More New Countries That Might Exist Soon (Part 2)

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this video is sponsored by Norvin since everyone really seemed to like last week's video here are more new countries that might exist soon I chose doing a little less countries but talking about them more in depth so here we go starting with one on last week's thumbnail that I didn't get to ingria now the reason I didn't include this one is because I couldn't find any substantial evidence of independence movements in the area but apparently a few websites mention it as being a possibility even if a very far and remote one located in the northwest of Russia this idealized independent states would separate itself from Russia but eventually stretch into a little bit of Finland to the north and Estonia to the west its capital would be the biggest city in the area st. Petersburg which would rob Russia of one of its historical capitals and biggest cities apparently the idea of possible independence is rooted in a historical separation of the territory from Russia at some point it seems as if during the time of the novgorod republic a medieval russian state which existed from the 12th to 15th century the leaders of Novgorod established an alliance with a Swedish this alliance was done through a marriage with a Swedish princess as a result the area of ingria was granted to the princess and ruled by swedish charles with some autonomy from the novgorod republic adding to this in the finnish ports there was a short-lived independent state called the republic of north ingria from 1919 to 1921 seceded from Bolshevik Russia after the October Revolution furthermore the Ingram's were recognized by the Soviet Union as a unique national it would be cool to see a new state emerge in this area but I don't think the Russians would be interested in losing st. Petersburg moving to America Quebec Quebec has been dealing with an independence movement for a long time some argue that the first event was the Lower Canada rebellions in 1837 where québécois revolted against the British colonial rulers my guess is that the roots are indeed in the cultural differences between it and the rest of Canada since it was colonized by the French as opposed to most of the rest of the country which was colonized by the British in fact their claims for independence are somewhat like this a unique culture a french-speaking majority of 78% and a big percentage of Roman Catholic population as opposed to the National Protestant majority the independence movements argue that the best way of preserving their identity is through independence there's also a historical justification that Quebec should be independent because of new France having been conquered by the British in 1763 it argues that the people of Quebec are descendants of a conquered people who are due their national sovereignty there were even some rumors that said they would apply to be a US state of granted independence which wouldn't make sense since their arguments for independence go against that idea so that's probably not true back to Europe Brittany in the northwest of France there's a peninsula where some of its inhabitants also want independence brittany is considered to be one of the six Celtic nations along with Cornwall Ireland the Isle of Man Scotland and Wales the independence movement appeared in the 1920s when a group of students founded the Breton Nationalist Party and they fight for obtaining the right to self-rule either as a part of France or outside of it their language is different while also speaking French local speak Breton and Gallo and they fight for the Equality of these two with French but according to a poll in 2013 only 18% of the local population support independence however 37% would describe themselves as Breton first in French second the French government's positions regarding this have varied from allowing Brittany a local government to refusing independence movements entirely personally I think France is a pretty well consolidated nation state so I don't see it breaking apart anytime soon but who knows back to America to the west coast of the US California California always comes up in these types of videos it was for a very brief period of time in 1846 an independent republic in fact the name California Republic is still on their flag in June of 1846 thirty-three American immigrants in Alta California who had entered without official permission rebelled against the Mexican government at the time Mexico controlled the area apparently the rebellion was secretly encouraged by the US Army due to the mexican-american war at the time three weeks later the New Republic's army of around 200 men was incorporated into the California battalion of the u.s. joining the Union and officially and becoming a full member state in 1850 however despite only lasting for about three weeks the seed of Independence was planted in California recently there's been some traction to movements which defend the idea of Cal exits the separation of California from the US and its establishment as an independent state California is the richest US state but I argue that a lot of that wealth is dependent on its belonging to the Union but who knows maybe they'll get to be independent eventually I guess some Californians just prefer to be perceived as Californians other than as citizens of the US but hey if they don't get independence they can always use nord VPN to mask their IP address and pretend like they're from any of many countries across the world protecting their personal data at the same time that was a pretty smooth in the