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what's going on guys and welcome back to some more five nights at freddy's the ultra custom night as you guys know in the last video we hopped in because i got a brand new update with a ton of new animatronics and well we're back on the game again and take a guess while we're back on the game guys comment down below why do you think we're back i'll tell you there's a bunch of new animatronics that were just added into the game again and uh well i'm gonna read you guys what they are so new characters virtual blacklight freddy photoshop yellow bear sad freddy proto time freddy one freddy or no fetty stage freddy construction molten freddy stuffed freddy neon bonnie microwave yes a literal microwave now apparently is an animatronic the roster now has over 450 characters now in terms of skins it doesn't stop there okay we now have pumpkin king freddy mike and totem chungus and the original neon bonnie mechanic went to lighting okay and then bug fixes so yeah there's there's a bunch of animatronics i can already see on the screen right now what the heck is that that's photoshop yellow bear all right we gotta turn whatever this thing is on yeah sure um what else do we got who else stands out here okay i'm just gonna see a hot dog that definitely stands out but for the wrong reasons let's just avoid that what the heck is stuffed freddy oh is that the one oh that's probably the one from fnaft one where you get stuffed at the end maybe i don't know shadow freddy looks normal so i already found two of them though yellow bear that's new so i'm not gonna relay these just because there's so many animatronics a lot of you guys are not a lot of guys but some of you guys are like oh why didn't you read about the animatronic it's because if i did we would be on this screen for hours like for me to learn every single animatronic i would be here for so long so we're just gonna kind of skip through and you know select whoever catches my attention here so we're gonna keep scrolling down though i've already got about three or four animatronics you catch my attention i think you've already been there before all right let's continue down the list here oh my goodness dude it's insane just how many of them there are what the oh nightmare springtrap's definitely been there is that a flashlight nightmare springtrap flashlight okay interesting i think it said bright light all right so if we continue down the list though i'm not really seeing anything too crazy that's standing out to me i'm sure i'm missing animatronics but we'll find him don't worry guys oh i found another one virtual blacklight freddy i was reading through the list and i'm pretty sure this one's new sad freddy what is that okay if that was there before i never saw it what else do we got here though i already got two more episodes added onto the list here um who else stands out to me i just i this list is huge it like it gives me like it overwhelms me literally because like there's just so many to go through okay like i just can't keep up with this i just i feel like even if we select more characters i'm still missing just tons of new characters um loading freddy i think that one's there before uh we're getting close to the end of the list i'm pretty sure holographic blur yeah we're at the end okay so oh lighting i will create disorienting neon effects in your office that sounds horrible but let's let's do it sure why not all right i think we have everyone for now at least we've got a good good variety of animatronics we're all on 10 difficulties so it's not going to be too hard and let's go and hop in you guys already know that we're going to lose because i didn't read what any of these things do we have to learn live and learn all right guys by the way let's crush 5k likes on this video we'll definitely do another video on this game because like i said there's still a ton more skins that we have yet to give a try to so yeah be sure to smash like all right so what do we got going on here oh by the way guys newfound ar update later on tonight be sure to check it out okay and if you come from this video drop a comment on that video just saying uh let me see just drop a comment saying boop all right b-o-o-p because it's gonna be a cool one all right i'm pretty sure it's an animatronic everyone's thinking it's plush trap because everyone saw the trail or the trailer where there's a chair oh oh it was game over from okay i clicked it and i lost i clicked it and i lost i literally just i clicked the game over freddie i lost all right let's see what that one does stuffed freddy he will sometimes cause a fake game over screen to appear you must quickly press enter to make it disappear and continue your night mouse clicking during the fake game over screen will take you to the actual game over screen okay so i just have to press enter alright easy enough let's go back in yeah i'm excited finally it could be plush strap or it could be someone else but everyone's kind of thinking it's gonna be plush trap just because of the chair end of the hallway stuff like that so it's gonna be a fun video all right what do we got