Morphle vs Orphle Super Suits | Superheroes & Villains | Cartoons for Kids | Morphle TV

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[Music] hey mila look at me i can't see you daddy look up [Music] that's so cool [Music] alpha one two two [Music] silly daddy let me go orphan our father isn't this great no it isn't oh i have an idea let's have a rain why that would be fun okay the first one to reach the mountain top wins ready set go [Music] ah stop it wow they're so fast they're racing to the mountaintop i've got an award for that let's go [Music] ah you cut him off [Music] oh that's pretty clever [Music] well done morphle i've never felt so strong [Music] i think i know a shortcut go that way morphle [Music] we've lost it morphle yeah [Music] what do something awful [Music] that was great [Music] [Applause] there's the mountains [Music] i'll win this race for you morphle no no you won't [Music] who won i think it's a tie a tie uh-oh don't worry mila a good award guy always has two awards with him [Music] that was great morphle um i guess that was pretty fun my latest invention can turn humans into teddy bears [Music] isn't this great [Music] now then time to turn myself back oh no without hands i can't use the sapper [Music] did you hear that yawn yeah and i love teddy bears quiet yawn [Music] tumbling test tubes [Music] and they have the teddy bear zapper [Music] what is happening [Music] we need to stunk them morphle morph into a super fast cheetah [Music] huh [Music] no i can't hold on without hands can you hold me with your tail great let's go [Music] oh no i have a date soon whoa how about you carry me for a bit [Music] not in my city [Music] don't worry officer freeze will stop the bandits [Music] oh no luke stein how about we turn you into a teddy bear as well [Music] great the ray only works on humans [Music] oh no now i'm a teddy bear oh you're such a cute teddy bear great now we can zap everyone back again starting with officer freeze [Music] that's better but not for you two oh at least i'll have a soft cuddy teddy bear with me in jail [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you it's finished with my latest invention you will be able to morph just like awful [Music] now you can't catch me [Music] giant catch me [Music] let's play dinosaur [Music] i know which dinosaur i want to be the biggest of them all wow the argentinosaurus [Music] look at my giant tail [Music] oh no the invention broke now we can't pour it back into myself professionally yes you're right i have to go back to professor rasheed but i'm so big i can't get past those trees [Music] more into a crave [Music] oh no [Music] i'm stuck more full morph into a giant robot wow i'm so sorry professor rasheed i broke your invention and now i can't morph anymore that's all right i'll have it fixed in no time [Music] you can have this back professor rashid from now on i'll leave the morphing up to morphle [Music] look more full there it is the greatest water slides ever that's a pretty long line good thing we brought our tickets right morphle well where are they um from your house [Music] i don't have them i thought you took them they must still be at home on the table well well well did you hear that yawn looks like mila doesn't have a ticket yeah no ticket needs no slide so please move out of our way we do have tickets could you please hold our place in line while we go get them no way we're not going to help you if you leave we can go on the slide first hey morphle i have an idea you go pick up the tickets and i'll keep our spot [Music] get back quickly morphle huh that's not fair hey everybody this girl has no ticket she shouldn't be in the line [Music] is that you marvel could you help me real quick [Music] okay [Music] i'm trying to build a bookcase but i can't find my saw anywhere could you help me morphle okay [Music] but i can't build a bookcase with these can everybody who has a ticket please raise their hand what's the matter mila no tickets oh no [Music] what oh not in my city [Music] morphle you were breaking a lot of rules back there muffle shall we but morpho needs to go to mila first that's no excuse morphle you need to slow down [Music] twice ago yeah that's better [Music] hey there mila do you have your ticket no she doesn't well you see [Music] tickets please yawn give him my tickets but i thought you had them oh boy oh no [Music] what's wrong my bus broke down how am i gonna bring everyone to their work today but but i have to be at the police station they can't do without me [Music] oh no i have to go to the zoo who's going to feed the animals [Music] and i have to go to my ice cream truck without me there is no ice cream [Music] morph into a bus so we can help them [Music] yeah let's bring them to their work oh no jump so we can touch the lady on the street [Music] thank you milan morpho [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you and goodbye you're welcome police officer freeze now we only have to bring the ice cream man back to his ice cream truck whoa what's happening [Music] [Applause] oh no now i can never get to my ice cream truck hmm try to get out of the bean [Music] mortal more rockets onto the box [Music] everyone got to their work on time uh oh we're late for school [Music] thank you morphle it's great you will always help everyone you can [Music] alpha gonna have to please come back down mr pauses ah marvel can you help me mr posies is stuck in the tree and i miss holding him in my arms can you bring us together again [Music] i didn't mean together like this if you two hadn't stolen my police car you would be in jail already we don't mind yeah [Music] marvel oh it's great you're here can you help me bring these bandits to the police station hmm okay [Music] oh no what marvel wait for me [Music] [Applause] bandage to police station bye he didn't put us in jail stein yeah let's run away [Music] oh hey morphle can you help me lift these crates they're really heavy [Music] oh no morphle not all the way to the roof there you are marvel what happened your red friend put me in the tree and ran away that can't be right perfect did not do i know what i saw [Music] marvel where did you leave the bandits we haven't seen the bandits i saw you taking them to the station morphle uh we'll catch the bandits again more full morph into a robot [Music] ah man the joke has gone on long enough morphle please put the crates back down again marvel was with me all day daddy really but he looked like morphle and was red like morphing apart from those green spots of course green spots of course it's awful we need to stop him morphle [Music] hi morphle can you help me make some room here look morphle ortho has painted himself red oh no let's clean him up more full morph into a fire truck [Music] oh careful morphle that's not marvel it's awful now you won't be able to fool anyone anymore thank you real mortal key awful be back thanks for coming with me to the doctor morphle even though it might be a little boring that's good to hear now if you could take a seat right here [Music] is your sight better or worse worse and now better and now it's the same all done [Music] all right then how well can you see morphle no and now how about now as i expected i'll print out the results for you be sure not to mix them up moreful bye-bye hey wait up morphle see you next time doctor bye now [Music] now let me see that test result of mine morphle [Music] oh wow it says here i don't need glasses anymore now let me see your test marvel oh dear it looks like you need my glasses let's get them adjusted so they will fit you [Music] are you happy with your glasses morphle yeah we're for happy birthday too but i'm sure the doctor knows best i think our eyes just need a little time to adjust in the meantime why don't we go play at the beach [Music] [Music] [Applause] what are you doing hmm people are not very friendly today [Music] [Applause] wow it's a great day at the beach these are the best waves i've ever seen but all that surfing made me hungry let's get some ice cream [Music] ah refreshing um let me see if it's time to pick up mila from school i think we still have time to feed the magic pets back at the store morphle [Music] i think it's time we call your dad i can't believe they forgot about me [Music] i need to feed brother time could you hand me that magic pet food morphle [Music] what are you doing are you blind far from it we just had our eyes checked police officer freeze i'm not police officer freeze i'm zookeeper kenneth anyway morphle needs glasses now and i don't [Music] see you need glasses and morphle doesn't hey this isn't the magic pet shop oh no we must have mixed up the test results and look at the time we need to pick up mila from school morphle those guys i'm glad they have mila who can keep an eye on [Music] thank you awkwardly [Music] [Music] you didn't stein yeah and now that we have aqualy we can flood the whole city with water [Music] huh the whole street is flooded wow did you do this awfully uh awfully awfully gone we need to find him more full morph into a speed boat [Music] let's get them out of the water [Music] phew thank you me landmark [Music] [Applause] thanks [Music] that looks like something only aqualy can make but why would he do this oh no bandits isn't this great stein yeah we can take all this stuff like fish from the water we need to free up willy to stop the water stream oh it's me land more full oh no wow [Music] oh [Music] thank you morphle [Music] surely they can't follow us underwater [Music] they're underwater more full morph into a submarine we're in bad waters now let's escape to the sea [Music] faster yawn oh no you won't be making any more waves for a while bandits oh you did it morphle [Music] thank you awkwardly now the city will become dry again yeah looks time the water is almost gone again no it's not yawn no it's not more fool more into a race car [Music] stop it right there morphle what this isn't awful this is more full yeah oh sorry morphle i can never keep the two of you apart uh which one is which again morphle is red or full is green i knew that well the green one is causing all sorts of trouble in my city oh no we'll find ortho officer freeze great and when you do get him away from my city will ya [Music] hey [Music] huh well