Morel Mushrooms 2020 Georgia GIANTS

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We look forward to morel season every year but with everything going on in the world, we needed extra reasons to get out of the house to practice one of the oldest forms of social distancing: foraging!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/deerhuntinghippie 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] and if you're my new puppy your new puppy yeah it's my first pet ever when'd you get him today and what's he gonna go do with us what are we about to go look for your ass you think old bucks gonna be the sniff something out for us yeah well we'll see all right but you ready to go huh all right well let's go find somewhere else well hello you nothing has changed what is up YouTube yes it feels good to be back finally we're sort of surviving the corona epidemic we're about to go find some morels I've been I've been keeping my eyes on these uh these morels for about I don't know what about a week about a week and unless somebody has found them there should be the but should be some pretty good-sized ones I know that there was one that was about eight inches coming out of the side of this uh I decided that back of this Creek so stick around I'll go over the habitat and who knows we might find another Patrick too before the guys I'm gonna kind of explain what and why we're finding morels here if you look right here this is how this area looked last year since last year they've cut the privet out and what we have is we have some very mature ash trees and I can just show the basis of them we've got to mature ash trees there and there used to be a huge dead and dying right yep the puppies running up dying ash tree here that they cut down across this little feeder Creek some more mature ash trees and these morels are growing the mycelium has a symbiotic relationship with the ash trees and I'm guessing this privet - so I'll I'll get a close-up of some of that stuff to overlay and I'll show you some more growing out of the side of this Bank in a second what did you say did you see that did you see one already we just haven't got here I've got to be kind of discreet with the camera because uh all right well let's get them picked right quick hey Silas get it get it down real close to the UM it's posted as old as you can all right put it in the back first one of 2020 it is the 20th right near the stem don't let him roll hold the top of it hold the top of it with the other hand sorry that's the wrong way buddy there you go perfect Oh [Music] you get it buddy you see anymore this close to the gun as you can tell you sauce you're turning to turn the knife let me cook there you go put it in the bag [Music] good job bunny I promise the whole videos not gonna be like this I know buddy it's a good one out there look at that here cuz I'll cut it as close as you can to the ground as close as you can to the ground perfect perfect good job yeah yeah Charlie watch where you're stepping it's honest look at me you ready look at me hold it up good job buddy yeah I'll go cut up some more over here go watch where you're steppin morning - yeah I think when they do we need to get as many as we can hold on a second I got it hold on a second sign it's boy I'm trying to I'm trying to show everybody's watching oh yeah we're gonna have to get him kissy there's one that's dried out that's already died I ain't even agree good job can you get that one down there without calls let me get that one sauce I don't you can forward that knife okay there's one coming up over there on the bank alright the bag is filling up it is a huge flood this year why better than last year sauce good job buddy all right we got one wrap there and there's one coming out of the bank all right Mama's gonna sorry sorry I really am sorry for the camera hold the bag mama we're in a kind of a public place and yeah I know I said that we need a clicker wait all you out there's another one right there and we're I mean then there's more on the other side of the bank yeah well I'll probably will probably get those from the creek I see some sticking out of the moss down there I don't know if you guys can see I'm gonna let you I'm just I'm just down here looking along this Bank right here so this is one of the tops of habitats that we target just these feeder creeks where there's privet nashor's but uh yeah it feels good to be making videos again gasps the the coronavirus has given us some spiritual so I hope everybody's doing good I hope everybody's staying kind of isolated and healthy and hopefully we'll be able to get some more videos out for you guys in the next couple months metal detecting and we got an arrowhead video that's supposed to be coming out soon me and Brandon are kind of on top of what we think might be a village so pretty sweet but here's these morels over here check them out thanks hard to see on this wanna take some stills of those [Music] all right we got two little ones coming up out of the moss here I'm going to leave them and I'll come back and check we we might actually have a couple fruits this year as wet as it's been in this mildest and this warm as it's been [Music] let's move on down we need to make sure we check this Bank over here too because we can't see from we can't see down that Bank very well but yeah it's just these uh ash trees in these privet a juicer well I don't know what what / that's considered but you know there's some good ones over here I'll turn it only in a 15 all right let me show the everybody we got one right here got one right there it looks like it's got less drying out a little bit which is wrong with pigment we got one barely I mean it's barely viewable see it up there Jeff we're going to get it from the land and then we got a monster went over here it looks like a monster mine anyways three yeah yeah good looking we're not there oh man I'm liking it I want to get a still of that one before she cuts it that one and there's another one right there so give me a second I want to take some steals and then we're gonna pick them right quick all right we took some steals and Ella is gonna try to get these I'm like over here in the privet that one he just looks tired like he's just resting I don't know you didn't cut it all the way through let's see that thang yeah yeah let me hold it while you cut just look at that baby man we're gonna try to go catch some white bass in a little bit be good to have some Joe is gonna fall in the water sweet this is uh this is looking like it's gonna be a good moral season are you gonna place fall the video will get 5,000 extra views if you bust you can put in this Creek yeah just stick my knife on and dirt there Joe he's a grew out of there yeah but these these don't need to be sharp yay thumbnails 83 to Thor now hi there we go alright prime example we're rails big ol ash tree and right here also a root system we got one two three four four that I can see there they look harder they're drying out a little bit on the stem so I'm gonna go ahead and get them out of here and plus with the with the coronavirus we might be on lockdown in a couple days might not be able to get back out to come and get these things so normally I would leave them if they're