Do you know about Turkey Tail Mushrooms??

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thank you what's going on guys and welcome back to the honey stud the other day my husband and I went on a quick walk I wanted to check on the morale mushroom spores that I spread a few months ago to see if anything was popping up not quite yet nothing yet but I'm Gonna Keep a very close eye on on that mushroom because it's pretty much any day out in this area now while we were out walking I came across a gorgeous log covered in a beautiful mushroom and I've got my 90 year old grandma that's going to come foraging for mushrooms with us so let's let's go enjoy this beautiful day you ready yep okay bring your jacket guys yes it's so light I know if the chocolate is it's gonna be it's going it's nice it's gonna be a nice day let's go hop in the side by side I gotta go run into the Apothecary to pick up a basket and one of my knives [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I'll be right back I'm going to run in and grab my basket and a book and my knife [Music] the book that I'm going to be using today is medicinal mushrooms from Christopher Hobbs I was I was blessed with an opportunity to go hear him speak and very excited um to have snagged snagged a sign a signed copy of his book so let's go get some mushrooms [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you there's something living in that and be eager to see I'd be eager to see if I can set up a trail cam to find out who's our prickery um [Applause] I'd be eager to see what's inside what's living inside that that hole might be a good idea to put a trail cam up these are known as turkey tail turkey tail come in many different colors but the the binomial name is tremiti's first of color which these have more of a blue a blue hewn to it a blue tint blue gray these definitely took a hit from the cold this is probably one of the most prolific mushrooms and I want you to take a good look at it and go look and see what type of colors you guys have around your area there are no gills is a poly pour so see the little see the little pores if you see some with gills [Applause] you don't want it I was hoping to be able to use my knife because I don't want to when I might be able to let's see if I can do this without dropping the camera in the creek and or falling now I've got a little cold last night which I'm kind of curious if maybe that's why these little guys hardened up not as fresh as well if they were the other day so I'm not sure if I'm gonna have much luck peeling these guys but this is all fruiting body I want to give you guys a really good example but I think up here might have to just leave them they're not that good over there now we're gonna go I'll go look at a different spot [Music] right over here I'll bring you some to you so I can show you what we're yeah what we're foraging for but I don't want her to hurt herself out here which I'm sure she probably would do just fine but we are she's we are trying to take it easy turkey tail has like a soft velvety appearance as well you can kind of tell the difference between something that's been I think it just got cold or it's just getting a little bit older but as the seasons go all of this will spread look at all of that you can tell that the tree is completely inoculated with the turkey tail we're gonna leave some of the little ones and there are some larger as we go down this this tree Ranch all you gotta do is just simple always check it make sure that there are pores pores and no gills and and definitely make sure to leave some I mean I know that this this is going to be full of turkey tail mushrooms but I do believe in leaving leaving some and we're going to be doing this probably a couple of times this year between all over the property I I have a few spots that I have been I have been watching hence why we are out here today enjoying this this gorgeous day but turkey tail mushrooms has a lot of medicinal properties a lot of medicinal properties and there are a few different ways to prepare it and I'm going to try Christopher Hobbs his method today we're just gonna get a few and yes don't come at me I know that there's multiple ways to do this they're a little harder than what I what I was hoping for though and if y'all haven't figured out and when they're they're called turkey tail because look they fan out like a turkey tail I always find turkey tail on on down and dead trees branches logs I sometimes can find them on the sides of stumps quite often and it is a very very familiar popular mushroom fungi that that people have all over the place oh my gosh do we eat this we're going to turn them into medicine so oh a major seat so you just bowl like this you peel it you kind of peel it but you you can also go like this yeah John oh just do just like snap it yeah they're a little drier than what I like but I think it's because last night it got red dish yep [Music] beautiful [Music] all right now now we can feel it [Music] that was a workout but now she can be wet a little bit now she can peel it instead of having to bend over that or we were going to get a bucket to to sit on I kind of like this texture it feels a lot easier good I think we'll just get a few more and then I'll put this log back and it'll grow more yeah and then we'll take the basket to the house and do the next step yeah I wonder see when you do