Awful Dates From r/DatingHell

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hey everyone my name's walter and i'm back here to bring you more stories from reddit we cover horrible dates a lot even when it's not the theme of the video we just had one in the last video but today we'll specifically be going to reddit dating hell don't let that bad date go to waste share all your cringy nasty gut-busting dating stories so yeah i'm hardly an expert on dates but at the stories appearing here it should be pretty easy to see what's wrong with it we might see some complaining about exes we might see some expected kissing at the end of an awkward date we'll see let's just get into it with awful dates from reddit dating hell i would cover this subreddit more often but people have been dating less with quarantine and everything at least that's what i'm assuming i did not see that coming this was four years ago so i don't remember all the details of the date leading up to the room anyway i had just moved to new york city and was all about that new experiences and dating scene super excited because i was finally over 21 and in decent shape so one night on a tinder date this happened met up with the guy not super attracted to him or anything but i was just really into meeting new people and grabbing drinks or whatever he ended up picking this hotel lobby bar in the middle of nowhere manhattan and couldn't have been any more boring after two drinks i suggested we walk around or hang out at his place since i was starting to feel mad awkward in this brightly lit small bar in the middle of a crappy bright white hotel lobby it was not the kind of place you sit and talk anyway we walked around a bit still no conversation i could even remotely remember and i wanted to go leave but i didn't want to go home early and be bored the rest of the night so i said your place i was really casual about it and in no way was insinuating sexy times or anything he didn't seem to take it that way either which was good we get there and there are what appear to be collector showcase things you've seen in grandparents homes usually filled with glass sculptures or tchotchkes everywhere and they were full of kids meal toys old ones okay little weird but i'm pretty open-minded and i'm into some unpopular fandoms and whatnot so whatever he's giving me the tour when we get to his bedroom [ __ ] giant metal nazi eagle was swastika mounted above his bed creepy line drawing right under it small mounted shelves filled with even more kids meals twice against a large white wall and on either side of the bed he had mounted toilet paper holders slash rolls and a cup holder from gosh knows where queen-sized bed everything was white i grew up culturally jewish so the giant swastika above the bed was enough for me but i had to ask he explained that he collected things clearly but why that i very cautiously nope the fudge out of there but not before snapping a picture of the place in case anyone ever doubted this nonsense we'll link pick if anyone's curious wasn't sure if there's a subreddit for those kind of picks oh there is a subreddit for everything so we do have the picture and it's amazing let's look at it oh man i am going to be up eyes wide open at 2am wondering why the hell that toilet paper's there given the rest of the apartment i don't doubt that he's a collector but that doesn't really make it less weird to mount the swastika above your bed and i would expect anyone to realize that maybe they shouldn't bring a woman back to their place to see it we're mostly covering that story because the picture's cracking me up this next one is a more typical problem guy wants to say he loves me after our third time hanging out tldr so this happened a couple months ago but i wanted to hear people's perspectives on it because it still bothers me yeah a tldr or too long didn't read is supposed to be a summary of the story but that's okay some background i met this guy through mutual friends in 2018 i wanted to be friends with him but my friend insisted we get together one night his friends were over and we were drinking we shared a kiss but that was pretty much it he told my friend he thought i was pretty another night i had come back from going out and was texting him trying to hook up this was around february of that year he was on board and when i got home i sent him another message he didn't open my snapchat message for two months i'd never seen anything like it finally around april he opened it and our friends got together he apologized for ghosting me but by then i had forgot about it i wasn't mad or hurt i thought it was kind of funny fast forward to this fall we were in the same class college and we were kind of friendly sometimes i would send him test reviews unprompted and help him with assignments just acquaintance stuff my friends and i were going out one night to this bar for a fundraiser he said we could pre-game at his place before which was actually just sitting around playing uno but nonetheless it was fun i wanted to hook up with him this night because a couple weeks before i had just ended a three-year friends with benefits relationship all i wanted was to just mindlessly hook up that night we ended up hooking up at the bar and then i went to his place after the next morning i woke up to him surprised to see me in his bed the first thing he said to me was wow i was surprised he'd still be here i asked him why and he said because i ghosted you a year ago it was kind of strange just because i had long forgotten about it but also because i couldn't understand why he would think i would do that considering i spent the night with him we started talking for a couple weeks i'm not sure if i liked him or not but started to like his