Monthly Traditional Service - September 2021

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[Music] oh good okay thank you so much for this opportunity to gather virtually with your people and to share the love of jesus with them may this be a service of encouragement and challenge and uh increasing in faith by the blessing of your holy spirit and please do tom as he shares your word today in jesus name amen [Music] all right shall we no don't worry when you're ready good morning everyone welcome to our midweek service today my name's anton and i'm with tom the ministers here at all saints it's so lovely that we can join with you all together via the internet and via all your screens it's really sad that of course you can't join us for our service today uh here in the building but uh we pray that that day may come soon uh lockdown for us all can be dull it can be lonely but we know that our god is always with us so i'm so glad that you have come to be reminded of who god is and what he has done for us and have this chance to worship him in all our lives uh we've had a few of you uh let us know that you're watching today so hello to elaine and merle mary and rob to noline and ron uh ron uh elaine and marg and brian and jeanette and many others of you watching today greg olive also wrote in to send his apologies of course he's got duties at pinball anglican but we have uh we have a great chance to come together virtually and to sing the greatness of our lord our world may be confusing and uncertain but our lord is faithful to us and so we're going to sing to our great god reminding one another of his faithfulness to us amen let's sing if you hear a few thumps during the service there are some blokes working on the roof here at church uh so don't be alarmed if we sort of glance off that's why ah grain boy has them under good control let's sing of god's great faithfulness [Music] is is [Music] forever [Music] is [Music] to thy is mercies [Music] [Applause] [Music] blessings [Music] is [Music] well i hope you've uh managed to download the service sheet for today if you haven't the it's uh in the link below so you can click that link and it should pop up on your screen as well but let's turn now to uh to that server sheet we're going to pray all together in just a moment but let me remind you of uh these words from romans 12 the apostle paul says i urge you brothers and sisters in view of god's mercy to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to god this is your true and proper worship and so with that in mind let us pray to our lord whom we worship together almighty god to whom all hearts are open all desires known and from whom no secrets are hidden cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your holy spirit that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name through christ our lord amen our lord jesus christ said you shall love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength this is the great and first commandment and the second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets together lord have mercy on us and write your law in our hearts by your holy spirit let us pray lord give your people grace to withstand the temptations of the world the flesh and the devil and with pure hearts and minds to follow you the only god through jesus christ our lord amen well it's time now to hear from god himself as the bible is read so please grab a bible uh we've got a couple of bible readings today the reading from psalms will be read a little bit later on so please turn to acts chapter 4. so in the new testament acts chapter four and in acts chapter four the apostles peter and john have been going around healing people in the name of jesus proclaiming jesus as the one who has been raised from the dead and is now the king the messiah and for their their efforts they have been thrown in prison by some of the jewish rulers of the time so acts chapter 4 and i'll start reading from verse 5. the next day the rulers the elders and the teachers of the law met in jerusalem annas the high priest was there and so were caiaphas john alexander and others of the high priests family they had peter and john brought before them and began to question them by what power or what name did you do this then peter filled with the holy spirit said to them rulers and elders of the people if we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a man who was lame and are being asked how he was healed then know this you and all the people of israel it is by the name of jesus christ of nazareth whom you crucified but whom god raised from the dead that this man stands before you healed jesus is the stone you build as rejected which has become the cornerstone salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved when they saw the courage of peter and john and realized that they were unschooled ordinary men they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with jesus tom's going to come now and bring us god's word the passage that we're going to focus on today is psalm 118. it's a psalm that is referred to several times in the new testament parts of it were quoted by the crowd when jesus arrived in jerusalem writing on a donkey jesus quotes part of it about himself when he's in debate with the jerusalem religious leaders and the apostles quote it when they are speaking and writing about jesus it was in the one peter passage that we looked at last sunday and it's in peter's speech in acts chapter 4 which we just heard and i'd say the most famous verse in this psalm is verse 22 the stone the builders rejected has become a cornerstone rather than read the whole psalm and then talk about it and make sense of it i thought today i would take us on a bit of a guided tour of the psalm and share some insights as we read through it together please do have your bible open so that as we go you can confirm that i am reading it correctly now a lot of the psalms feature just a single voice the whole psalm is the voice of one person but this psalm is different this psalm is a little bit like the script for a play with several different voices that are heard in different parts it's fundamentally a psalm of praise and it begins in verse 1 with a call to worship it's got a bit of a call and response sort of feel verse 1 give thanks to the lord for he is good his love endures forever let israel say