here let's start collecting some coins even though i really i don't know why i'm collecting coins we're gonna do it anyways though because you know i feel like they're useful maybe i can throw them at the animatronics if they get too close all right i need that ability just throw a stack of coins at them just like maybe they'll slip on them or something oh my no enter oh i got it okay so that virtual phantom freddy or whatever we turn on a neon phantom freddy is i think that's what's causing this whole strobe effect oh wait no i remember it was the the the light lighting freddy i remember for sure okay so that's what this one does nothing really crazy though just kind of makes it like a raven here so you know if you're looking to have a raven you know ultimate customized you know pizzeria this is the place to be that's how you do it oh okay you're still there bro you follow me everywhere but i don't know what that thing does okay let's go to the other floors here because i actually can't find the animatronics i don't know where they are what the heck i mean the thing is i don't even know if they will be showing up here oh look there's one of them in the vent system that sad freddy is up there huh oh my gosh that scared me that way i thought i got jump scared by something okay so we have sad freddy up there but what is he doing maybe if i turn off the vents he'll move closer he's just gotta hang what the heck oh that's that thing he's just kind of hanging out up there okay guys so i actually went ahead and just reset because i wanted to turn on some other animatronics i went back to the list and i found some other new ones we have construction molten freddy along with the negate rainbow animatronics so those should be fun and i also increased the difficulty of some of these guys up here and what the heck oh yeah i forgot to turn that thing on so we went ahead and increased some of the other difficulties here just so that they attack a little bit faster and we're also going to go ahead and turn these guys up too and uh oh yeah by the way i want to check out the skins before we hop back in again too here so if we go to the shop let me see what's new in here okay so these are the new skins right here we have uh wire frame adventure fun time foxy uh games musical spring trap and some of these are old and you know some of their new negate rainbow black light toy bonnie dust mangle okay great puppet amber freddy uh birthday birthday freddy uh win okay windows rion i can't say that number one bucket hugs missing toy foxy golden toy freddy neon emerald toy chica that one looks cool the hot the hobos i want to say the habbos playing habbo hotel over here in my mind cgi freddy and if we could see you down here it looks like we have some uh different icons and stuff like that and i think that's it i think okay yeah let's go ahead and go back that way can i afford any of them i have 275 tokens but i don't think i can oh a thousand yeah no way what about you a thousand okay 800 wow these guys are expect okay i can't afford any of them all right never mind let's go back um real quick though if the developer is watching this it would be really cool which i don't know if you want to do this because i think you probably have like a set you know reason for having them here but it'd be a lot easier if you could like put the new ones maybe on top or maybe like have a section for new animatronics and then you know whatever the next update comes out just put them in their proper order i don't know i feel like that'd be a lot to do but it's i don't know it's right now with 450 avatars it's a little difficult to find the new ones it'd be nice to have like a section where it says you know these ones are new right here and if you want to turn them on you just you know turn them on right then and there all right here we go though let's see here so oh no the bird is here already the bird of course it has to be the bird all right so the fun part about this is whenever you turn a random trunk you don't exactly know what's happening one of them said oh no oh the door locked him out wait no open it let him in oh he's coming in yes i don't think that was a good idea but i want to see this jump scare let's see it come on in come on i know you're here oh you oh i see you're playing the game where you want what the heck is it um i got jump scared by a ball what was that a a balloon a ball i know what that thing is that's the thing on the left side over here it's an animatronic it's proto-mayor fredbear he goes through the dug system house map but doors or or flashlight on it don't work you must close the axle doors in your office when he's at them it looks like a balloon though okay so i turned that thing off but look at this thing right here this is what i was talking about this photoshop yellow bear it says there's a poster of freddy on the light system it'll it will sometimes turn into a poster of yellow bear keep shining your light on it to make it turn back into freddy if yellow bear stays there for too long he'll take you out so it says on the light system we got to find that it must be up top somewhere like on the top right