MORE WAYS TO SNEAK MAKE UP || Back to School Color Tips ans Tricks DIY Supplies by 123 GO! SCHOOL

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Hello, class! Remember the rules, No makeup!! Yes, we remember! But rules are meant to be broken. Oops! When you’re bending the rules,  creativity is of utmost importance. Just a quick extra dose of color. Mine smells like berries! Smooth, huh? You can say that again. Pretty unicorns strike again! Excuse me, young lady. Drop your cosmetics in the box! Oh, no makeup here, ma’am! Oh really? I’ll be the judge of that. NO! Must. Not. Lose. Control!! GAH!! It’s got a mind of its own!! No, not my backpack!! Well, looks like I’ve lost control. I can’t believe I fell for that! Hmph!! Why do we have the strictest teacher ever?! You’ve betrayed me. How  can I ever trust you again? Hey! No need to cry. I’ve got the solution right here! If you have to hide your makeup, just disguise it! Without the wood showing, these  pencils look like crayons. You can’t even tell the difference, see? Into the box, you go! Need a quick eyeliner fix? Quick, before the teacher sees! You’re so gonna love this! You really nailed this look, Annie! Girls? What’s going on over there? Coloring! Nothing to see! Oh really? Let me see those… And here they are! Something is different… We’re so busted! I don’t wanna go to detention! Taste like crayons to me. Phew! That could’ve been really bad. Ahhhh. I can barely keep my eyes open. This class is like verbal melatonin. How long was I out for? Just half an hour left. Being creative’s hard when you’re sleepy. No way, Kevin just walked in! That face will always wake me up! Is my hair okay? Gah!! I look like death! Annie! Annie!! You talkin’ to me? I thought I heard my name. How do you look so stunning?!  And there’s no makeup in sight! Okay, what’s going on? It’s all in here! It’s secret eyeshadow!! Just take a regular eraser, And draw a rectangle on it. Now carve this section out, And put in your favorite eyeshadow. Pack it in, then level it out. And slide its cover back on! Good thing I brought my brush! Just a little goes a long way! Pretty, right? I don’t look sleepy anymore. Now cover it right back up. Sneaky… Hey, there, think you could — Wow, you have beautiful eyes. The prettiest I’ve ever seen. Don’t I know it. Oh, wow, Kevin’s in love with me! GAH!! Did I make it on time?! Barely. I’ll go sit. What are you waiting for?! Uh-huh! That was rough. And speaking of rough… That hair’s seen better days. I think I have a brush in here… Oh, thank goodness! Wind is my worst enemy these days! Jennifer! You want to groom? Not in my classroom! Huh? How’d my brush get in here?! Is that jello? But I need to brush my hair! Ahem. She wants to play dirty, huh? She can’t take away my hands! That looks uncomfortable. Let me help you! Here! A notebook? How is this supposed to help? Must I explain everything? What looks like a normal notebook Is actually a great comb-holder! With the help of some hot glue, Stick the comb to the metal binding. Nice! And you’re done! This is absolutely genius! And it’s so simple. Hello, silky smooth hair. Is she rubbing a book on her head? Maybe I need new lenses. She totally fell for it! Way to go! Sometimes a quick touch-up is needed. I’d better hurry! Jennifer? Huh?! Um, I’m reading..? You know the rules, missy! Oh, I know the rules all right. Jennifer! Hmm. Don’t look up, don’t look up… Gah! I give up. I’ll never catch her. I’m so bored. Too bad I can’t use these… Or can I? I got it! Take a regular marker, And peel off its label. This thing’s gotta go. Take your favorite mascara, And put a glob of hot glue here. Then glue this plastic piece on. Then put the marker label on. Marker or makeup? That’s my secret, isn’t it? I can’t live without my long lashes. The teacher didn’t even notice. A job well done! And don’t I look pretty? Jennifer? Where’d those luscious lashes come from? Let’s see what I can find… I don’t see any makeup… I just don’t understand it! My powers must need a tune-up. Okay, a little bit of this, And a dash of that, And some magic, of course… Something’s happening! What do you think it means? It doesn’t look good… That went south, fast. Think anyone noticed? Gah! I noticed! Chemistry’s never been my thing. I hope this stuff’s no permanent! Is it off yet? People are staring… This feels weird. You’re just wasting time. Use a pencil sharpener like this! Once it’s empty, pour in your favorite foundation. On goes the lid! Next, pour glue onto the tip of a pencil. Then stick a makeup sponge on it. Ready? I hate everything. What? Time for a little cover-up! Really? This is cool! Just a dip or two, and the makeup saves the day! I don’t even need a mirror! So, how does it look now? Think you could use any of these makeup hacks? Don’t forget to share this video with your friends! Watch these yet? Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more awesome tricks and tips!
Channel: 123 GO! SCHOOL
Views: 11,159,802
Rating: 4.2254519 out of 5
Keywords: 123 go, 123 go school, 123go, back to school, back to school pranks, color, crayons, diy school supplies, funny, how to sneak makeup in class, how to sneak makeup into class, school, school pranks, school supplies, sneak make up, sneak makeup, tik tok, tiktok, tips and tricks, weird ways to sneak makeup into class
Id: 46Um6z43SRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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