More Travel Issues!!! Rainy Day at Santa Cruz Boardwalk - Dark Ride and Haunted House

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[Music] thank you hey you you all carpetbagger here and I would love to be coming to you live from some wonderful place some Roadside Attraction or amusement park a museum maybe even a haunted house but uh alas we have hit another one of our uh one of our road bumps here on the long Lonesome Road there is a lot of uh you know there's a lot of obstacles a lot of challenges that comes you know living this traveling lifestyle this nomadic lifestyle and one of them is I um I am very reliant on this this is this is my smartphone and um and almost everything I do while I travel is related to this I uh you know I use this to to for GPS to to map my way I use this to stay in touch with uh my friends and family I use this for research I use this to to check YouTube to see how my videos are doing almost everything I do comes through this even watching TV watching movies um in my hotel room everything comes back to this so when uh when a problem happens with this it's actually uh surprisingly uh devastating maybe that's a true Dramatical word but it's stifling it is tremendously stifling um I as so let me just start let me just back up here for a second so um yesterday we watched my video from yesterday I'm in Monterey California um unfortunately there's massive uh storms power outages um I got to my hotel couldn't get in my hotel because the power was out and it had all sorts of Madness and when let me let me like an asterisk towards everything I say um I live a very wonderful life I I I get amazing opportunities that other people do not get so I'm I'm documenting my travels I'm not saying I'm not doing what was me I'm not doing you know I understand other people have it worse you know there's there's thousands of thousands of people that went without power that still may not have power here in Monterey and my thoughts go out with them but this is my experience so uh during yesterday's video I mentioned that I was having trouble with my phone I was unable to make calls unable to get on the internet um while I was out just uh wasn't able to do anything I was uh having to and I would but I could get back to the hotel I could use the internet I could hook the internet and use the phone through the internet but I just could not get to work and in my head I thought maybe this is because the power was completely out in the town yesterday so I'm like maybe this is something to do with uh with the power being out maybe it has something to do with the cell phone towers but it just kept nagging me I'm like why is this not working I was back in my hotel room the power was on like why is this not working so finally I broke down and I called uh well I didn't call I uh did a a chat on my laptop with a with Verizon and they checked it and they said no there's not there's not an outage where you're at something's wrong with your phone so I um we went through all this rigmarole they um they did something where they they remotely reset my phone it's something I don't really don't know all these technical terms but there's like something about the e-sim card that they were trying to reset reactivate and no matter what they kept doing it just kept not working so again and this is like you know this is a slow process I'm typing they're typing um you know they're making me troubleshoot I'm having to um like turn off my phone over and over again like five minutes turn my phone off wait five minutes turn it back on start talking to them so um finally and keep in mind too for whatever reason like the the Wi-Fi keeps going out and I'm and I'm like keep getting disconnected with with uh with Verizon I have to like completely restart two or three times talk to different people and uh so yeah it goes on probably about three hours and one of the last things that the person tells me is we're gonna have to set your phone back to factory setting which crap that sucks because um you know it's a big hassle but if it's gonna fix my phone I'll do it and at that exact time I lost contact with them again the um the Wi-Fi Hotel was being really spotty last night and I lost contact with them so I'm like okay I think I can handle this I think I can uh set my phone back to factory settings and then you know log back in using my my ID so I try that and I thought I had everything to make it work I did not now you see something we have uh in modern times you know there's hacking is a big problem hacking into phones identity theft that sort of thing so stuff is more secure now than it used to be I had the I had my email I had my password I thought that was enough to log back into the cloud and get my phone working no so I uh open my I get into my phone I I reset my phone to factory settings I start logging in uh to to get the backup from iCloud so I can reset my phone and it says they have to verify it there's