horses I want to talk about the lack of horses because at one scene you see all these horses coming up guys on horseback the extermination squad and then from scene four from that scene to like like two shots later they go from like 200 horses to 18 horses to two horses yeah Shao Kahn's army gets lower and lower the amount but that I kind of sound like that see because they actually shot on-location like that really cool city that's built into like the yeah now and that's like a real location like I was like is that the place from the Last Crusade no that's the place but like it looked really cool like god this is the one scene that actually looks like it's in a movie and then it goes right back the CGI [ __ ] and like bad sounds think the movie looks worse than like a fan film looks now but you see on a regular YouTube that someone makes with like a no budget yeah and my I don't know I think my my most hated part of this movie there's two things that drive me freaking nuts about this movie is one when they run to the mountain and they're like where is Raiden oh I don't know where Raiden is and then they go oh there he is and they look and then for like a full second Raiden's not there and then he pops into frame and flips as if like oh I did you not only that he flips in then it does a quick cut on the same image and then he was standing up yeah it's like watch it frame buddy its opposite nurse Ninja Turtles 3 when he disappears before he hits the water it's that you it is exactly that he pops it instead of bombs also when Lu Kang is fighting Baraka and he beats Baraka he kicks Baraka off the cage they just reused the shot of rain falling into the fire pit but it's Baraka and it's like if you look at like I know where you know you're not gonna notice that we're talking about rain in the second moment like we got this far but it's like behind her back her back goes the [ __ ] is it who wasn't even a real character I think yet he loved it's out Noob Saibot ago it's just there's new even like in a ninja costume he's like a turban on it looks like did a black ninja costume that he barfs out look I can't remember everything that happened cuz so much dick but there is a moment one dude who I think was shao khan after he had the mask off he hits Raiden with some kind of projectile making him fly back in slow motion and it's a short moment very short but you see a cutaway of everybody else kind of like looking at him watching him but they're all in regular speed watching him fall in slow-mo hey you know what I hate Raiden puts an electric bubble around all the generals and it's like I'll kill all your generals it's like has rain to have that power why is he just kill him yeah why didn't he do that throughout the fight why was well he's fighting with Shao Khan and not doing the electric bubble thing well hey they're gonna break Johnny cages neck but as you know Johnny Cage is not afraid to die Oh quick please for a second just talk about the Mortal Kombat the album and we're not talking about the movie album we've heard that sounds great at yeah great they pretty much when you're playing the game like in the first game when it came out there'd be a screen that said hello send a money order to get this CD and there was a CD that was made for the game and it's like all the King every character has their own theme song that there's a Sonya Blade song and this is the same as like same band that did the immortal Konnan right so more than basically basically the bank of the Immortals but it's a group of different European DJ's working together just on this album yeah and they did come up with the Mortal Kombat Theme song which i think is track 5 on the disc cuz I bought the disc because it's the last album I bought in the last five years with Mortal Kombat the album and it's amazing the sub-zero song yeah so good the Sonia song that was really good in the the Sub Zero cuz you guys are the killer instinct album yeah and the ki gold um but uh this is one that I didn't know about cuz I would have just assumed like okay there's maybe just a bunch of remixes main thing yeah I thought maybe was the gay music like when I saw the CD on the game I I never knew it was an actual CD that these people if you like 90s dance music listen to Mortal Kombat the album cuz it came out like early on in the 90s and there's stuff in there from like Space Jam and an C&C Music Factory where they I think they ripped off the CD cuz there's so many amazing things I think they they really the pioneers of pumping up the jam and it's on YouTube so check out like you know I guess like the full album yeah just you know okay well who was the target audience like what age do you think like I was a hate I like the first one yeah me I I was when did this come out I think they knew hardcore fans were turned off by the lack of violence in the first one so you they weren't getting them back do you think people who knew mr. Edie oh yeah Jax calls mataró mr. Edie mr. ed is mine I got about one hour 11 minutes in I wrote this down he goes mr. ed is mine yeah and you did kids know that reference was anybody watching my mind watch Nick at night as a kid so I knew who mr. was I love mr. ed yeah so like mataró looks worse than the Centaurs on he's the legendary journey like he's clearly just a guy with rubber legs and they digitally added like a thing such a glee live-action thing this the entire movie looks like the test animation for Xena yeah dragon at the end Oh have you seen the dragon strike VHS tape from the board game no it has a really weird like early kind of CG I guess and the dragon in that look better than the dragon in this the sunstone must be destroyed quest with me to this den of evil bodies around us and drive a stake well