Planets for Kids | Planet Facts or Fiction

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Hello, in this series of videos, we will look at Space facts that you might think are correct, but are in fact WRONG! See how many of these you know! The Sun is Yellow Many people think The Sun is yellow, or orange, or even Red! The real colour of The Sun is actually well….white. Wh...What? The Sun sends out all colours of the rainbow, and all colours of light combined, make white light. If the Sun was a certain colour, say green... Sun is Hulk, Hulk Smaash! Uh, sure... Then everything o n Earth would look green or dark. But because its actually white, we can see all the colours on Earth! The reason it looks yellow to us, is because of the Earth’s atmosphere. Woah, woah, woah! Why is our Sun called a Yellow Dwarf Star then? Well, not all Yellow Dwarf stars are yellow. Some are white and our Sun is one of these! Confusing. So it’s a Yellow Dwarf and looks Yellow to us, but it is not actually yellow? Fact checked! The Asteroid Belt is dangerous! Many people think the asteroid belt is very dangerous and it is crowded with asteroids. Think of your favourite space movie and you will see spaceships dodging in and out of the way of asteroids. Phew! However, the Asteroid Belt between Earth and Mars is not like that. Several of our Spacecraft including Voyager 1 and 2 have flown right through it. The truth is, asteroids are really far apart and hitting one would be very unlikely! What’s the largest object in the Asteroid Belt? The dwarf Planet Ceres is the largest object in the Asteroid Belt. It’s best to avoid an object that size! Hey Saturn, I’ve got a Space Joke for you. Right, go on then. When do astronauts eat? I don’t know. At launch time! Lunch, l-launch time. Get it? Not for me. Fact checked. The Moon is close to The Earth. Many people think The Moon is very close to The Earth. Because The Moon looks so big in The Earth’s sky, it must be close to us. Well no. On average, The Moon is about 238,855 miles away from The Earth. That’s about 384000 KM! That is far away! Look at the 747 Jumbo Jet that you fly to holiday on. It can fly at nearly 600 mph. If you could fly to The Moon on one of these aircraft, it would take you 17 days non-stop to get there! And there’s no beach or ice cream there either! On a normal spacecraft, it would take you about three days. How long to drive in a car to The Moon? Well at 60 mph….. hmmm…. If you could drive a car to The Moon it would take you nearly six months to get there. "Are we there yet?" "No!" Fact checked! Uranus has always been called Uranus. Hi Uranus, so you have always been called Uranus then? Well yes, of course. I… Wh….What!? After you were discovered in 1781, For 70 years you were called Georgium Sidus. Why you ask? Well you were named after King George the 3rd of England. So, you could have been called Planet George after The King! Imagine that! I could get used to this. No. No. No. Yes! 70 years after discovering Georgium Sidus, it was decided to rename you to Planet Uranus! Oh no! What was Planet Uranus named after? Planet Uranus was named after The Greek God of The Sky. To be honest, I think I’d rather be called George. Or Humphrey. Or… What about Jupiter Jr? No! Fact checked! Mercury is the hottest Planet. Some people think that because Mercury is the closest Planet to The Sun, it must be the Hottest. It would make sense if Mercury was the hottest planet as it is the closest planet to The Sun. But that is not true. Wh….What! But I’m boiling. Look how close I am! I know, Mercury. But in fact, Venus is the hottest Planet in The Solar System, even though it is about 31 million miles further from The Sun than Mercury. Oh man, not fair! How is it hotter then? Because it’s so close to The Sun, Mercury has little atmosphere and no clouds around it. So, the heat leaves the planet after it hits it. Venus however, has a choking thick atmosphere that traps the heat from The Sun. Whooooh!. How much hotter is it on Venus? Well during the day, the average temperature on Mercury is 800°F, while on Venus it much? 880°F! Keep in mind the average temperature here on Earth is 61°F! At least you are still known as The smallest Planet in the Solar System You are! Yeah, right! Fact checked! There you go, did you know them all. Thanks for watching. Don’t forget to click like and subscribe and we’ll see you all soon. Byeeee. Are we there yet? Yes!
Channel: Toy Time Town
Views: 3,456,812
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Keywords: Planets for Kids, Planet Facts, Planet facts for Kids, Solar System kids, space for kids, planets for kids, solar system for kids, Jupiter for kids, cartoon planets, cartoon planet videos, planets, planet facts for kids 2021, kids planets solar system, planets in our solar system, educational video for children, videos for kids, planet size comparison 2021, kids space videos, solar system, planets name, solar system planets, astronomy for kids
Id: zqEkYznon3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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