his life endures forever let the house of aaron say his love endures forever let those who fear the lord say his love endures forever and we see here three groups are mentioned it's kind of interesting firstly israel which is god's ancient people as a whole but then a narrower group secondly the the house of aaron this is the priests who serve in the temple and the temple will come up again later in islam and then thirdly a broader group those who fear the lord people who weren't ethnically descended from abraham but who have heard about israel's god and turned to worship him all these groups are roused to declare god's love which endures forever everyone is involved here but from verse 5 we hear the voice of an individual it seems like this is the king of god's people and he has a story to tell verse 5 when hard-pressed i cried to the lord he brought me into a spacious place the lord is with me i will not be afraid what can mere mortals do to me the lord is with me he is my helper i look in triumph on my enemies then verse 80 breaks off to give some advice to those who are listening it is better to take refuge in the lord than to trust in humans it is better to take refuge in the lord than to trust in princes then in verse 10 he continues his story all the nations surrounded me but in the name of the lord i cut them down they surrounded me on every side but in the name of the lord i cut them down they swarmed around me like bees i know some of you who've had a bee infestation in your house they swarmed around me like bees but they were consumed as quickly as burning thorns in the name of the lord i cut them down i was pushed back and about to fall but the lord helped me the lord is my strength and my defense he has become my salvation clearly this king has been through a difficult battle kings did a lot of battling back in those days that was kind of in their job description he was in a difficult battle he was in dire straits but amidst that trouble he's been rescued saved by the lord and give it a mighty victory and he's returned from battle to his home city jerusalem and the news is spreading verse 15 we see the response to this news shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous the lord's hand has done mighty things the lord's right hand is lifted high the lord's right hand has done mighty things amidst this general celebration in verse 17 the king speaks again having been rescued he now has a special goal [Music] verse 17 he says i will not die but live and will proclaim what the lord has done the lord has chastened me severely but he has not given me over to death the hebrew word here translated chastened uh is the word for discipline training teaching by our hard experiences it's not necessarily the case that the king has done something wrong but he's been through a hard learning experience in verse 19 then we have a victory parade up to the temple of the lord to do what the king says he wants to do to give thanks for the victory that the lord has given and the king is singing open for me the gates of the righteous i will enter and give thanks to the lord this is the gate of the lord through which the righteous may enter i will give you thanks for you answered me you have become my salvation and then the people join in the praises but as the people join in we get a hint that this victory has perhaps come as bit of a surprise it seems that this king who is the hero today was perhaps not always so popular amongst his people verse 22 that famous verse the people sing the stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone the lord has done this and it is marvelous in our eyes the lord has done it this very day let us rejoice today and be glad lord save us lord grant us success then in verse 26 we hear i think another set of voices the voice of the priests the house of aaron as the victory procession approaches the temple from the temple they sing blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord from the house of the lord we bless you the lord is god and he has made his light shine upon us with bows in hand join in the festival procession up to the horns of the altar everyone is joining in this festival procession to the altar to offer thanksgiving offerings to the lord but then verse 28 the king's voice sings out again his personal worship leads the worship of his people he says you are my god and i will praise you you are my god and i will exalt you and as the psalm closes the people again join in the praise just as they were called to at the start give thanks to the lord for he is good his love endures forever now we don't make know much about the origins of this psalm it's not very clear what event in israel's history it's capturing not very clear what point of their historic history as a nation it comes from but it did become a staple part of their worship it was sung every passover jesus and his disciples would have sung this psalm at their passover meal the night before jesus died and as christian believers even though we're not sure where this psalm comes from we can see pretty clearly what it was pointing towards we can see that this psalm is foreshadowing jesus now many of the psalms feature the voice of the king of god's people in many cases the original words come from king david although he's not personally mentioned in islam but the words of the king we hear in any psalm always find their ultimate truth on the lips of jesus he is the ultimate king of which the psalms are ultimately true as jesus claimed and as his disciples understood he is the stone the builders rejected which has become the cornerstone he was rejected conspired against arrested put on trial and crucified by his own people rejection doesn't get much more serious than that but on the third day god raised him from the dead in victory he won the victory over our sins by paying the penalty in full on our behalf he won the victory over the devil whose goal was to accuse and condemn he won the victory over death the great enemy that had invaded god's good creation and so we can see this psalm as picturing the victory procession of jesus he celebrates that despite the harsh and deadly opposition he faced like bees swarming around him and all that despite that the lord has rescued him and given him victory the lord didn't rescue him from dying the lord did something even more amazing than that the