Moons, Galaxies and Stars | 3D Size Comparisons Compilation

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[Music] here's a moon size comparison in our solar system we're happy if you'd shed some light on us until we are done we're measured by our radius you'll hear in [Music] my name is tethus i'm one of saturn's 82 moons my radius is 531 kilometers it is i am dion i orbit saturn you do see my radius is 561 kilometers that is me ariel is my name uranus is what i orbit my radius is 578 kilometers i'm third on the list hi i'm embryo uranus is where i'm from my radius is 584 kilometers i'm spun i'm the moon of sharon i float in orbit pluto radius is 606 kilometers this i do know i'm iapetus a moon of saturn radius of 734 kilometers as i turn oberon is my name outermost moon of uranus 761 kilometers is my radius i am reya saturn's second largest moon radius of 763 kilometers see you soon here's a moon size comparison in our solar system we're happy if you'd shed some light on us until we are done we're measured by our radius you'll hear in a bit we'll also tell you the planet in which we orbit not titania the largest moon of uranus 788 kilometers is my radius the name is triton the largest moon of neptune i'm 1353 kilometers in radius in this tune europa is frozen and the moon of jupiter my radius is 1560 kilometers i am the moon of the planet earth my radius is 1737 kilometers for what it's worth hello i'm i have the strangest moon of jupiter with a radius of 1821 kilometers i'm callisto i orbit jupiter you see my radius 2 410 kilometers that's all on me titan is my name saturn my claim to fame 2574 kilometers is my radius i claim i'm gonna meet the largest moon in the solar system jupiter is what i orbit yeah that's where i'm from my radius is 2634 kilometers now let's listen to the chorus while the moons take a bow here's a moon size comparison in our solar system we're happy if you'd shed some light on us until we are done we're measured by our radius you'll hear in a bit we'll also tell you the planet in which we orbit i am you i scoot the largest star in our galaxy find me in the night sky i am you i scoot eye a red super giant in the scutum constellation am i i was first cataloged in 1860 by german astronomers at bonn observatory i was named bd-1250-55 until my second survey i was found to be slightly more bright that's when i was named you i scutai the 38th variable star of the constellation scrutum am i i'm the largest known star in the milky way galaxy but because i'm so far from earth you need a telescope to see me i'm 30 times the sun's mass but i have a radius more than 1700 times greater than the earth's sun i spent [Music] the largest star in our galaxy find me in the night sky i am ui scooter a red super giant in the scutum constellation am i i'm 9 500 light years away from your earth one light year equals about 5.88 trillion miles for what that's worth i'm known to be one of the most luminous stars and i am a red super giant i hope you like me so far i'm close to the supermassive black hole sagittarius a galactic center which is the center of our galaxy i'm so large if you replace your sun with me my photosphere would span past jupiter's orbit as you can see i began to fuse helium and continue to fuse hydrogen in the shell around my core based on models of stellar evolution after fusing heavy elements my core will begin to produce iron disrupting the balance of gravity and radiation in its core in resulting in a core collapse supernova which is expected in stars like me look for me in the night sky within your galaxy i am you i scoot the largest star in our galaxy find me in the night sky i am ui scooter a red super giant in the scooter constellation am i i am ui the largest star in our galaxy find me in the night sky i am ui scooter a red super giant in the scooter constellation [Music] one of the largest stars known in the present universe i am v-y-can is majoris my home's a milky way galaxy this is an interstellar course i'm believed to be discovered in 1801 when french astronomers logged me and my recordings begun a red class m hyper giants what i'm classified as now let's focus a bit closer and what makes up the star class hyper giant stars show tremendous luminosities and have very high rates of mass loss by stellar winds you see my distance from the earth is about 4 000 light years away one light year was about 5.9 trillion miles i'd say i used to be the largest star in the universe you see until some hyper giants like you i scott i dwarfed me lion b-y-k-ness one of the largest stars known in the present universe imvycan is majoris my home's a milky way galaxy this is an interstellar course if you wanna locate me while looking up in the night sky you'd have to use the telescope you can't see me with the naked eye if you have a telescope pointed to the constellation of penis major and look to the left of the delta star for a fixation 990 million kilometers is my radius aren't you glad you are paying attention and learning all of this 5822 degrees and fahrenheit is what my temperature is thought to be i'm hot and extremely bright and if i replace the sun in your present solar system i would consume my planets past jupiter like they were crumbs lion b-y-can is majoris one of the largest stars known in the present universe inv why is majoris my home's a milky way galaxy this is an interstellar course massive stars like me we live a very very short life i'm reaching the end of my existence which is part of my strife i rapidly shed mass because i'm running out of fuel in my course scientists think i'll explode into a supernova but no one knows for sure i am b-y-can is majoris one of the largest stars known in the present universe i am v-y-can is