company we had similar sense of humor and could balance off each other well he was open and honest and said that he liked me but i couldn't return his feelings right away it was kind of fast for me and he didn't allow me a lot of time to catch up then he started to get kind of annoying since we had class together he would always be there before me every time i walked in he would moon at me with big dopey eyes and it would always make me uncomfortable i'm really not into pda so this was kind of a lot for me especially in a public place like class i would start wearing sunglasses because i didn't want to look at him when i walked in when we would hang out he would be too affectionate he'd always compliment me excessively and it would rub me the wrong way because i find excessive compliments fake and not genuine the compliments would range from him calling me pretty or beautiful and it felt like i was receiving an instagram dm rather he was coming on way too strong and it turned me off i would talk to my friends about it and they would all side with him because what girl wouldn't want this i just assumed i wasn't romantic or liked affection because i didn't want it yeah this could be a problem he's way more into her than she is into him and college students don't always handle things of the most grace in the first place anyway one day he had complimented me and said wow i would say i love you but that's too early what the [ __ ] it was so bizarre to me he basically just said he loved me in a way even though he knew it was premature i know it's not that deep but that moment always stuck with me because it was way too much i ended up saying i just wanted to be friends with him because i knew he liked me and i didn't want to lead him on of course the worst was yet to come the next time i saw him in class he acted out first of all he walks in and begins to throw my shirt at me this was a shirt i wore when we hooked up the first time but i lost it at his house and never found it he said don't leave things at my house haha and sat down at his seat i was mortified i looked around to see if anyone had noticed it it was so embarrassing for me especially since most people had gotten to class already it was in public then he got up again and he said next time there's an assignment due let me know this was his response to me telling him a day prior that an assignment due for monday was due the next week i was so angry i couldn't even pay attention in class because i was so mad for him doing this i wanted to ask my classmate if he saw what happened but i was too embarrassed to even ask i wanted to tell my friends about the incident but up until this point they were still siding with him even when i broke things off they said i leaded him on and basically he deserved better i ended up telling another friend months later i was surprised to learn that his behavior was very petty this annoyed me since i dropped it when it happened after that we remained friends even though i knew he still liked me one time he had texted me for help and after i gave it to him he said you're so important to me it was still way too much i understand that he was trying to be nice but i knew what he was doing when he said it i tried to pass it off like relax i'm not that great but he just repeated what he said i could have handled it better here but i felt like i needed to be kind of mean in order for him to take the hint thoughts on this guy's actions i'm just curious if i'm just exaggerating or if this guy was too much i internalized a lot of the relationship and thought i didn't deserve affection or a happy relationship and that i wasn't romantic well this wasn't leading him on in the first place they just both wanted different things so it wasn't going to work out he didn't really do anything wrong in the first place he was just annoying her and i can understand both points of view giving her the shirt in class however was a dick move that was only intended to embarrass her and maybe show off that he got laid guys like doing that too anyway i think we have time for another story this one might go a little long but it's a bit of a nice guy story so it's hard to pass up for me tldr regrettable date with a guy who refused to keep his hands to himself so i was on this dating app and i got matched with a guy who wasn't terrible looking let's call him john john sent me a message that was so corny and it was a play of my unique first name and i immediately was like yeah no this isn't it and responded with something sarcastic then left him on red he had started following my insta and a week or two later swiped on my story and was like i'd love to take you on a date to new york city for some god-awful reason i agreed to this because one i love new york city two free food and three he was good with a camera and i figured i'd just get some good photos out of it prior to meeting we exchanged messages and facetime to make sure he wasn't a serial killer i remember john suggesting i stay over at his brother's apartment in the city because it'd be vacant and that way we could just chill after this was red flag number one i explained how i've literally never met him before and i'm absolutely not staying overnight with him he kept insisting but finally was like okay the day came for the date and the whole train right there i was just dreading this because i knew in my brain i wasn't romantically interested in him but i was trying to convince myself to stop being so picky and that maybe it'd actually be a fun time it wasn't i get there and i'm waiting in bryant park we meet up then start walking around the city we started walking he immediately tried to put his arm around me god i wanted to run screaming for the first train home i didn't even know what