a two-step verification I got my password but that's not enough these days you need more than a password so I um I ended up uh trying to log in and it tells me it's going to send me a text message um it's gonna send me a text message to verify well my phone is reset to factory settings I cannot I cannot I cannot get attacked because I do not have a phone and um so I try other other ways um they send me they said well they still send me an email to verify unfortunately when I go to get into that email my personal email it is uh the it wants to verify through text message which I don't have so I'm locked out of my personal email locked out of my phone um I get back online with Verizon talking to another person that wasn't dealing with me before um they're trying to verify my uh you know my identity and the same problems they're like we'll send you a text message I'm like I can't receive text messages um we'll send you an email I can't get into my email so they're like uh you're you're there's nothing we can do here um so I'm like I'm so freaked out so they're like one thing you can do you can go in person to a Verizon store and they can they can fix it for you okay good so I look up the Verizon store um in in Monterey and um okay okay I'll get up other in the morning and I'll get this fixed but um but I get up this morning I wake up and the power's out in the hotel now the power was was working in the hotel all yesterday um obviously there's they're working on getting power back to the whole city I don't know what's going on and um but I can't I can't this is how Reliant I am on my phone I can't because there's no Wi-fi I can't get into Google Maps and search where the where the Verizon store is um and I'm afraid I'm afraid to travel because I can't use my GPS I'm afraid I'll get lost so I um I get in my car and I just start driving I try to stay on the same uh try to stay on the same street because that way at least I can if I get lost I can just turn around Come Back to the Hotel this is ridiculous this is ridiculous so I'm driving along the street and um what I'm doing is I got my um so I had I had my other phone I have two phones this is my old phone I decided not to trade it in because I just wanted to have a spare phone in case I needed it and I'm glad I did because I had this has helped me try to solve this problem but anyways I'm driving along and I'm uh checking periodically trying to find uh someplace with free Wi-Fi so I can figure out where the store is so I find a Carl's Jr pull in there I have to like log into the Carl's Jr uh Wi-Fi and then uh look up the the Verizon store well guess what the Verizon store is closed um I think getting it's closed because they have no power like as I was in the power situation was insane as I was driving down the road like a stoplight would be out the next stop light would be on then the next stop light would be out so it was like just like random what is power what doesn't in Monterey so um I look up the closest the closest Verizon store is in Salinas which is about 30 minutes away so I'm kind of terrified because if um if uh I can put in um Google Maps the phone but if I divert from my course if I make a wrong turn that's going to screw up Google Maps and it's not going to be able to connect to the internet and it's not going to be able to show me how to get there so I'm be very careful following my Google Maps trying to uh trying to not get off course because it can't you know can't reconfigure so I'm very careful stay on the course and I get to the Verizon store that's where I am right now I am parked in the Verizon uh Verizon parking lot so um I bring both phones in there I tell them my problem they say they can fit the uh people in front of me I've been waiting over an hour now so I'm I'm parked here at the Verizon store and just hoping I can get a phone working I brought both these phones I'm like can you make one of these work can you turn one of these into a phone these are one of these two bricks into a phone so we will see um man this this trip this trip there's been a lot of obstacles but a lot of Road bumps on uh on this trip again I know there's people that have it way way worse than me but uh man it is scary I'll I'll just this is interesting to me like how Reliant I am on technology and I have so a lot of people out there are also relying on technology and you know sometimes we make fun of people that you know that maybe don't maybe these people that still have a flip phone or people that just have a houseboat but uh the thing is when you become reliant on that technology when it's taken away your uh your bum fuzzled I was like uh you know the power was out I'm like I can't get in touch with Jen there's no way to get in touch with Jen there is uh there's nobody can touch with anyone I can't you know I just have I I would just have to like go out into the world and I'm not prepared I don't know how to read a map I don't know how