the next step oh yeah doing the house yeah I'll do it in the house my goodness Suzanne you learned never too I'm not afraid to learn you know I don't care if I'm more young that's that is what we believe that's right we are like this strong people we are strong people yeah hey I can speak English when I come in yeah I went ahead and put that tree branch back but moved it a little bit closer to our Trail so that we can keep an eye on it it's still going to be in a nice shaded area and we're so close to the creek that this ground does stay stay nice and damp but we'll keep an eye on that Branch let's head up to the house we got a good bit and see see what we can show you next we're going through and kind of picking these the ones that when we were peeling it it has like a little bit of the the wood chips we're just kind of snipping that off and I'm putting that in a bowl I'm gonna I'm gonna bring that back outside and uh see if we can we can grow some mushrooms from from the clippings yeah might as well we travel you never know so what makes turkey tail medicinal there is a our particular property that is in turkey tail mushrooms I called beta glucans now this is what I think is extremely interesting beta glucans have been studied in clinical trials and and what it's finding is its ability to kick start your immune system to activate it to get it going and it it helps support your body to fight off things like like viruses or or cancer or pathogens that could be doing you harm so there's a lot of clinical studies out there I definitely want you to do your own research it is a crazy A crazy little a little fungi now the method that I'm going to be doing uh to preserve these turkey tail mushrooms is we're actually going to we're going to pressure cook them in order to get the highest amount of beta glucan you either need to cook it down for two to three hours is one technique and then he also talks about pressure cooking it so I'm excited we're gonna pressure cook this and then we're also going to blend it up and then I'm going to dehydrate all of it until all the moisture is completely gone and we have we're left with a powder and now that powder we can then add into our teas I can add it into my cooking heck you can even make capsules with it I think that this is going to be a very good way for us to to use and to incorporate into into many other things having a powdered turkey tail substance like this you can support your immune system and your whole body by adding a little bit to to your coffee in the morning to a soup that you're cooking a dinner that you're cooking and why not why not use the plants that are are here and and good for us so now that I've got them all cleaned up all the debris is pretty much off I I also went through and kind of picked some that I'm like maybe that one looks like it might have been chewed a little bit and some of them that are just a little too old so what we're going to do now is I'm just gonna rinse them off and get them loaded in the pressure cooker [Music] if I were to cook this down in a big a big stock pot what you would do is you would add about 10 times the amount of water and then you would let it simmer for about two to three hours I'm going to do the pressure cooker because we have I only have a little bit of time for this plus I think it's going to do good and I was excited he was sharing a lot about it so that was one reason ever since I went to go listen to them talk I've been wanting to to do this So the plan is you're going to add about cover your mushrooms with about two inches of water and then pressure cook it on high for 45 minutes that's what we're gonna do and I'm using cold water mainly because the hot water sits in the hot water heater so I feel like cold water is is best and if I see anything anything that needs to come out I'll just pick it out [Music] thank you [Music] here we go [Music] I did want to tell you though because I was looking to see if I could find one that was a look-alike um there are no toxic turkey tail look-alikes but the underside and I did kind of show with you I will show you this so the underside is more porous for turkey tail versus a that see how the giggles are if you see that that is not turkey tail you want something you want something like like that but you can tell you can see how easy it would be to confuse them and being that there are so many different colors I could understand that as well I mean we've got we mainly have like the blue gray which is what we found but we also have the the rich Browns um they even go darker now the one big thing that he said is to keep the keep warm function off so I'm just going to go ahead and turn it turn it off after the turkey tail we're done in the pressure cooker I release the Steam and I did go ahead and let it cool completely down before I did this step I want to make sure that you guys know because it can get really hot and you don't want scolding turkey tail mushroom Blends all over you so I filled my jars I grabbed my immersion blender this thing is a boost and it's probably one of my favorite kitchen gadgets that I have so I'm blending it up turning it into like a mush like substance I know it looks gross but trust the process right that's what we we always tell ourselves it's kind of like a mushy like a mushy apple sauce kind of texture kind of looks like oatmeal not bad Christopher Hobbs shared in