this is strange what oh no it's awful [Applause] oh no let's go after it [Music] [Music] [Music] no don't leave me here we need to get him down again morph into a fire truck [Music] thank you morpho but orful's gone again we need to find him all right everything's ready to start building [Music] what [Music] no stop please don't do that [Music] there he is [Music] oh no it's about to fall morph into a robot morphle [Music] thank you meland morphle but orf was gone again still haven't found orphel where else could i look [Music] a helicopter i can look for awful from the air oh no orful is the helicopter [Music] [Applause] oh no help somebody help me morphle can help you marvel great look morphle it's awful and he's getting tired i have an idea how to get awful away from the city [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Laughter] has four settings off lenient strict and very strict you should never turn this dial to very strict why not professor no problem let's see what robo-freeze can do you seem like good kids now let's see if he can stop crime with the bandits causing so much trouble i could use some help with my police work more fool morph into a police car [Music] perfect [Music] t-shirt to leash your dog oh sorry officer have a good day young lady oh why thank you [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] be careful not to kick the ball into the flowers [Music] not in my city you get a ticket what [Music] something's wrong robo freeze must have been turned to very strict look wow you get ticket for walking on grass i wasn't even walking on the grass you were going to what we have to turn the dial down [Music] [Music] go after it morphle [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no there it is [Music] try again morphle [Music] unacceptable this has to stop but how i have an idea we need robo-freeze to come to us more into a [Music] the megaphone stop you're getting a ticket now more fool [Applause] [Music] phew you did it me landmark [Music] oh no maybe two peter freezes are too much no give that back you'll have to catch this first old man [Music] mila waffle the bandits have stolen my time racer aha so that's what this is let's go do some climb through time oh no morph into a time racer too morphle [Music] there they are time to crime in a different time style [Applause] [Music] hold it but the bandits no butts milady i am night pitarian frost and you are trespassing in my medieval village oh no [Applause] [Music] just you wait you dragon i'm going to get my real sword [Music] right over princess [Music] are you all right my little princess yes dear father thanks to these curious travelers me no i'm princess leela and this is the father i'm meyla and this is morphle a pleasure to meet you both say do you perhaps know where those awful bandits have taken our treasure hmm i might morphle morph back into a big time racer [Music] that's right you better run no dragons in my city uh village [Music] we're rich stein yes maybe we can stop stealing now [Music] hand over that treasure you scoundrels oh let's go john your log has run out quickly the other car [Music] not cool [Music] you made this contraption good sir are you a wizard well no i'm a scientist how curious well if you have a moment sir father seems to thoroughly enjoy it here well you are welcome to visit any time whenever you want fruits on the earth by sea which is of course the speed of light you're right i think we will that is divisible only by three known irrational co-factories welcome to the big house building contest these are our contestants the rules are simple build a very nice house from anything you like our house is going to be made out of stone ours will be made out of cotton candy [Music] we are going to make the best sand castle you have ever seen [Music] get ready set go [Music] oh no i forgot to bring cement now these bricks won't stay together we have to help them morphle morph into a cement [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you very much marvel now we stand a chance again oh boy this candy is not sticking together as well as i thought how do you think we can help them marvel honey yes let's go get some honey [Music] so [Music] thank you this is perfect now we finally have time to build our sand castle time's almost up everybody oh no wait morphle i have an idea [Music] three two one and that's it let's see what you have made ah very nice [Music] and sturdy it's beautiful [Music] and tasty too wow that's amazing and so big you deserve the award [Applause] you got me there but you don't have a house so i can't give you the award that's okay we're happy we could help the other team [Music] then i give this award to you for building such a tasteful house thank you very much but i couldn't have done it without mila and morphle and as a reward you get to eat the house all by yourselves [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for bringing us mila and morphle now i can give the mountain giant a tour of the city no problem daddy have fun on the tour let's go more full morph into a race car here put this on this way no one will be able to guess that