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they still had some horrible news my favorite youtuber mork's has been arrested I don't know what to do what will I ever do about videos like it creepy clown prank on family I'm moving out prank all my family gone too far what's the point in YouTube anymore I always had a feeling he was up to no good so what did he do run the cartel widebodies under mork's fest I'm still good I missed that by the way no he didn't do anything it was fake obviously it was more that's what detectives were quick to debunk this one if you can tell those are American police officer uniforms whereas English ones like this also you could kind of tell by the flag on the arm and the fact they're carrying guns you might be able to trick people elsewhere with your antics but not on Big Brain Twitter comm Morgan I also spotted this myself without any assistance from the Twitter big brains because I myself am very very very clever so as a youth I was in trouble with the police and many times I was quite the delinquent some might say I'm joking and they call the police on me for like anything but literally anything like playing football too loudly the police would be straight at my door and one time I got like a warning or something when I was about 13 because I was playing with like you know you know how you get them my orange BB guns like there's still quite powerful but they don't look real at all I just got one I was like playing with him a garden one of the pellets bounced over into my neighbor's garden and she took it as a phrase she fought I always try to like assassinate her or something the police came to my door shouted at me for a bit then a few days later they posted this video to me it was like BB gun safety video or whatever and the premise of the video was like a kid found a BB gun that was all black for some reason even though you can't get them without a license in the UK but anyway he picked it up and was like going around playing with it and as someone called the police on him and the police just shot him so I didn't really know what to make of that video like I don't know why it was sent to me out of all people I wanted to show it in this video I've looked high and low for it bike I cannot find it but this was all for a video called police prank on my parents my mum cries and just by looking at the thumb now Bob Martin definitely same up I just look at the leer in his eyes he wanted him out of the way so he could run the morgues Empire not like anything would change he's obviously the best character in the to universe and of course we're gonna watch this video because there's nothing more in the world I'd love to see then she'll Hudson cry so let's get into it are you sure Martin fricked well he ain't snitching on his boy what's wrong about him in the fun now he's a real G so I just add those a very British looking police cars or scones just point out if you zoom in on the front of the car you can see [Music] [Music] spy that one Morgan since he is quite clearly a 30 year old man really you can never tell things these days if he didn't say I was fake I'd assume that was just like BBC just a man standing in his living room with green screen behind him it's very expressive anymore cuz like I get tired sometimes just recording videos like this I probably just fat and unfit if I get out of breath talking but if I was doing that I'll give myself a migraine said no one ever who says with excitement joy and surprise the news is on it's on 24/7 Jill morgues let's go say is here that was one of the finest pieces of acting I've seen on the mall channel I'm not even being sarcastic here a spit-take the gasp of shock from geo outstanding performances from the bow for them he'll really be out here trying to bail him out like the police are obviously gonna go to his home why would you want him back there like she's a Fed I record don't listen to her she's not to be trusted I'm pretty sure if your arrests on you have to say why he touch me I'm arresting you for the crime 2:15 today we had a call from Jack's electronics stores regarding stolen items right that is so boring but they just said he murdered someone or ran a pedo ring or something shoplifting is such a mess crime like do you even get time in prison for that pathetic hide anymore this is like a straight-up massive American flag on his arm and a Gotham police department pouch Paul Martin is Abril G keeps his mouth shut even when interrogated by the Gotham police server back in my point here is the best character in the morgues universe he's a reliable stand-up bloke and I trust him with my life [Music] the Taser and reach for your pistol it's morgues Hudson the shoplifter he's a highly dangerous individual I have to take him out if he gets too aggressive yes stay back his screaming parents but come around for the Morse channel it's all good you can pass do what you want don't let her out please she's close to overtaking me let her rot in prison we're so please subscribe please subscribe to me so I don't get overtaken by to your Hudson I know I haven't really properly looked at the morgues channel in a minute so there was another video on his channel that caught my eye real food versus chocolate food challenge now this has the potential to be relatively beast like what kind of dire Fuuka morgues and morgues mum consumed in this video I'm interested so let's watch it I'm not sure what's considered normal cuisine in the Hudson household but most people don't really consider things like grenades iPhone and hammer part of your daily diet most of the foods on it aren't even bad like you've got burger how is that a forfeit and Peter oh no if they get that they'll be devastated sounds this why do they look into the camera when addressing each other like that they're standing next to each other I just know I'm not gonna be able to stop thinking about it when watching anymore video I've got that I really watch them that much I promise Oh in my last video I did a morgues mom pretty sure she scrammed mealworms or some other kind of insect well there's no other justification she just loves crowning worms so show your white gods are not being funny but that's that's probably the best food on there like I'd take that over hammer and brain any day [Music] it's like they're all possessed imagine having a conversation with say your mum or your friends both of you you're just there that's completely still facing forward talking to each other it's weird innit vegetables vegetables are gross am i right kids oh who needs a healthy balanced diet when you can just eat iPhone Oh No one of you will be eating a chocolate rabbit but the other person will be eaten game real rabbit he said that in a in a really sinister tone I see about to whack out a live rabbit you got from pets at home and Morris Borg has to consume it while it's still alive because that toad I think that's where this video is going and I don't want to see any more of it so that's this really epic video comes to a close I just want to say now that I love them all Channel there's no other way of saying it there's no avoid going about it it's just so terrible so absolutely awful but I can't help I love it well I don't go out of my way to watch it but whenever I do watch it for a video say I've gotta admit I love it and I sincerely hope mork's best happens again next year so that I could be my true father figure bald Martin that's it for today's video I just want to mention before I go my new merch is dropping on Friday its limited stuff as always and honestly this is probably my favorite design I've ever done it comes in oranges was ready know you could get in that spooky vibe for Halloween we saw on Friday I'm dropping my hats again haven't dropped these in a wild I thought I'd do a quick restock of them but as I mentioned it's all gonna be very very limited you know set your are for 6 p.m. UK time me Miele store shop but anyway guys I hope you enjoyed today's video if you did be sure subscribe and smash that like you really like this tell you that's gonna be available Friday don't you can
Channel: Memeulous
Views: 5,139,573
Rating: 4.9172001 out of 5
Keywords: morgz, morgz mum, morgz arrested, morgz prank, challenge, morgz challenge
Id: Zo7FY0ev_Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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