majoris my home's a milky way galaxy this is an interstellar course i am v y canis majoris one of the largest stars known in the present universe imvycan is majoris my home's a milky way galaxy this is an interstellar course [Music] this is the stellar evolution of a star in the universe a nebula is the beginning of a story before its birth the star names you will encounter are some basic different stages in the evolution of the star and all its basic changes i'm a molecular cloud i'm a type of nebula i have a high density and a very low temperature this combination creates a gas molecular hydrogen that's primarily what i'm made of along with cosmic dust within when the force of gravity exceeds the outward push of gas the pressure is so great that i can't help it and start to collapse which is caused from a shock wave from a near exploding star or when two molecular clouds collide now isn't that bizarre when the gravity's too strong i break apart into smaller clouds each cloud is a star's beginning in which i am very proud protostars are the name of the clouds that do break free let me introduce a protostar that was a part of me hello there i'm the beginning of any kind of star let me introduce myself to you i am a protostar my core is not hot enough for fusion to occur to achieve that level of stardom that process is a chore the first thing i do when i break free from my molecular cloud i start to spin until i form this disk around me you see now as the disk rotates i produce a strong magnetic field pulling gas and dust into my center core as i reveal the infalling gas releases a kinetic energy creating heat increasing the temperature in the center of me at this point i can transform into a hydrogen burning star which is when the nuclear fusion starts in a protostar this is when i cross over to stage three called t-tory we play our different roles in the star formation you see this is the stellar evolution of the star in the universe and nebula is the beginning of the star before its birth the star names you will encounter are some basic different stages in the evolution of the star and all its basic changes i'm a t-tory star now also a pre-made sequence star my job's to clear away the dust and gas and send it really far my stellar winds create bipolar outflows that decrease my mass till i'm aiming sequence star my center burning nuclear gas i'm a main sequence star now just like the sun you know four billions of years i will burn throughout my light show converting hydrogen to helium is how fusion exists it wants to blow me apart but has a heart and doing this cause of gravity of equal power pushing me in i'm able to stay burning since the fusion did begin there are many different kinds of stars throughout the universe go learn about them all now that you know how they are birthed this is the stellar evolution of a star in the universe a nebula is the beginning of the star before its birth the star names you will encounter some basic different stages in the evolution of the star and all its basic changes this is the stellar evolution of the star in the universe a nebula is the beginning of the star before its birth the star names you will encounter are some basic different stages in the evolution of the star and all its basic changes [Music] i am beetlejuice i'm nearing the end of my life one of the top 10 brightest stars up in the night sky i am a red super giant expected to explode into a supernova in 100 000 years or so i received the name beetlejuice in 1836 by sir john herschel an astronomer and a great scientist i'm the second brightest star in the orion constellation after the star rigel we're seen from any of its nations my diameter is about 700 times out of your sun and i'm 640 light years from the earth that's quite a run but my surface temperature 6 000 degrees and fair and high cooler than your sun's surface 10 000 degrees yeah that's right i'm so massive if you replaced your sun with me i'd reach past the orbit of jupiter i'm gigantic you see i'm considered a young star it's just been million years old soon to explode into a supernova scientist say so i am beetlejuice i'm nearing the end of my life one of the top 10 brightest stars up in the night sky i am a red super giant expected to explode into a supernova in 100 000 years or so a red supergiant is an aging giant star that has consumed its core supply of hydrogen fuel that's what they are helium has accumulated in my course so well and hydrogen's undergoing nuclear fusion in my outer shells when my outer shells expand i take on a red color because i'm cooler than i was i'm happy to discover red super giants are the largest snow stars in the universe and i'm expected to supernova onto the next verse during fusion heavier atoms are created until my core is iron that's when i'll run out of fuel without even trying when that happens to a star as massive as me the entire star collapses and explodes as a supernova you see when i do supernova i'll create quite a sight some predict i'll even look like your full moon's brightest light the radiation i'd put off from becoming a supernova wouldn't affect earth because i'm 640 light years old i am beetlejuice i'm nearing the end of my life one of the top 10 brightest stars up in the night sky i am a red super giant expected to explode into a supernova in 100 000 years or so we're all stars we're all stars compared to each other by size you can see a lot of us when you look into the night sky we're all stars we're all stars our colors very you know we're made mostly of hydrogen and helium here we go i'm the crab pulsar a young neutron star i'm calvera an isolated neutron star that's far my name's bila x1 i'm a neutron star as well sirius b that's me a small white dwarf