How to find Morel Mushrooms and finding the motherload

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hey guys true sportsman and it is mushroom season we tagged out on turkeys so now we have a week or two to mushroom hunt we're here in southern Ohio and boy did we hit the mother lode stay tuned we're here with Dave Weaver a good friend of mine we've been hunting since probably the early 90s anything from bunnies the deer everything we've been out mushroom one its April 29th here in southern Ohio and we're gonna let you guys watch the video and see how it works when you get your backpack [Music] for a lot of you don't know what to look for this is a sycamore tree usually white the bark peeling off of it and you'll find the greys and yellows around there and we look for ash trees when we find one we'll show it to you and elm trees that's another one with the bark that peels off of it plain trees yeah I find a close to you in the pine trees off a deer trail's to railroad tracks yeah you don't want it wet you don't want it dry it's sort of just got to be moist moist ground that's what you're looking for we'll keep looking we got our pointer out he says he sees a mushroom I might step on it oh I see it now all right don't take it Dave you guys start off that good luck no I already picked something you can go pick them not now sponge yeah you about stepped on it dad so here's a gray same spot as the yellows sycamore tree man how did you see that it's a freshman we got a yellow mushroom here and we're gonna let you guys find it it's in this air box right here just keep zooming up close yeah fresh mostly were usually where there's one there's more more up here it's like all sycamores already I got a another one up here see if you guys can find it we got too much rooms up here I see the one right next that dear better zooming up real slow no I really don't yep oh I see it okay seeing more of your dude 21 what there's one here you want me to pick this one you leave it he's got one there's one over here big old stem on it we're getting bigger just getting ready to walk out from the spot and then I seen one right-hander the briars always look backwards where you just walk up here and take it down show them where it's at if they can't see it already they're gonna be like well yeah we've seen all of them there in the middle of the screen we'll just start tricking them no right on the trunk popular tulip poplar think they're just growing everywhere yeah is it the dark soil yep no wonder I couldn't see it oh the one run to this stick here you are so in that bag half grades at all you're gonna be like seen one on camera that you guys didn't pick he say there's one up here before or after I step on it hmm do you found this one I think we stood here for like five minutes trying to find it well come grab this one you need to start I think we finally hit the jackpot why are they so spread apart I mean yeah it makes you hunt harder but you said there's one up here Oh seriously oh right there someone took a dozer through here just about I got another one right here nice no I will we're getting the truck that's nice too got a good little patch here no it's probably more out there we'll see all righty buddy you got a gray and yellow maybe a young yellow you guys find them [Music] love to let they find it we got one up there oh that's good luck right man how'd you see those ones I just found the one time yellow mushroom and it's that direction can you see it yes it's huge who can't see that need to walk about half way all right people on the YouTube Falls your screen will give you it a couple seconds that way you guys can see if you can find I just see a second one I see a third and they're all on the screen okay like I've seen the one yeah look at that one did you see that when I pause it right now and then we're gonna walk up okay so boom and then where's it out on the screen boom mmm right there [Music] what we got we got we have a three and a dead ohm lie though dead ohm and a cherry and then right there is a humungous Sycamore oh look there's another one dead oh gosh hmm [Music] next one here oh I don't even see that one Oh what that one yeah I didn't see that one we're having a good year I think everybody is you guys want to see a good year check out our Turkey on all right and then there's two more down here two days that looks picture I will if you don't I will look down the bag oh we're looking good in my backpack full so there's the truck there's the road we're walking back this is a little okay he says he's got two more out in this grass field we're still walking through here in this grass in there everywhere [Music] [Music]
Channel: True Sportsman
Views: 70,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morel mushroom, sponge mushroom, how to find morels, elm tree, sycamore tree, spring, mushroom, morels, morel, josh rood, true sportsman, mushroom hunting, hiking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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