More Nice Guys From Reddit - Intrusive Grad School Nice Guy

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hey everyone my name is Walter and I'm back here today to talk about nice guys nice guys are those guys who talk about a nice there and think the world is out to get them for it we're calling people out on it now thanks to the Internet but this is not a new thing my mom even had a story from when she was young she just didn't know it was a thing it would be easy to just think it was one weird guy obsessed with being nice back then but no this is a fairly common stereotype you don't have to take my word for it though let's get started with more nice guys from reddit I think starting with posts has been pretty good so let's keep it up these posts are from reddit nice guys staring confused to the wall intensifies Jessica I know you're talking to Adam but he's just a jerk I will do all I can for you you're my princess and I'll be your prince just give it a go after class tomorrow I'll give you a present which I've prepared please stop this is just weird cries in a corner well I'm still your prince in my dreams I will treat you right and cuddle with you unlike Adam who just wants to put his [ __ ] in you dumb young lady you are think twice or take the path to doom builds up courage to speak my mind well I think start sweating again someone actually asked about creepy PMS the other day I think I could do that if people want it's really hard to monetize but I definitely owe my viewers some videos that aren't in my best interest let me hear it if you want creepy PMS you don't owe me anything it's just the freakin thought that I felt like you freaking stood me up I literally bought condoms and fresh tup for you twice [ __ ] twice I feel like I wasted my time and that there was no point in even swiping right on me and if it went down so badly why is it that you're trying to push me away because I feel like you're running out of valid options to back yourself up I felt stood up when I was willing to go the extra mile for you because you were just throwing yourself out there like an animate object and I didn't want some crazy psychopath trying to drugged you and [ __ ] people for [ __ ] nuts and will take advantage of you for everything he starts this by saying you don't owe me anything and then spends the entire post trying to convince her that she does in fact I owe him sex like there's no way he read this message after typing it anyone would have noticed this gentleman not only bought condoms but he cleaned himself twice a mighty accomplishment for him apparently and I like how he says she's running out of valid options she doesn't need an excuse not to sleep with you he was blocked at had to make a second account to send this by the way guy a treats girl like a princess holds the door open and has a stable stem job guy B is a deadbeat DJ has tattoos insults and ignores girl how come girl chooses guy B I'm guessing it's a combination of him being more interesting and the fact that he didn't post this if I died not a single person would care or be affected people would hear and just shrug their shoulders and say oh well I'm sure it would make most people including you very happy if I died everyone keeps telling me how great I am but yet they never want anything to do with me people apparently just want [ __ ] as friends I try to be nice and I'm constantly spat on everyone will completely forget about me soon enough I hate to sound like leafy but this is a [ __ ] 40 year old man talking to a teenager I think that's about all I need to say about it hey Blanc I know I said it before but I just wanted to let you know that I still feel terrible for all the anger issues I had during our relationship I know it never went too far and I know you said you were never scared but I should have never thrown things or hurt you the way I did you don't have to respond or anything just want to get it off my chest just don't want it to lead to a me-too thing 15 years from now where I get exposed or something yeah you don't have to respond or anything just don't tell anyone about my Tantrums anyway let's get to today's story this story comes to us from reddit nice guy stories the place where you two can leave any stories you have related to nice guys guy misunderstood inappropriate for being friendly sorry for the formatting I'm on mobile I have never really met a nice guy before until I entered grad school and boy am i shook to this day this happened about two years ago bear with me cuz this may be a long story this guy a is the first classmate I met so I thought it would be nice to ask him about the assignment briefing that I'd missed out he basically briefed me about it over lunch in school and I thought oh cool first friend in grad school tight well it wasn't cool it was the beginning of in true of questioning about my relationship very soon after our conversation about assignments ended he persistently asked me about my relationship and over share his past relationship at that time I hadn't thought of him as a creepy dude but definitely coming off weird to me he started telling me about his working holiday experience in Aussie how he had been involved in the rehabilitation of military personnel and social services then he sort of low-key boasting to me about his ability to finance himself in grad school bought a car and still had no luck in relationships he asked me questions like what's the perfect date night for me and I answered him in a way that's stopping him from asking questions like these without coming off route eg perfect date nights for me is spending quality time with my boyfriend then he moved on to how he had a girlfriend and she just disappeared or passed away that wasn't sure if he's serious or did I hear it right but I did not want to find out more because it all happened within the first day I know him he asks all this the first day he meets her does he really think women are so stupid they're not going to notice his intentions when he makes them this obvious plus it just sounds really annoying I felt uncomfortable so I made up an excuse to go back home it was too weird that I had to call my boyfriend it spilled the tea man I thought that was the end of it since I did not want to spend any time alone with this dude anymore so when I saw him in the next class I thought sitting further away would avoid more awkward conversation but he came by and said hi asked me more uncomfortable questions about my relationship like how is you and your boyfriend still together again I'm not a very confrontational person so I tried answering him politely that my boyfriend and I are very much happily together thank you for asking he's not getting any hints at all there came a point where I made new friends in the class and they would help me get out of his desperate questions or just any awkward conversation one day I decided I had had enough and told him off through texting him about how uncomfortable I was with his questions about my personal life and overall