as you can tell i'm ebl mjo five [Music] my name's trappist one an ultra cool red dwarf star in sight i'm proxima centauri a main sequence red dwarf star i am your son a yellow dwarf that isn't too far alpha centauri a is an orange star you see i am serious a a main sequence star that's me we're all stars we're all stars compared to each other by size you can see a lot of us when you look into the night sky we're all stars we're all stars our colors very you know we're made mostly of hydrogen and helium here we go bfts 352 contact binary one and two composed of two very hot bright massive stars that orbit each other it's true my name is pollock's a red giant star here arcturus is a red giant star i hope i made that clear r136a1 is a wolf riot star thus far a red giant star that's me rigel is here a blue white super giant you can see i am beetlejuice and i'm a red super giant in class the y canis majoris say red hyper giant star with mass i'm you i scoot tide the biggest red super giant this far join us to sing the chorus now get your head out of the stars we're all stars we're all stars compared to each other by size you can see a lot of us when you look into the night sky we're all stars we're all stars our colors very you know we're made mostly of hydrogen and helium here we go we're all stars we're all stars compared to each other by size you can see a lot of us when you look into the night sky we're all stars we're all stars our colors very you know we're made mostly of hydrogen and helium here we go [Music] we're alpha centauri the closest star system to the solar system your earth is from alpha centauri is a triple star system we're 4.37 light years away from your sun we're alpha centauri a an alpha centauri b which forms a pair of stars called binary alpha centauri a officially rigel cantorus alpha centauri be officially tolemon i trust century c officially proxima centauri here we'll learn about our size and our luminosity alpha centauri a and b are sun-like stars we're the brightest stars in the constellation centaurus by far alpha centauri a has 1.1 times the mass and 1.5 times the luminosity of the sun in this class alpha centauri b is smaller and cooler you should know at 0.9 times the sun's mass and 0.4 the luminosity shown we orbit around a common center around one another so you'd understand better with an orbital period of almost 80 years by far and from a distance we're so close we look like one star i'm proxima centauri a small and faint red dwarf star you cannot see me with the naked eye though i'm the closest star by far i'm about 4.24 light years from the earth and i'm the closest star to the sun for what that is worth discovered in 1915 by astronomer robert eins i'm sure in south africa at the union observatory in johannesburg my latin name proxima centauri means when this is defined the nearest star of centaurus that's all that's assigned we're alpha centauri the closest star system to the solar system your earth is from alpha centauri is a triple star system we're 4.37 light years away from your sun we're alpha centauri a in alpha centauri b which forms a pair of stars called binary alpha centauri a officially rigel cantorus alpha centauri b officially tolemon i trust century c officially proxima centauri here we'll learn about our size and our luminosity [Music] hung stevenson 2-18 red super supergiants are the biggest you've ever seen the new biggest star in the universe am i i am much larger than you guys could die my name is stevenson 2-18 is seen also known as rsg c2-18 i'm the new largest star found by men you know replacing ui scoots i another largest star shown i'm a red super giant the largest stars in the universe in terms of volume you just learned this in this verse if stevenson 2-18 replace the sun in the solar system its photosphere would extend beyond the orbit of saturn i have an estimated radius of 2 150 times out of the sun here's a bit more about me my volume's about 10 billion times greater than the sun a little fact you should know don't go i'm not done that was discovered by an american astronomer charles bruce stevenson in 1990 i'm sure i'm a red super giant in the constellation of scutum let's see how far i am from your nation i'm roughly 20 000 light years away from earth you see i shine with 440 000 solar luminosities i have an estimate of 2150 solar radii that's bigger than the star of ui scootai my effective temperature is thought to be 3200 k k meaning kelvin i have so much more to say i'm the new champion of the universe largest stars by size try to find me with your eyes when looking to the nice guy i'm stevenson 2 dash 18 red super giant star the biggest you've ever seen the new biggest star in the universe am i i am much larger than you guys could die i'm stevenson 2 dash 18 red super giants are the biggest you've ever seen the new biggest star in the universe am i i am much larger than you guys [Music] my name is rigel a blue white super giant star in the orion constellation i am the brightest so far william herschel studied astronomy in the year of 1781 he discovered me i have an estimated age of seven to nine million years as for an estimate that's fine i've exhausted my core of hydrogen fuel becoming a supergiant after i expanded and i cool i expect it and my life is a type 2 supernova here is more leaving a neutron star or black hole but no one knows for sure i'm classified as a blue white super giant star how fun which is a hot luminous star that's bigger than your sun i belong to the orion constellation locate me from the celestial equator from earth on my run i am visible throughout the world of this i am sure located in the hunter's leg of orion isher from the earth my distance is 860 light years to be