screen you know where there's all these different panels and stuff so let's see here okay so open up the map we have camera audio um task system no it would oh light system oh okay so this is where that version of molten freddy is too so this poster right here this poster will turn into a yellow bear which you know golden freddy and if it does oh my okay well we learned uh not to shine your light in that room we learned it's a horrible idea don't shine your light in that room all right let's see what this thing does i got to use this little scroll down thing i'll be here for years getting down this list okay so we got destroyed by construction molten freddy he stays on light system and his eye will slowly turn red whenever the light system is on shine your light on his eye to make it turn back into yellow if it if it turns completely red you lose okay got it so we're gonna go and lower that one back down and let's go ahead and turn on these guys right here because these i feel like would be fun uh let's go and turn on both of them let's hop back in again oh i should have increased that that spring trap on the bottom right dang it i gotta remember to put them all to 20 difficulty because i feel like a 10 you know they take forever to like do stuff okay so let's go and check cam's okay so that sad freddy is still in there the duck system is empty light system we know just has that freddy poster in there gps is fine oh foxy's on the gps system interesting oh what the heck is oh nightmare rat whoa he looks sick oh my dude he actually looks sick what the heck he runs back and oh my god do i have to tap him or something dude what is he this is so what is happening this is oh my god okay yeah he's the coolest animatronic i don't know what that was but that was so cool that was so cool he like runs back and forth that was like something from a horror movie that was so awesome hold on what does that thing do oh my goodness monster rat he will silently appear at either doorway flash light on him to make him leave if he gets in flash your flashlight at his eyes until he runs off oh my gosh what about monster cat he will start to peek out from either side on the light system flash him to make him hide if you don't see if you don't if you don't so he'll eventually take you out okay got it let's go in again man those things are fun okay this is gonna be fun so how do i use my light z right yeah got it okay so we see that thing we got to make sure we use z let's go ahead and go to the light system turn off our event here so this thing will show up to the left or to the right in this room and then the other one will show up at the doorway oh my gosh those things are freaky all right this is this just became so much more interesting oh there he is so i shine my light he goes away okay got it i want to let him in though that's the thing i want him to come inside this office because i want to try that whole mini game thing where he's running back and forth i gotta shine my light at him before he gets oh my enter oh got it that always scares me then i like it has to register in my mind that i have to press enter before i get jump scared okay back to the light system we're just gonna stay on this and i'm gonna let this sad freddy oh no he's in he's in okay so shine my light at him oh no no no oh my god dude this is so cool go go go stay away do i just have to leave it on him i don't know oh it worked it actually worked he just leaves oh my goodness there's sad freddy all right well that's that's good to see we survived one animatronic we had taken out by another obviously i could have closed the event but i wanted to see that one's jump scare for sure all right let's go ahead and turn off stuffed freddy let's also go down here i'm gonna leave on monster rat and monster cat cause those things are so cool um let's go ahead and turn off sad freddy and let's go ahead and turn on virtual black light freddy too right no no not that one it's the one down here it's uh lighting uh so he will create yeah disorienting neon effects in your office we don't really need that because you know we've already seen it um is there anyone else on this list though that really catches my attention here that we could go up against because i'm trying to see i just i feel like oh burned freddles when the temperature rises more and more will appear in your office i feel like we might have done these the problem with that i mean so many retrace those like they're all very similar like it could have been the plush skins it could have been all of the other tiny i was like look we have scrap plush babies decoy plush babies plush babies like there's so many other similar animatronics that it could get a little bit tough to figure out you know who we went up against already and who we haven't but let's go ahead and turn those on because those would be fun uh who else down here oh crying puppet what the heck why is it like it's hard to even tell what that is each time you switch modes an image of crying puppet will partially fade in it will fade back out over time and only serves to block your view having the gmb on will make it fade out faster okay let's