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thing I'll ring the police now there's no need to ring the police I think there is we don't want to have to but I think there is I'll add my drone up and back you won't have your drone up anything cuz you know what I'll get out your bag in I [ __ ] stamp on it I don't want you doing [Music] it welcome back to my channel everyone today I'm in Bristol at BO [Music] bye bye right here's the area here it's quite open I think we're allowed to um walk up to the gates and they got a barrier here hey hey got a barrier here hello hey and hey hey who's that what are you doing sorry what are you doing I can't hear you what are you doing sorry what are you doing what what are you doing can you get off of our land please yeah I'm this is open it's as long don't matter where is open off the land please long filming I'm filming you're not allowed to film get off the land I'll be taking a video don't take any video off the landine I'm getting my drone up I I'll shoot it down what with a bow arrow yeah get offside I'm going to do my video here get yourself offs and my drone will be here get yourself offside if the Drone comes over it and be taken down no the drone's coming over bring in the police why because you're not allow to fild I'm not coming in I don't want you filming I'm filming I'm I'll just film I'll be outside right I'm coming down all right all right I only let them know right where were we yeah I only went in the reception there to let them know that I'll be filming on the outside and the man up there was just shouted at me you might have missed that cuz I changed my battery at the same time but the man just um shouted at me saying he's coming down helloing all right what are you filming for sorry what are you filming for oh no I'm not filming you I'm filming a company let me put this down let's get this what are you filming for let's turn this off why are you filming why am I filming yeah it's interesting who are you I'm the manager of the site who are you I'm the transport manager ah what I'm doing I come out here in case one of your vehicles come on the on what I'm doing I'm doing a video for what of the company why it's interesting then what I do I've got my long range camera so I don't need to come in but then I can get my drone over and have a look around you know just check everything's okay what you mean check everything's okay who are you what's your name i' have I'm member of the public well you're you're you're you're saying that you're looking on my site so yeah yeah I'm going to have a look around with a camera and I got a drone in my RO yeah you're not doing it what do you mean yeah you're not you're not doing it I'm not going to let you no I'm out here I'm not I don't care I don't care that's in there you're not allowed to just you think I'm you think I'm moving I'm walking in I'm going to walk around the side no I don't I know what a drone is and I've got I have got high views if you want me toer me I don't care what are you doing why are you looking at this company it's interesting what do you mean is interesting oh interesting to who well it is interesting and secondly I can take a photographs and a video no you can listen let's let's let's get real so like we all know this day and age people film and and they like to sort of make videos of being difficult being difficult with people and saying they want to film stuff that they shouldn't really film right so obviously this is like a place of work we we've both got work to do um so we're to you would appreciate if you didn't film our site because um you know it there's potential security risk to that and potential issues for us as business we don't want to have to go through the rigar or calling the police and going through all that but obviously we will do if we need to so we've just come out to speak to you nicely we're asking you not to film but I'm speaking to you nicely we're telling you we don't want you to film and if we'll get the police so let's not make this a difficult thing we're just asking you not to film yeah so I'm not going to come in I don't want you to come in my drone will go over I don't want you to film with your drone I don't want you to like please don't send the Drone overhead there's there's no need to you've got like you've got sort of no right to film the site um we don't want you filming it we're just making that clear to now so we're just we're asking you nicely to I've got my I mean my camera it's long range so that you can keep you can keep saying all the things that you want to say so you're saying I'm saying to you please don't film the site that's you're saying I'm not allowed to film on the camera and I'm not to fil saying we don't want you to film own this a low establishment and Lowa com establishment we don't want you filming the site but it's interesting yeah it might be it might be interesting I'm not going to get the opportunity to walk around it am I it it might be interesting but we don't like people videoing we don't like people videoing we we don't want people because like yeah there's there there's things on here that that matter that as as Rob saying they're security R we we a com registered site so we don't want the like potential for videos and stuff of the site and stuff we hold on site to get into the wrong hands because that for us would you like me to show you my app that tells me I'm allowed to send my drone over I've got an app no no one's debating what you've got no one's debating what you've got I've I've seen a million videos online of of people that like to turn up at places film and just make make life difficult people that work there we're just guys the same with you and we work in we do our job well I'm not coming in yeah I'm not I'm going to make difficult for you no it's establish but you just just by having to make us come out here and talk to you you're making it difficult for us aren't you apprciate you two guys go back to work because and then and then I'm out here because I'm responsible for what happens on this site and and the the the chemicals that we've got on this site and I don't want you videoing on it okay camera or camera anything I'll bring the police well there's no need toing the police I think there is we don't want to have I think there is I'll have my drone up and back don't have your drone up anything cuz do you know what I'll get out of your bag I'll [ __ ] stamp on it how dare you speak to me like that you slaugh me so what but this is what I'm trying to say there's no reach swe there is you're not listening this is what I'm trying to say to you I don't know you can't damage my drone because that's mine my property this is my site I don't want you I'm not damaging your site I don't know if you're trying to be one of those people that makes these videos to put up online of where you come to annoy people when they're trying to do their days work I'm going to be over there yeah yeah and but we made it quite clear we don't want you to film we' made that quite clear haven't we so that like we're not say we're not trying to be difficult we've made it quite clear what we want me that's that's because you're making