clear one light year is the distance light travels in one earth year 61 500 to 363 000 times as luminous as the sun my brightness is so grand but i'll vary slightly in brightness until the day i'm done i'm thought to be 18 to 24 times more massive than your sun my radius is a straight line from my center to my circumference which is more than 70 times that of your sun in reference my surface temperature is 12 100 kk meaning kelvin a base unit of temperature in the s i i say the next time you're out at night look for orion in the sky look for the hunter's leg i'm right to the naked eye my name is rigel [Music] a blue white super giant star in the orion constellation i am the brightest so far my name is rigel a blue white super giant star the orion constellation i am the brightest so far i'm a star called the sun i'm the center of our solar system you revolve around me as we fly around the galaxy all of the planets in our solar system they orbit while they follow me 230 million years is the time i take to fly around the milky way galaxy i don't have a solid surface so made up of gases held together by my own gravity i'm made of 92.1 percent hydrogen h2 and 7.8 percent helium hg i'm a star called the sun i'm the center of our solar system you revolve around me as we fly around the galaxy [Music] my core is 25 of my total mass and 27 million degrees my energy is the reason there is life on earth there'll be no charge cause i'm totally free my mass makes up 99.8 percent of our solar system nothing in our systems hot as me [Music] i'm a star called the sun [Music] as we fly around the galaxy [Music] [Applause] this is a size comparison of objects in our universe we'll start with the smallest and go to the largest most well-known objects we know of course i am series i am a dwarf planet making monkeys a dwarf planet as well but didn't planet i am how may i a dwarf planet in this crew pluto is a dwarf but used to be a planet it's true eeries is a door planet in this mix the earth's moon is where your eyes are transfixed mercury is here an official i'm the planet of mars i'm sure you all know this on planet venus my size you may think it's large planet earth is next and the humans think that they're in charge neptune's a planet in our solar system wow planet uranus is here i wish i could take a bow planet saturn has rings if you think i am big check [Music] this is a size comparison of objects in our universe we'll start with the smallest and go to the largest most well-known objects we know of course i am the sun a yellow dwarf that isn't far i am serious a a made star my name is pollocks a red giant star it's true arcturus is a red giant star this i thought you knew i'm aldebaran a red giant star that's me hi i'm rigel a blue white super giant you see i am beetlejuice and i'm a red super giant class i'm in torres i'm a red super giant that won't last v y ken is majora say red hyper giant star i'm you i screw tie the biggest red super giant this far i am the milky way galaxy and you live in me now let's all sing the chorus together with glee this is a size comparison of objects in our universe we'll start with the smallest and go to the largest most well-known objects we know of course this is a size comparison of objects in our universe [Music] we'll start with the smallest and go to the largest most well-known objects we know of course [Music] i'm a star called the sun [Music] as we fly around the galaxy all of the planets in our solar system they orbit while they follow me 230 million years is the time i take to fly around the milky way galaxy i don't have a solid surface so made up of gases held together by my own gravity i'm made of 92.1 percent hydrogen h2 and 7.8 percent helium hg i'm a star called the [Music] as we fly around the galaxy [Music] my core is 25 of my total mass and 27 million degrees my energy is the reason there is life on earth there'll be no charge cause i'm totally free my mass makes up 99.8 percent of our solar system nothing in our systems hot as me [Music] i'm a star called the sun i'm the center of our solar system [Music] as we fly around the galaxy [Music] three [Music] i am the milky way galaxy look in the nights gotta see a part of me i am the milky way galaxy your solar system's just a tiny part of me the milky way name came from a greek goddess named hera who spilled milk across the sky greeks believed in that era when you look at the darkest sky on a clear summer night and you see the image of the milky way clear in sight remember you can only see a small part of me called the galacticore in my galaxy astronomers can't look at me from outside the galaxy because i'm so massive and you don't have the technology based on other galaxies we see outside of our own is why we conclude that our galaxy spiraled as i'm shown when you look at a side view of the milky way here you see me as a flat disc with a bulge center i appear i am the milky way galaxy look in the nights gotta see a part of me i am the milky way galaxy your solar system's just a tiny part of me i was born about 13.6 billion years ago that's a hypothesis given from astronomers though i am 100 000 light years in diameter that's an estimate given by nasa though they can't be sure your solar system says tiny dot that you see right here astronomers think that orion spurs where your system appears your systems gets to be 25 000 light years from the galactic center of the milky way shown here about 230 million years is what your system takes to orbit around the milky way centers cool shade 200 to 400 billion stars live in me that's an estimate only based on our astronomy over 100 billion planets might exist in me maybe someday you can see them in our galaxy i am the milky way galaxy look