go ahead and turn that thing on all right so let's hop in with these guys here we go oh boy this has been a lot of fun though i love the monster and monster cat those are definitely my two favorite avatars in this game well monster cat we haven't seen yet but monster rat guaranteed my favorite animatronic in this ultra custom night hundred percent that was that's such a cool feature i love it all right so let's see let's go to the let's turn off the event because we want the heat oh wait no we're gonna leave it off i want to get the jump scare we got the poster though i'm gonna leave it oh watch the rats here let's get rid of him okay where's the jump scare yellow bear come on do it let's see it oh oh there it is okay so it's golden freddy but a little bit different still really cool all right so we got that one out of the way that was cool though i like that okay so i noticed something right here there's a backstage freddy here which i don't remember going up against i don't know it says he he replaces your mask with his due to it being bigger and heavier it takes more time to put your mask on and off oh that's a unique feature all right i like that so we we got destroyed by photoshop yellow bear right there but there's still yellow bear normal and what to do or what you have to do to actually get him to show up is just pull up and down your camera that's it so we're gonna try this see if we can get this thing to show up we're on 20 difficulty so you would assume he would show up pretty quickly but surprisingly he doesn't i don't know if that's because they're assuming i have like 450 animatronics on or what which we still got to try that we we have to try 450 mode because i want to see how long i could survive for if i could survive for just 10 seconds i would be so happy okay this thing is not showing up all right well i guess uh yellow bear oh okay eyes and i saw the little uh white rabbit right there oh let's let's let monster rat in just be so much fun but we gotta get rid of the ventilation okay here he is let's do this it's like a little mini game every time you do it all right here we go so he's running back and forth oh my god stop that right now bro stop that all right get out there we go he's gone all right so let's keep bringing up and down this uh monitor here now where is oh there he is oh okay he was uh he was sneaking his way in oh yellow bear yes let's do it there we go all right so the other one i think it was missing like his jaw or something that one i don't know that one's definitely different i think yeah that one's like missing its teeth okay so let's go ahead and turn that one off now now what else can we turn on here i just i feel like we're still missing some there's just so many uh freddie stand i think we've done crumpled freddy suit i think we've done this one let me see yeah is that the one i think we've done this one where it like hinders you in some way but it it wasn't anything crazy i think glitched trap what wait what is that glitch trap hallucinations of him will constantly flash on your screen and distract you whenever there's an audio video or ventilation error okay i don't remember going up against that one so yeah let's do it let's see i just i can't believe like it just blows my mind every time we get on this game i'm still finding new animatronics like on top of the new animatronics or just added in it's crazy okay so we need a ventilation or an audio or a camera uh error here so what's the best way of getting that to happen i'm gonna go ahead and turn on the oh crap got monster rat running around here get out of here bro get get out of here hello i just run right no stop starting don't let me please he's like running away from it he looks like he's terrified of it come here get out of here there we go all right so let's go ahead and go back on here okay so i want to turn on the silent ventilation oh look that oh whoa that's cool that is cool you get like a you get a flesh version in there for like a second what the okay we got a reset ventilation all right so what did we okay so we got that one out of the way that was the glitch trap one we have this thing's oh my goodness um hello molten uh freddles how you doing it's gonna show up on my face like this like what's going on here guys i uh i'm not sure what's happening oh i see i i okay i could see their purpose it's just to block your view i think well why are you guys molding oh my goodness why are they molten then are you figuring that like burn you or something turning into like dust or something ashes i don't know okay so who do we get destroyed by that time let's go and start turning some of these other animatronics off and finding some other ones to hopefully turn on here um beta foxy ooh beta foxy he will run into your office when things are looking dire and offer to help you what he has three ways for him to assist but also three ways to make your night just a bit more difficult okay that sounds fun guys so i was looking through the list here and i found some more so we have cereal freddy which oh my god that thing looks like nightmare fuel that was actually on the cereal box i think or i've seen