this small but it's just a crazy year and for those of you that don't know we use this kind of sack because the spores exit they can exit the sack and then you just kind of just spread spores while you look for mushrooms [Music] um we got a big enough here how about don't fall I can't all right I just I just poked my head in to this little privet hedge and we got sweet this one are you broke it's okay just cut this down Oh Jake another one yep good eyes buddy here let me see it bend down bend down all the way yeah birdie Joe how many we get we got 40 oh wow that's a sight for sore eyes isn't it [Music] yeah that feels good alright well guys thanks for watching this video if you see more time at the bottom yeah there's probably some some wot best fishing and maybe some white best friend and some real friend if not just make sure you subscribe and click the bell so that you're notified of our future videos walk that d well you got to do it these days but anyways yeah do that and will not have some more more videos coming because we won't we we've only visited this one patch and we have three or four other patches that we got to go check so and it's slightly different habitat and we'll go into the habitat in future video so stick around I hope you enjoyed the video what is up guys we are at a different spot and it's windy I'm trying to get out of this wind James has already been here in the past within the past week and he found a small one so we're gonna go find him in the woods and see if we can't help him find a few more we ate so many last night that uh we don't need any more not right now I'll probably no joke I probably ate 20 so let's uh are you ready to go find somewhere else and then are you ready to go home we go to sleep watch the office okay yes let's go okay guys so basically here's the habitat we found in here before so this is a habitat it can't find rails out so we've got a field here and got a purge of privet right here we are kind of close to the river but we're a lot mean we're not like right next to the river the rivers like I don't know a mile that way right down through there so we're not necessarily right on the edge of the river I know a lot of people a lot of people like looking for morels or feel like you can only you're only going to find morels in Georgia right next to a Creek right next to a creek that's not the case you got ash trees privet sandy loamy soil you can fight you can find morels so right here's like I said just this privet and we're gonna start looking maybe we'll find a little bachelor James take home so you've you got that one marked you said James he said there's a sticker out beside it there sticks everywhere where's it at James where's it at oh I see it good got a mighty good eyes you think that yeah you think that they're right there I figured that Joker would wow that's but I don't see any ashtrays do you that's weird what is this thing but here's the habitat I mean just a privet hedge it's weird we have found them improve it take credit before though with no no signs of luck an ash tree around yeah well we're gonna spread out and try to locate a few more well this is the habitat that I that you would expect to find morels in in Georgia got the may apples coming up and got the river right here but I hardly ever oh my father ever found where else where they're supposed to be like supposed supposed to be you know on a mainline the tried-and-true places me but yeah we got off that privet and come down here looking for ash trees we're hoping we might can get on some but so far just that lonely Morello James found and he just found some movies I don't know what those are I wish you could just keep deep dislike and it would stay like this you could take it home yeah put it under like a full body mount dear Natalie yeah or a rattlesnake but alright I'll turn it on from singing from the rails or anything cool check this out that's Bob looking at me yeah looking across sir I'm gonna film James cross first I'm Jessie follow-through getting it for five thousand views and symbol it instantly becomes a lot more shareable what do they call the root of a tree that goes straight down is it the tap root you can actually see it in this tree it's wild it's okay I mean I'm filming just in case you fall James uh needs have been bad since he was about 16 that wasn't interesting I probably don't need to be doing this oh yeah y'all like my real shoes we just hopped in the car and came there's no grip on these jokers yeah I know oh I know I'm not trying to shut you up James oh I'm not 20 anymore either hey I can't believe you've been making youtube videos for like five years now it's crazy will like some ash trees over here on this side of the creek so we're gonna walk over here and look so James I'm about 80% with identifying ashtrays I get them mixed up with I believe sweet gum and one other hardwood tree but I think this is a sweet gum right here because they're sweet gums everywhere and it's gonna be it's going to take a massive sweet gum tree to produce yeah so I know this tree is massive but uh wash tree has like the diamond like a diamond toolbox played the toolbox or whatever has that kind of pattern so did these trees now compare that to this over here this tree I'm just I'm just telling y'all I'm thinking out loud here about their sweet gums all over the ground here here and here and here is a tree that I get mixed up with the ash trees so if you know let me know but what I do is I just target that kind of bark and if it is if it is in the nice tree I can you can't go wrong target and trees with that kind of barking so anyways let's see if we can find some grills and here there's sweet gum balls everywhere what is that my goodness how much something like that cost here hmm you called it come from like 40 yards out you said is that an airplane I need a floozy hmm that's wild I guess I just make these so if they break away you can just get a replacement for this departure instead of a morale video we should whip out a little bell the propeller hey we can just toddle uh two treasure hunters stumble across the wreckages of an airplane crash people click on that won't they don't worry guys I'm not gonna be like that getting dark I wish we could show you some more morels but we're just not not finding them you hear me cracking sunflowers see just because I've been quick dipping tobacco for over a month so yeh I know I mean I get a lot of bang coming you know tell me I need to quit but quit and I miss it but anyways I'll turn it on if we find anything else cool
Channel: Zach Byrd Adventure Hour
Views: 79,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morel mushrooms 2020, 2020 morel mushrooms, 2020 morel mushroom season, morel, morels, morel hunting georgia, how to find morels, 2020 morel guide, georgia morels, how to find morels in georgia, morel mushroom habitat, morel trees, creek morels, best trees for morels, morels privet, morels ash trees, ash trees, morels 2020, morels tips, morels mushroom tips 2020, ash tree identification, zach byrd adventure hour, where to find morels, georgia morel season, best habitat
Id: _WNanZAIor8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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