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[Music] hi guys Scott your firmware here checking in from gate con 2018 over the Warwick from his headquarters in Germany and we've been jointed there by the incredible talent that is mr. Pete Thorne oh you're too kind hi nice to be here with you nice to see you Peter how are things I'm good man yeah just like crazy you know how it is you've been here as long as me shooting videos all week and editing and just that coupled with jet lag and fun and good times and yeah panel discussions and the jams at night it's long days but it's good yeah yeah I mean it's just like I think we're having a really fun time and making new friends and I get to see lots of cool new stuff which you brought this thing which it looks really fascinating yeah yeah a little preamp pedaling yeah shears a preamp life lets you store lots of little digital preamps that we create looks like one box which you can take on the road and you can take it out and plug it into stuff get all your best sound you know okay and without the need to take all your on the fly is with you okay and the thing that we're gonna have a look up right now there's something called torn capture okay it's a torn capture it lets you to connect it with your amber Tom sorry and you basically you set it up so the jumps and the effects loop okay and we'll take a capture of that amplifier and then you can store it inside of here you can take your favorite with you on the road without having the necessary interesting our unit on the fire so like let's say you had on amplifier you know my PT 100 amp it's a really versatile amp with a great effective loop in it sure I could integrate this pedal to maybe add some sounds to that amp like that maybe the end like there's one thing that the amp I will say just sort of really doesn't do although it does a lot as an american-style cleans British style big stack kind of drive great but like an amp like this an AC 30 has kind of a very distinctive sound it's a different sound it is front end so could I use something like this into my effects loop to add the sound of well yeah interestingly enough so this hasn't affected with the tool okay house 2 modes okay standing modes the serial effects loop so if ever putting in effects pedals yeah it's also got an a/b mode okay so if you connect this with your usual amplifier in a B mode you can assign the real pre from your amplifier to any of the channels on you I say so then you can use both the real amplifier channels and you can use the digital amplifier channels okay so you can add some versatility to in the end yeah you can expand the vocabulary of any amplifier that's pretty cool man yeah I like that okay and right so we're polluting to an AC thirty-year yeah we're gonna try and do a torn capture okay so what I've done before we started filming I've loaded in our AC 30 digital model okay and you've tweaked in the AC 30 yeah sound that you like yeah so let's quickly have a listen to the AC 30 okay so this is this is the amp and a good AC 30 to me this is kind of like where the tone lives you know sort of like that it's just breaking up it's right on the edge and you could clean up by rolling down or turn up and rock and get that kind of it would be great for that taxman kind of thing but also like what about this maybe with a little more Drive but this would be another one I think of when I think of this sound back that kind of tone is a classic thing that I just you know el84 is when they're driving hard and don't be the Brian man yeah love it love it and I should mention I'm using the normal channel in this amp with the bright switch on okay and that's one of my favorite I mean really there's only two things active there's the the volume control and the cut yeah and that's it and there's nothing else yeah you know I'm sure Brian probably used the top boost input with a treble booster didn't know I used to use a treble booster but you start one of them curly cables so you lose a load of time that's a good point yeah yeah yeah yeah but normal Channel I think cranked with a treble booster right was his thing I believe so we're using a normal channel with a bright switch on which okay but whatever yeah ac30 el84 shards of what do they call it the the blizzard of nails that's it yeah I was just a shards of glass yeah it's like hurt me so so that was yump yeah so you've already also dialed in a song which is pretty close very digital priam right so if I press this one here we're gonna hear the digital umph okay so and just to be clear this is we're running into the pedal and then running it into the effects loop so now the effects loops or the the preamp of the amp switched out at this point yes so we're going at the same power amp section and the same speaker okay we've just removed the preamp from the signal okay so here we go with the digital approximation of the ac30 priam [Music] okay okay so there's the UMP again [Music] okay so we're going to run a torn capture that so all I'm gonna do I'm going to press this button here that's got a little capture thing okay and what you're gonna see is the lights are gonna go round like this while they're doing that what you need to do just play on your guitar they want to play as many low frequencies as many high frequencies as possible okay sometimes it works better than others so we'll give it a go and see what happens so I'll delete that one okay okay you may want to be the same Ripper movie yeah do that yes so are you ready to go yep okay so now that this lights stopped flashing we know the torn captures finished okay so what we're going to do is now we can check again so here's the amplifier [Music] here's the digital and use a digital with the Torn capture [Music] okay so the amp [Music] pretty close sounds pretty close there's less noise on the show that's not the bonus no probably about it yeah yeah yeah that's interesting we can use to which role I play sure yeah so here's the thing as well yeah as you quite rightly said you look to set the sound book nice and loud get it working yeah you can use your volume control on the guitar