in the nights gotta see a part of me i am the milky way galaxy your solar system's just a tiny part of me let's take a look at all the parts that you think i'm made of we'll start by looking down at the galaxy above the galactic cores the rotational center you can't see because of the interstellar dust it cannot be studied it's believed the center is a supermassive black hole when astronomers find out more then i will let you know you'll notice the galactic barn and also the long barn there's the 3k pc arms there is an ear and there's a far then we have the sagittarius and the normal arms then the orion spur where your solar system spins on the scutum centerus and perseus arm are two major spirals and full of the galaxy's charm finally the outer arm and the new outer arm are the final spirals i will mention in this song i am the milky way galaxy look in the nights gotta see a part of me i am the milky way galaxy your solar system's just a tiny part of me i am the milky way galaxy look in the nights gotta see a part of me i am the milky way galaxy your solar system's just a tiny part of me [Music] this is the stellar evolution of a star in the universe a nebula is the beginning of a star before its birth the star names you will encounter are some basic different stages in the evolution of a star and all its basic changes i'm a molecular cloud i'm a type of nebula i have a high density and a very low temperature this combination creates a gas molecular hydrogen that's primarily what i'm made of along with cosmic dust within when the force of gravity exceeds the outward push of gas the pressure is so great that i can't help it and start to collapse which is caused from a shock wave from a near-exploding star or when two molecular clouds collide now isn't that bizarre when the gravity's too strong i break apart into smaller clouds each cloud is a star's beginning in which i am very proud protostars are the name of the clouds that do break free let me introduce a protostar that was a part of me hello there i'm the beginning of any kind of star let me introduce myself to you i am a protostar my core is not hot enough for fusion to occur to achieve that level of stardom that process is a chore the first thing i do when i break free from my molecular cloud i start to spin until i form this disk around me you see now as the disk rotates i produce a strong magnetic field pulling gas and dust into my center core as i reveal the in falling gas releases a kinetic energy creating heat increasing the temperature in the center of me at this point i can transform into a hydrogen burning star which is when the nuclear fusion starts in a protostar this is when i cross over to stage three cultitory we play our different roles in the star formation you see this is the stellar evolution of a star in the universe a nebula is the beginning of a star before its birth the star names you will encounter are some basic different stages in the evolution of the star and all its basic changes i'm a t-tory star now also a pre-made sequence star my job's to clear away the dust and gas and send it really far my stellar winds create bipolar outflows that decrease my mass till i'm aiming sequence star my center burning nuclear gas i'm a main sequence star now just like the sun you know for billions of years i will burn throughout my life show converting hydrogen to helium is how fusion exists it wants to blow me a parva has a hard time doing this cause of gravity of equal power pushing me in i'm able to stay burning since the fusion did begin there are many different kinds of stars throughout the universe go learn about them all now that you know how they are birthing this is the stellar evolution of a star in the universe a nebula is the beginning of the star before its birth the star names you will encounter some basic different stages in the evolution of the star and all its basic changes this is the stellar evolution of the star in the universe a nebula is the beginning of the star before its birth the star names you will encounter are some basic different stages in the evolution of the star and all its basic changes [Music] one of the largest stars known in the present universe i am v why can his majoris my home's a milky way galaxy this is an interstellar course i'm believed to be discovered in 1801 when french astronomers logged me [Music] hyper giant stars show tremendous luminosities and have very high rates of mass lost by stellar winds you see my distance from the earth is about 4 000 light years away one light year equals about 5.9 trillion miles i'd say i used to be the largest star in the universe you see until some hyper giants like you i scattered dwarfed me lion b-y-can is majoris one of the largest stars known in the present universe imvycan is majoris my home's a milky way galaxy this is an interstellar course if you wanna locate me while looking up in the night sky you'd have to use the telescope you can't see me with the naked eye if you have a telescope pointed to the constellation okay this major and look to the left of the delta star for a fixation 990 million kilometers is my radius aren't you glad you are paying attention and learning all of this 5822 degrees and fahrenheit is what my temperature is thought to be i'm hot and extremely bright and if i replace the sun in your present solar system i would consume my planets past jupiter like they were crumbs lion one of the largest stars known in the present universe i am v-y-can is majoris my home's a milky way galaxy this is an interstellar course massive stars like me we live a very very short life i'm reaching the end of my existence which is part of my strife i rapidly shed mass because i'm running out of fuel in my course scientists