lord rescued him out of the grave and jesus rejoices in the saving goodness of the lord he enters into god's presence with thanksgiving in his old testament context there was always something a bit awkward about this psalm the awkward moment is in verses 19 and 20. when we imagine any of the kings of ancient israel marching up to the temple and saying open for me the gates of the righteous this is the gate of the lord through which the righteous may enter it doesn't seem quite right does it none of them was truly righteous enough to enter confidently into god's presence they were sinners one and all but these verses are true when they are on jesus lips he is the perfectly sinless righteous human being who as a human can enter confidently into the presence of god and we who belong to him can follow in his footsteps can join in that parade of celebration and thanksgiving we have a king who has been rescued by the lord from the depths of the grave [Music] we have a king who was at first rejected but has been powerfully vindicated by the lord we have a king who has won the greatest victory of all and who invites us as his people to celebrate and enjoy that victory with him and praise the lord who saves and so with our lips and with our lives let's join in with the praises of jesus give thanks to the lord for he is good his love endures forever amen thanks so much tom and what a wonderful reminder of who jesus is and what he has done for us and uh that we should be praising him giving thanks to the lord for he is good let's now together remind one another of the truth of the god whom we worship and give thanks to in the words of the apostles creed let's join in these words and declare this truth of god together i believe in god the father almighty maker of heaven and earth and in jesus christ his only son our lord who was conceived by the holy spirit born of the virgin mary suffered under pontius pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended to the dead on the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of god the father almighty from there he shall come to judge the living and the dead i believe in the holy spirit the holy catholic church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins and the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting amen well give thanks to the lord for he is good let's also sing praise to the lord for he is good and has done good things for us let's uh sing our next song [Music] here i am hello let's sing the song [Music] he gave us [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] we is [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] well let us pray for all people and for the church throughout the world then after that we'll be celebrating the lord's supper so hopefully you've got some some food and some drink ready to celebrate that together but first let us pray almighty and ever living god we are taught by your holy word to make prayers and supplications and to give thanks for all people we ask you in your mercy to receive our prayers which we offer to your divine majesty we pray that you will lead the nations of this world in the ways of righteousness and peace and guide their rulers in wisdom and justice for the tranquility and good of all bless especially your servant elizabeth our queen her representatives and ministers her parliaments and all who exercise authority in this land grant that they may impartially administer justice restrain wickedness and vice and uphold integrity and truth we pray particularly for our governments and leaders here in australia please give them wisdom as they continue to manage the covert crisis give them compassion to those who are sick or separated from loved ones but give them wisdom and good guidance as they lead us through easing of restrictions and encouragement for vaccines in this time and we ask you of your goodness lord to comfort and sustain all who in this transitory life are in trouble sorrow need sickness or any other adversity father for those far away we pray for those in afghanistan who have been uh either who have either fled and are now refugees or have stayed in the country and are now under the taliban please provide for their needs give them food water shelter and safety so that they may know your goodness and may turn and and follow jesus we pray for those closer to home who are who are sick or are in need particularly we think of tony shane and warren argell brian dawn and laura and others too who are needy at this moment father please bring healing pre please bring comfort and please bring hope of the goodness to come when the lord jesus returns we beseech you to inspire continually the universal church with the spirit of truth unity and concord and grant that all who confess your holy name may agree in the truth of your holy word and live in unity and godly love give grace heavenly father to all bishops and other ministers especially kanishka rafal our archbishop that by their life and teaching they may set forth your true life-giving word and rightly and julie administer your holy sacraments and to all your people give your heavenly grace especially to this congregation watching today that they may receive your word with reverent and obedient hearts and serve you in holiness and righteousness all the days of their life grant this father for jesus christ's sake our only mediator and advocate who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit now and forever amen well let's now turn to celebrate the lord's supper brothers and sisters in christ we who come to receive the holy communion of the body and blood of our savior christ can come only because of his great love for us for although we are completely undeserving of his love yet in order to raise us from the darkness of death to everlasting life as god's sons and daughters our savior christ humbled himself to share our life and to die for us on the cross in remembrance of his death and as a pledge of his love he has instituted this holy sacrament which we are now to share but those who would eat the bread and drink the cup of our lord must examine themselves and amend their lives above all they must give thanks to god for his love towards us in christ jesus you then who are truly who truly and earnestly repent of your sins and are in love and charity with your neighbors and intend to lead a new life following