to turn down for nice and clean yeah turn up for smash it you know yeah so you can try that with a digital one okay dude I'm first up to you yeah okay let's try one first okay you you I noticed we probably set up the the model with a bit more gain than the real lamps so that's probably affecting things a little bit too in our you know our new version of this can we back the game down yes so what we can do now yeah so now we can switch on the Turin capture to the channel by pressing this last one this is active okay okay and then I'm gonna go back this is our normal operation mode I'm gonna save it which will mean that the torn captures on okay so another nice thing is you can make torn captures for every channel on this mm and then you can switch them on or off as well okay so you can carry them with you and you can use it with or without the torn cups yes so now that we're back into the normal mode with the torn capture switched on you know you can edit all of these parameters here okay get in trouble middle this volume so I'm gonna let you while I put can you go back to the amp and stuff now sure okay go this way I'll let you tweak the tone capture further specifically to maybe back the gain down a bit and you can maybe try and match the real lamp gain which seems cool let's have a listen to the amp Thurston okay [Music] yeah maybe not that much [Music] yeah interesting I don't hear it as being exactly the same but I hear as being very close a you know and they're like two different versions of a very it's like you know almost there you know it again yeah and and like it's almost like you just turned the gain up a little bit on the end like that but it's really really close the game back a little bit more gonna try yeah maybe you're here sure [Music] and then maybe bring the trouble back up a little bit yeah on the on the digital the digital [Music] okay and the nice thing is as well you can still use our boosters and stuff what you built into okay so this has got a booster on the end which can be pre or post yeah I mean you can change up your channel and you've also got a level control here so for example if we put it pre before the preamp so you can give a little kick in the nuts you know from the front end right or you can just get louder yeah yeah if you put it on post it'll just be clean loudness so yeah nice nice for a little sore little thing and to switch that on and off while you're playing you just press this in foot switch of the channel that you're on okay so I will be on and that would be off okay so if I wanted to play my taxman with it it's off right now yeah okay and you can switch it on I'll play the solo yeah that's cool a bit more under the thing is yeah yeah yeah yeah awesome well that seems like a really really useful pedal I mean it's gonna lend a lot of flexibility to just about any amplifier ten effects if I could really see the application if you're using something like you know a clean hot rod Deville or something like that and you want to make it try and sound close to like a rectifier yeah exactly I've got a little modified a hot rod deluxe at all okay and I'll run it without with a B mod on the effects loop right so you've got your nice fender cleans you know your nice UK style all the drives and stuff when you want it yes nice do you get everything within one at the box that's pretty cool so if you got a clean combo and you want to be able to add some like you know pretty accurate raging distorted kind of stuff to an amp like that was traditionally has kind of maybe like not the greatest Drive channel from metal or whatever right yeah yeah you can do that with this yeah cool a nice thing as well I mean you can use it as a standalone unit right it's got 2 min outputs on the back ok it's got a jack output okay and it's got an XLR output which is also got a ground lift and obviously right on the front here you've got a couple of little toggle switches for cab Sims mm-hmm so one thing I like to do is I like to run the then I'll put two a power amp and a speaker mm-hmm which is my buck line onstage yep and I put a couple of mics on there and then I'll send the XL or direct to the desk with some ions loaded in okay and then you can mix um two sounds together mm-hmm yeah you don't need a microphone if you don't want no yeah she's you can go totally di as well with it if you like yeah cool cool well that's great yeah nice work you guys are coming up with some interesting stuff nice woman well I make sure I send you one of these okes you know there's no play with it yeah yeah I'd love to interface it with my my amps and see if there's some other um you know the main thing for me since I've got a great amp that's got a great american-style clean British style Drive covered would be you know take a front end like this yeah and see if see how close I can get to an AC 37 out of the out of that amplifier maybe you know some more like wacky stuff like soup roses summers and interesting you know and you can add those tones maybe to kind of augment what I've already got another pretty cool thing you can do I mean you can you can pick a digital preamp on here which has got nothing to do with the amplifier that you're torn capturing yeah and then you can run a Tong so maybe you might Lord in semester buiit a kind of their preamp on here and then torn captured through the box and it will totally transform that is something completely Brown you right you can't get really experimental with it yeah you could ever kit you can basically sort of design your own empty and exist that's interesting cool man yeah nice work thanks be cool no problem we'll thank you very much for trying to lug please you bet I'll look for it and messing around with it more for sure okay guys thank you very much for watching we'll make sure that the Torn capture piece just created will be available for you on the website surely see ya see you later [Music] you [Music]
Channel: MooerAudio
Views: 41,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N0hjr5grylc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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