to do at that point i just kind of pulled away and kept walking i forgot what we first started talking about but it led to us talking about a canada goose jackets i said how i hated the company because they use real coyote fur and they're overpriced at this jon was like well they're not that bad my brother owns one i just remember that conversation which made me dislike him even more than before why do these guys always try to put their arm around their date like they're already [ __ ] dating or something this is a first date with someone from the internet also i'm not trying to victim blame but maybe if you're sure you're going to have a bad time and have been getting red flags maybe don't agree to a date for free food she doesn't seem to be open to having a good time really we didn't have an exact plan so he wandered aimlessly and he was like let's go to an arcade they also have a bowling alley bowling on a first date is stupid and boring and i told him that but jon found this as an opportunity to boast about how he had all this money and how he'll pay for everything and anything i wanted he wasn't employed his dad was rich so him bragging about having daddy's money was just another red flag for me because if you don't have a strong work ethic and don't work for your money i'm not interested we're in the arcade and he tries paying for tickets and his card declines this was the most entertaining part of the date so far because he's trying to call his bank and assuring me that he just put 200 on it today just for me john kept saying how beautiful i was and kept grabbing me and it made me wildly uncomfortable and i asked him in a joking way why he kept doing that he replied with well i'd try to hold your hand but you keep putting them in your pockets red flag number three i just tell him we should leave the arcade and he takes me to the high line where he takes pictures of me after that we're walking and he's telling me how he's afraid of dying alone and how he just wants to love someone not sure why but that was a major turn off for me because it seemed like he was just desperate for any kind of female attention and already seems super clingy and i just went quiet after that i don't think that's just the author that sounds like a really unhealthy reason to want a relationship i ask him if we can get coffee at starbucks and lo and behold he hates coffee i drink coffee like it's going out of style and one of my favorite hobbies is going to different coffee shops so i already knew this was never going to work he gets me a coffee and here comes his arm trying to wrap around my waist again i scooch away and tell him firmly to stop touching me he looks shocked and backs off i was so mad and annoyed at this point from everything and even agreeing to go on this date that i just wanted to go home before my train we stopped at this vegan place i normally eat at and finally got back to grand central gave him a side hug and left i'd like to say this was the worst of everything but it wasn't after me clearly showing no sign of interest jon would still message me good morning every day and i told him i was interested in another guy who i met a few days after the date he couldn't fathom me not liking him and asked to explain myself i told him we had nothing in common i didn't like that he was unemployed and how i just felt there was no connection he told me he disagreed and that it was fine but a few months later i found out apparently it was not he would swipe on my insta story and say stuff about me being hypocritical about saying how i wanted to find love yet rejected him reddit nice guy he would also send passive-aggressive messages hinting how i deserved to be ghosted by the guy i started talking to after him i told him off several times and thought he had finally moved on until he sent me a snapchat four months later apologizing and saying he's still open to hook up or talk no no no no why wouldn't this guy just leave me alone i stopped answering him and since being with my boyfriend of one year he's left me alone men have read it it does not make a woman hypocritical if she wants someone who just isn't you it's like a big master stroke for these guys oh you said you wanted a relationship well you turned me down so that must not be true checkmate females well anyway this is getting kind of long let's call it a day thanks for watching everyone if you liked the video please leave a like if you have something to say about the stories or anything else i guess let me hear it in the comments if you're new here and want more i would suggest subscribing because i will be putting out more content in the near future thanks also to my awesome patrons who helped me out by giving me some extra money every month i get demonetized not constantly but sometimes it gets a little bad i'm offensive i guess i really wanted to cover at least one story about a woman being the bad date this week but i just didn't find one that i liked we'll have to try harder next time let me know if you'd like more dating hell i think people usually like these but it's harder to find stories at the moment for obvious reasons have a great day everyone and don't say i love you to me until you watch at least like four of my videos it's too soon before that
Channel: undefined
Views: 20,720
Rating: 4.9838386 out of 5
Keywords: walter fate, dating, tinder, bad dates, reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit top posts, r/datinghell, dramatic reading, neckbeards, r/, best of reddit, nice guy, r/niceguys, fatal walter, drinking, stalker, dating hell, cringe, online dating, pandemic, first date, college, quarantine
Id: 9pxP2EkqlKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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