the commandments of god and walking in his holy ways draw near with faith and take this holy sacrament to strengthen and comfort you but first let us make humble confession of our sins to almighty god let's pray this confession prayer together almighty god father of our lord jesus christ maker of all things judge of all men we acknowledge with shame the sins we have committed by thought word and deed against your divine majesty provoking most justly your wrath and indignation against us we earnestly repent and are heartily sorry for all our misdoings have mercy on us most merciful father for your son our lord jesus christ's sake forgive us all that is past and grant that from this time forward we may serve and please you in newness of life to the honor and glory of your name through jesus christ our lord amen almighty god our heavenly father who of his great mercy has promised forgiveness of sins to all who heartily who withheartedly let me start that again uh who has promised forgiveness of all sins to all who with hearty repentance and true faith turn to him have mercy on you pardon and deliver you from all your sins confirm and strengthen you in all goodness and keep you in eternal life through jesus christ our lord amen hear these words of assurance for those who truly turn to christ this saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance that christ jesus came into the world to save sinners let us now pray this prayer together reminding each other of our unworthiness but of what god has done for us the prayer under the lord's supper we do not presume to come to your table merciful lord trusting in our own righteousness but in your manifold and great mercies we are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under your table but you are the same lord whose nature is always to have mercy grant us therefore gracious lord so to eat the flesh of your dear son jesus christ and to drink his blood that we may ever more dwell in him and he in us are men all glory to you our heavenly father for in your tender mercy you gave your only son jesus christ to suffer death on the cross for our redemption who made there by his one oblation of himself once offered a full perfect and sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world and who instituted and in his holy gospel commanded us to continue a perpetual memory of his precious death until his coming again hear us merciful father and grant that we who receive these gifts of your creation this bread and this wine according to your son our savior jesus christ's holy institution in remembrance of his death and passion may be partakers of his most blessed body and blood who on the night he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and gave it to his disciples saying take eat this is my body which is given for you do this in remembrance of me likewise after the supper he took the cup and when he had given you thanks he gave it to them saying drink from this all of you for this is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me all right friends i hope that you have some bread or something similar with you uh so let me say the body of our lord jesus christ which was given for you preserve your body and soul to everlasting life take and eat this remembering that christ died for you and feed on him in your heart by faith with thanksgiving the blood of our lord jesus christ which was shed for you preserve your body and soul to everlasting life drink this in remembrance that christ's blood was shed for you and be thankful let us pray as our savior christ has taught us we are confident to say together our father in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as in heaven give us today our daily bread forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for the kingdom the power and the glory are yours now and forever are men lord and heavenly father we your servants entirely desire your fatherly goodness and and goodness and mercy to accept this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving and to grant that by the merits and death of your son jesus christ and through faith in his blood we and your whole church may receive forgiveness of our sins and all other benefits of his passion and here we offer and present to you o lord ourselves our souls and bodies to be a reasonable holy and living sacrifice humbly beseeching you that all we who are partakers of this holy communion may be fulfilled with your grace and heavenly benediction and although we are unworthy through our many sins to offer you any sacrifice yet we pray that you will accept this the duty and service we owe not weighing our merits but pardoning our offences through jesus christ our lord by whom and with whom in the unity of the holy spirit all honor and glory are yours father almighty now and forever amen well knowing that we have been forgiven by the death of our lord jesus christ we are now to live a life that pleases our lord almighty and for this we will need his guidance uh we'll need his word to teach us how we can live as worthy living sacrifices and so let's sing uh this prayer to god that he may guide us as we walk towards the promised land let's sing [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] well let me close our time in this service with this blessing the peace of god which passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of god and of his son jesus christ our lord and the blessing of god the father almighty the father the son and the holy spirit be amongst you and remain with you always amen well it's been wonderful to have you join us together today to worship and serve our king jesus and to give thanks to him for his love endures forever we have now a chance to say hello to one another through a zoom meeting so if you'd like to join us for that zoom meeting the link is in the email that you would have received or on the all saints members facebook group as well i would love to see there if you can if you can get there but from tom and myself so glad to have you along today great to see you and we hope and along for the day where we can be restored to physical fellowship once again but for now god bless and we'll see you next time
Channel: All Saints North Epping
Views: 48
Rating: 0 out of 5
Id: CiYPtVu1NVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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