to read a map that's true by the way and uh I just use my GPS and uh yeah I don't have the phone don't have the GPS can't call people can't text people can't look things up on the Internet so I you know I couldn't film today because um because of all those things so hopefully um I just got my fingers crossed now I'm gonna go sit in the Verizon store and wait and hopefully hopefully things will uh will be back uh to normal hopefully I'm telling you um I had my car break down uh you know it was over a month ago now this felt more helpless like not having a phone or Internet um felt completely helpless like I just felt like I didn't do anything I felt like I was completely abandoned completely just no no uh no lifelines out there I mean at least with my car I could call people I could get things rolling I could get things working I may not be as fast as I'd like it may not be as uh but I could still book hotels I could still do everything I needed to do you know just uh just not necessarily on my time frame here I was like oh my gosh I'm I I have nothing I can do I'm I'm stuck but that's not true because I uh I may have figured things out uh and got used the uh Carl's Jr Wi-Fi to get me here to Salinas to the Verizon store and now my uh my future the future of this channel is in the hands at the good Folks at Verizon so uh fingers crossed I guess by the time you're watching this we it'll already be said and done but you know what cross your fingers for me anyways because I could I could use any uh Good Vibes that may be floating out there in the universe uh see how this goes okay I think I think I think we're on the right track because I went in with uh two half phones and I came out with two working phones um I got my uh my main phone here the one that was having the problems it's currently it's reset it's got uh all the apps are now uploading that's gonna that's gonna take a while so just waiting for everything uh everything to be restored that might take a very long time that's all I all I have on here but while I was in there I actually realized I had a deadline on um on my my phone plan there was apparently some point I got an extra phone line to get a new phone or some reason so I I took my extra my extra phone that actually that I that I had with me that I just hung on to just in case I ended up activating that so now I have two phone numbers in case something like this happens again so now I have a backup something happens to my main phone I have a backup phone that I can use in uh in situations like this but uh I'm very relieved and uh let's go let's go find some way to celebrate look what I just stumbled upon here you see the sign there says Giant Artichoke and you can see this building has a Giant Artichoke in it looks like it is a restaurant as well as a produce stand look at this they have these giant pieces of fruit which hold uh other fruit you can see it's giant pear here is full of pumpkins and apparently apparently you can get uh you get pumpkins in California in uh in March oh yeah look at this banana holder here next to the bananas see the giant avocado there in a giant pineapple apparently we just passed through Castroville which is the Artichoke Capital of the world it's a little bit a little bit rainy out here but I wanted to stop and visit one of my favorite places in this part of California we are here at the Santa Cruz boardwalk so so happy that my phone situation has been resolved that I'm I'm going to the Santa Cruz boardwalk yes despite the rain despite the weather despite the wind the boardwalk is open it's actually uh not all the rides are open it's kind of running at a at a lower capacity but but I'm so happy to be here no one's really on the beach today see we got some rough Seas out there it's a lot of Driftwood out there on the beach that it's been washed up during the storms now during the busy season there's three dark rides here on the Santa Cruz boardwalk only one of them is open today but it's a good one we have the haunted castle Dark Ride yeah let's let's go ahead and uh hop aboard look at this hardly hardly any line at all [Music] you can see the creaky door there something something evil lying behind that door and look at this our chariot awaits oh what a dart and spooky ride we're about to go on all right climb aboard here only on skeleton peeking at us as we board our vehicle here we go in to the darkness [Music] oh it's very dark very dark in here oh see that ghost slurking above us oh Thunder [Music] I worked like corkscrewing down under Under the Boardwalk these ghosts here oh [Applause] the messenger Dodger ah his face turned oh oh gosh into the spooky dungeon here you can see the wine cellar ghost Strunk on rum oh that's spooky into the King's Kitchen here today rabbit still sir oh that's not a rabbit it's a giant rat see all the oh gosh okay that scared me for real how do you get to the dining hall the dining hall here oh my gosh let's see