there's also that weird monster that Jack's punches the Hydra from Jason the organized yeah even though it's very least Hercules had a Hydra that looked like you know she's on UPN in which a UPN isn't even around work there's only UPN in the 90s and it looked ten times better and I didn't know CG could be this campy because I always think like CG is either just lousy or it's good yeah and when I think campy it's usually like it has to be some kind of either stop-motion or puppets or something like that but this is camp ECG where it's actually appealing it's so good so bad it's I've actually come up with a top 10 list of the worst worst VFX in this movie okay I've come up with clever names for all you can do a nice top 10 put them in any order you like okay and then you can and just use my witty narration oh here we go I haven't come up with a funny one for this right now it's sky morphers remember the sky in the background cutting into it so yeah um we have the Beast Wars but punches yes yes okay oh it happened to worry about it you have I'm gonna do my Smash Brothers it's Sub Zero slides into battle and Sub Zero just comes across like a [ __ ] zip when he's like shooting um scorpion was it smoke yeah he shoots score is smoke but he's just like scooting in on a on a rice beam but he's just like Oh fine but if you look there's an ice like rage and his feet are wrapped around it and he's yeah and it looks stupider than you could ever imagine anything please put a sound effect way he's gonna cross on a slide whistle we have a cool guys don't look at explosions checks and soon you jump away oh you mean from when they jump away from the MPEG of an exploit we have a hamster ball through the planet core when the hamster ball first goes it looks like it stopped motion Oh looks like [ __ ] justice it's just a thing yeah this is a universe where they show that people could just teleport why are they in a stir bowling like how they're explaining it as it's on and it's first off it's the most impractical stupid thing ever where where Liu Kang and and katana are holding on to it is a giant hamster ball flying and they're like it uses the geothermal energy of above above of like they're explaining it as it's on because people are gonna go what the [ __ ] is going on but then that was this Mortal Kombat the scorpy could just rip a hole in space and drop out yeah Raiden in the first movies tell porn all to play oh wait are you telling me crystal there's this timer Christopher Lambert got the hamster ball and went to the nothing is apparently just been on earth all this time we're halfway done the list here you [ __ ] we have the ice bridge falling we have I couldn't come up with a funny name for some but we already talked about the bleach-blonde ride in flipper Rooney the worst we've seen where Jade becomes a snack the thing eats Jade and then has a hole and then there's a birth and it just goes like rule annotated like extends those things look like the Atlanteans from the first Tomb Raider game like they're like no hi Barker skinless monsters I'm really proud of these last two in the top ten oh boy you can put em anywhere you want but animal cruelty more like animality cruelty to look so awful yeah and then a Shao Khan with the Dragon Tattoo Oh tattoos they have to Dragon Tattoo to come into our realm yeah and you pointed out it's the same anime every time my eyes always the same like thank you so every time it happened also there's that scene where like who says it they're like yeah I remember seeing that tattoo on a woman and a robot yeah and then like great it's like those were temporary passes they must have tattooed it onto the ROI so not only a Shao Kahn sitting at his computer reprogram and so he also has a tattoos on redrawing we all got to get that tattooed on her back I got enough [ __ ] tattoos I Tony needs one that's what you're getting 70 years how to get the dragon we're gonna get you drunk and hold you down so you know it's easier than talking about who's in this movie let's talk about the characters that didn't make it into striker mine good striker and Cyrax Kung Lao sector Oh striker and cabal get name-dropped sektor isn't in it um Quan Chi wasn't it and then he got cut out huh so they almost had everyone up until Mortal Kombat 4 and there was me yeah there was Molina katana oh wait Molina shows with two women Molina shows up wearing kind of the same outfit as katana but with her face mask but [ __ ] nothing like katana and so he goes katana it's like no Sonia that's clearly a different woman yeah a different outfit who do never never see her mandible face no we never see her bracha face like she just gets beat up and then never just spoken of again yeah by the way in the video games like there's a problem with the first one we do in the video games these are all these different factions and then in the movies they all work for the main for out world yeah that's like oh wow something like in the game it's supposed to be like the tar Cotton's are just like you know scrappy dudes the show Khan the fighting games don't need super backstory the thing is I think that the backstory came from the movies not so much the games like I feel like in the games they did have their little movies and they had the comic book that came out but it was very basic yeah and then they the the guys who made the games just kind of went oh the movie did an okay job just throw that into like whatever we do and then they just go skate Oh turn into an Australian guy in the game yeah he was like Jeff Chinese an American and they turned him into Australia by Shao Kahn I was so let down by Shao Kahn he's one of my favorite villains and they got a great actor to play him or maybe he's not good at talking the B