More Than Just Great Powder Coated Bullets - Non Stick Foil Vs Parchment Paper & Pickett's Charge

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so shooters and reloaders out there a fortune cookie 45 else a command given hot LED zone and good morning to all of you out there now what we have here is these fine bullets that are four five nine diameter 500 drains cast from a n OE mold powder coated mold so these bullets are useless without powder coating what I have here are all the good ones and the best rejects are in there and I save these rejects for a reason because we're dad tests the powder coating with them and also use them for fouling shots and zeroing and this kind of thing so don't throw your your good rejects away the bad ones of course need to go back in the casting pot but the good rejects have usefulness and what we're gonna do is test this powder Eastwood aqua it is the aqua blue hot coat should be a nice powder but again we can't anticipate and get disappointed in this kind of thing we'll see how this works but also we're gonna test the use of nonstick aluminum foil and parchment paper now this is made by the fine Reynolds company and unfortunately it's fairly expensive like it's $5 for this and they use recycled paper goodness recycled paper and then it's parchment paper and it's $5 for this box must be coated with gold or something now I recommend if you're gonna go ahead and if the test is good on parchment paper you might want to get it from Kirkland or something like that but this nonstick foil food lifts right off well for 50 for this again must have gold in there because this whole oven only cost $20 you trying to tell me that this is worth half the oven goodness well one thing bill is is guaranteed it says guarantee our unconditional guarantee so guess what if the powder coat doesn't work well with this parchment paper then I can go back and complain right ha well you shall see so right now I'm cleaning the bird yellow out of my bowl here the vibratory tumbler bowl and I'm wearing my respirator this is a little mask just to keep it from getting into the nose and doing it over some regular kin file so we can pour it back into the bag a warning label says if you inhale this powder get to fresh air and me do the directions say that the nonstick foil you got used a dull side that's the nonstick side if you use a shiny side you don't get any nonstick so it's the dull side and then there's a parchment paper and notice I cut it to fit perfectly and that's because the doggone stuff is made out of gold so shooters and readers out there this came out of the oven and I let it cool and showing you now this was on the nonstick foil on its side I think that's where it was lying on its side let's show you another one now bear in mind that there are some these are reject bullets but looks like right there four is where I was lying my side right there once again this is in daylight trying to see where there it is that little defect right there that's where it was lying on side right there a bear in mind that these are heavy so if they're gonna have a problem these will do it and here's the other one there it is that's where it was lying on site on a nonstick foil and when it's in a different angle you hardly even see it look at the noses again these are reject bullets so there's going to be some wrinkles in and now these four were standing on their end so let's kick them off a nonstick foil and you see it doesn't stick so I guess the nonstick means nonstick so these were standing on their end and notice we got clumped there I was afraid to shake it too hard cause it didn't look like we were gonna get good coverage so I kind of left that clump on there but no we can shake it and get those clumps off and notice you didn't see those little irregularities because what we have here is a powder that when it melts at 400 it actually flows and gets rid of the little the little tongue marks and all that kind of thing so the Aqua is a one coat and done and that's what we like now the parchment paper will take the five they are lying on their side and there's no sticking at all in the parchment paper Oh you got a little bit of sticking together the bullets here so these these five were lying on their side and those are on their bases we'll look at the ones lying on their side first so right there it looks like right there is the mark of the slug lying on its side and right there is where it was touching one of the other slugs we'll put this one to get another one there that's where it was lying on its side in contact with the parchment paper so this is the result that Elvis got with parchment paper and there it is right there I think a nonstick foil actually did better we compare that with nonstick foil and that looks pretty good there's a defect in the slug that made it a reject look at another one here's example number three aha that was where was touching on the other slugs there it is that is the mark at 90 degrees - where was touching the other slug that's the mark left by the parchment paper parchment paper is more expensive than the nonstick foil and a nonstick foil you get more out of three we just looked at and now here's the fourth one there it is right there now that one came out pretty nice maybe I had less powder on that one and so it didn't cause any kind of problem on the contact so now here's the last one that might be it so the parchment paper did real well maybe not quite as well as nonstick foil but we got some good solutions here so finally these were on their bases and there is no blemish caused by contact on the bases with the parchment paper so aha some of those tongue marks actually did come through and not and not get covered but you know what that's still pretty good result the base up is I can't go wrong so when it flowed now I wonder if some of that bird yellow got on there and if that's the case that's what explains some of those little speckles but you know what that doesn't look bad either I might even encourage that but that looks pretty good well there they are coming on the oven in hey those look good or not so shooters and real odors out there notice this nice effect we got a little bit of bird yellow mixed in there and it's it's actually in there I mean you can't rub that up that's part of the powder coat and it's kind of a nice effect well how did that happen and I just figured it out so I'm doing some periwinkle grey now and here's how you get that effect doing some color changes here so there's some powder of other colors left there so what you do is you take your periwinkle gray and you come over here to where you have some bird yellow left and you just roll it in there and it picks up a little bit of that bird yellow like that then when we put it in the oven we should get a nice effect let's see what happens you know I don't think we ever get tired of taking these things on the oven but look at how nice that yellow streaking looks in there now I'm sure some of you out there have done this before but this might be the first time we've gotten posted video on doing these color effects let that go Hey look monstrously better and notice I did a couple them and have the Aqua stick in there performing like that you can do a hint or you can do a heavy and it goes in deep so what do you think about the output the Virginians of Pickett's division well what this is is Pickett's Charge Battle of Gettysburg 1863 three Confederate brigades under brigadier General's Kemper on the left and Garnett on the right and Lewis Armistead in the center in support and Armistead and Garnett are doing oblique to try and confuse the Union defenders shooters and reloaders fortune cookie forty-five elves T coming to for the hot lead zone and see you next video bye for now
Channel: FortuneCookie45LC
Views: 25,417
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: NOE HTC 459 500 SP Mold, Eastwood Aqua Blue powder coat, Eastwood Periwinkle Gray powder coat, Non - stick foil, parchment paper, Pickett's Charge
Id: 9DvCZCs0Ky8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2017
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