his book that there I there's two different methods that you can use towards uh getting this now into a powder form you can either put it in your oven uh low and slow I think he said like 95 95 degrees Fahrenheit and make sure to oil the pan before I have a dehydrator I'm going to go ahead and use my dehydrator now pouring it on the trays I'm gonna try to only do a little bit at a time the more you add to your trays the the longer it's going to take to dehydrate so if you want to do like a thin layer the thin is kind of better on this aspect versus adding a big chunk you're going to be there for a while all right let's see I need a spoon I think I think I could add a little just a hair more but I don't want to go too crazy okay foreign oh well that's okay if I have to I can I can MacGyver something that's what I'm good at I need a duct tape a pineapple and a paper clip what's going on with this all right it's delicious not all of that extra moisture is it is going to dehydrate out over there I'm not too too worried [Music] it smells good it doesn't stink it has a very sweet kinda it's kind of sweet I gotta find I gotta go look for my trays I think I have a few more trays but we're we made I might add a little bit to another one see [Music] I got a cake pan I'm gonna go ahead and just divide it up and add a little into this instead spread this out all right let's see if I made enough space I'm done [Music] now that is going to be in there in the dehydrator for as long as it as long as it needs I think I went ahead and just did it for eight hours but I'm gonna check it my dehydrator only goes to a hundred but his book he says go ahead and do 95 degrees Fahrenheit if you are converting that over to Celsius that's 35 degrees Celsius but again mine's going to be a little bit higher only because it just doesn't go it doesn't go that low but he did say the higher the temperature that you do it and the longer that you do it the Richer the it's going to get and that's fine I'm fine with that so we'll check back and I'll give you guys an update on on this turkey tail powder that we're that we're making [Music] [Music] [Music] so all in all it took about 24 26 hours roughly I didn't quite look at the time I did have to start it I do think that this truly depends on how thick you pour out your mushrooms so just bear in mind I poured mine kind of kind of I thought kind of thin if I had more trees I would have made it a little bit thinner but it it has this weird cardboard like texture and I'm filling up my jars because I do plan on using my immersion blender to try to attempt to powder it now bear in mind if you are using your immersion blender be careful because you're going to have powder and mushroom chunks kind of all over the place so I'm using a paper towel to kind of help block that I should have probably used a blender blender for this because at least it would have been completely sealed I was trying something and I was already committed so here we go for storing purposes you're going to want to store your mushroom blend in a cool dark area in an airtight seal and you can even vacuum seal the lid to make sure that you have it completely airtight now dosing that's a big question and I'm going to actually reference Christopher Hobbs for basic doses about a half a teaspoon to a teaspoon which is two to four grams one two three times daily so that that's kind of your base of your your mushroom powder dosage you can add this powder into meals that you're cooking with you can add it you can make like a a tea I add my mushroom powders into my coffee I absolutely love that that's a good way I like rich dark coffee anyways so sometimes adding adding mushrooms into it you don't actually taste the difference it still just tastes very rich and that's a good way I I drink coffee I love my coffee I love my mushrooms so I put them together for dosage on just boosting and maintaining your immune system at least two two times a day to a half a teaspoon to a teaspoon but you can even go up to three times a day what's even nice is if you if you like the taste of this you can add other things into it if you're not feeling well and you just want to support your immune system you can add Ginger you can add a little bit of lemon you can even mix in I'm a fan of cacao so some cacao and mushrooms I like it I like it a lot and if you're like a Peppermint Patty fan you could probably even do uh peppermint mixed with cacao and then add in your mushroom blend this I'm going to bring up to the Apothecary and label it because I don't have any labels in here and that is the big thing I want everyone to do if you've taken the time and if you foraged for something and if you're bringing it back and you are are turning it into something that you can use that's essentially growing right outside you want to make sure that you know exactly exactly what it is so just trust me on that that is the the biggest thing that often happens is people don't label and when I say people it means sometimes me okay so there I'm just gonna I'll admit that so as always don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and learn something old bye guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Honeystead
Views: 92,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oOMeOwV8Ksg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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