that i've seen that somewhere um advertisement which you know it's he's called cereal phrase i'm just assuming you know on a cereal box i did have the fnaf cereal i think it was purple and it had him on there and it tasted pretty good anyways off topic we have advertisement unwithered freddy um all right sure let's turn that thing on what else do we got here game over freddy i think we might have done that one so let's just avoid that and let's go ahead and hop in with these guys all right here we go man it's just here we go more jump scares like what else can i say it's it's only gonna get crazier every time we're just gonna jump scare and just the next one's always more scary oh wait what was that i could have sworn oh my uh hello what what what what's happening here what is that instrument is he just laughing at me what is going on we have beta foxy who ran in i think he's helping me i can't really tell i i don't i see a thumbs up and then this thing is just laughing exotic butters i don't know what's happening why is he just pointing and laughing at me he's just like yeah bro you suck you couldn't defeat this this is like the insult animatronic okay what is go oh no the toilet's back not the toilet not the toilet no anything but the green toilet come on just take me out of this this is the nightmare i'm getting i don't even know what's happening what is okay you know these animatronics some of them are just so random it's hilarious i love it i love it so much a lot of them are inside jokes too which i also love okay so let's go ahead and let's see here so beta fox oh yeah we read up against this one right yeah he wants to help you all right so let's go and turn that one off since we've seen him and this this one right here advertisement unwitted freddy when the trees and lumber wait no was this even him no it's not even him wait yeah that is him for uh when the trees on the lumber co camera grow too much he will begin to fade onto your screen pointing and laughing at you he just points and laughs i love it okay so we have a serial freddie odd still all right let's do one final look through here let's make sure that we're not missing oh proto time freddy won okay so let's see am i missing okay wait what does this one do um whenever you put on the mask he will try to look at you through one of his eye holes with his one eye you must look around in the office in a way so that he will never look at you for too much time otherwise you'll get taken out okay got it so basically he's gonna stare back at me i have to continue to look around the office without staring at him for too long okay so i put this oh dude i had the freddy mask on the heavy one so oh my dude he just stares at you what are you doing bro okay i'm gonna stare at him almost there let's get the jump scare how's he even gonna oh no do i see a little bit no low but get out of here okay well that one was interesting man some of these would be insane on full difficulty like they would just be like chaos all right let's go ahead and turn this thing off because you imagine like you got to put on your mask a lot whenever you're on 50 20 mode or whatever you want to call it um so to be able to like have that thing also staring at you while also having nightmare on and everything else happening that's just it'd be chaos all right so who do we have on that we haven't gotten a jump scare from uh glitch trap we've done so let's go ahead and turn that thing off you we've basically seen we've we've seen you know most of you uh backstage freddy who replaced yeah we've seen you too so i just want to get jumpscares from some of the final animatronics we might have missed out on uh let's get you down the list here make sure i didn't miss anyone uh let's see here so we have cereal freddy he will appear on the light system once per night and be quite hungry find and click a box of nightmare puffs okay so that one you have to basically get lucky and have them show up that once per night so let's go and leave that one uh using the levine office too often will make him appear in your office and sing raising the noise meter for a few seconds okay so he doesn't really jump scare you let's go ahead and turn that thing off too we've experienced these things no way to take them off yeah they just block your view so we fully experienced them uh these guys i don't know if we've seen ambience will begin to play at random you must quickly change music and you would jump scare you okay so what do we got here it's on the side of ventilation so these are all like kind of random animatronics let's go ahead and turn them off though and i kind of want to do just a full round of five nights at candy's animatronic really let's do just the full list of them so we can't really forget any i gotta do the whole list so this is gonna be terrifying it's literally if these are anything like you know monster rat monster cat this is going to be so scary okay so we got all these on let's get you down the list here we got blank two oh my gosh and then even a blank endo and a a green candy it's just an empty looking suit i think tragedy puppet unused shadow kid yeah unused animatronics