raishin of today's sponsor right moving on to the next possible country Venice venit ISM is known as the concept of promoting the rediscovery of the Republic of Venice and there are traditions culture language and demanding more autonomy or even independence from Italy in 1886 the kingdom of Lombardy Venetia voted in a referendum to join Italy but a lot of independent supporters up to today refused the validity of the referendum and demand that a new one be taken in 2014 the local government pushed for a new one but the Italian Constitutional Court deemed it illegal instead they voted for autonomy with 57% of the population voting 98% voted yes and the central government began negotiations with Venice - granted more autonomy this new country would include all the territories of the historical Venetian Republic plus a few more surrounding ones which were never fully a part of the Republic but are of Venetian culture at this point interestingly venit ISM is also referred to as the local opposition to the idea of another independence movement padania an idealized independent state in north italy the roots of the independence movement or for sure in the fact that they used to be independent especially as a Republic of Venice La Serenissima the Republic of Venice was a city-state a maritime republic and a leading European economic trading power during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance so who knows maybe we'll see a rebirth of the Republic soon next East Thrace this one is sort of like the first one although I think even less likely in terms of probability and less present in terms of independence movements apparently there's some type of movement that argues for the independence of this area and its separation from Turkey turkey is an odd case of a country being in two continents most of it is in Asia and then a small part is in Europe East Thrace is the European part of Turkey some go even further and call for a full restoration of the region of Thrace taking this from Turkey and then a big chunk of Bulgaria plus some of Greece this region is one of the if not the richest of Turkey so it could probably support itself alone especially if it got part of Bulgaria and Greece as well but I never honestly see this as being possible there's no way Turkey would give up their economic capital and control over the Strait plus there doesn't even seem to be any real big cultural difference or a sentiment of national separation between locals and the Turkish so in my opinion this one is the least likely to happen on this list and finally two countries Flanders and Vilonia which might exist if Belgium separates itself the partition of Belgium is a hypothetical situation which has been discussed and it would involve a split of the country along linguistic divisions between Flanders in the north speaking Flemish which is pretty close to Dutch and Vilonia in the south speaking mostly French they can either become independent States or join the Netherlands and France respectively in fact there's a plan dating back from 1830 which already planned this division there's also a german-speaking minority in the south right on the German border but I guess not large enough to claim its own new country both communities already have a large degree of autonomy within the Belgian Federation so independence and partition might really be the next step it would create an issue with Brussels which is already an autonomous region itself as the capital of the EU making some argue that the city would become an independent city-state as a third Belgian nation I would honestly say that out of this list this one seems the most likely to happen in the near future so those are a few more countries that might exist soon in these videos I always talk about countries geography maps Sara and all of us like to see what these places are like well with Nord VPN you can actually set your computer to act as if it was in one of those places Nord VPN has over five thousand and two hundred servers across the world allowing you to mask your location with 62 different countries they have a chrome extension allowing you to switch countries with a click of your mouse with 24/7 customer support to help you with anything you need it has double data encryption for increased anonymity unlimited bandwidth accepts major credit cards and provides dedicated IPS on requests in a time where personal data is more exposed than ever we shouldn't risk someone or some company knowing everything about us including our location I partnered with them for this video so you guys can get one month free plus 75% of a three-year subscription with a 30 day money back trial period if you want to join click the link in the description Nord VPN org slash knowledge and you can also use the coupon code knowledge thanks for watching this video remember to subscribe to catch future ones leave a comment below with suggestions for part 3 and I will see you next time
Channel: General Knowledge
Views: 736,237
Rating: 4.8179736 out of 5
Keywords: generalknowledge, funwithflags, countriesthatdon'texist, new countries that might exist soon part 2, new countries that might exist in the future, independent ingria, independent california, independent quebec, independent brittany, nord vpn, best vpn, data encryption software, independent venice, republic of venice, padania, east thrace independence, modern thrace, flanders and wallonia independent, belgium partition, brussels city state, quebec, california republic
Id: cMuZskE-TuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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