think i'll explode into a supernova but no one knows for sure i am wide can is majoris one of the largest stars known in the present universe i am v-y-can is majoris my home's a milky way galaxy this is an interstellar course i am the y canis majoris one of the largest stars known in the present universe i am v y can is majoris my home's a milky way galaxy this is an interstellar course [Music] we're alpha centauri the closest star system to the solar system your earth is from alpha centauri is a triple star system we're 4.37 light years away from your sun we're alpha centauri a an alpha centauri b which forms a pair of stars called binary alpha centauri a officially rigel cantorus alpha centauri b officially tuliman i trust century c officially proxima here we'll learn about our size and our luminosity alpha centauri a and b are sun-like stars we're the brightest stars in the constellation centaurus by far alpha centauri a has 1.1 times the mass and 1.5 times the luminosity of the sun in this class alpha centauri b is smaller and cooler you should know at 0.9 times the sun's mass and point for the luminosity shown we orbit around a common center around one another so you'd understand better with an orbital period of almost 80 years by far and from a distance we're so close we look like one star i'm proxima centauri a small and faint red dwarf star you cannot see me with the naked eye though i'm the closest star by far i'm about 4.24 light years from the earth and i'm the closest star to the sun for what that is worth discovered in 1915 by astronomer robert eins i'm sure in south africa at the union observatory in johannesburg my latin name proxima centauri means when this is defined the nearest star of centaurus that's all that's assigned we're alpha centauri the closest star system to the solar system your earth is from alpha centauri is a triple star system we're 4.37 light years away from your sun we're alpha centauri a an alpha centauri b which forms a pair of stars called binary alpha centauri a officially rigel cantorus alpha centauri b officially mine i trust century c officially proxima centauri here we'll learn about our size and our luminosity my name is rigel a blue white super giant star in the orion constellation i am the brightest so far william herschel studied astronomy in the year of 1781 he discovered me i have an estimated age of seven to nine million years as for an estimate that's fine i've exhausted my core of hydrogen fuel becoming a super giant after i expanded and i cool i expect it and my life is a type 2 supernova here is more leaving a neutron star or black hole but no one knows for sure i'm classified as a blue white supergiant star how fun which is a hot luminous star that's bigger than your sun i belong to the orion constellation locate me from the celestial equator from earth on my run i am visible throughout the world of this i am sure located in the hunter's leg of orion isher from the earth my distance is 860 light years to be clear one light year is the distance light travels in one earth year 61 500 to 363 000 times as luminous as the sun my brightness is so grand but i'll vary slightly in brightness until the day i'm done i'm thought to be 18 to 24 times more massive than your son my radius is a straight line from my center to my circumference which is more than 70 times that of your sun in reference my surface temperature is 12 hundred kkk meaning kelvin a base unit of temperature in the s i i say the next time you're out at night look for orion in the sky look for the hunter's leg i'm right to the naked eye my name is rigel [Music] a blue white super giant star in the orion constellation i am the brightest so far my name is rigel a blue white super giant star in the orion constellation i am the brightest so far [Music] hung stevenson 2 dash 18 red super giant star the biggest you've ever seen the new biggest star in the universe am i i am much larger than you guys my name is stevenson 2-18 is seen also known as rsgc2-18 i'm the new largest star found by men you know replacing ui scoots i another largest star shown i'm a red super giant the largest stars in the universe in terms of volume you just learned this in this verse if stevenson 2-18 replaced the sun in the solar system its photosphere would extend beyond the orbit of saturn have an estimated radius of 2150 times out of the sun here's a bit more about me my volume's about 10 billion times greater than the sun a little fact you should know don't go i'm not done that was discovered by an american astronomer charles bruce stephen son in 1990 i'm sure i'm a red super giant in the constellation of scutum let's see how far i am from your nation i'm roughly 20 000 light years away from earth you see i shine with 440 000 solar luminosities i have an estimate of 2150 solar radii that's bigger than the star of ui scooter my effective temperature is about to be 3200 k k meaning kelvin i have so much more to say i'm the new champion of the universe largest stars by size try to find me with your eyes when looking to the nice guy i'm stevenson 2 dash 18 red super giant star the biggest you've ever seen the new biggest star in the universe am i i am much larger than you guys could die i'm stevenson 2 dash 18 red super giant star the biggest you've ever seen the new biggest star in the [Music] i am beetlejuice i'm nearing the end of my life one of the top 10 brightest stars up in the night sky i am a red super giant expected to explode into a supernova in a hundred thousand years or so i received the name beetlejuice in 1836 by sir john herschel an astronomer and a great scientist i'm the second brightest star in the orion constellation after the star rigel we're seen from any of