yeah skeletons skeletons holding holding food fireplace oh the devil there blowing hot air on me [Music] where are we now in the woods oh see as an alligator right there oh look at that put it up to us that was a really cool that's a really cool effect I love that oh she liked it looks like the Cheshire Cat coming up ah swamp monster oh man I love this dark this is like top level Dark Ride oh like a plant zombie [Applause] I was like doing a grave well guys being buried alive he said let me out [Applause] oh spooky guy there [Music] trying to wreck I can't see [Applause] skeleton there holding his head oh you can see there's a giant Guillotine on the door here there's the Executioner there's the guillotine oh oh what a great finale oh so bright back here on the board on the boardwalk oh so good this is such a wonderful and underrated Dark Ride I think we're gonna I think I'm gonna go through again now that I've kind of got my bearings maybe I can try to give a little bit of a closer look here we go again oh bye Mr skeleton we're uh heading back down to the dungeon [Music] Thunder lights up the ghosts and the track is actually spiraling downward in to a Subterranean area below the boardwalk we go it says engine right there he's the skeletons and this guy's a cool effect quite his face his face turns into a ghoul face go past these skeletons that screams at us to the Royal Wine Cellar [Applause] [Music] rotating wine glass pouring itself there into the King's Kitchen the rats scare us this is today rabbit stew but not a rabbit we have a massive rat oh this is so good is the Royal Banquet Hall here we'll look at the other side of the oh that night there yeah skull and the salad there [Music] you can see a talking bust of the king there and sends us into the fireplace which is actually dispel because there's demons and uh then from there into the spooky Forest you see that alligator and then he travels on the boardwalk there it's a great effect and I think a spider jumps out there yeah there we go let me see I think there is a swamp monster there oh I love this wild monster [Music] and uh what's gonna what's jumping next you guys remember okay that the plant zombie and scene over here saw the lightning there's like yeah I got these guys burying someone is alive there oh you see there's like a normal person being buried there and there's the giant rat s oh it says the guillotine awaits us he's already had his head cut off you can see the Executioner right there and the giant Guillotine above our heads then blast big glass T if we get back on the boardwalk you can see that The Sky Ride is actually currently not operating but we do have a caveman who's uh stuck up there dangling above the boardwalk do you have a small handful of people out there on the beach enjoying the uh enjoying the water and the sand definitely not feeling like riding the fireball today see them being twirled and swung simultaneously yeah screams this big wooden roller coaster they have here on a boardwalk they call this the giant Dipper you can see the cars ascending the hill there and uh here they go over the edge actually over here past the giant Dipper and under the log flume there is an old bridge you can walk across yeah check out this Old Bridge here this was used in the film The Lost Boys that was filmed over here by the boardwalk and in the film The Vampires would actually hang off the bottom of this bridge actually I don't know if we can walk on this I don't know if this is a if this is a good idea they're pretty big pretty big gaps in that bridge so I'd say for safety's sake we won't go any further than that we can look out into uh into the ocean there if we walk back under the giant depress see a mural there people enjoying themselves on the boardwalk let's see how this mural different children on the carousel there oh look at that look at that clown face there though in the middle next to the giant Denver they have the Dipper Diner and look at there on the sign you can see all the food riding a roller coaster there's a burger and a soda in front there's a whole uncooked fish I don't know if they serve that here and in the back looks like we've got some french fries a hot dog and a baked potato it's a gift shop here the Octopus's Garden if you see inside they actually have a replica of the Giant Dipper there you can see the little roller coaster cars there as it goes along the track and indoors here we have the Loof carousel [Music] quite a uh spectacular carousel there this is one thing that makes this Carousel unique to have a the Rings here and uh the the writers grab the Rings as they go by and the goal is to get the brass ring usually you get a fry is like a uh a free ride or something like that and there's that clown face that we saw on the mural I guess I guess that's where he uh that's where he came from all right let's catch us a brass ring which one of these horses looks like it could uh could a leap high