More Power Puller + A Homestead Helper | Wranglerstar

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how many of you have one of these are you impressed with it yeah not so much I have something that you will be impressed with few weeks back I got a phone call from a friend of mine I'm gonna call him Jay he likes to remain anonymous he said I found a product that I've been using logging my property you you've got to have you got to do a video on this it's so great I so yeah what's that he said you have a pole or a poles all I said oh yeah I've got lots of those he said yeah but you don't have one like this and man was he right contacted the company and asked him to send out a couple and just got done using them on a real tough job and I want to tell ya I'm really impressed I'll go into the details we'll get into the nitty-gritty of these but first off let me take you out and show you how I put these two more power pullers to the test so to test our more power pullers I've got them both set up there on my trailer I've got one with the extension handle one with a normal handle and we've got these two big Doug firs here that I bucked up that are windfall that will be used in the further rafters for the timber framing in addition to that I need a chunk for my anvil stand and I think that might be an option too so I've got the old Jeep hood there that I used for skidding the ramp so I'll be pulling uphill slightly but we'll we'll see how they perform because these logs right here are really green and they're really heavy so we'll use our PV here to get these up into position these logs are very very heavy yeah even with this lever I'm not really succeeding it budging this too much now a little bit I guess okay it's gonna hit my ramp so I gotta change its its trajectory a bit so the old the old car hood or truck hood works good for skidding logs if you can get the log up on it so this rigging system works pretty good just hook your chain there if you don't have a choker hook a chain as tight as you can and then run your second chain punch a hole in your hood yeah you can see that that'll slide now get that log up there now we can hook this directly to our yarding line one of the wonderful things about the more power polar is delinked of how much rope you have you know you've got what almost 40 feet I pulled out too much there that really makes a big difference because I've kind of got a slope here I'm gonna use the block to kind of redirect the cable this is a really helpful technique if you need to change direction when you're pulling with any type of a winch now our timbre is well up on the trailer we can remove the block because the hook is running up to it there we run out a rope we just leave it there and continue pulling the rest of the way we're all the way up to our drum so we'll take the pressure off really delightful working with this blue poly rope or this blue synthetic rope so much nicer than cable first time I've ever used it now we can just eliminate our comes out so easy to just eliminate RF short chain there and we'll just pull directly on the choker to release tension and the more power puller is really simple you've got two levers you got this one and this one when you take the handle all the way down it automatically triggers and holds that one open so that leaves you with just one hand to operate the second one so we'll disconnect this roll it off of our Jeep hood and then go get number two it's a chance of destroying my Fender see very high huh there it's nice one down one to go this is real logging I don't care what anyone says just because you're not using it for a million-dollar piece of equipment doesn't mean that you're not a logger this is actually closer to the true spirit of logging then using a machine what does that I've no five machine I'd use it I guarantee I wouldn't be out here with this I don't have a machine and you probably don't either so we still need to do some logging you still need to bring our timber in so this is a mechanical device a tool now all of us could afford and that we can use to harvest our material harvest our timber I've been waiting to use these more power pullers for quite a while here I've had them for a couple weeks and Dan I'm glad I like to use stuff before I review it so I know for sure this has subtleties but one thing it's a really been a nice benefit is this pulley here with a big hook it fits over lots of stuff to build redirect it saves you from buying another block and you could just it has so many purposes when I look at this timber on a trailer it reminds me how little things have changed I remember a poem written over a thousand years ago by Ulysses that goes something like I am the beam that holds your house the board of your table the bed of which you lie the timber that builds your boat I am the handle of your hole I'm the door of your homestead the wood of your cradle and the shell of your coffin still appropriate today after a thousand years we are loaded that's real logging there guys that's no joke that's that's a real problem trying to figure out how to get something that heavy up on a trailer incredible what you can do with a little tool like that just ingenious developed what over a hundred years ago or at or near 100 years ago and still trucking along pretty amazing so not we're not done with the yet though let's take it back in I'll show you how to use this more power polar to simply and carefully and safely unload these big behemoth [Music] it's I don't know [Music]
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 1,987,813
Rating: 4.6955671 out of 5
Keywords: more power puller, come a long, winch, warn winch, ramsey winch, The Wyeth-Scott Company, manual winch, hoist, pulzall, pulz-all, 4x4, wranglerstar, Jeep, moab, rubicon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 27 2015
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