earth's nations my diameter is about 700 times out of your sun and i'm 640 light years from the earth that's quite a run but my surface temperature 6 000 degrees and fair and high cooler than your sun's surface 10 000 degrees yeah that's right i'm so massive if you replaced your sun with me i'd reach past the orbit of jupiter i'm gigantic you see i'm considered a young star at just 10 million years old soon to explode into a supernova scientist say so i am beetlejuice i'm nearing the end of my life one of the top 10 brightest stars up in the night sky i am a red super giant expected to explode into a supernova in a hundred thousand years or so a red supergiant is an aging giant star that has consumed its core supply of hydrogen fuel that's what they are helium has accumulated in my core so well and hydrogen's undergoing nuclear fusion in my outer shells when my outer shells expand i take on a red color because i'm cooler than i was i'm happy to discover red supergiants are the largest snow stars in the universe and i'm expected to supernova onto the next verse during fusion heavier atoms are created until my core is iron that's when i'll run out of fuel without even trying when that happens to a star as massive as me the entire star collapses and explodes as a supernova you see when i do supernova i'll create quite a sight some predict i'll even look like your full moon's brightest light the radiation i'd put off from becoming a supernova wouldn't affect earth because i'm 640 light years old i am beetlejuice i'm nearing the end of my life one of the top 10 brightest stars up in the night sky i am a red super giant expected to explode into a supernova in a hundred thousand years or so i'm a super massive black hole found in the center of almost all massive galaxies i'm a supermassive [Music] there are three types of black holes according to theory primordial stellar and supermassive like me the primordial's a tiny hypothetical black hole in 1974 stephen hawking theorized its role primordials were formed in the early universe but we'll learn about this more when i teach that topics course on to the most common type called the stellar black hole but let's foresee why a star exists before loses control the pressure from nuclear fuel and the core pushes outward so greatly while a force of equal power pushing in is caused by gravity this equal pressure does create the star's main sequence stage this means the star is stable in its present burning age when starts with your sun's mass run out of nuclear fuel in its core it becomes a red giant then quietly becomes a white dwarf but starts with 25 times the mass of your solar system sun runs out of nuclear fuel its gravity crushes the core and it becomes a stellar black hole it's the most common type in the universe after the chorus i'll tell you how created of course i'm a super massive black hole found in the center of almost all massive galaxies i'm a supermassive black hole there are theories of how i'm formed come and join me and see i'm a supermassive black hole the third type of black hole scene believed to be found in the center of any major galaxy a black hole is a region of space where force of gravity so strong that nothing not even light can't escape you've learned this in this song i acquired my mass is still yet to be determined and astronomers are still working on how informed that's certain some think i'm far from the collapse of massive clouds of gas during the early stages of formation of galaxies with mass my parts start with the accretion disk orbiting around me it's superheated gas and dust swirling around the singularity the singularity is the very center of a michael you see made up of matter collapsed into a region of infinite density the event horizons the radius around a singularity where energy and matter cannot escape the black hole's gravity the innermost stable orbits the last place material orbits safely without the risk of falling past the point of no return in me a photon sphere is a location where gravity is so strong that light can travel in circles and orbiting the black hole are photons i feed on stars duster gas and produce jets of near light speed blasting particles of radiation up from my poles as you can see these are relativistic jazz and my last part i'll talk about now it's time to sing with me do it loud without any doubt i'm a super massive black hole found in the center of almost all massive galaxies i'm a super massive black hole there are theories of power porn come and join me and see this is a total solar eclipse come see my narrow path in which i travel on the earth surface this is a total solar eclipse my totality is on inspiring so don't miss this this celestial event is called a solar eclipse let me tell you about it so you can understand all this a solar eclipse is caused by the moon that is me i pass in between the sun and the earth till black is what you see here are several stages and some visual tips that you can use to recognize a total solar eclipse stage one is called a partial eclipse is when the sun's disk is partially blocked by the moon like this the stage two is called bailly's beasts which are bright spots of light it's when the lying valleys on the moon's edge allow sun right through that's right stage three is sometimes called the diamond ring the stage is key in which marks the last few seconds before totality the last bit of sunlight that is able to shine through the low-lying valleys creates a single flash of light on the side of the moon the fourth and most important stage is called totality when the moon completely covers the disk of the sun this is what you see then comes the final stages in which the sun will grow a crescent on the opposite side of the