that's because you're making things for it's not nice it's not nice you putting your drone up when I'm telling you not to yeah but it's an interesting s it might be interesting but it's interesting to me for you not for you not to publish online by all means if you got if You' got any questions email the company with your questions and we'll answer them the best we can but did you know that I'm allowed I'm allowed I'm in a public I was I was going to say I'm allowed if I being totally honest with you stood now I know there's some rules to say people can film from the from the road because obviously we can't stop you standing here but there's also some rules that you probably don't understand about what we do on this site you told me com site we can get the so we can get the police down there and they can have that discussion with you because they know the law better than us so that's that's fine so we can do do that's what we'll do I'm not sure they do know the law better than you right well well I you know as a taxpaying citizen I I'll I'll take the fact that the police probably do know the law say that's what we'll do if we need to do it we call police so anyway what's your name I don't need to give you my name do I why you do you want to you want to film on my site I don't have to give you my name you do no I'm I'm out here I tell you not fil on my site then well I'm going to be out here I'm not coming near your site Dre your equipment is going to be on my site I'm not going to come on your site your equipment is going to be on my site no it's going to be a drone yeah it's going to be in the air above my site yeah and what happens if I come along in my hot air balloon what will you do then it's exactly the same it's exactly the same so what are you what are you interested it is an interesting site and also I can take if I come across anything as well I'll let you know if I see any issues you know like if I see a gate that's broken or a barrier that's not working I'll come in and let you know we don't really we I don't need you to come yeah we you know we we get paid to do that so we're right with that you don't look on the roof if if I see say on the roof we do look on our Ro we do look not today you're not not today well I'll have a look we don't we're fine we we can that's theing on anything for for for the many years that site has been here we've been able to manage doing that ourselves without any help yeah a long Ty yeah yeah so so you know if you're taking a photo of me you're subject video yet yeah well you're still subject to gdpr that's so you you you were fil you were filming and for all we know that that body cam you've got probably on so you so you're probably filming us aren't you so this probably in the time to start picking hairs about who's filming who is it no I'm not I'm not subject to so what exactly are you filming I'm filming in the air in a public area why are you filming our side well I'm going to crack on and start my filming why are you why are you filming our side I'm not telling you now I've told you earlier you're only doing it cuz you're on video I know I want you on video can you the police the Poli there's no need for this you know there's no need for you to video to side I'm doing a video I'm going to get my drone out now and I'm going to put it up no you're not yeah no you're not yeah no you're not cuz the police are going to be here you Poli after the police come you can do it I'm going to do my Dr after the police come you can they won't come pardon they won't come they will they won come they won they will come why because we're low teroma site and they'll come they won't what are they going to do they'll come and and check that you're right and they get your name and and just make sure why get my name I've not done nothing wrong well you will be once you put that over the over our you would have done something WR it's not not an offense 10 what you going to say there's a guy filming yeah yeah we'll just get come we just they won't I'll be by the time they come I have done my video and I'm gone yeah but you're just being difficult aren't you and so so let's get the let's get the police down to deal with it it's the best thing to do okay they'll be there they won't be there quick yeah well we'll see we'll see they may not even come if you can let them know what I'm doing I W just let them know that you were trespassing no I wasn't trespassing I came on to let your reception know no you were down there just I was there because that's an open area was not no see that like there no you were on our what did you say to me get off site what did I do you went off site you were still on site yeah when you tell me you walked on site videoing but when you tell me to go off you you walked on site video in so you're not allowed to do that so what did you say get off site and what did I do you got off site precisely who said who gave you permission who gave you permission to come on our site video I came in to tell your receptionist yeah and she said she did your receptionist contct contact you yes you did yeah there you go you came on site videoing well let me um sort out my videos and then I'll get my drone up and then I will get my drone up and then I'll be gone well before the police get here I'll just find the best place to get my drone up probably over there I'm back now son you're a small drone yeah we don't need to know about the Drone we do we've asked you not to do it so you're I don't need to do it you're just trying to you're just trying to bait us and just make I'm not beting you I'm going to be out the way well you are you are what I'm going to do you can stand there and say you're not who you want I'm going to walk away yeah and I'm going to walk away [Music] okay I'm going to walk away and put my drone up okay and that way I'm out of your face I'm do you hear me sir I'm going to walk away and keep out the way and put my drone up over there there we've check drone assist we are not in a flight restriction Zone well let's get a bird ey view of B take off point updated [Music] we'll go quite [Music] high and there's the main gate where we had that confrontation [Music] I'm not sure if they're out there now yeah they are they're out [Music] there they gone back into the area just before the reception I can see them slightly [Music] [Music] into the main [Music] gate is quite a big yard isn't [Music] it lots and lots of equipment there I can't make out what they [Music] are but imagine there's [Music] crates and I think all them silos are stored gas well we won't go on top of [Music] them and going left into the [Music] yard we can see a number of trailers there and vehicles [Music] [Music] [Music] wait a up near a big yard but I can't can't quite understand why he um got so [Music] angry and that was Bo everyone well I hope you like that video if you did please subscribe or give it a thumbs up I'll see you on the next one bye for now [Music]
Channel: Pure Audits
Views: 30,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CyberLink, PowerDirector22
Id: j2LoA_iJcbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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