enough to grab that ring all right this looks like a fine Steed here here we go see all these horses have the real hair tails on them I don't know if that's real horse hair or not but uh they're trying to grab us a fresh ring here in uh in a second [Music] all right see if I can hook it as I go by all right that's not that's not brass okay so I guess how it works is you try to grab the ring there and then you throw them at the clown as you uh as you go by I guess if you don't get the brass ring those were uh steel rings so you take the steel rings and you throw them at the clown there oh I almost tore my finger off all right all right brassering here we go steel you can have a clown this ads this adds a definite level of intensity to a Carousel Ride oh look he's going he's going crazy I got someone oh okay I think I know I think I got this this is a this is a little different than I'm familiar with I think you're supposed to get it you get the ring here and then you're trying to throw it in his mouth hole all right that's really hard I don't know if I could uh if I could do that so let's try it this time we're gonna try to get it right in his mouth I'm gonna take the ring and throw it oh dang it you gotta take some serious Precision there to be able to get that little ring in his oh and his big mouth okay I'm gonna hold it this time and I'm gonna wait till I come around and I'm gonna get it in his mouth this time since I already have the ring to throw in his mouth come on clown dang it yeah someone actually got it in I saw his his eyes were like lighting up with someone tossing in his mouth I've never seen a carousel quite like this this is really impressive oh wait wait wait wait wait wait as we're slowing down I grabbed one one last ring dang it oh man look how look how much grease I have on my hands from grabbing Rings gross you have this caveman selfie spot sitting here on this uh bench made out of surfboards now normally uh during the busy season they have the cave train open which is one of the best dark rides in existence it's deemed after the cavemen like this one here so unfortunately we can't ride the cave train today I was fingers crossed hoping the cave train was going to be open but we'll just have to hang out with uh with this spare cave man sitting on the boardwalk and in addition to the dark rides they do have a walk through haunt here the Fright walk Under the Boardwalk so uh since we're here we might as well uh head through here and uh get a little get a little terrified all right heading in one of these super spooky here see ya figure riding a a skeleton carousel horse that's pretty spooky and then oh my gosh just a baby baby head rotating there some spooky stuff I don't actually have a Fiji mermaid in the cabinet and a monkey's paw oh man we're all loaded up on spooky artifacts but uh okay okay as we head downward no scares no scares on stairs right we're headed deep deep Under the Boardwalk oh my gosh it's flashing lights here hello oh what's that okay okay [Music] what's that you can see a skeleton skele super spooky skeleton down there into this oh geez electricity electricity okay into the uh this black light room which uh which one is it is it is it this one oh geez I don't know which way to [Music] oh who are you even [Music] there's a final door here oh geez okay that's just a mirror oh jeez okay okay was it was it this one it's so dark in here hello oh no we're back we're back in the same room okay so it's not that one it's not that one I don't think it's these it must be this one with the scream hello oh that's gonna jump that's a jump scare I was right that's a tough scare okay all right oh there's an arcade little arcade there World Arcade uh arcade machine they're using the face and it's blasting me with uh compressed air that's really unique the haunted yeah okay there's some spooky clowns in there okay oh so many skeletons in this tunnel Cooper spooky skeletons I don't know if any of these jump who are you there buddy I didn't think he would move oh yeah oh that Witch is laughing at me oh you're spooky all right entered a haul of mirrors of sorts here oh man hate Halls of mirrors oh geez I jump scared myself switch or troll or something hey which way do we where do we go from here I think we're going this way skull face down there that got me that was that was scary look at the fish man there Fishman fishmen are ruthless oh there's some Fiji Fiji mermaids in there wow what's that oh my gosh gosh I'm rambling of some sort in there through uh oh look at this Vortex tunnel oh this is very disorientating [Music] sad clown faces oh look at that something moving in there [Music] oh gosh there's a Clown Room see the big rotating rotating clown head right there oh my gosh oh there's a little clown behind us as well and all these horriflying Taxidermy clowns a big giant head right there I feel like something's going to explode oh my gosh oh you freaking clowns goodbye