you're a mountain giant [Music] oh mountain giant easy it's all right don't be scared [Music] stop come back [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh wow not in my city [Applause] [Music] what happened here it was a big guy who did this a big guy with glasses and a mustache hmm that sounds like mila's dad i'm on it [Music] wait why am i being arrested you ruined my city i don't know how you did it but you did it [Music] daddy what happened mila and morph please go look for the mountain giant i think he's very scared and please get me out of here all right we're on it i'm sure if we follow the path of destruction we will find the mountain giant morph into a race car morphle [Music] [Music] [Music] the trail ends here so we must be around here somewhere there you are mr mountain giant are you all right good but we need you to help us out daddy is in jail for the mess you made in the city do you want to help us clean up the city that's great let's go [Music] haha monster no officer freeze this is daddy's friend the mountain giant he's the one who made a mess of the city he's very sorry but he has put everything back the way it was well all right then and i can't put you in jail anyway you're way too big really all right and you're free to go as well thanks officer thank you very much for coming back and clearing my name mr mountain giant that was very brave [Music] more full morph into a car [Music] look morphle this is our picnic basket [Music] first we have to go to the forest [Music] [Applause] that's where we are going to have our picnic [Music] [Music] this looks like the perfect spot let's set up the picnic now it's time to eat yes [Music] oh no it's raining quickly pack up the picnic [Music] i have an idea above the clouds there's no rain [Music] the cloud monster he's crying that's why it was raining [Music] huh what's wrong cloud monster i'm so lonely [Music] a [Music] picnic you can join our picnic [Music] more full morph into a hot air balloon [Music] let's go morpho [Music] wow this is the most extraordinary school presentation i've ever seen but you still haven't told us what it's about it's about the animals of the jungle wow [Music] look what animal do you guys think this is oh no is that a snake [Music] it's a cute monkey [Music] hey another monkey [Music] hello there do you want to come out and play too [Music] oh no more full morph into a tiger too wow thank you mawful that was close this is the end of my presentation we've learned that the animals of the jungle are fun but sometimes they can also be a little bit scary mila this was the most interesting school presentation i have ever seen an a plus everybody are you ready to come travel back in time with us we're going to visit the age of the dinosaurs there are all sorts of different dinosaurs and we are going to study them all [Music] here we are the age of dinosaurs look [Music] oh no those are velociraptor velociraptors are small but dangerous dinos whoa tumbling test tubes that was close thank you mother [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] a gallimimus is one of the fastest dinosaurs there is great marvel [Music] look over there those are argentinosauruses they are so big but they only eat plants oh no we need to save that egg mortal morph into a pteranodon [Music] you did it now we need to find the mother of this egg it doesn't look like an argentinosaurus egg no look there's some argentinosaurus eggs right there let's keep searching [Music] a triceratops [Music] triceratops had three big sharp horns oh that's so cute but look those eggs are different from the egg we have so this egg isn't a triceratops egg interesting [Music] whoa a real pteranodon and it's trying to chase us away from her eggs [Music] and look those pteranodon eggs don't look like the one we have let's fly away quickly [Music] those are ankylosauruses they can use the end of their tails to hit really hard [Music] but look at that eggshell it's different from ours as well [Music] huh how can there be crocodiles in the time of the dinosaurs crocodiles are a really old species and already existed in the time of the dinosaurs wow but look even the crocodile eggs look different from ours oh i don't think we're ever going to find the mother of this egg [Music] [Applause] wow a spinosaurus [Music] it wants to eat us [Music] more into a t-rex [Music] a spinosaur is way bigger than a t-rex [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't think it wants to eat us but what does it want [Music] i know it wants the egg the spinosaurus is the mother of this egg [Music] phew that was close good thinking mila [Music] [Applause] [Music] one [Music] you
Channel: Morphle TV
Views: 52,267,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: superhero costume, cartoons for kids, Morphle vs Orphle Super Suits, mila and morphle, morphle tv, kids videos, superheroes, my magic pet morphle, morphle vs orphle, super suit, villains, morphle cartoon, cartoon
Id: qy-u3CrkshM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 29sec (3749 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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