guy yeah he's great as Buffalo Bob and Joe Dirt but like they made his like his shoulder gauntlets are just like floppy yeah he looks those players also strings hanging off of his like his skeleton ass they made the the mouth where it looks like a droopy dog it doesn't this and the webseries Mortal Kombat legacy also pissed me off because they make Shao Kahn just a human and I always thought he wasn't like a human and was some kind of like well I think he is supposed to be like he's like how the show Khan or part dragon kind of thing in the comics they said he was like half tar cotton like maracas but like they change it I just see him just some do with the droopy dog face and then you but he doesn't have the skeleton he's wearing the helmet it just hangs loosely on him yeah it's like what the hell you got a bodybuilder and you made him look like the thinnest guy in the world like wow how did you [ __ ] up this bed i I think that honestly this is easily one of the biggest disappointments I've ever had cinematic ly as a child I was not disappointed funny like it really is cuz I didn't watch it back there because so I don't have any expectation I think at that point in my life I wasn't really watching you know I wasn't I had already moved on I wasn't really like going through my mortal combat phase anymore I think I was like ah whatever else yeah so yeah James what was your reaction to sandals entrance when katana goes mother you're alive and Sindel goes too bad you will th Dana Liu Kang Oh when he's like how could you do this to us Jade and she's like it was so two bottles the transition to acting and this movie was gonna be the big break like Liu Kang's just like you will die for this Jade like real something's wrong I thought it'd be sweet if he faked a leader ass by dropping a mortal kombat arcade which on the screen it would say you order the Mortal Kombat album today yeah I don't know they oh and also Sindel spins a bunch of times like when she's like yeah she's like you and just Bindo yes let's talk about Ray Park is in the movie Darth Maul that's Road yeah he's reining stunt double and when radians fighting the reptiles it's clearly not James remar is silly him ray Park who's like 10 years younger than I did a real bad job like bleaching his hair because he has like black hair so they had to bleach his hair like Raiden but you could tell that it was like a spray paint job spray painted on his head I got a question so there's multiple reptiles in this right yes yeah and there's like the human reptiles but the first movie establishes that you have to throw a reptile into a statue yeah so are these all reptiles that happen to be thrown into statues I mean that makes no sense to in the first movies like they're like yeah there were a race of people that you know everyone saw we get up in someone's face when we call them until they throw us into a conveniently placed statue so we can become human here's one thing I like in this movie that the first one was missing and it was a letdown but at least they did it a fight between sub-zero and scorpions yeah I'm like at least because that's all I wanted in that first movie you didn't get it like they go out there deadly enemies put their slaves well you know how do they both look stupid like the first movie like scorpy has the dumb eel thing and they're like oh let's add two eels and they're like scream suckers [Music] gets masks sucks too like in the first one their masks were really cool-looking yeah everybody like and then in this one they have like these they look worse than the characters in the game yeah like everything looks B outfits from the game look way better than Jax's arm looked better in Mortal Kombat 3 the game and his were just painted on to his arm I forgot I've met Jax recently I got a picture of him and that's right yeah him in the actor played Johnny Cage I got a picture of them punching me in the face at the same time what's it called Johnny Cage wanted to take a picture with me for some reason I forgot yeah he was really like when we went up to him Daniel oh Justin oh we gotta hang out like he was like oh right we went through a bottle of vodka together at a convention yeah with linden ashby no what about the actor from this movie I don't remember no I went to a bottle of a bleach hair dye with right um the director of this movie do you want to know what he's up to these days he directed Annabelle the conjuring spin-off and wish upon huh the horror movie that came out lazier that was terrible about the girl makes wishes and the old Mack fire oh yeah anything else you want to say well I don't know about you guys but after this one I feel annihilated I guess final thoughts I thought the CG in that [ __ ] 3d animated Mortal Kombat over there was better I think they're both pretty damn bad I don't think that there's very much redeeming qualities about this many other than it's [ __ ] hilarious yeah it's a hilarious film I aggression if you paid to see this movie or own it you're a sucker you thank you for checking out cinemassacre rental reviews take a look at our other videos and if you want to get some sweet cinemassacre merchandise head on over to store dot screen we've Mediacom
Channel: Cinemassacre
Views: 1,187,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mortal kombat, cinemassacre, review, Mortal Kombat Annihilation, Mortal Kombat Annihilation review, rental review, cinemassacre rental review, mortal kombat movie review, mortal kombat review, mortal kombat movie, james rolfe, worst video game movie, video game movie, awful video game move, worst game movie, worst movie based on a game
Id: i_K7T1AHcPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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