goodbye to you clouds oh my gosh are we we're going upstairs no skiers on stairs we make our way out [Music] that the werewolf oh the werewolf oh my gosh oh my gosh oh what's that is that a clown up there [Laughter] jeez oh my gosh and there we go thank you you too that was scary that's scary walking through walking through a haunt on your own is is scarier than when you have friends and uh yeah got my blood pumping though man that's a little preview of hot season right there here under the uh calling on I'm gonna go say uh say hello to one of my dear friends and here outside of Neptune's Kingdom arcade there she is it's laughing Sal what are you doing laughing Sal good to see good to see you're still laughing like damn I just started out on the wrong foot it may have been a little uh upset and anxious this morning but it's impossible it's impossible to uh to have a frown on your face with laughing Sal is around she bathes me in in the sound of her laugh I can't do anything but smile this t-shirt here are some awesome t-shirt designs we've got the giant Dipper there the cave train all the different cavemen there you can have a haunted castle shirt the sad thing is none of these shirts fit me the hot the largest to have them is 2x so maybe this is motivation to lose some weight so I can come back and buy these T-shirts from the Santa Cruz boardwalk they even have a laughing Sal shirt which is amazing unfortunately it looks like the last Excel shirt's actually popular they only have three Smalls and an extra large left here at the boardwalk I should definitely take the opportunity to take a stroll along the beach thing about Crocs on the beach is the sand does get in uh in the holes yeah you can definitely see down here there's a lot of a lot of Driftwood on the beach I think normally they do have some Driftwood as my understanding it was quite a bit brought in uh with the the recent storms oh see it's dark and stormy the Mist you can see that uh beautiful Boardwalk over there definitely love this place this is an amazing place even on a stormy cloudy day I love the Santa Cruz Boardwalk [Music] a mermaid photo op here on the back side see the man has taken the mermaid which he presumably caught with his fishing pole and uh and I guess that's her her father her the big father I bring my daughter back truly one of my favorite places on the west coast the Santa Cruz boardwalk it's time to head back to the hotel room in Monterey and fingers crossed let's hope the power's back on and we are in luck got back to the hotel and the power is back on before I lay down and get some rest here in this hotel room which has power I'm really excited that uh I came back I was expecting the power to still be out I just had a feeling the power was going to be out but uh yeah today was it was I'm not gonna lie I got super stressed about uh about the phone situation I I have a tendency to in my head go to a worst case scenario so I thought I had no phone I thought I was stranded I thought I had no way of getting in touch with anyone I had no way of navigating I'm like well this was fun now uh now everything is over but as I pull myself back in I become more realistic I realize that you know there's usually a solution to uh to these issues even if even if it's stressful even if it takes a little bit but uh got our got the phone situation situated and then uh even got a chance to go out to the Santa Cruz boardwalk one of my favorite places on the West Coast so tomorrow we'll be departing Monterey um I got some ideas on I read your suggestions I got some ideas on uh some things I want to want to see in the upcoming weeks and then um at some point I I I'm going to I'm going to need to go home I I'm gonna need to start heading east back across across this country so uh thank you guys so much uh if you like these videos please subscribe again I travel uh across the country filming roadside attractions amusement parks museums haunted houses and other fun stuff if you'd like to support the channel other ways consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month from me to you also selling enamel pins and Etsy shop as well as I'm now on Cameo I can do special personalized Greetings or messages birthday wishes anniversary wishes or just fun messages all the information is in the description and uh until next time this one's in the back
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 41,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, jacob, vlog, travel, road trip, roadtrip, fun, roadside attraction, roadside america, americana, california, ca, santa cruz, verizon, phone, cell phone, smart phone, travel issues, caveman, fiberglass, dark, dark ride, animatronics, spooky, scary, haunted house, haunt, under the boardwalk
Id: k3EYVfy-FA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 11sec (2651 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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