interactions I didn't want to criticize more though part of me really wanted to call him a nice guy he did not take it too well as he thought he was being friendly he didn't talk to me ever since and after a year when a new batch of students joined our class apparently he pulled the same [ __ ] with another girl be an over shared his personal life and asked a bunch of intrusive questions that made her uncomfortable he also told be that one of our classmates C came off too fierce when she is very outspoken an assertive which is why he can never work well with her by the way a and C were in a class for an assignment before we swapped teammates C told me that a made a sexually inappropriate joke during one of the presentations and the vibe got really awkward after that during one of the classes we took later on we had mock interviews with one another he was appointed as one of the interviewers among others we interviewed B and asked relevant questions about experience yada-yada-yada and when it's a's turn he asked [ __ ] like are you married have you been sexually harassed before in your previous company what could he possibly think the professional purpose of that question is i know there is none this is the kind of thing that could land him in someone's me too story we were not expecting these questions and everyone looked stumped professor was a dude and he was just as dumbfounded as everyone else we thought we heard it wrong and c just blurted out well not anymore considering what you asked is extremely unprofessional and can be considered as sexual harassment be chimed in and said that was utterly stupid for him to behave as such and our professor told him to keep quiet if he doesn't have any smart thing to say that was the last semester and honestly i regretted so much for not taking the chance to tell him that he needs help oh did i mention that he's 28 I was naive to think that a 28 year old in grad school should be decent enough to know his boundary boy am I wrong bonus point he told B he needed time to heal because b rejecting his advances because he's a nice guy that constantly getting rejected for being friendly s mhm be rejected his gift that he claimed it's a gesture of friendship he gave her chocolates on Valentine's Day and he said he needed time to recover and heal are you [ __ ] kidding me chocolates on Valentine's Day is a gesture of friendship and this guy's 28 that part is hard to believe but I love how the author waited until the end to tell us because I was definitely picturing a much younger guy now I feel even less sorry for him okay let's read a few more posts and then I'll wrap this video up hey by the way you're a [ __ ] for saying that I wanted love not [ __ ] don't be such an idiot if I wanted [ __ ] I wouldn't ask someone to date me that lives 1,300 miles away I'm not your ex you little [ __ ] maybe you go spread your legs for a psycho again he wanted love not [ __ ] this reminds me of one of my old favorites so I went and looked it up let's read it I worked with a guy who confessed he was in love with me I made it clear that I wasn't interested but still wanted to remain friends but I did stop hanging out with him alone he'd made several of these declarations and during one memorable shift he cried and said I'm not trying to get into your pants I just want to get into your heart cringe I was also pissed because I made my feelings clear and he wouldn't let it go I loved him as a friend and I saw all this as him ruining that friendship that line is one of the most memorable things I've covered for some reason well I just want to say that you're absolutely gorgeous like beautiful and I wanted to know if you're down to talk and see if we vibe together cuz you seem like a really chill female that I would want to get to know and if you like me we could possibly date I see a ugly-ass [ __ ] do these guys not feel like it makes them look like a [ __ ] when they call someone ugly one message after calling them gorgeous either a [ __ ] or desperate I guess you seem like a really chill female he says don't use that line one more post for a long time now I've been looking for a girlfriend but as time goes on I've been really just stopping I don't worry about it and do my own thing I'm an independent dude my game work sleep and listen to music and sing and I really love to make ya'll laugh on here but as I go on I realized through every encounter with a girl on messenger yeah they like me yeah I'm attractive but it doesn't last for a day texting goes nowhere the relationship goes nowhere they say all guys are the same and you'd be mistaken I'm not every other guy I'm a nice guy very different from the rest I don't use a girl just to [ __ ] and then leave that's not my style I get attached easily I'm an emotional guy I have feelings I put too much emotion and heart into a girl and then I find out they don't want me or they want someone else so I've come to a conclusion that in this day and age dating is a hard thing to come by women are hard to read they're strange to me emotionally because I don't know how a woman feels how they think what they want if they like me I might be hot but I'm not that smart of a guy but yeah that's how I feel for real about the whole getting attached really easily can be an issue a lot of the guys we cover here and on dating Hill will just lose their mind after a first date or even a first conversation but it's really unattractive to do that so you have to try not to anyway it's about all the time I hope for you today thanks for watching everyone if you liked the video please leave a like if you have something to say definitely let me hear it in the comments the algorithm Alixe engage Mandor so I keep hearing if you're new here and want to see all my content from now on consider subscribing because I'm going to be making a lot of videos in the upcoming months I was finally able to hit 10,000 subscribers again and I'm still trying to come up with some sort of a special to celebrate what else we will be covering cake puncher part 3 soon and also I got a lot of requests to cover coal Carini the insel wannabe bomber who blew off his hand so we'll be talking about that soon too big thanks also to my generous patrons who let me cover questionable content at least YouTube doesn't like to monetize it all the time and thanks to new patron MDB 3000 the support means a lot and really helps out I think that's about everything have a great day everyone and if you're going to be nice try to show it with your actions that are just talking about it all the time
Channel: Fatal Walter
Views: 16,223
Rating: 4.9709244 out of 5
Keywords: nice guys, reddit, r/, r/askwomen, r/askreddit, subreddit, r/niceguys, r/niceguystories, best of reddit, reddit top posts, dramatic reading, walter fate, fatal walter, dating, reddit stories, fedora, m'lady, predator, creep, neckbeard, cringe, reddit nice guys, college, grad school
Id: sYlAgJyRWlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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