in here too and i list shadow candy and i think that's it right do we do we finish off the list yes okay am i forgetting no okay let's go ahead and hop in i didn't read what any of these did so you guys know what to expect here we're gonna get okay i'm wearing the suit and the penguin is underneath the desk bro are you get out of there bro get out right now leave okay i'm trying to click on him oh let me all right let's see who's gonna be coming oh no okay her talking it's just the robot who's gonna be showing up first oh the endos wait no i have to shine my light at you right no yeah actually you can if my order is free to leave please that's my only what's going on with my mouse oh no something's happening shine the light shine the light from the mask and shine the light do them both okay that's not doing anything let's uh bring it back bring it back okay oh well i did something wrong there i definitely did something wrong there oh my goodness all right let's go down and review what this one does so we can figure out how to counter it next time we go in all right so down here i remember which one it was here we go so it was classic old candy he'll actually it could have been old candy normal i don't know uh he'll be at the oxygen supply and will sometimes activate to go on into one of the hallways when he's there leave the door open so he can get inside item shock okay that wasn't him he will stay on the f2 parts and service camera when he's gone it means he's on the right vent camera you must watch him the flashlight on wait watch him with the flashlight on while having the right vent door closed to make him leave wait was that him that showed up then i don't know okay interesting let's go ahead and turn these both off then just so we get some of the other ones all right so you both getting turned off let's go back in again and hop into this all right so here we go again i know who's gonna jump scare me first we got a wide variety is there someone at the right door okay i don't i oh no my mouse is freaking out again one of them messes with your mouse or something either that or it's the helmet oh that's probably what it is if you bring it if you touch the green part it resets your mouse oh my gosh dude that is that's such a unique feature i like that that's so cool that makes the game way harder because you oh no there's a burger on my desk there's a burger on my desk there's a burger reset everything reset everything's getting turned off oh my god i can't reset it okay we're fine okay the burger's gone too oh of all things the chimp the chimp of all the different things that could have got me the freaking chimp bro all right what does he do let's go down here and figure this thing out where is it it's down here somewhere i think all the way at the bottom all right so chester the chimpanzee he will come out of the curtains on the monkey room the monkey i love how they just call it the monkey room okay if you don't regularly check on him when he gets out you will die okay so on the wait are you coming out of the curtains on the monkey room why is it called the monkey i don't know why they just that's hilarious to me okay so let's find the monkey room okay can you leave me alone wait where's the option to for the other cameras okay interesting wait actually how would i even okay no i can still switch cameras oh there we go okay they show up here where is the monkey room does anyone see them does anyone see the monkey room oh no you got in of course you did get out get get out of here get out of here monster rat all right not today i got it i got to get to the monkey room come on get out you belong in the monkey room monster rat you really do all right so where the heck does anyone know where the monkey room is i don't know uh kids cove no you're back in here again dude i'm gonna lose to the monkey i'm gonna lose to the oh my gosh go away go away go away go away oh my goodness the monkey monkey got me guys and holy crap i just looked how long i've been recording for it's been over 30 minutes so i've got to end this video here i thought we've only been recording like 15 minutes but this game is so much fun that time goes by super fast so guys if you guys enjoyed the video let me know leave a like or another video down below and of course i will do another video on this game and if you haven't already destroy the subscribe button and the black gonna be first videos and i'll see you guys in the next one thanks so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 897,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fnac, monster rat, monster cat, five nights at candy's, five nights at candy's 4, five nights at candy's 3, ultra custom night, ultimate custom night, ucn, ultra custom night update, ultra custom night monster rat, ultra custom night monster cat, fnaf security breach, fnaf ultra custom night, five nights at freddy's, fnaf help wanted, fnac 3, fnaf vr, five nights at candy's remastered, fnac 4, fnac remastered, fnaf security breach gameplay, fnaf fan games, fnaf ucn
Id: h5uKan6mH5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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