bailey's beads which one time shown but before you see this celestial event there's a few safety precautions for eye injuries to prevent this is a total solar eclipse come see my narrow path in which i travel on the earth's surface this is a total solar eclipse my totality is awe-inspiring so don't miss this on monday august 21st 2017 there's a total solar eclipse north america we'll see but the totality you want to see can only be observed from lincoln beach oregon to charleston south carolina so i've heard the path of totality is 70 miles why they say seen in 14 states in the continental us of a totality lasts a few minutes so be sure to be there and please use special safety glasses so your vision isn't impaired you can buy these special solar eclipse glasses online so protect your eyes from the sun while having a great time this is a total solar eclipse come see my narrow path in which i travel on the earth surface this is a total solar eclipse my totality is on inspiring so don't miss this a solar eclipse has several areas we need to discuss take a look at this picture to learn each part is a must here's the penumbra a partially shaded outer region surrounding the umbra a fully shaded inner part that's darkened a partial eclipse is what you're seeing right here when only part of the luminary of a special body's dark in there this is a total eclipse it's red on your screen it's when the whole of the disc of the sun is covered that's what it means this is a total [Music] eclipse narrow path in which i travel on to solar the earth surface this is a total solar eclipse my totality is on inspiring so don't miss this there are eight planets in the solar system and we revolve around the sun join us to learn about the different planets now sing along and have some fun my name is mercury i'm the second hottest planet but the closest one to the sun a year on my surface is 88 days i'm the smallest but lots of fun my name is venus on the hardest planet but the second planet from the sun i'm the brightest planet in our solar system and i'm too hard for anyone my name is earth on the planet you live on in the third planet from the sun i'm the only planet with organic life so take care of me cause we're all one there are eight planets in the solar system and we revolve around the sun join us to learn about the different planets now sing along and have some fun my name is mars i am red in color and the fourth planet from the sun i have the highest mountain in our solar system of volcano name olympus mons my name is jupiter i am covered in clouds and on the fifth planet from the sun my giant red spot is a raging storm as for a size i'm the biggest one my name is saturn i am brown in color i'm the sixth planet from the sun my outer rings are extremely thin they're made of dust and icy chunks there are eight planets in the solar system and we revolve around the sun join us to learn about the different planets now sing along and have some fun my name's uranus i am blue in color i'm the seventh planet from the sun i orbit the sun once in 84 years and was discovered in 1781. my name is neptune [Music] giant in our solar system and i'm also the coldest one are eight planets in the solar system and we revolve around the sun join us to learn about the different planets now sing along and have some fun [Music] my name is kepler 452 b also known as earth 2.0 yeah that's me i may support life within the goldilocks zone while orbiting a sun like star like yours at home let's see where am i i'm 1400 two light years away from the solar system your earth does play i was discovered by the kepler space telescope on july 23 2015 by nasa with hope though a study in 2018 by fergal mullally i have not been proven to exist statistically but if i do exist i would be potentially the first rocky super earth planet you will see if life did exist on me it would be because of my orbit around my sun like star that would be the cause i orbit in a place called the goldilocks zone that's a habitable zone of sun like stars i do rome my name is kepler 452 b also known as earth 2.0 yeah that's me i may support life within the goldilocks zone while orbiting a sun like star like yours at home i have a probable mass five times that of the earth though that's a rough estimate from astronomers of course i probably have many active volcanoes due to my higher mass and density compared to the earth you call home i have an orbit of 385 days which is 20 more days than your earth's year i can say the star that i orbit is called kepler-452 it's the earth-like star that i orbit this is true maybe someday you can visit me and make history but for now i'm known as a rocky super earth that's what i beat my name is kepler 452 b also known as earth 2.0 yeah that's me i may support life within the goldilocks zone while orbiting a sunlight star like yours at home my name is kepler 452 b also known as earth 2.0 yeah that's me i may support life within the goldilocks zone while orbiting a sun like star like yours at home
Channel: KLT
Views: 5,888,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids learning tube, kidslearningtube, kids learning, kids learning tube planets, kids learning tube stars, universe size comparison, size comparison of the universe, size comparison, universe size comparison 3d, planet size comparison, star size comparison, size comparison of the unive, star sizes, universe size 3d, geography and space, largest star in the universe size comparison, galaxy size comparison how the universe works, largest star, kids learning tube space
Id: q7hgPqKW0ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 51sec (4251 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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